Another email......interesting info


SVT Powered
Established Member
May 8, 2006
Pensacola Florida
This coming from the guy who lives almost as far from the border hot spots as you can get. I would venture to say more than 80% are paid just like you and me.

Mach1. I'm all for them doing it the legal way I have personally helped 3 people do this. Widespread border shutdown is not the way though. There are new programs out there like the H1 and H2 programs and they work but it is sure expensive. Insured farm workers in 05 were running $15/hr but they show up every day and if they get in trouble they get shipped back the same day. I would guess there are 500 of these people here in the summer for lettuce/spinach jobs and some in the winter in the potato sheds.

Haven't seen one answer to my main question yet guys. Nobody has said they would do that work. It's always someone else. Now you see the problem of Americans not wanting to do it.

I'm for shutting down the border for 2 reasons. First is SECURITY, with our borders so wide open there are many people who are coming over that aren't coming for jobs or escaping justice in the country they are leaving- they are transporting weapons and people who are trying to commit terrorist acts against our country. Prime example are the men caught in Jersy a few months back. They came across our SOUTERN border. Do you think they are the only ones or are they the ones that got caught? The 2nd reason is in fact the "run of the mill" illegals who the majority of are looking for work. The problem is we don't have the resources in this country to keep paying out 338 BILLION a year, and that number grows every year. The other part of the equation you are ignoring and the reason we have a system to SCREEN immigrants is we don't want criminals coming into this country. I have heard the argument of "well not that many illegals are criminals". (For one thing they are ALL criminals by virtue of the fact that they aren't supposed to be here) But try explaining that to the innocent AMERICANS who every year are the victims of muder, robbery, assault, identity theft, hit and run, insurance fraud...go ahead and explain to them that statistically it doesn't happen very often. Is that what YOU want to hear if an illegal breaks into your house and kills your wife, steals your money, then steals your drivers lic and then later your identity. I say NO- I shouldn't have to put up with that and neither should YOU.

And the argument of Americans won't do certain jobs that's BS too. I've personally worked in food service, landscaping, construction etc....If it came to feeding my family I'd work just about anywhere. But I'd do it legally which is more than I can say for the 20+ million illegals in this country.

05 Roush

Established Member
Aug 7, 2003
Front Range
If illegals did the country good, they wouldn't be illegals. It doesn't matter how much money they make for companies; all this does is make the rich more wealthy.

Hence the LAW that was enacted to protect legal citizens and green card holders from invasion, loss of jobs, and loss of benefits.

It would be one thing if the system was too difficult to go through to become citizens and these people truly wanted to be American. The very fact that they don't want to speak our language, adopt our culture, pay taxes, or stay here permanently speaks volumes as to the lack of character and intent to better America. Do you honestly believe that people making profits from illegal activities pay "their fair share"???

Illegals are Un-American and not worthy of our fathers', grandfathers', great grandfathers', and fore-fathers' blood, sweat, tears, and lives. Neither are the people who hire them.

05 Roush

Established Member
Aug 7, 2003
Front Range
I'm for shutting down the border for 2 reasons. First is SECURITY, with our borders so wide open there are many people who are coming over that aren't coming for jobs or escaping justice in the country they are leaving- they are transporting weapons and people who are trying to commit terrorist acts against our country. Prime example are the men caught in Jersy a few months back. They came across our SOUTERN border. Do you think they are the only ones or are they the ones that got caught? The 2nd reason is in fact the "run of the mill" illegals who the majority of are looking for work. The problem is we don't have the resources in this country to keep paying out 338 BILLION a year, and that number grows every year. The other part of the equation you are ignoring and the reason we have a system to SCREEN immigrants is we don't want criminals coming into this country. I have heard the argument of "well not that many illegals are criminals". (For one thing they are ALL criminals by virtue of the fact that they aren't supposed to be here) But try explaining that to the innocent AMERICANS who every year are the victims of muder, robbery, assault, identity theft, hit and run, insurance fraud...go ahead and explain to them that statistically it doesn't happen very often. Is that what YOU want to hear if an illegal breaks into your house and kills your wife, steals your money, then steals your drivers lic and then later your identity. I say NO- I shouldn't have to put up with that and neither should YOU.

And the argument of Americans won't do certain jobs that's BS too. I've personally worked in food service, landscaping, construction etc....If it came to feeding my family I'd work just about anywhere. But I'd do it legally which is more than I can say for the 20+ million illegals in this country.

We can not prevent people from entering America. But we can certainly prevent them from leaving!


SVT Powered
Established Member
May 8, 2006
Pensacola Florida
There are new programs out there like the H1 and H2 programs and they work but it is sure expensive. Insured farm workers in 05 were running $15/hr but they show up every day and if they get in trouble they get shipped back the same day. I would guess there are 500 of these people here in the summer for lettuce/spinach jobs and some in the winter in the potato sheds.

Also, we may as well have these people coming in on work Visas and doing everything the right way. Who do you think pays the emergency room bill when they get injured- WE DO. Don't you get that?

