Search results

  1. J

    2013 Black Shelby/with dis-colored stripes

    Today, while giving my year old, 7900 miles, GT500 a wash and wax job, I noticed that the black stripes seemed to be faded in places. As a Ford Dealer is near by, I took the car in for their inspection. They took photo and referred it to Ford. No response from Ford at this point. Question; is...
  2. J

    Should the Park Service be dis-banded

    The Park Service has been far too cooperative and aggressive in it's role as chief harasser of the American Citizens. By dis-banding this over grown and now over bearing bureaucracy and returning its budget and function to the states, a strong message will be sent, not only to other areas of...
  3. J

    Cyprus Haircut

    The proposed theft of large Bank accounts may produce a few surprises for some Brussels bureaucrats. Much of the money being stolen is Russian, may be Russian mob money. Not the sort of people you want really pissed off at you. If they go through with it, there will be a lot of blown up cars and...
