Al Gore seems to be winning his fictitious war


New Member
Established Member
Jun 15, 2004
hesperia ca
hehe isn't it funny how you throw a term out there like "Global Warming" and everyone beleive's that its true. Al Gore's campaign is eventually going to lead to the Carbon Tax, which is pretty much charging people for breathing.


Established Member
Nov 5, 2006
hehe isn't it funny how you throw a term out there like "Global Warming" and everyone beleive's that its true. Al Gore's campaign is eventually going to lead to the Carbon Tax, which is pretty much charging people for breathing.

Exactly, this is all a numbers game. A premiere group of individuals/companies & the Gov't are going to become filthy rich off the exploitation of this unsubstantiated, in my opinion, false hypothesis.

And guess who is going to make them rich?...



Because the majority of the population out there believe what they are passing off as fact. Moreover, people do not know enough or care enough, to even question them.
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SVT Based God
Established Member
Dec 2, 2004
San Francisco
CARB is ****ing insane. They actually have mobile smog checks in Socal. Its like a DUI checkpoint, but they put your car on a mobile dyno and check the emissions. If it doesn't pass its a FAT fine. If you have no cats then your car is towed....

Although CARB's intentions are good (smog = bad) the lengths they go to to have their influence felt is too extreme. . . even by California standards.


SVT Based God
Established Member
Dec 2, 2004
San Francisco
I am no geologist, by any means. I just remember some things I learned in college on the subject (mainly glaciation, ice ages, and the fact that we are in an interglacial period right now Timeline of glaciation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) that may be used, again IMO, to explain the rise in global temperatures.

Im with you on this one. I hate the term "global warming" because it is very subjective and misleading which is why so many people discredit it. Climate change is a much better terminology to use when explaining are situation. I find that many people tend to completely ignore the issue with pollution and smog just because of Al Gore appointing himself as head coach. Honestly would you guys feel different about climate change if it were George Bush who was the one who was so adamant about it? I'm not a fan of Gore and especially not people lining their pockets from it, but it just really make all of us step back and reflect on how we trash this planet.

I guess my point is that it shouldn't be seen as a political issue, but rather an issue of social responsibility. We have been blessed with a gorgeous planet and its a shame to see it lose its luster because of smog and pollution. And I now that the general consensus here on svtp is who gives a ****, but I know that all of us enjoy the great outdoors.

You'd be surprised how many people buy cars based off of emissions. And if that's what makes someone buy a clean car then good for them, why get all mad about it? As far as I see it the more people who buy cleaner cars and do their part, the less flak that us car guys will get from nazi boards such as CARB and the EPA :beer:
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Established Member
Nov 5, 2006
CARB is ****ing insane. They actually have mobile smog checks in Socal. Its like a DUI checkpoint, but they put your car on a mobile dyno and check the emissions. If it doesn't pass its a FAT fine. If you have no cats then your car is towed....

Although CARB's intentions are good (smog = bad) the lengths they go to to have their influence felt is too extreme. . . even by California standards.

That sounds like it sucks, I would fined huge. Luckily in PA if you drive a car less than 5,000 miles a year then that vehicle exempt from meeting emissions standards tests, so the Cobra is catless with Borla Stingers :coolman:


SVT Based God
Established Member
Dec 2, 2004
San Francisco
That sounds like it sucks, I would fined huge. Luckily in PA if you drive a car less than 5,000 miles a year then that vehicle exempt from meeting emissions standards tests, so the Cobra is catless with Borla Stingers :coolman:

FFFFFUUUUUUUU thats so awesome. Man if that were the case here in California I would have never sold the long tubes, off road X, and big cam I had waiting for my notch. :mj:


Last One Standing
Established Member
Mar 23, 2005
Baton Rouge
This thread is typical of any political discussion on this site. Obviously this thread should be moved, but in the mean time; I simply do not understand how two sides of an issue that clearly have little to ZERO idea of what they are talking about can be SO one sided and closed minded.

THIS type of attitude is what is wrong with this country. Not Obama. Not W. Not the Democrats. And not the Republicans. It is you idiots that completely sell out to one side and listen to nothing, only reading and comprehending enough to try and make your next retort.

There is enough evidence of the different effects humanity has oon this planet to warrant some response, but the responses the "powers" that be have presented thus far fail in too many ways to count.

The cost to the everyday citizen should be ZERO as long as big industry and the military of THIS country continue to pollute at the rate they have for over 70 years.

Granted, from the different studies I have seen and read on the subject, the greatest polluter is commuter automobiles, but I have also read that is the much older cars (think pre 1990) that are the problems, not the new ones.

