What Do You Consider an Alcoholic?


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Nov 16, 2007
If you feel like it is an issue, stop drinking for 3-6 months and see how it affects your life. You might find eliminating it from you life takes you down an more interesting path. Take the money you would have spent on alcohol and put it away for a vacation or performance mods.

I'm not saying that alcohol is or is not a problem in your life, just saying leaving it behind might give you a different perspective.


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Nov 21, 2007
I love nothing more then ice cold one's after a long 100+ degree day, but I don't drink if its cold outside and I don't drink when it hits 90+ during the week as 1-2 days I'll spend 4-6 hours in 130-140 degree temps and lose 20 lbs of sweat.

As much as I Love a buzz I have/had alcoholics in my family so I look at it differently. My dad would pass out while driving and i'd have to grab the wheel to not have a head on several times when i was 10-12. Somehow managed to only hurt the ones he loved and it took his life.

My grandfather? Miller lite from 4-bedtime everyday for 50 years, always a 60qt cooler full of ice cold millers in his truck, had a freezer in his hangar that the local distributor would stock frequently. But ran a successful construction company for 55 years and flew for the sheriffs department for 25, didn't effect him one bit.


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Oct 28, 2003
San Antonio
Someone that can't resist drinking or go a day without having a few beers or a significant amount of liquor. I love beer as much as the next guy, but I can have one with dinner and that's it. I knew a guy a few years ago that carried a six pack of tall boys around with him everywhere he went. He woke up drinking and went to bed drinking. I just recently found out he died of liver failure.


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
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Sep 24, 2004
In the Marines it was common to get off work, grab a 12 or 18 pack and finish it with a can of whatever chew that night while watching TV or movies, go to sleep, and then get up for PT at 5am and do it all over. I would do that while my roommate Rob preferred a fifth of Jameson every night. He did whatever he had to to get it down even mixing it with water. I would often hit his lifeless body with the bathroom door in the middle of the night as he was passed out on the bathroom floor. Always checked on him to make sure he was okay and he always was; he always just said his back hurt and he preferred the cold floor. He always came into work and sort of did his job but he had pretty much dropped his pack already lol.

He was a functioning alcoholic and had no qualms about admitting it. I would say I and most others had alcoholic tendencies, but then there were guys who drank hard liquor every night or whatever they could get their hands on and would lose their shit and other Marines would have to clean up or cover for them so they wouldn't get busted. If you are going to be an alcoholic that is what you don't want to be. I'm not exaggerating though when I say Marines can drink. I thought the British Royal Marines were some crazy, drunk mother****ers... which they are, but when we would train with them I was surprised that most of our guys were out-drinking them. The Royal Marines do some weird and twisted stuff when they get drunk though.

I still drink a lot but I usually stick to beer and I always ask myself when I am craving a beer if I have the will power to refuse it which I have not had a problem doing. I figure if it comes to a point where I have to have it to function then I probably have a problem. By definition, I'm sure I would be considered an alcoholic. The level of intake is certainly not healthy but beer is just one of those things you always want drink and try different beers. Can't resist a nice, strong IPA.
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Beers for the boys
Established Member
Aug 30, 2006
South Carolina
At one point I was 3-6 beers a night, every night, and then heavy drinking on the weekend. It started to mess up my ability to sleep and I was cranky all the time. So I stopped. Now I have a beer here- beer there after dinner during the week. On the weekends it's ice down the yeti and 24 pack for me. But I found I was able to stop without having a withdrawal or "missing" it. Had I been craving a Coors during the day I would say absolutely I was an alcoholic.

About 2 1/2 years ago I was without a doubt an alcoholic. I went thru a bad case of depression and lived alone in a city by myself. I was running thru rum every 2 days and also killing off a 12 pack in the same time. I was always buzzed, always had a rum and coke in my yeti, and always near the edge. Not proud of that. I was very tied to alcohol and I craved it. It's probably what keeps me from being one now though. I'm still sick of excessive drinking.


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Aug 2, 2014
I would say it's someone who can't function without it, but some can't seem to function with it either, yet still "need" it just to feel like they won't die.

