My life changed tonight...


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 6, 2006
I just have one thing to ask you... Just one... Let's say when we both pass away, and your right about this, there is no Jesus, no god, no nothing. When we die, we go in the ground and that's it, it's over! Your just gone and forgotten! BUT IF I'M RIGHT... Your going to be burning in a lake of fire forever , where there is screaming and gnashing of teeth, where the worm never dies, tormenting in hell for all eternity, while I rejoice with my king in heaven, and get to live forever with him! No pain, no struggles, just love and worship forever and ever!!

Seems like a BIG CHANCE to take to ride jet skis and sky dive while your denying Jesus? Just a thought
If you actually read the Bible with an open mind and a touch of common sense you might start to see why the world's most educated populations tend to see this 'big chance' as a worthwhile one.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 22, 2011
Bay area
Please tell me you see the irony in this posts about "youth becoming smarter?" Does your "thinking on your own" leave out books? It's not just Bibles that talk about Jesus. I'm sure if you are actually interested in becoming informed, you could google "Jesus" and find out other cultures that have him mentioned in their texts (hell, I bet they'll even have some pretty pictures for you if you look hard enough), but based on what I see here, you're probably going to go back to your video game.

He used the word "re-dedicate" which implies that this is probably not new to him..... :poke:

Sounds sane and level headed to me! :thumbsup:.....oh wait..... or maybe it's confused? Or uneducated on the subject at hand? :bash:

HAHA! You truly are a bad ass with all your "uncaring." Yuz gangsta son! :bowdown: That's some real eminem sh*t

YOU are uneducated on the subject at hand. Your educated on YOUR BELIEF and YOUR BELIEF ONLY. that Jesus is the savior and Christianity is the one and only and RIGHT religion. Have you studied all of the religions and gods in the whole world down to the tribes in the jungles which are not in contact with the rest of the world? Apparently more than half of the world is doomed and all going to hell. Even those that have never been or will ever be introduced to your "Jesus" and will never get the chance.

Back to the argument of "it was written so I believe it, it's IN BOOKS AND TEH INTERNETS YAY" Your bible was rewritten thousands of times and there is no original texts or anything that is still here on this earth that states what you believe is true.

Your books are just hearsay, or like thomas paine put it: "hearsay upon hearsay." This is pretty much inadmissible in state and federal court because it is unreliable. if hearsay isn't reliable enough for use to make a formal judgment about simple disputes, it certainly isn't reliable enough to prove absurd stories about a god upon which you think i should base my life. Why would God condemn me to eternal torture just for not believing Jesus is my Savior in the face of a huge lack of evidence? Why did he create me with my questioning, rational mind if I was going to be punished for exercising it? If no, then there's no reason to bother believing in him anyway. I would hope that he would judge people on their actions (i.e. morality) rather than their superficial beliefs/practices.

Do you believe in Zeus? How about unicorns or fairies.. a god I just made up? If you don't why not?... Well that's why I don't believe that Jesus is my god and Savior, and why you shouldn't either. Try thinking outside of your little box.

Funny how you attack others intelligence about the subject although you haven't addressed anything I said in my other posts. Please go back to reading about your Jesus on "teh internetZ!" and your 1000000th new testament. You stated nothing to prove my rationality wrong. I'm sure you will come back with another teenage response and bash more people like you Christians do for not believing in your nonsense.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 22, 2011
Bay area
I lol'd at the youth getting smarter part. Jersey Shore poped in my head when I read that. I have a friend like you, and whenever religion comes up we have these fun little arguments. They are always respectful though and we both make our points made. But then he said to me one day that God himself could come down right now and he still wouldn't believe. Which I find to be the case with a lot of non believers. And you want to talk about being close minded. I choose to believe in my God. Nobody forced me. I even strayed from my faith and tried to do things on my own for a while. I too like many other people had doubts, and questions. And it got me in a big mess. I realized how much better my life was when I was going to church and being spiritually fed the word of God. So I went back. And my life is turning around. Things are getting better. Call it a coincidence or what you will. Until you feel and experience the presence of God for yourself you will not be convinced otherwise.