My point in commenting on the hilarity of people that wholesale think the left or right are correct is that arrogance and bureaucracy are the problem, not Al Gore. (or Dick Cheney for that matter)


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
I would like to know how they determine the "global warming" score.


Established Member
Premium Member
Aug 31, 2005
When I bought our 2010 Legacy, a selling point the salesperson tried on me on how 'green' the car was built. I told them I could careless how green it is. Same thing with my plasma tv and how it uses more energy. I don't care. I pay for it!

F' this crap.

+1 Its BS.

I am no geologist, by any means. I just remember some things I learned in college on the subject (mainly glaciation, ice ages, and the fact that we are in an interglacial period right now Timeline of glaciation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) that may be used, again IMO, to explain the rise in global temperatures.



Established Member
Nov 5, 2006
This thread is typical of any political discussion on this site. Obviously this thread should be moved, but in the mean time; I simply do not understand how two sides of an issue that clearly have little to ZERO idea of what they are talking about can be SO one sided and closed minded.

Well First off, you must not have read my post. By using the LAW of reasoning you can clearly see that term "Global Warming" is grossly mis-used and has absolutely no (as of now) basis on fact. As for your close minded comment, I am not. I would be more than willing to accept "Global Warming" as FACT if someone can show me DIRECT scientific evidence, isolating as many variables as possible, which PROVES that Human's are the direct cause of rising temperatures across the globe. Like I said as of right now "Global Warming" is at best a only a moderately feasible hypothesis. Nothing has been PROVEN. Yet this term "Global Warming" is being thrown around while being considered/assumed to be fact.

I am viewing this situation as objectively as possible. If you/someone can show me direct physical scientific evidence that this hypothesis is true, while ruling out all other possibilities/theories then I will accept "Global Warming" as fact. Then, AND ONLY THEN, will I not have a problem with person/agency/Govt/Company that tries to regulate this problem. But, as of right not it has not been proven, and yet we have our Govt and third party institutions trying to regulate a theory and becoming rich of its exploitation.

So PLEASE, show me the Evidence. i.e.

-Direct Scientific Evidence
-Scholarly journals
-Proven Experiments
-Scientific evidence that proves that all other explanations are false
-Or Scientific evidence that proves its a combination of many variables that cannot be proven wrong by another hypothesis

If you can do this, I would have not have a single objection to what they are doing in the name of "Global Warming."

THIS type of attitude is what is wrong with this country. Not Obama. Not W. Not the Democrats. And not the Republicans. It is you idiots that completely sell out to one side and listen to nothing, only reading and comprehending enough to try and make your next retort.

There is enough evidence of the different effects humanity has oon this planet to warrant some response, but the responses the "powers" that be have presented thus far fail in too many ways to count.

It may turn out that yes, humans mainly due to our vehicles are increasing the process of "Global Warming." Well if that is proven to be the case then at the very least their hypothesis now is only partially right and would need re-adjusted along with proposed regulation. BUT the problem we face now is that nothing has been proven, there is not one direct shred of physical evidence that points to humanity as being directly responsible for rising temperatures.

This has nothing to do about taking sides, it is about being lied to. My point again is that their are certain individuals/companies/Govt that are passing "Global Warming" off as fact, and regulating WE the people because of it. Regualting US on the basis of something that has not been scientificly proven.

Do you really not see why I have a problem with that?

The cost to the everyday citizen should be ZERO as long as big industry and the military of THIS country continue to pollute at the rate they have for over 70 years.

Granted, from the different studies I have seen and read on the subject, the greatest polluter is commuter automobiles, but I have also read that is the much older cars (think pre 1990) that are the problems, not the new ones.

My point in commenting on the hilarity of people that wholesale think the left or right are correct is that arrogance and bureaucracy are the problem, not Al Gore. (or Dick Cheney for that matter)

I agree with your statement partially... It is not about left or right, I could care less about that. The FACT of the matter is that Al Gore (regardless of party affiliation) has been one of the biggest proponents of "Global Warming" and its regulation.

My point is that (in my opinion) this "Global Warming" movement is starting to blur the line between hypothesis & scientific fact, and we the people are already beginning to pay for it. We are paying for the regulation of a hypothesis.

Maybe I am just an extremist, but I think we need to know proven Facts before we start regualting and passing laws on any subject matter.

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# of bans = 5203
Established Member
Mar 2, 2006
San Diego, CA
It might be because OP is in cali. The air nazi's here (C.A.R.B.) have made this place a nightmare for people with modded cars.

they have?

