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  • hey i was told to send you a pm about supercharging my 2002 mustang gt.the said you had a charged stang gt.whats the best bang for my buck i dont wana go crazy on the price cuz money a lil tight help me out if you can
    Dale, install the Steeda Sport springs with MM iso's. They are a much better iso than the stock ones. The ride hieght is perfect now and I wouldnt change a thing. Install is pretty simple if you have never done I can throw some procedures but there are even better write ups online. If you have an email I will send you some shot of my Cobra after the setup. Some of the shot of my car are with the old H&R springs which were way too low and I scraped on everything. It was a freaking nightmare and I hated driving my car. Friend and I swapped and we are both happier now. Lip sits about an inch above the wheel now which is perfect in my opinion. -Shane
    do you still have the steeda springs on your cobra? did you leave in all the stock isolators? I am going to install the steeda sport in my '03 cobra and was thinking of leaving out the upper isos all around. Thanks in advanced! Dale
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