There has to be a sanity check here. And I don't think it's as simple as Americans won't do that. I think if the pay is good enough they will. But that makes no difference really. I'd be willing to pay extra at the supermarket to know that the people who brought the food from the field to the market weren't outright criminals and they were here to make a better life for everybody- and not someone who was willing to break any and every law just to get over on the system at OUR expense.


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 21, 2007
illegal is illegal, as in against the law, they are here against are nations laws very plain and simple, they are costing the economy money in the form of unpaid taxes, welfare, crime, heath care, insurace rates, education etc. peoplke who say who will do their jobs need to realize it won't matter becasue the next generation of illegal's kids will want better for themselves, and won't want to work low income jobs. I worked my ass off in construction for a year after college to save up to go to law school, I sure could use that 25% of taxes to pay my loans, but guess what thats not how it works for the majority of hard working americans. kick the illegals out! also I am so sick of all the advertisements and signs being written in two languages, and going to stores and being unable to communicate with the workers because they can't speak english and ask if i can speak spanish wtf?...welcome to the USA! speak english, pay taxes, and wait your turn to enter the country on a valid legal visa!


Sep 3, 2007
yawn..... here we go again.

Again, the government doesnt care.

btw Wells Fargo gives out credit cards to illegals too.... well secured cards.. hahha


Sep 3, 2007
I had a 2004 new vehicle financed through Bank of America. When I learned about their catering to the illegals in early 2007 I called the bank to express my concern. The first two levels of employees were generally courteous, but had no clue what I was talking about. Once I got to the PR dept I got the run around. As I understand it, BofA started this nonsense in Los Angeles as a test program and has since rolled it out nationwide. They basically don't require a valid SSN any more and are also waiving other normal procedures required to obtain credit cards, checking accounts, and loans. As an aside, I wonder what percentage of the sub prime loan mess is to illegals?

Back to the point. I told them that I strongly disagreed with their business decision and tried to point out the following. If they are going to try to cater to the illegals in the hopes of expanding their market and ultimately gaining greater profitability, I can understand (but not condone) that from a pure dollars and cents view point. I then explained that I was already a good paying customer (loan for ~$38k) and that I guaranteed them I would leave and never come back. So how many illegals would it take to replace me? Maybe only one, perhaps several. As a businessman, though, I know it is much wiser to keep the customers you have happy than to try to find new customers.

I followed through on my statement and about 6 months later I had the cash to pay off the loan early, also saving interest in the process. So I am a living example of someone who used to do business with Bank of America but will no longer because they are enabling/encouraging illegal activity at the expense of true Americans. It's not going to change the world single handedly but I felt it was my duty to do something about this illegal insanity when I could.

Many banks do this. Wells Fargo does it as well. You don't need an SSN to open a checking account. You can pretty much do anything without an SSN except get loans, lines of credits, unsecured credit card, bill pay etc... But you can get a secured credit card. I dont see why you would get a secured card if you dont have an SSN, but I was told that it shows responsibility and it has been proven to help illegals gain citizenship faster because it shows responsibility. Interesting..


Sep 3, 2007
If illegals did the country good, they wouldn't be illegals. It doesn't matter how much money they make for companies; all this does is make the rich more wealthy.

Hence the LAW that was enacted to protect legal citizens and green card holders from invasion, loss of jobs, and loss of benefits.

It would be one thing if the system was too difficult to go through to become citizens and these people truly wanted to be American. The very fact that they don't want to speak our language, adopt our culture, pay taxes, or stay here permanently speaks volumes as to the lack of character and intent to better America. Do you honestly believe that people making profits from illegal activities pay "their fair share"???

Illegals are Un-American and not worthy of our fathers', grandfathers', great grandfathers', and fore-fathers' blood, sweat, tears, and lives. Neither are the people who hire them.
Don't you think it's a little naive to generalize every illegal?


Eat more POTATOES!!!
Established Member
Dec 4, 2003
Center, CO
Have any of you been personally affected by one of these people? Lost your job? Got raped? Anything?

Ah, but you're gonna say Capn', we have to pay our hard earned dollars to support these people. If you use your 338 Billion number that is only $10 dollars per person in this country.

Most people have already spend $10 on lottery tickets this week.

Edit, math was wrong. roughly $1000 per American. But that doesn't count any money coming back into the system.
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New Member
Established Member
Jun 10, 2007
This coming from the guy who lives almost as far from the border hot spots as you can get. I would venture to say more than 80% are paid just like you and me.

Mach1. I'm all for them doing it the legal way I have personally helped 3 people do this. Widespread border shutdown is not the way though. There are new programs out there like the H1 and H2 programs and they work but it is sure expensive. Insured farm workers in 05 were running $15/hr but they show up every day and if they get in trouble they get shipped back the same day. I would guess there are 500 of these people here in the summer for lettuce/spinach jobs and some in the winter in the potato sheds.

Haven't seen one answer to my main question yet guys. Nobody has said they would do that work. It's always someone else. Now you see the problem of Americans not wanting to do it.

