2018 has to be better. what was your 2017 horror stories....


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 19, 2010
In April, I went out of town on business. End up feeding sick to my stomach and couldn't sleep for two days straight. Coworkers convinced me to let them take me to emergency room. They give me several EKG's and keep asking if I have chest pain....which I didn't. They tell me I've had several heart attacks and need to rush me for stint. My family is 2000 miles away. I get in operating room to be told I am 99% blocked all the way in three arteries and they can't do a stint, I need open heart surgery.
My wife and two daughters fly in and I have surgery 3 days later. After waking up, I'm told I'll need a heart transplant in 5 years. I was in for 9 days and I had to send my family back and stay by myself for several of those. When I got released, work sent someone down to drive me back. My feet were really swollen and they told me to make sure I got out and walked every two hours. When I got home two days later to see my doctor, they admit me for congestive heart failure and I had blood clots in my legs and lungs. After another week in the hospital, I ended up with gangrene in several toes. I then spent 14 straight days going into hyperbaric treatment to try and save some. End of June I had my first two toes amputated, big toe...making my balance suck. On Dec 29th, had another Eco on my heart to test strength to find out its no better AND I have a blood clot in my heart. So I'm back on blood thinners with them trying to figure out what dose to get my blood where it needs to be. So I spent well over 18,000 out of pocket, hoping I'd be done and not have to start my out of pocket in 2018 again, but here I am getting blood work every few days. I pretty much blew all my savings.
Yesterday I find out our company was sold and something tells me with that, before 2018 is over, I'll be out of a job I've had for 25 years. So I hope 2018 gets better, but I'm assuming not and will probably have to sell the cobra at some point. That of course will depend on the job and if they give any severance. If they do, I'm sure it won't be what it would have been with my current company and tenure.
My biggest concern is my continued health problems and possibly being unemployed and no life insurance as I'm sure nobody will cover me outside of my grandfathered work coverage.
Every day I'm here, is a bonus day with my family, just hope I can continue to support them and if something does happen to me, I'm still employed at that time with the insurance policy I have.
:( I hope they can sort it out & you can get back to normal.


Established Member
Jan 27, 2012
Born and raised Brockton. Living in Naples.
In April, I went out of town on business. End up feeding sick to my stomach and couldn't sleep for two days straight. Coworkers convinced me to let them take me to emergency room. They give me several EKG's and keep asking if I have chest pain....which I didn't. They tell me I've had several heart attacks and need to rush me for stint. My family is 2000 miles away. I get in operating room to be told I am 99% blocked all the way in three arteries and they can't do a stint, I need open heart surgery.
My wife and two daughters fly in and I have surgery 3 days later. After waking up, I'm told I'll need a heart transplant in 5 years. I was in for 9 days and I had to send my family back and stay by myself for several of those. When I got released, work sent someone down to drive me back. My feet were really swollen and they told me to make sure I got out and walked every two hours. When I got home two days later to see my doctor, they admit me for congestive heart failure and I had blood clots in my legs and lungs. After another week in the hospital, I ended up with gangrene in several toes. I then spent 14 straight days going into hyperbaric treatment to try and save some. End of June I had my first two toes amputated, big toe...making my balance suck. On Dec 29th, had another Eco on my heart to test strength to find out its no better AND I have a blood clot in my heart. So I'm back on blood thinners with them trying to figure out what dose to get my blood where it needs to be. So I spent well over 18,000 out of pocket, hoping I'd be done and not have to start my out of pocket in 2018 again, but here I am getting blood work every few days. I pretty much blew all my savings.
Yesterday I find out our company was sold and something tells me with that, before 2018 is over, I'll be out of a job I've had for 25 years. So I hope 2018 gets better, but I'm assuming not and will probably have to sell the cobra at some point. That of course will depend on the job and if they give any severance. If they do, I'm sure it won't be what it would have been with my current company and tenure.
My biggest concern is my continued health problems and possibly being unemployed and no life insurance as I'm sure nobody will cover me outside of my grandfathered work coverage.
Every day I'm here, is a bonus day with my family, just hope I can continue to support them and if something does happen to me, I'm still employed at that time with the insurance policy I have.
Wow what a wake up call.

I hope everything works out for you.
How old are you?

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