Failure to stay right ticket.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Oct 25, 2003
Clearly your "masters degree" didn't have anything to do with statistics or critical thinking. You're trying to mask an underlying bias with misinterpreted statistics. Let's kick a few facts, shall we?

Your speed zone problem has nothing to do with the cops. If you want the speed limits changed for whatever reason, take it up with the city and county legislative officials. The cops don't make the laws.

You're right that over 4 million infractions were cited in Florida per year, but remember, if you're dealing with an crash or a DUI or anything else for that matter, multiple infractions are written on a single citation, or ticket. Furthermore, crappy drivers find themselves getting ticketed many times per year, while most people go their whole lives without getting a ticket. Bottom line: Your assumption that one out of 2.5 drivers is cited every year is totally baseless and bankrupt.

Now, According to this, 24% of the infractions cited in Florida in 1008 were for speeding. Half of those were adjudicated to not guilty. 4.3% of total infractions cited were for driving with a suspended or revoked and another 3.2% were given for having no license or an expired license or violating restrictions. That means 7.5% of infractions cited in Florida were written for people who technically had no license. I wonder how many of the speeding tickets, DUI's, and whatever else were also written to the same people?

good post

drive 300 to 500 miles a night 5 days a week and you would see the idiots out there. if the law is what it was posted then yes I would fight it, but up here in NE, the left lane is a "passing lane" and last I checked we were part of the United States. So if your over there driving and there are no vehicles to your right, you can be stopped.


New Member
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Jul 1, 2007
Ford country
Are tickets only given to Florida residents, seems that is what you saying. 16 million people and over 4 million tickets given. I can feel better knowing that when I visit Florida and see police with out of state drivers on the side on the road, they, nor I will get a citation.


Established Member
Oct 8, 2004
around 42,000,000 traffic citations are issued each year.. out of 300,000,000 citizens in the US.

What is the average cost of a traffic ticket? lets just estimate that its around $110
thats around $4,620,000,000 a year revenue from traffic citations.

Honestly tell me that its a Safety thing.. and not a money grab..
You cant... why? because its all about keeping police officers employed.

Do i like police officers that look for drunken drivers? Yes...
Cops that help people in time of crisis? Yes...
Cops that abuse their authority? No...

Out of these traffic citations that are given.. i am only counting the ones that actually are not thrown out.. roughly 40% of all traffic citations are bogus and are thrown out by judges.
40%... are you getting that number? 40% of all tickets that are given, are by officers that have gone beyond what they are legally suppose to do.

This guy was asking for help on how to fight the ticket he was given.. and the only thing that any LEO in this thread could say, was "DAMN RIGHT you deserved that ticket." I wish more people got tickets for failure to move out of the so called passing lane.
How do you expect LEOs not to be bashed when their trained responses are all the same. How to be a @#$@#%@ 101, this must be the 1st class at the academy?

Guy Fawkes

Active Member
Established Member
Jun 14, 2008
I almost never post in here but holy **** you. while you were at college, 85% of my "no common sense uneducated" classmates were serving in Iraq, Afghanistan or in the service protecting your ass. Your that guy that gets a ticket whenever they are pulled over bc you tell the cop he is wrong right? By all means though, keep making yourself look like a moron. Academy doesnt count...I would LOVE to see you on week 1 of MY academy. You would be drying and calling for mommy

I really dont see the relvance of bringing your armed forces friends into the picture of this conversation but ........ since you went there I used to serve in the Army. And I can tell you that there really are SOME dumb ass mofos in the military. Like seriously. Stupid. Not trying to be degrogatory, but you brough it up and I had to throw that in there.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Oct 29, 2005
Out of these traffic citations that are given.. i am only counting the ones that actually are not thrown out.. roughly 40% of all traffic citations are bogus and are thrown out by judges.
40%... are you getting that number? 40% of all tickets that are given, are by officers that have gone beyond what they are legally suppose to do.

