Wtf is this Netflix


Inslee is an Idiot
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May 3, 2004
Land of Loonies
Netflix cancelled as of 2 hours ago.

This type of thing is sickening. Anyone that supports or watches this type of trash deserves a slow, painful death. Pedophilia should not be tolerated in the least. This behavior has destroyed my extended family and I have no tolerance for it. Pedophiles deserve nothing but lead poisoning.

One last thing. If your are watching that show, you need to seriously examine your life. You are part of the problem.

Signatures are for pus... oh, wait...


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 28, 2006
Again, you miss the point. Crap like this is produced for one make money. Those who choose to watch it do so because that is their prerogative. Is the subject material proper? Not to me, but then I can't tell you what you should or should not watch. Netflix is a business. And as such you may or may not subscribe. That's your choice. But I hate to tell you that this movie is rather tame compared to the crap that young adults have access to on their phones and tablets.

So are you really trying to say this movie is ok because it can make money? Seriously, that is your legit defense of this movie? You do realize people make money off trafficking kids for sex right? Guess that is ok because there is a market for it.

You are a sick individual who clearly has no moral standards. Who cares if worse stuff is out there. Doesn't mean we should be ok with a company encouraging children to act like strippers.

We most definitely can tell people to not watch this. Its borderline child pornography. Children deserve to be protected, not preyed upon by perverts. This movie is a perversion.


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Jun 25, 2004
I don't think any one will be forced to watch it. So those of you who champion freedom of choice calm the **** down. Its just a movie. Dont watch stuff that offends you. Pretty simple actually.

I guess I wouldn't go that far. Like everything else people produce what sells. Politics aside, profit is what drives most any endeavor.

It makes no difference what the motive is for making the film if the content is morally wrong. If you can't wrap your head around that, I can only assume you approve of the content, your pathetic attempt at denying so aside.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 23, 2014
El Paso, TX
Netflix cancelled as of 2 hours ago.

This type of thing is sickening. Anyone that supports or watches this type of trash deserves a slow, painful death. Pedophilia should not be tolerated in the least. This behavior has destroyed my extended family and I have no tolerance for it. Pedophiles deserve nothing but lead poisoning.

One last thing. If your are watching that show, you need to seriously examine your life. You are part of the problem.

Signatures are for pus... oh, wait...

What’s scary is how they are trying to make it mainstream. Did it with homosexuality. Then trans. Now this.

There’s only one reason they didn’t make this story about 20yr old college girls.

“BLM is doing God’s work”
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Logic and Reason
Established Member
Feb 10, 2005
Under the bed
I guess I wouldn't go that far. Like everything else people produce what sells. Politics aside, profit is what drives most any endeavor.
The point is you don't pay per episode or per movie. So, a lot of people don't want to give their money to an organization that would try to make money off this sort of thing. So, they cancel their subscription(s).

For someone who speaks so eloquently, I figured you would've figured this out already.

Posts and likes are not mine.


Superfleck Moonbird
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Malt Liquor Mafia
May 13, 2010
Rockwood Lodge
Again, you miss the point. Crap like this is produced for one make money. Those who choose to watch it do so because that is their prerogative. Is the subject material proper? Not to me, but then I can't tell you what you should or should not watch. Netflix is a business. And as such you may or may not subscribe. That's your choice. But I hate to tell you that this movie is rather tame compared to the crap that young adults have access to on their phones and tablets.