Yes the youth is getting smarter. Where do you think technology came from and the computer your writing this on came from? Youth getting smarter. Your talking about a % of the population which are retards. Don't assume all youth is like the cast of Jersey Shore. Maybe YOU YOURSELF got you on the right track and it had nothing to do with Jesus. Personal experience is fine for you, but know that if that is your only basis for belief, you have no footing on which to convince others your religion is valid; it is entirely possible you have misinterpreted your experience, or that your senses were unwittingly impaired at the time and you made the right decisions on your own not because you started going to church and god made it happen. :sleeping:


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 22, 2009
Los Angeles
I don't believe in that stuff in the Bible but if that makes you a happier better person with out hurting others or trying to sell them on it well then good for you and I wish you the best OP.


500 hp grocery getter
Established Member
May 29, 2006
San Diego
YOU are uneducated on the subject at hand. Your educated on YOUR BELIEF and YOUR BELIEF ONLY. that Jesus is the savior and Christianity is the one and only and RIGHT religion. Have you studied all of the religions and gods in the whole world down to the tribes in the jungles which are not in contact with the rest of the world? Apparently more than half of the world is doomed and all going to hell. Even those that have never been or will ever be introduced to your "Jesus" and will never get the chance.

Back to the argument of "it was written so I believe it, it's IN BOOKS AND TEH INTERNETS YAY" Your bible was rewritten thousands of times and there is no original texts or anything that is still here on this earth that states what you believe is true.

Your books are just hearsay, or like thomas paine put it: "hearsay upon hearsay." This is pretty much inadmissible in state and federal court because it is unreliable. if hearsay isn't reliable enough for use to make a formal judgment about simple disputes, it certainly isn't reliable enough to prove absurd stories about a god upon which you think i should base my life. Why would God condemn me to eternal torture just for not believing Jesus is my Savior in the face of a huge lack of evidence? Why did he create me with my questioning, rational mind if I was going to be punished for exercising it? If no, then there's no reason to bother believing in him anyway. I would hope that he would judge people on their actions (i.e. morality) rather than their superficial beliefs/practices.

Do you believe in Zeus? How about unicorns or fairies.. a god I just made up? If you don't why not?... Well that's why I don't believe that Jesus is my god and Savior, and why you shouldn't either. Try thinking outside of your little box.

Funny how you attack others intelligence about the subject although you haven't addressed anything I said in my other posts. Please go back to reading about your Jesus on "teh internetZ!" and your 1000000th new testament. You stated nothing to prove my rationality wrong. I'm sure you will come back with another teenage response and bash more people like you Christians do for not believing in your nonsense.

Is this one of those, "I know what you are but what am I" posts? What part would you like me to cover, sir? You're going to accuse me of being uneducated when it is YOU that didn't know until to night that Jesus was a real person?

What about the city of Nineveh? Sodom and Gomorrah? Troy? Sunjata? Gilgamesh? The flood? Do you know who half of these stories belong to? Are they real, or fake? Is there evidence to back them up? Are they truly epics? What is an epic? What makes up oral tradition? Is it literature? What is fact in oral tradition? What is fact in the Bible? What should be taken as oral tradition in the Bible vs what should be taken as literal? Have you personally compared the oldest version of the Bible with the current ones? Why were the books picked to be in the Bible vs the others? There are technically something like 22 gospels written about Jesus, why were only 4 used?

Do you have answers to any of this, good "educated" sir?

I can tell you this: I read about evolution, not because I believe in it, but I feel I should have an answer when questioned as to why it is false. It answers some questions, but not all. I read about history, not because I believe every book I read on it, but because having a good/unbiased grasp on what happened in our pasts so that we can be accurate and educated when talking about our past (as in human past) is important. What was the drive behind the expansion west? What was the drive behind trade? Mapping? Converting? I read about other religions so that I can know all there is to know about my God and about theirs.

You question my belief and call it nonsense, but yet you haven't educated yourself enough to know that Jesus was in fact a real person and the events in the Bible are very much backed up by documents from other cultures. This INCLUDES the life and death of Christ. Figure out what style literature you are reading in the Bible and read it like it's supposed to be read (sadly, I have a funny feeling you have NO idea what I'm talking about here).

I'm 30. Honestly, not that old all things considered, but I read A LOT! I also question a lot. I just recently went back to school in order to pursue an MD. Crazy, I know. That puts me as being a DR (surgeon, I hope) in 10-12 years. I don't think evolution happened without the guidance of God. I do, however believe in common decent as being possible. No young world, I fully believe the world is old as there are plenty of scientific facts to support this and I don't feel the need to question them. I educate myself in ANY possible way I can. You accuse me of being close minded, but am I really?