Where do you get these "statistics", and more importantly, how can somebody who purports to hold a masters degree be so ****ing ignorant with their usage?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Oct 25, 2003
I really dont see the relvance of bringing your armed forces friends into the picture of this conversation but ........ since you went there I used to serve in the Army. And I can tell you that there really are SOME dumb ass mofos in the military. Like seriously. Stupid. Not trying to be degrogatory, but you brough it up and I had to throw that in there.

hey every branch is different. Nobody in my unit was dumb and I was there my whole enlistment so I guess I just never saw the dumb side.

and Im not going to sit here is listen, er read about Mr Anti Policing and his vues on the world when he absolutely wrong and just blabbering. I spent quite a few years to be where I am today and currently serve w/ the best guys Ive ever known. It takes a certain person to do what we do and NOT abuse it. You think writing a ticket is abusive? HA


Established Member
Oct 8, 2004
In Florida, the Department of Transportation establishes speed limits. They say they do studies that tell what the speed limit should be on a given roadway... But, i have been informed that if a stretch of roadway does not produce enough tickets.. they will change the speed limit in order to trap drivers into speeding... which creates revenue.....

Its all about the money.. a couple of people have made significant points, but that in no way changes the fact that most traffic enforcement is not for the safety of individuals, but rather to make money. And when the purpose is to make money, officers will give tickets regardless of whether or not they think the fine will stick in court.
It is sort of like a collection agency running a scam... "They will send you a letter telling you that you owe money, if you can prove to them that you do not owe the money, they will quit harassing you, but until that time, they are going to call you several times a day until you just pay the money to have them leave you alone."

Same thing with a traffic fine.. what is easier? to prove to a judge that you were innocent or to just pay the fine?

how you gots a little more stupider from readin this too.

and i am done.. question set by the OP was how he could fight the ticket he received, and it seems that you would rather try and talk back and forth with me... than try and help him out at all..

to the OP, you are just going to have to find your jersey statutes, find what other judges have set as precedence.. and go with that..
Sucks to have to fight it, and then even at that, you have the possibility of having to pay court costs AND your fine..
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New Member
Established Member
Nov 28, 2004
around 42,000,000 traffic citations are issued each year.. out of 300,000,000 citizens in the US.

What is the average cost of a traffic ticket? lets just estimate that its around $110
thats around $4,620,000,000 a year revenue from traffic citations.

Honestly tell me that its a Safety thing.. and not a money grab..
You cant... why? because its all about keeping police officers employed.

Do i like police officers that look for drunken drivers? Yes...
Cops that help people in time of crisis? Yes...
Cops that abuse their authority? No...

Out of these traffic citations that are given.. i am only counting the ones that actually are not thrown out.. roughly 40% of all traffic citations are bogus and are thrown out by judges.
40%... are you getting that number? 40% of all tickets that are given, are by officers that have gone beyond what they are legally suppose to do.

This guy was asking for help on how to fight the ticket he was given.. and the only thing that any LEO in this thread could say, was "DAMN RIGHT you deserved that ticket." I wish more people got tickets for failure to move out of the so called passing lane.
How do you expect LEOs not to be bashed when their trained responses are all the same. How to be a @#$@#%@ 101, this must be the 1st class at the academy?

I love it when people talk out of their asses about all the "revenue" police departments generate.

Have you actually looked at the books for city police departments to see where ticket funds actually go? I highly doubt you have, but I have done the research.

Let's look at the city of Austin. The cost to run the police department is $216 million, and the cost to run the municipal courts which oversee traffic cases was $11 million. For the FY09, the city had $8.8 million in traffic fines. This is out of a city budget of over $2 billion. That's .33% of the entire city budget. So, the "revenue" generated by traffic ticket's doesn't even cover the cost to run the administration of the departments tasked with writing them. Yeah. It's obviously a revenue issue. Final Draft.pdf

Taken directly from the city budget:
Fine revenue collected by the Municipal Court may be classified into three categories: Traffic, Parking, and Other. In FY 2010, traffic citations are expected to generate the largest amount of revenue at $10.7 million. Traffic citation revenue projections are based on the number of citations written by the Austin Police Department and the collection rate of 59% by the Municipal Court at an average payment of $71.50. The Austin Police Department is estimated to issue 254,925 traffic citations in FY 2009. Parking citations are driven by the parking enforcement program operated by the Austin Transportation Department. Projected parking fine revenue
of $2.6 million reflects parking citations at 150,462, an 80% collection rate by the Municipal Court at an average payment of $21.53. Other fines include misdemeanor, warrant, and special expense fees.

