What would you do?


It's for your own protection
Established Member
Jan 21, 2006
What false guilt? So people with disabilities cant marry someone without disabilities and it not be considered charity or doing it out of false guilt?

From that article it seemed she loved him very much before and after the accident. I think this speaks more about you than anything. Also, people with disabilities can find ways to be intimate and can certainly be adventerous.

If you want to talk about a real issue, lets talk about why weddings need to cost THOUSANDS of dollars and be this huge social event, where the only important thing is two people getting married. Take that $20k and pay your damn bills? $20k for a ****ing wedding? The government really has all of you by the balls I swear...
Lets not forget engagement rings
Materialistic women ftl


Layer of Pipe
Established Member
Feb 13, 2012
Uhh she can still sit on his face, I doubt the smile would leave his face. I wouldn't leave my girlfriend. I would do everything in my power to make her feel and live a normal life. I could only hope she would do the same for me. The girls that would leave due to no sex wouldn't be in a four year relationship like this one


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 25, 2004
Not gonna lie - I'm not sure what I'd do.

I think both parties in such a situation have to think long and hard about what best, and fair for themselves, and each other.


Get ready to fly!
Established Member
Nov 2, 2008
Naperville, Il
Very touching video.

I'm going to play the devils advocate here and agree with Katy,TX5.0. I also would not marry someone so young with a permanent disability like him. Not saying I would not always be there for that person, to help them out and be a friend for life, but I sure wouldn't spend the rest of my life married to someone who couldn't do certain things with me (not just sex) that another individual could. Not to mention the financial burden and CONSTANT stress the situation would put on you. Everyones different though, that girl is obviously a saint and better person than most.

Katy TX5.0

Active Member
Established Member
Apr 13, 2013
Uhh she can still sit on his face, I doubt the smile would leave his face. I wouldn't leave my girlfriend. I would do everything in my power to make her feel and live a normal life. I could only hope she would do the same for me. The girls that would leave due to no sex wouldn't be in a four year relationship like this one

I'm sure I'm going to hell for laughing at this.

Blown 89

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2006
I'm not sure what I'd do.

That's one hell of a woman though. He is one lucky dude in that regard.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 12, 2005
Central Florida
When I was flying to Florida a couple months ago, on the flight was a well dressed mid 60's couple who had a (very) mentally handicapped woman, who was confined to a wheelchair, along with them who was probably in her early 30's. It dawned on me that was their daughter and they had been taking care of all her needs for her entire life. I'm sure they never planned on that happening in their life but they made it work. That is love and dedication if I've ever seen it.

Love, dedication, and easily half their lives wasted. Yeah, like I said, I'm an asshole.


CO No Mas
Established Member
Sep 12, 2007
Very touching video.

I'm going to play the devils advocate here and agree with Katy,TX5.0. I also would not marry someone so young with a permanent disability like him. Not saying I would not always be there for that person, to help them out and be a friend for life, but I sure wouldn't spend the rest of my life married to someone who couldn't do certain things with me (not just sex) that another individual could. Not to mention the financial burden and CONSTANT stress the situation would put on you. Everyones different though, that girl is obviously a saint and better person than most.

So you also agree with Katy,TX5.0 that this women only married that man because of guilt, and he will be a burden on her the rest of her life and she will never get to enjoy sex again?

Just because someone suffers a tragic accident doesn't mean I should commit to a life of no sex and no adventure out of false guilt.

So you would volunteer for a life without sex and basically having a burden? Life is a long time without sex. I'm inclined to think it's guilt she needs therapy for.

Katy TX5.0

Active Member
Established Member
Apr 13, 2013
So you also agree with Katy,TX5.0 that this women only married that man because of guilt, and he will be a burden on her the rest of her life and she will never get to enjoy sex again?

I know exactly what I stated. I included "inclined" which means I only think it's a possibility. That's far from stating it's only out of false guilt. I do think it's a good possibility that it's something she needs therapy for. It's not an asshole accusation, it's a very plausible situation given the circumstances and age. For me it would only be out of a sense of false guilt. It's no different than seeing a homeless man and deciding to be homeless too when I don't have to be.

Clear now?
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Established Member
Nov 2, 2007
So Cal
You guys have no idea what lengths you will go to for someone that you love with every fiber of your being.

This. If you truly love your significant other, there is nothing you wouldn't do for them.


Muffin is my spirit animal
Established Member
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Feb 10, 2011
Nashville, TN
Maybe not in this case but, I garauntee that there are those who "stay" out of feelings of guilt. Committing yourself to a life with a person who has life altering disabilities is not easy task that anyone of us could do. As age creeps up, the needs become greater.

Hell, if I had to rely on somebody else for my day to day stuff I would probably end my own life. I hate it now that I have certain issues and all they are is hearing loss, shoulder issues, and lung issues from the military. I could not deal with loss of limbs.
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Get ready to fly!
Established Member
Nov 2, 2008
Naperville, Il
So you also agree with Katy,TX5.0 that this women only married that man because of guilt, and he will be a burden on her the rest of her life and she will never get to enjoy sex again?

Absolutely not. I also said at the end of my post "everybody's different" as her reasons for marrying might be completely different than "guilt". Maybe she truly does love him. I would hope someone wouldn't marry another individual over guilt. That is just plain stupid.


CO No Mas
Established Member
Sep 12, 2007
Thought this was a thought provoking scenario.

This Couple's Incredible Love Story Will Make You Cry

Myself, I wouldn't marry. Just because someone suffers a tragic accident doesn't mean I should commit to a life of no sex and no adventure out of false guilt.

So you would volunteer for a life without sex and basically having a burden? Life is a long time without sex. I'm inclined to think it's guilt she needs therapy for.

I know exactly what I stated. I included "inclined" which means I only think it's a possibility.

Clear now?

...I directly quoted you. I did not misinterpret anything you said. In fact, you said

I'm inclined to think it's guilt she needs therapy for.

...which implies you already thing she NEEDS therapy, but you are "inclined" to believe it be for guilt over other things.

My issue is not that you would not want to marry someone with disabilities. My problem is your viewpoint about people who WOULD do that. You are speaking in ignorant generalities.

Had you come in and said "Wow look at this women! She is doing an amazing thing that I don' think I would be able to do without having some part of me say yes because of guilt", I would have been fine with that because that is giving your opinion without questioning the life choices of other people and making ignorant statements.

However, you decided to get ignorant about it so I got pissed and am not gonna let it go until you change your perception
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