what happens now??


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
Only time will tell, but if the Shelby GT500 ends up being 100% of what we're seeing (and that's a big IF), it is going to hurt the value of the Terminator IMO. If it is overall a higher quality vehicle that will hurt the value as well. The best advice is to enjoy the heck out of your Cobras now. One bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush. LOL!


New Member
Established Member
Sep 6, 2004
Phoenix, AZ
One thing Ford could do is price this new car between 45 and 50K and that would hold our value. But it looks like they are going to stay away from that strategy...Thank God. But you know what? I got a very good price for my 01 vert when I bought my 04, so I'm not worried. There will be plenty of people who want the performance of our cars for 20 to 25 grand who can't afford the 40 grand for a new one. I think the value will be ok.


Person of Interest
Established Member
Aug 26, 2003
I don't think Terminator owners should be too concerned...yet. ;-)

Let's say the GT500 turns out to be an awesome car and it "only" costs $39K. It will still be quite a while before prices stabilize and supply meets/overtakes demand.

Let's say the GT500 is available 12 months from now. If history repeats itself (and it probably will), buyers will line up to pay MSRP (or more) for at least the first 18 months that the car is available. So that's 30 months from now before the GT500 is changing hands for anything under sticker. If that's the case, Terminator values should hold steady.

A lot of potential buyers will be faced with the following decision:

1. Buy a new GT500 for $40K
2. Buy a used Terminator for low-mid 20s.

The Terminator looks fairly attractive when you start comparing "bang for the buck".

Also remember that the GT500 production numbers will be lower than the '03 Cobra...so I don't think we'll see them selling for $7K under sticker 18 months after they go on sale (like what happened with the Terminator).

Bottom Line

As long as GT500 demand is strong and prices stay up, that should support Terminator values. If the GT500 ever comes with A-Plan pricing and/or rebates, then all bets are off on Terminator values. As soon as someone sees GT500s for $7K under invoice, give me a call. :thumbsup:

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