So, for FY10, we have $10 mil in traffic citations in a budget of $2.64 billion. That's .38% of the entire budget for the city.

They even provided graphs in the budget for those that have trouble looking at numbers. While the graph shows revenue for fines and fees to be 4% of the budget, there are $60 mil in other fines/fees included in the budget, but since we're talking about traffic citations, those don't count.


Look at any other city and the breakdown will be similar.
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Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
i wish there was more to the story then there was. It was on a 3 lane road, grass divider in the middle with another 3 lanes on the other side. The speed limit was 45, and the cop stated i was doing 45, and in his words "criusing in the left lane".

the road is a hot spot for car meets and racing, so im going to assume he pulled me over because i have an 03 cobra with tint, lowered, etc.

i just didnt feel that ticket was fair enough to me, when there are numerous street races going on everywhere.

Once again, what road and who wrote the ticket?

Are you saying because there are street races occurring elsewhere you shouldnt be stopped or ticketed? :shrug:


Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
I was under the impression that you have to be impeding traffic in order to get a ticket?

How far is a median from that light you were at? Seems to me that you can tell the judge you were looking to make a u-turn/ left turn soon after the light. Common sense tells you that a driver must be in the left lane in order to make a left turn right?

Your common sense does not apply. There are very few places in the entire state of NJ where U-Turns are legal. Also, left turns across a 3 lane divided road are rare as well.

The passing lane is for passing other vehicles, as that is required is that the driving is in the passing lane and not passing other vehicles.


Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
I have an MBA from Florida State... thats about it...

But, lets get back to the point about this bogus ticket...

Failure To Keep Right - VTL §1120(a):

You must drive on the right half of the roadway, except when : 1. overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction; 2. overtaking or passing pedestrians, animals or obstructions on the right half of the roadway; 3. an obstruction exists making it necessary to drive to the left of the center of the roadway; 4. travel on the shoulder or slope is allowed ; 5. driving on a roadway divided into three marked lanes for traffic; or 6. traveling on roadway restricted to one-way traffic..

it was a three lane highway correct? was the traffic one way on the side of the median you were on??

This law was written basically to keep people from driving in the left lane of a two lane road... it needs to be fixed, but its not going to be fixed because there is no common sense in our legal system. Like i said before, its a little out of a cops pay grade to be able to interpret the law.. He just gives you a ticket or makes an arrest, and then you have to prove you are not guilty. I really think cops should be fined every time they give a bogus ticket like this one which will eventually be overturned in court.

Why are you quoting NY law when this occurred in NJ?

You need to stop posting, you simply have no clue what you are talking about and your dislike of L.E.O.s has shown through.


Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
I love my nonsense...
Are you afraid that some of my nonsense might be true nonsense?
so my nonsense might actually be sense if you take the non out?

My last post was actually taken from NJ Statutes. so, thanks.

Your last post was NY Statute.

VTL §1120(a) is the Vehicle and Traffic Law of NY.


Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
has nothing to do with any flame unless you are one of the cops who are undereducated.. Its what is going on all over the country, plain and simple...


I have an issue with the amount of traffic violations that are written. In Floirda, there are over 4 million traffic citations issued each year. Population of Floirda is roughly 16 million. Thats basically one traffic citation per 4 people. When you exclude children who cannot drive and a percentage of people who do not own vehicles then you are at a point where one out of every 2.5 drivers are given a traffic citation each year.

Wow, your MBA program didnt teach you much did it. How many out of state and out of country drivers are ticketed each year in Florida? How many commercial drivers are ticketed? How many drivers get multiple tickets during the same instance?

Additionally, how many of the 4 million tickets are criminal charges and not civil traffic charges? About 550,000!

There is something wrong with that number.

In my area, one stretch of the roadway has a speed limit that fluctuates from 45 to 55 to 65 back to 55 back to 45 back to 55 and then back to 65. There are no real reasons for the changes of speed limit except to create revenue by issuing speeding tickets. That is wrong.[/QUOTE]


Established Member
May 22, 2009
Post the statue number on the ticket, then we can see how NJ law applies or not to what you were doing.

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