Screen Shot 2020-09-14 at 7.03.28 AM.png


Active Member
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Aug 8, 2020
Thank you for sharing your opinions. I do find value in discussions of today's issues. Let me be clear on this; at no time did I attempt to convey acceptance of the basis or materials covered in this production. If I did so, it is my shortcoming in making a valid point. What I did attempt to do is to convey the idea that choice is the determining factor in addressing this or any other controversial topic. We all make choices. Netflix gives its viewers choices for profit motives. I think this would be to easily explained as a political topic. In my opinion it is not, but rather a cultural one. Everyone has different standards to which they adhere. I agree with you that child explotation is a line which should not be crossed, profits be damned. Again I am in no way condoning or defending the programming Netflix provides. But I am saying all involved have a choice of whether to continue to subscribe to their service and if you choose to do so, you have the choice of what you can watch. Cultural change is difficult at best. The divisions facing this country testify to that. But change will happen. One can only hope the basic tenets of this conntry will not support destruction of intrinsic common sense and acceptable moral standards. Despite the tendency for these discussions to gravitate toward personal attacks, I continue to support any responders freedom to be heard and to validate his or her point of view. Thank you once again for your thoughtful replies.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 23, 2014
El Paso, TX
Thank you for sharing your opinions. I do find value in discussions of today's issues. Let me be clear on this; at no time did I attempt to convey acceptance of the basis or materials covered in this production. If I did so, it is my shortcoming in making a valid point. What I did attempt to do is to convey the idea that choice is the determining factor in addressing this or any other controversial topic. We all make choices. Netflix gives its viewers choices for profit motives. I think this would be to easily explained as a political topic. In my opinion it is not, but rather a cultural one. Everyone has different standards to which they adhere. I agree with you that child explotation is a line which should not be crossed, profits be damned. Again I am in no way condoning or defending the programming Netflix provides. But I am saying all involved have a choice of whether to continue to subscribe to their service and if you choose to do so, you have the choice of what you can watch. Cultural change is difficult at best. The divisions facing this country testify to that. But change will happen. One can only hope the basic tenets of this conntry will not support destruction of intrinsic common sense and acceptable moral standards. Despite the tendency for these discussions to gravitate toward personal attacks, I continue to support any responders freedom to be heard and to validate his or her point of view. Thank you once again for your thoughtful replies.

Will you GTFO here. If you’re going to use all your big words to make your pedo acceptance seem ok, at least spell check your shit.

“BLM is doing God’s work”
2KblackGT mobile app


Don't Care
Established Member
Malt Liquor Mafia
Mar 12, 2008
Thank you for sharing your opinions. I do find value in discussions of today's issues. Let me be clear on this; at no time did I attempt to convey acceptance of the basis or materials covered in this production. If I did so, it is my shortcoming in making a valid point. What I did attempt to do is to convey the idea that choice is the determining factor in addressing this or any other controversial topic. We all make choices. Netflix gives its viewers choices for profit motives. I think this would be to easily explained as a political topic. In my opinion it is not, but rather a cultural one. Everyone has different standards to which they adhere. I agree with you that child explotation is a line which should not be crossed, profits be damned. Again I am in no way condoning or defending the programming Netflix provides. But I am saying all involved have a choice of whether to continue to subscribe to their service and if you choose to do so, you have the choice of what you can watch. Cultural change is difficult at best. The divisions facing this country testify to that. But change will happen. One can only hope the basic tenets of this conntry will not support destruction of intrinsic common sense and acceptable moral standards. Despite the tendency for these discussions to gravitate toward personal attacks, I continue to support any responders freedom to be heard and to validate his or her point of view. Thank you once again for your thoughtful replies.

That's not the point. We get it, we can choose to watch it or not or subscribe to netflix or not. But regardless of that, it is never acceptable to produce soft core child pornography. And that is what this is.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 14, 2015
Desert Oasis
Ok. Done. No more wasted words. Carry on.
Ban Please.


He's one of three things.

1.Existing member who created a fake account to troll or promote his "alternative lifestyle".