Only thing theyve done is make people smart about the mods they do (ie doing them right so they are reversible come smog time), and people keep their stock stuff. Hardest thing we do around here is the day before smog, go through and revert anything that would fail sniffer or visual back to stock, smog it, drive for a day stock and realize how much better the car was with those mods, and stick them right back on.

Also, they made alot of import guys learn how to do some big mods and do them very stealthy. Things liek not having any flashy items, powdercoating things wrinkle black to look stock, etc. Anything that can catch attention will. All my intake piping im doing is coated wrinkle black (well, its truckbed liner but same texture, slightly heavier).


SVT Based God
Established Member
Dec 2, 2004
San Francisco
they have?

Only thing theyve done is make people smart about the mods they do (ie doing them right so they are reversible come smog time), and people keep their stock stuff. Hardest thing we do around here is the day before smog, go through and revert anything that would fail sniffer or visual back to stock, smog it, drive for a day stock and realize how much better the car was with those mods, and stick them right back on.

Also, they made alot of import guys learn how to do some big mods and do them very stealthy. Things liek not having any flashy items, powdercoating things wrinkle black to look stock, etc. Anything that can catch attention will. All my intake piping im doing is coated wrinkle black (well, its truckbed liner but same texture, slightly heavier).
Well yeah you could look at it in that way. Forced us to adapt to ninja street racers :D.


You're Gator Bait
Established Member
Feb 29, 2004
Jupiter, Florida
Well First off, you must not have read my post. By using the LAW of reasoning you can clearly see that term "Global Warming" is grossly mis-used and has absolutely no (as of now) basis on fact. As for your close minded comment, I am not. I would be more than willing to accept "Global Warming" as FACT if someone can show me DIRECT scientific evidence, isolating as many variables as possible, which PROVES that Human's are the direct cause of rising temperatures across the globe. Like I said as of right now "Global Warming" is at best a only a moderately feasible hypothesis. Nothing has been PROVEN. Yet this term "Global Warming" is being thrown around while being considered/assumed to be fact.

I am viewing this situation as objectively as possible. If you/someone can show me direct physical scientific evidence that this hypothesis is true, while ruling out all other possibilities/theories then I will accept "Global Warming" as fact. Then, AND ONLY THEN, will I not have a problem with person/agency/Govt/Company that tries to regulate this problem. But, as of right not it has not been proven, and yet we have our Govt and third party institutions trying to regulate a theory and becoming rich of its exploitation.

So PLEASE, show me the Evidence. i.e.

-Direct Scientific Evidence
-Scholarly journals
-Proven Experiments
-Scientific evidence that proves that all other explanations are false
-Or Scientific evidence that proves its a combination of many variables that cannot be proven wrong by another hypothesis

If you can do this, I would have not have a single objection to what they are doing in the name of "Global Warming."

It may turn out that yes, humans mainly due to our vehicles are increasing the process of "Global Warming." Well if that is proven to be the case then at the very least their hypothesis now is only partially right and would need re-adjusted along with proposed regulation. BUT the problem we face now is that nothing has been proven, there is not one direct shred of physical evidence that points to humanity as being directly responsible for rising temperatures.

This has nothing to do about taking sides, it is about being lied to. My point again is that their are certain individuals/companies/Govt that are passing "Global Warming" off as fact, and regulating WE the people because of it. Regualting US on the basis of something that has not been scientificly proven.

Do you really not see why I have a problem with that?

I agree with your statement partially... It is not about left or right, I could care less about that. The FACT of the matter is that Al Gore (regardless of party affiliation) has been one of the biggest proponents of "Global Warming" and its regulation.

My point is that (in my opinion) this "Global Warming" movement is starting to blur the line between hypothesis & scientific fact, and we the people are already beginning to pay for it. We are paying for the regulation of a hypothesis.

Maybe I am just an extremist, but I think we need to know proven Facts before we start regualting and passing laws on any subject matter.


The "Global Warming" hypothesis is just like Religion. It's preached to you, you are told to believe it without any shred of evidence. If you question it (Global Warming), you will be fined by not following rules, where with Religion, it's a sin and you will be cursed or something like that :bored:

I agree with all that you have said above, though.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Oct 11, 2006
Al Gore has a bigger problem to worry about



Starting lots of projects
Established Member
Apr 22, 2007
Shreveport, Louisiana
First one I saw was on a new Raptor. It got a 1. I wanted it right then and there. Then I saw the other number and realized I couldn't sell enough carbon credits to make the payment......

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