You and I do agree on one thing -- religion. It's junk. True Christianity is far from a religion. It's a relationship. THAT is the difference between it and all other "religions." It is about a God that loves us and desires to have a RELATIONSHIP with his creation. It's a simple choice....not need for works in it's purest form (although works should be evidence of true Christianity as pointed out in James). Think about a father son/daughter relationship and use that to help you understand true Christianity.

Educate yourself. From what I see, you have a lot to learn. It's not a bad thing, just a challenge. You might not agree with any of it, but you will be educated in your opinion and that's always a good start.
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Active Member
Established Member
May 13, 2010
Miami Beach
Is this one of those, "I know what you are but what am I posts?" What part would you like me to cover, sir? You're going to accuse me of being uneducated when it is YOU that didn't know until to night that Jesus was a real person?

What about the city of Nineveh? Sodom and Gomorrah? Troy? Sunjata? Gilgamesh? The flood? Do you know who half of these stories belong to? Are they real, or fake? Is there evidence to back them up? Are they truly epics? What is an epic? What makes up oral tradition? Is it literature? What is fact in oral tradition? What is fact in the Bible? What should be taken as oral tradition in the Bible vs what should be taken as literal? Have you personally compared the oldest version of the Bible with the current ones? Why were the books picked to be in the Bible vs the others? There are technically something like 22 gospels written about Jesus, why were only 4 used?

Do you have answers to any of this, good "educated" sir?

I can tell you this: I read about evolution, not because I believe in it, but I feel I should have an answer when questioned as to why it is false. It answers some questions, but not all. I read about history, not because I believe every book I read on it, but because having a good/unbiased grasp on what happened in our pasts so that we can be accurate and educated when talking about our past (as in human past) is important. What was the drive behind the expansion west? What was the drive behind trade? Mapping? Converting? I read about other religions so that I can know all there is to know about my God and about theirs.

You question my belief and call it nonsense, but yet you haven't educated yourself enough to know that Jesus was in fact a real person and the events in the Bible are very much backed up by documents from other cultures. This INCLUDES the life and death of Christ. Figure out what style literature you are reading in the Bible and read it like it's supposed to be read (sadly, I have a funny feeling you have NO idea what I'm talking about here).

I'm 30. Honestly, not that old all things considered, but I read A LOT! I also question a lot. I just recently went back to school in order to pursue an MD. Crazy, I know. That puts me as being a DR (surgeon, I hope) in 10-12 years. I don't think evolution happened without the guidance of God. I do, however believe in common decent as being possible. No young world, I fully believe the world is old as there are plenty of scientific facts to support this and I don't feel the need to question them. I educate myself in ANY possible way I can. You accuse me of being close minded, but am I really?

You and I do agree on one thing -- religion. It's junk. True Christianity is far from a religion. It's a relationship. THAT is the difference between it and all other "religions." It is about a God that loves us and desires to have a RELATIONSHIP with his creation. It's a simple choice....not need for works in it's purest form (although works should be evidence of true Christianity as pointed out in James). Think about a father son/daughter relationship and use that to help you understand true Christianity.

Educate yourself. From what I see, you have a lot to learn. It's not a bad thing, just a challenge. You might not agree with any of it, but you will be educated in your opinion and that's always a good start.



Authorized Vendor
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Premium Member
Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
I rededicated my life to Jesus and I'm a new man, just figured I'd share it with my SVTP family!!!

I am really happy for you. I dedicated my life to Christ over 30 years ago. I pray that your re-dedication will bring you a long lasting and close relationship with Him. ;-)


Water Snake
Established Member
Aug 16, 2009
Saratoga Springs, NY
YOU are uneducated on the subject at hand. Your educated on YOUR BELIEF and YOUR BELIEF ONLY. that Jesus is the savior and Christianity is the one and only and RIGHT religion. Have you studied all of the religions and gods in the whole world down to the tribes in the jungles which are not in contact with the rest of the world? Apparently more than half of the world is doomed and all going to hell. Even those that have never been or will ever be introduced to your "Jesus" and will never get the chance.