2. Chinese bot sent to spread propaganda and either support pedos or run PR interference for Netflix.

3. FBI/Vox agent trying to build a case to smear SVTPF as a nest of fringe Trump supporters.

Either way, this "74 year old pedo apologist" is not a community member.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 2, 2012
San Diego, CA
Thank you for sharing your opinions. I do find value in discussions of today's issues. Let me be clear on this; at no time did I attempt to convey acceptance of the basis or materials covered in this production. If I did so, it is my shortcoming in making a valid point. What I did attempt to do is to convey the idea that choice is the determining factor in addressing this or any other controversial topic. We all make choices. Netflix gives its viewers choices for profit motives. I think this would be to easily explained as a political topic. In my opinion it is not, but rather a cultural one. Everyone has different standards to which they adhere. I agree with you that child explotation is a line which should not be crossed, profits be damned. Again I am in no way condoning or defending the programming Netflix provides. But I am saying all involved have a choice of whether to continue to subscribe to their service and if you choose to do so, you have the choice of what you can watch. Cultural change is difficult at best. The divisions facing this country testify to that. But change will happen. One can only hope the basic tenets of this conntry will not support destruction of intrinsic common sense and acceptable moral standards. Despite the tendency for these discussions to gravitate toward personal attacks, I continue to support any responders freedom to be heard and to validate his or her point of view. Thank you once again for your thoughtful replies.


Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
So, I heard about this “film”...

Did some research on it and watched reviews in which it was stated that the film was a pedo’s dream and that it actually portrayed scenes that were the legal definition of Pedophilia. Some of those reviews stated that they showed an 11 year old girl’s naked breast.

I couldn’t quite believe that such a thing would be produced / aired on an American Network / company. After all, what about the legal ramifications of such, no?

After discussing it with the ball and chain and inline with my approach on most things, we decided to see for ourselves how bad this film really was and therefore make a decision on whether to continue with Netflix. We did not want to just take someone else’s word for it.

We agreed previous to watching that if at any point we saw something that crossed the line and into what we consider sexual exploitation of a minor, we would exit Netflix immediately.

Watching the film there were many disturbing and deeply inappropriate scenes with the little girls (main characters). I can definitely see how easily it would be for some depraved mind to get off on such scenes. Although those scenes were really distasteful and inappropriate, I didn’t stop watching until a scene in which an older group of girls being watched on the phone of one of the main girls, lifted up her shirt and revealed a breast. I couldn’t believe it.

Immediately I suggested we turn off Netflix. My girlfriend on the other hand stated that she did not think that the girl that lifted her shirt was under age (not one of the main characters). I told her that I thought she was. I did some quick research (before continuing the film) and found statements in which the director of the film stated that no underage nudity was shown on the film. I could not find anything in support of my theory (girl’s breast being underage).

According to the reviews of the film that I had watched, it was an 11 year old girl that showed her breast. This did not correlate with what I saw. The girl did not appear to be 11. No way. To me she seemed 14-16. My GF said she looked 18+.

I could not find anything online (other than subjective opinions) which proved that the girl was underage.

We made the decision to continue watching, in order to form the best opinion possible... The highly inappropriate scenes with the little girls (main characters) continued...

We finished the film and found it to be very distasteful and inappropriate.

the inappropriateness of the film included the following:

- Lewd clothing on minors.
- Sexually suggestive dances with such clothing (twerking and other stripper like dances).
- Close shots of girls private parts (with clothing) while dancing in sexually enticing manner.

The one scene that crossed the line for me, was the one of the “older” girl that might have been 18+ (or not). could not prove or disprove this.

After watching the film, I cannot objectively say that any illegal scenes were shown. I do not think any laws were broken. Morally though, We did find it very inappropriate.

I believe the film was shot in Europe and their culture is much more “open” that ours. I also believe that this film is a gateway for normalizing sexual and lewd behaviors of minors.

I would not recommend this film to anyone and will be keeping an eye on what the determination is in regards to the suggested “underage nudity”, as that is where I draw the line and would prompt the cancellation of my business with Netflix. On the same token, I would not judge someone for watching the film to form their own educated opinion.

As a last side note - WATCH your little ones. A lot of stuff going on out there. Very very easy for a tragedy to unfold if not constantly having a watchful eye over them. Especially with access to “social” media.

That’s all I have to say about that.


Authorized Vendor
Authorized Vendor
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2006
So Cal
I read the bare breast girl was 16 or 17. Read it on a reddit thread. That thread also mentions a scene in American Beauty where Thora Birch exposed her bare breast and she was only 16 at the time. And that movie won best picture, amongst others. Somebody mentioned something about it depending on the intent. Idk how it was ok back then either.

Ive read enough from others who have watched this film to know that its disgusting. Even describing it to my brainwashed liberal 19 year old freshman in college daughter she cringed and said that’s disgusting.

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