To the Photographers that shoot cars!


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Feb 8, 2009
Austin, TX
Alright, so there is this kid that wants me to do a photoshoot of his car. The thing is I have a nikon D90, with the kit lens being the 18-105mm. He wants to take some shots in the parking garage and they will be at night. I do not have a speed flash so I have a feeling my on board flash is not going to cut it, and I dont know how the lighting is in those garages. any tips? will my camera be okay with the lighting in the garage, as long as I am using the white balance on light, and slower shutter speed with an aperture of 8-11 since everything will be in the same depth of field being infinity? since the lighting will be limited the shutter speed will be pretty slow so the tripod is a must. any ideas on angles and stuff you guys found helpful? I dont think my flash is strong enough for a diffuser, but if I use it without anything harsh shadows might form. will I be okay without the flash?

thanks guys. all ideas are welcomed even if it is just with ideas on angles and what not.


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