Back to the argument of "it was written so I believe it, it's IN BOOKS AND TEH INTERNETS YAY" Your bible was rewritten thousands of times and there is no original texts or anything that is still here on this earth that states what you believe is true.

Your books are just hearsay, or like thomas paine put it: "hearsay upon hearsay." This is pretty much inadmissible in state and federal court because it is unreliable. if hearsay isn't reliable enough for use to make a formal judgment about simple disputes, it certainly isn't reliable enough to prove absurd stories about a god upon which you think i should base my life. Why would God condemn me to eternal torture just for not believing Jesus is my Savior in the face of a huge lack of evidence? Why did he create me with my questioning, rational mind if I was going to be punished for exercising it? If no, then there's no reason to bother believing in him anyway. I would hope that he would judge people on their actions (i.e. morality) rather than their superficial beliefs/practices.

Do you believe in Zeus? How about unicorns or fairies.. a god I just made up? If you don't why not?... Well that's why I don't believe that Jesus is my god and Savior, and why you shouldn't either. Try thinking outside of your little box.

Funny how you attack others intelligence about the subject although you haven't addressed anything I said in my other posts. Please go back to reading about your Jesus on "teh internetZ!" and your 1000000th new testament. You stated nothing to prove my rationality wrong. I'm sure you will come back with another teenage response and bash more people like you Christians do for not believing in your nonsense.

Actually the entire world is hearing about Christ. There are missions trips going to all places around the world on a daily basis to spread His word. All of those people who hear His word are able to accept Him if they'd like. Christianity is the largest fastest growing religion in the world, not only due to people finding religion of the first time, but people converting from their previous beliefs. To respond to your "I would hope that God would judge based on a persons actions". If you read the bible you would know that this is not true. The whole purpose of Jesus taking up the cross was so we wouldn't have to bear the burdens of our wrongs, he took all of our sins and our shame.

Guy Fawkes

Active Member
Established Member
Jun 14, 2008
If that's the case, then why aren't you in on the "religion scam?" If the Christian faith is such a money making scam, as you are suggesting, then why aren't you getting in on this simple scam?

Do you even know that less than 3% of Christians in America even tithe or give 10% of their income to the Lord? You know what that means? That means that 97% of all Christians don't bring their money to the 'church' or to the Lord as they are supposed to. The tenth belongs to the Lord. Always has and always will be. I'll tell you another FACT. Only about 15% of Christians, who ACTUALLY ATTEND CHURCH REGULARLY, tithe 10% of their income. Because a lot of Christians have millions of excuses why not to go to church and hear the Word preached. And there are many churches out there that preach the Word the way it was preached in the Bible.

Your belief that the "Christian faith" is a 'scam' is based on pure nonsense and stereotypes, not actual facts.

Every person is a sheep. Some sheep though are without a shepherd.

Im a wolf in sheeps clothing.

I feel sorrow for the guys who deny Him. What will you say to Him the day He comes back and He asks you why you denied Him? He died for all of us, why is that so hard to accept?

...Damn I ****ed up?
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ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
LOL, I was simply stating what I believe, if I'm right, HELL will be his home if he denies Christ. If he is right, neither one of us lose. I live my life how I like and he does his! What's your point ? People crack me up, my bad I posted this on your website rdj, I know your the king stick around here. we cool bro? Hahahahaa
. You should have put this shit in smackdown.


ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
Actually the entire world is hearing about Christ. There are missions trips going to all places around the world on a daily basis to spread His word. All of those people who hear His word are able to accept Him if they'd like. Christianity is the largest fastest growing religion in the world, not only due to people finding religion of the first time, but people converting from their previous beliefs. To respond to your "I would hope that God would judge based on a persons actions". If you read the bible you would know that this is not true. The whole purpose of Jesus taking up the cross was so we wouldn't have to bear the burdens of our wrongs, he took all of our sins and our shame.
Christianity is not a religion ir is a collection of religion. Catholic, baptist, Mormon, bhuddist are relgions


Established Member
Mar 22, 2012
Fort Meade, MD
Yes the youth is getting smarter. Where do you think technology came from and the computer your writing this on came from? Youth getting smarter. Your talking about a % of the population which are retards. Don't assume all youth is like the cast of Jersey Shore. Maybe YOU YOURSELF got you on the right track and it had nothing to do with Jesus. Personal experience is fine for you, but know that if that is your only basis for belief, you have no footing on which to convince others your religion is valid; it is entirely possible you have misinterpreted your experience, or that your senses were unwittingly impaired at the time and you made the right decisions on your own not because you started going to church and god made it happen. :sleeping:

I have already stated that me loling at that particular statement didn't mean that I thought our youth is like Jersey Shore. Just the simple fact that when I read what you wrote, it poped in my head and I laughed.

