Anyone else carry and have a significant other that doesn't agree with it?


Get Some!
Established Member
May 27, 2003
Havelock NC
I have a few friends with wives that are the same way and a couple of co-workers. I just point out all the crazy things that have happened. Most people still think that bad things only happen in bad neighborhoods. Then I point out movie theaters, gas stations, schools (granted still cant carry there) or home invasions. You never know when and where something bad will happen.

but if they don't agree with it, I really don't care. I don't want to be one of those people who could have prevented something or kept something from getting worse. Think about living with that the rest of your life....or just not living.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Oct 29, 2005
Racist much?

Is this better? :rollseyes:

just show her some videos of mobs of
beating the shit out of people for fun. That might get her attention. Tell her the only reason you carry is to protect her from harm, and she might back off a bit. It might even turn her on.

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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 6, 2006
North Carolina
Lots of insight from you guys I appreciate it. I will clear a few things up since there have been some questions

Before this girlfriend most other girls I casually dated had no idea of me carrying or my thoughts on guns to be honest. This one stays at my house regularly. It's kind of hard for her not to notice me putting my gun/holster on when we are getting ready to go out somewhere. That and my guns stay locked up during the day when I'm out of the house in a floor mounted safe that is not quickly accessible. For that reason I remove one handgun and place it on my night stand by my bed.

As far as her dad knowing that I carry I'm assuming this is a conversation they had together when I was not around. Her and her father are really close. No I don't appreciate her telling him, and I've already talked to her about it to make sure this isn't information that is shared again without my approval.


Brown Recluse Slayer
Established Member
Feb 14, 2008
Hunting spiders
My fiance doesnt care. She doesn't support it but she doesn't prevent me from doing it either. Its hidden and you cant even tell when I have it and dont open carry or anything stupid like that. Its not a big deal to either of us.


The Man, Myth, The Legend
Established Member
Jan 7, 2005
Lol @ you trying to control what she talks to her dad about, Wtf? I could understand if she was just telling random people, but her dad?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 6, 2006
North Carolina
Lol @ you trying to control what she talks to her dad about, Wtf? I could understand if she was just telling random people, but her dad?

I never said I was trying to control what she talks to her dad about. That's her decision. But on the other hand, me carrying a gun isn't really any of his business. The conversation that took place between me and her was about other people. The people who need to know I carry or whom I want to know I carry is a decision for me to make.


A Member Well Known
Established Member
Jan 18, 2007
My fiance doesnt care. She doesn't support it but she doesn't prevent me from doing it either. Its hidden and you cant even tell when I have it and dont open carry or anything stupid like that. Its not a big deal to either of us.

You're in NY right?


The Man, Myth, The Legend
Established Member
Jan 7, 2005
I never said I was trying to control what she talks to her dad about. That's her decision. But on the other hand, me carrying a gun isn't really any of his business. The conversation that took place between me and her was about other people. The people who need to know I carry or whom I want to know I carry is a decision for me to make.

Got it.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 21, 2007
Ask her why does she keeo an extra shirt, pants, shoes, make up, stuff tampon, etc. All the time in her car/ purse. When she says in case she needs it, tell her BINGO!

Better yet, ask her this.

You need to get out and walk somewhere, run errands. The weather looks cloudy like it may rain and you hate getting wet.. would you take your chances and begin your walk and hope it doesn't rain or would you grab an umbrella just in case it does rain and you have something with you to keep you dry? Let us know her answer


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Apr 20, 2007
NW Austin/Central Texas
Ask her why does she keeo an extra shirt, pants, shoes, make up, stuff tampon, etc. All the time in her car/ purse. When she says in case she needs it, tell her BINGO!

Better yet, ask her this.

You need to get out and walk somewhere, run errands. The weather looks cloudy like it may rain and you hate getting wet.. would you take your chances and begin your walk and hope it doesn't rain or would you grab an umbrella just in case it does rain and you have something with you to keep you dry? Let us know her answer
Probably a response from the liberal play book. "An umbrella isn't a gun and can't kill people."


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Apr 9, 2002
My wife doesn't understand why I always carry, which is funny being her twin brother was at the Columbia mall a when there was that shooting last year. She doesn't carry nor own one as she has an ignorant intuition that the world is f'n perfect and there is no danger. She will go to the range with me every now and then and shoot. I am a firm believer that everyone is a mugging away from being a gun owner including my wife.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 24, 2012
I think it usually depends on the area you live in and the person you are with. It could just be that she thinks you are being overly dramatic about carrying and that it wont kill you if you go to a few places without your piece. One of my friends always carried when he got out of the military, and there really wasn't a need for it where we live. It was more awkward hanging out with him in public places because he would get constantly asked to leave places such as malls or restaurants. And the looks we got from mothers with children was beyond awkward....

honestly though, continue to do whatever makes you feel safe. I think you mentioned something about working in the police force? If I worked in the force I would probably conceal carry everywhere too. And you never want that "one time" to be when you didn't take your gun
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Oct 16, 2003
Sounds pretty close to our lives. Her parents don't have guns never have and her dad seems pretty anti gun. He went as far as to tell me not to carry in his house.

I would no longer go to his house. Associating with stupid I'll prepared people could make you a victim.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Oct 16, 2003
I think it usually depends on the area you live in and the person you are with. It could just be that she thinks you are being overly dramatic about carrying and that it wont kill you if you go to a few places without your piece. One of my friends always carried when he got out of the military, and there really wasn't a need for it where we live. It was more awkward hanging out with him in public places because he would get constantly asked to leave places such as malls or restaurants. And the looks we got from mothers with children was beyond awkward....

honestly though, continue to do whatever makes you feel safe. I think you mentioned something about working in the police force? If I worked in the force I would probably conceal carry everywhere too. And you never want that "one time" to be when you didn't take your gun

Hmm, do you only wear a seatbelt on the highway? Probably not, because you do not know when something could happen.


up the bayou
Established Member
Jul 24, 2007
Lockport, Louisiana
i also never said a word about her coming over to our side. i just accepted it and moved on, no need to be all "i told ya so" or anything.
well done.

on another note, the biggest fear is someone carrying yet their spouse or significant other accepts it but refuses to carry themselves. The fear of them being abducted, raped etc with ZERO ways to stop it is terrifying. For the men here who's wifes do not carry, i'm sure you can relate.
Making a special trip back to get your gun before going to a WalMart is a bit ridiculous to me and I carry....
while i agree with your whole post, i also agree with the OP decision too. He doesnt need to put himself in a situation where he doesnt feel comfortable without his gun. There are times when an errand comes up and we arent carrying and it's a huge inconvenience. But, better safe than sorry.

If we knew we wouldnt need to carry, we would all just avoid those places and be one happy world. Sadly, that is fantasy.
In TX you can carry anywhere in your vehicle, loaded, without a CHL. It just has to be concealed from plain sight.
Here it is the same as TX but you can have it in sight. A couple years ago, i called the MS sheriff where we were staying for a cruisin the coast. I was told i cant have it loaded in my vehicle. Which is complete bs because we all know a gun without ammo is worthless. That to me is liking carrying without one in the chamber. And before i go on a rant, that's all i have to say about that.
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