You may wanna do a little more homework before you bring up where I live as if its relevant. Here's a FACT for you....its very easy for Illegals to get their drivers license in NC (all they basically need is a bill, or something with "their" name on it). So actually I may have a little more first hand experience then you believe.

Also, you keep asking who's gonna do this and who's gonna do that.....
1) Those jobs were getting done LONG before "they" got here
2) Keep in mind that you're asking the question on a car enthusiast forum....probably not the best place to find entry level workers :bored:


Eat more POTATOES!!!
Established Member
Dec 4, 2003
Center, CO
I aspired to be more, just like everyone else, but you have to start somewhere.
You seem very shallow and narrow minded to think that only an illegal has the desire to work in the fields to feed his family.

Nope, they are the only ones motivated to do it.

Right, i am from CA so i get a first hand POV.

Nothing like seeing overcrowded schools, underpaid teachers, below average test scores, bankrupt hospitals, and a shocking amount of latino gangs to open your eyes.

How about the 6th largest economy in the world? Whose sweat helps with that? Are you gonna send your kid out to work in the fields?


Eat more POTATOES!!!
Established Member
Dec 4, 2003
Center, CO
You may wanna do a little more homework before you bring up where I live as if its relevant. Has your life been affected in a bad way by one of these people? Here's a FACT for you....its very easy for Illegals to get their drivers license in NC (all they basically need is a bill, or something with "their" name on it). So actually I may have a little more first hand experience then you believe.

Also, you keep asking who's gonna do this and who's gonna do that.....

1) Those jobs were getting done LONG before "they" got hereby people who got tired of doing them so they hired cheaper labor!!!

2) Keep in mind that you're asking the question on a car enthusiast forum....probably not the best place to find entry level workers :bored:

Keep getting all your info from TV. I heard that people from NC were inbred redneck incest KKK members once on a news program. So that means you must be one right??? :bored:


New Member
Established Member
Jun 10, 2007
Keep getting all your info from TV. I heard that people from NC were inbred redneck incest KKK members once on a news program. So that means you must be one right??? :bored:

TV is the LAST place I get any of my info:shrug:

Yep, I'm a KKK member since 1993 and I've been sleeping with my cousins since I was 16:sleeping:

It's nice that you resort to insults...thats real mature captain kirk, but what can you really expect from a Star Trek nerd :kaboom:

And yes, I am effected every day by illegals. Everytime I look at my pay stub and just just wonder why everyone that works here doesnt have to pay their taxes just as I have my entire working life.


Eat more POTATOES!!!
Established Member
Dec 4, 2003
Center, CO
Wasn't insulting you. Just stating that it's obvious that you hear things that make you hate these people that provide a service to all of us.

Who is a bigger drain on society? Redneck welfare Americans or illegal immigrants?
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New Member
Established Member
Jun 10, 2007
Wasn't insulting you. Just stating that it's obvious that you hear things that make you hate these people that provide a service to all of us.

Who is a bigger drain on society? Redneck welfare Americans or illegal immigrants?

While both are a drain, I would venture to say Illegals are a much bigger drain and pose the most threat as far as overall negative effect combined with crime.

Did you read the link I posted? All jokes aside I'd like to know if you even took the time to read it...


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 25, 2004
Haven't seen one answer to my main question yet guys. Nobody has said they would do that work. It's always someone else. Now you see the problem of Americans not wanting to do it.

Nobody has answered your main question yet because it's irrelevant.

Your entire "question" is based on the assumption that if illegals weren't around, our grass wouldn't get cut, crops wouldn't get harvested, etc.., which is complete and utter BS. So, why would anyone want to answer that question?


New Member
Established Member
Jan 20, 2005
Keep getting all your info from TV. I heard that people from NC were inbred redneck incest KKK members once on a news program. So that means you must be one right??? :bored:

i hate to tell you that illegals are in more than just states bordering mexico. when i was on a project out in virginia there were more mexicans running around than white people. it was known they came there to work the chicken farms. they have places all over american they call "lottery spots" i can't tell you exactly what it means, but i know it has to do with places they go to work. the guy who did our cement work on the project had a bunch working for him and trust me they were not legal citizens.


New Member
Established Member
Jan 20, 2005
Nobody has answered your main question yet because it's irrelevant.

Your entire "question" is based on the assumption that if illegals weren't around, our grass wouldn't get cut, crops wouldn't get harvested, etc.., which is complete and utter BS. So, why would anyone want to answer that question?

actually it can be answered pretty easily.......YES IT ALL WOULD GET DONE, just like it got done before we had some many INVADING our country ILLEGALLY. before i had my license i was doing these jobs making money to save for my first car


Eat more POTATOES!!!
Established Member
Dec 4, 2003
Center, CO
Nobody has answered your main question yet because it's irrelevant.

Your entire "question" is based on the assumption that if illegals weren't around, our grass wouldn't get cut, crops wouldn't get harvested, etc.., which is complete and utter BS. So, why would anyone want to answer that question?

Yes, who would do it is my question? Nobody on this forum has stepped up and said "I would do it" and that is my whole point!!!

Did you even read any of the thread?

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