My dad is a functioning alcoholic. He's 58 years old, gets up at 5:00 AM Monday-Friday to go to his roofing job, works til 5:00 PM, home and drunk on scotch by 7:00. On the weekends, he gets up at 6:00 AM and goes golfing, where he also drinks the whole time, home and drunk on more scotch by 5. But he doesn't miss a day of work and really isn't any trouble for anyone.

My mom, on the other hand, is a non-functioning alcoholic. She can't handle addiction at all. She's a mess. Currently living with my great aunt (whose only income is SS), not working, drinking all day and laying in bed.

Both are examples of alcoholics, but the former is clearly more accepted by society and I guarantee no one who works with my dad ever thinks twice about it.


Established Member
Mar 10, 2008
Wheeling, IL
I drink nearly every day, but, not because I need to. I choose to. I enjoy sipping on bourbon and beer. I don't drink to get drunk or drink at a fast pace.

If you look at the national standard association and health organization's blogs and what not, if you have more than one alcoholic drink a week, you're an alcoholic.

I can easily stop and go cold turkey for months.

Pretty much everyone in my immediate family was either an alcoholic or a drug addict. I will never become close to what they are as they drink out of necessity, I drink for pleasure and nothing more.


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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
I'm not going to make a poll just opinions. Do you consider someone that has 1-3 drinks after dinner on a regular basis an alcoholic? This is my pattern. I don't get hammered drunk or anything like that but I definitely imbibe regularly. I usually drink red wine or scotch on occasion.

If you have to ask, you already know the answer.


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Aug 26, 2004
beaumont texas
I got drunk yesterday. New chick I'm talking to, she doesn't drink but encouraged me to drink more :)
Had my DD so 66oz of margaritas and 3 tall beers later :)


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Aug 26, 2015
My dad will fit the alcoholic category. Drank himself silly. 73 years old now, full of deminsia, hasn't had anything to drink in about a year now. If he had a way to get to the beer store, he would finish off a case and probably die in a pool urine.

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Established Member
Mar 10, 2008
Wheeling, IL
^ Have you known someone addicted to Heroin?

You cannot compare the two. Trust me, I know.

Alcohol is addictive, but, nothing like a narcotic or drug, but, still, addictive nonetheless.


Good Guy
Super Moderator
Nov 12, 2003
^ Have you known someone addicted to Heroin?

You cannot compare the two. Trust me, I know.

Alcohol is addictive, but, nothing like a narcotic or drug, but, still, addictive nonetheless.
Had a neighbor across the street for a short time who was a crack addict. It was brutal.


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Beer Money Bros.
Jan 29, 2014
the plains
I think they pay us to take that out of the stores. Lol

Sent from my bunker


I don't really think there is much else to add here. My thought on it is if you can't go without it, you probably have a problem.

Like a month ago I went without a drink for 3 weeks or so. I missed it but I knew I didn't need it.

St Paddy's day rolled around and I got my ass handed to me. I was in bed till 11am the next day.


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Apr 14, 2015
Desert Oasis
Answer this :

If someone asked you to NOT drink your regular drinks for a week, could you?

If you can't, id deem it alcoholism. Remember there are different levels of alcoholics, my father has been AA 27 years, but back in his day unless you spent tons of time with him you'd never even know he drank. It didn't interfere with work. Called a functioning alcoholic.

Exactly this.

A former coworker always wants to have three drinks with dinner. Wine, Margarita, Vodka and Tonic... 3 is the magic number.

I rarely drink with dinner, too damn expensive, so I always call her a drunk which she vehemently denies.

However, if I don't at least have one, she becomes irritated and the peer pressure begins.

If we meet somewhere that does not serve liquor or wine, she also becomes irritated and then refuses to ever return because "well that place just sucks".

Midwest is full of "functional alcoholics".


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Beer Money Bros.
Oct 14, 2010
Middle Earth
Simple..... one that cannot function normally when they drink. I took a 65 year old man to jail one night and he blew a 0.47 which is essentially alcohol poisoning! had to call the medics!

I was really questioning my decision to bring him there because other then the Nystagmus test he was essentially normal but the eyes don't lie....

my point is this guy was polite, respectful and if u didn't have a trained eye u wudnt know he was DRUNK all day every day so it all comes down to how you act and really nothing else when ur referring to someone as an alcoholic imo.

I drink a lot of methanol...... does that count?

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