You could be right. But then again so could I. I guess we'll find out when we pass on and I hope that you may find God someday. Like I said before, you really need to experience the presence of God to fully understand the logic behind our beliefs. If I haven't personally experienced his love, I too would probably be a non believer. Like I stated before, I have doubts about my faith every now and then, and when I do I consult with my elders as well as do my own research. I don't blindly follow something simply because one person says it is so. I understand the doubts you have about a christian's faith as I too have had them. And I do believe that I myself got back on the right track, but it was through the guidance of Christ. God cannot make choices for you we do have free will after all. However He has shown and opened my eyes to how good I had it when I was on the right path.
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Active Member
Established Member
Mar 28, 2010
Don't mind the haters, brother. Congrats on the re dedication. It's always good to see a brother in Christ making the right choice.

Guy Fawkes

Active Member
Established Member
Jun 14, 2008
You know I hope I am wrong and that there is a heaven (or preferably valhalla for me) but I just dont see it happening. I use science to explain things in the world. Although I cant be a hypocrite and say god doesnt exsist because science cant prove that he doesnt exsist. Personally I hope Thor and Odin exsist. Because now THOSE dudes are badass gods.


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 28, 2010
Is this one of those, "I know what you are but what am I posts?" What part would you like me to cover, sir? You're going to accuse me of being uneducated when it is YOU that didn't know until to night that Jesus was a real person?

What about the city of Nineveh? Sodom and Gomorrah? Troy? Sunjata? Gilgamesh? The flood? Do you know who half of these stories belong to? Are they real, or fake? Is there evidence to back them up? Are they truly epics? What is an epic? What makes up oral tradition? Is it literature? What is fact in oral tradition? What is fact in the Bible? What should be taken as oral tradition in the Bible vs what should be taken as literal? Have you personally compared the oldest version of the Bible with the current ones? Why were the books picked to be in the Bible vs the others? There are technically something like 22 gospels written about Jesus, why were only 4 used?

Do you have answers to any of this, good "educated" sir?

I can tell you this: I read about evolution, not because I believe in it, but I feel I should have an answer when questioned as to why it is false. It answers some questions, but not all. I read about history, not because I believe every book I read on it, but because having a good/unbiased grasp on what happened in our pasts so that we can be accurate and educated when talking about our past (as in human past) is important. What was the drive behind the expansion west? What was the drive behind trade? Mapping? Converting? I read about other religions so that I can know all there is to know about my God and about theirs.

You question my belief and call it nonsense, but yet you haven't educated yourself enough to know that Jesus was in fact a real person and the events in the Bible are very much backed up by documents from other cultures. This INCLUDES the life and death of Christ. Figure out what style literature you are reading in the Bible and read it like it's supposed to be read (sadly, I have a funny feeling you have NO idea what I'm talking about here).

I'm 30. Honestly, not that old all things considered, but I read A LOT! I also question a lot. I just recently went back to school in order to pursue an MD. Crazy, I know. That puts me as being a DR (surgeon, I hope) in 10-12 years. I don't think evolution happened without the guidance of God. I do, however believe in common decent as being possible. No young world, I fully believe the world is old as there are plenty of scientific facts to support this and I don't feel the need to question them. I educate myself in ANY possible way I can. You accuse me of being close minded, but am I really?

You and I do agree on one thing -- religion. It's junk. True Christianity is far from a religion. It's a relationship. THAT is the difference between it and all other "religions." It is about a God that loves us and desires to have a RELATIONSHIP with his creation. It's a simple choice....not need for works in it's purest form (although works should be evidence of true Christianity as pointed out in James). Think about a father son/daughter relationship and use that to help you understand true Christianity.

Educate yourself. From what I see, you have a lot to learn. It's not a bad thing, just a challenge. You might not agree with any of it, but you will be educated in your opinion and that's always a good start.

Very well said

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