Anyone in Maine or New Hampshire?


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May 31, 2010
Empire State
What's it like to live there? Thinking of relocating up there perhaps. I don't care about the cold or snow as I grew up on Lake Ontario. Are there abundant employment opportunities like I see in many other places?


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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
My wife and I talked about moving to Maine but no decision yet. We both like Maine a lot. Friends of ours in CT went to move to New Hampshire. I like the political climate of NH over ME, but there is more to do in ME. There are a few regular members here who live in NH so hopefully they'll stop in and comment.

Employment wise, there are shortages all over the country so I don't see ME or NH being any different. It somewhat depends on what you're looking for employment wise.

365 Saleen

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Single Barrel Sirs
Jul 24, 2021
Levant, Maine
I have lived in Maine for almost 4 years now. If you want Liberalism, then consider Portland/Augusta/Lewiston area. Otherwise the rest of the State is mostly Red.
Maine is a Constitutional Carry State.
No helmet required on a motorcycle if over 18 years old
You can put anything on a License Plate, no restrictions on words.
Sales tax of 5%, but only on goods, not labor. Obviously prepared food is taxed, but grocery foods are not.
Income tax of 5.5% (maybe vice versa)
No emissions testing unless down in the aforementioned Liberal cities. There is a Statewide vehicle inspection that the car has to pass every year. $12 for the sticker.
Get outside of the cities and property is pretty cheap. At least I thought it was cheap compared to the Seattle area when we moved out here. My car insurance also dropped by 75% compared to Seattle.
There are plenty of employment opportunities. The Dealership I work at will hire any warm body that wants to show up on time.
If you have any specific questions, I will be more than willing to answer, or at least give you my opinion.


I like members members.
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Jan 29, 2016
Both are pretty quiet states. Quite a bit of dugs in New Hampshire though, but mostly near the big city there. (Of course, right?? lol)
I have a friend that lives in New Hampshire. He's on this forum, but I forget his screen name. :oops:o_O


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May 31, 2010
Empire State
@CobraBob I did read that Maine was way more liberal than NH but dang that coastline there is to die for. I'm in my 50s and read that Maine is the oldest state in the country as far as average age of residents. I mean I've got nothing against the younger generation(well, maybe a few things) but being with people my own age or older is a plus.

@365 Saleen Appreciate the response. I have read that Maineiacs are very wary of newcomers and it takes a long time for them to accept you. Any truth to that in your experience? BTW: I used to live in the Seattle area. Honestly couldn't wait to get the F out of there.

@tones_RS3 I think I would like to live in the southern part of NH or Maine so as to have access to Boston, especially as far as employment opportunities are concerned. I read a lot of people commute from NH to Boston for work.

98 svt

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May 16, 2005
Yes you can get from Southern NH to Boston in less that 30 minutes (with no traffic).
However, during a work day there is ALWAYS traffic heading into Boston. I worked in and around Boston for almost 20 years. The traffic used to piss me off.
Also, I believe you get dicked around with taxes if you work in MA but live in NH.


Don't Care
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Malt Liquor Mafia
Mar 12, 2008
I don't live in Maine but I go there often. It is a beautiful state and has something for everyone. I'm not sure what you do but you can try a search on Indeed to see what jobs are out there.
Like said above Portland and Augusta are liberal cities. Down east is my favorite spot but I've also spent some time in the Northern Maine woods. The Aroostook's still think they're part of France, and the western part of the state is very much like NH.
The first pic is on Mt. Desert Island, the 2nd is in Ft. Kent. On the way back from Ft. Kent I inadvertently took that car across the Golden Road. The wife was not happy about that one.

We looked at buying something around Lubec on the ocean, but than nixed the idea because I realized I really hate the cold. The wife still wants to move there.


365 Saleen

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Single Barrel Sirs
Jul 24, 2021
Levant, Maine
@365 Saleen Appreciate the response. I have read that Maineiacs are very wary of newcomers and it takes a long time for them to accept you. Any truth to that in your experience? BTW: I used to live in the Seattle area. Honestly couldn't wait to get the F out of there.
I did not have any problems at all. I think it is more how you act and speak around the locals.
It probably helped that my wife was from here and that I had spent 15+ years in Montana and Wyoming dealing with the winters and living in the country. It is so much less stressful that being in the big city.
I would not be surprised if over half the folks at work are armed. That is one thing that makes people civil. You don't want to get up in someones face if they might be packing. The saying of "an armed society is a polite society" holds true.


I like members members.
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Jan 29, 2016
@tones_RS3 I think I would like to live in the southern part of NH or Maine so as to have access to Boston, especially as far as employment opportunities are concerned. I read a lot of people commute from NH to Boston for work.
Yeah, that's not too bad, but depending on traffic, it will suck. But, a lot of people are working from home now because the Chinese virus screwed us.
Good luck man.

That's my buddy that lives in New Hampshire.

The traffic used to piss me off.
Also, I believe you get dicked around with taxes if you work in MA but live in NH.
YUP! Traffic sometimes will cause you high blood pressure.
And MA taxes will rape your ass. lol


This Is Absolution
Established Member
Mar 16, 2006
Maine and northern NH
Get as far away from MASS as you can.
NH better gun laws. Maine, better views.
I hope you like mosquitoes, they are the state bird for New England.
Not sure what kind of work you are looking for but I can probably get you hooked up easily.

365 Saleen

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Single Barrel Sirs
Jul 24, 2021
Levant, Maine
Maine and northern NH
Get as far away from MASS as you can.
NH better gun laws. Maine, better views.
I hope you like mosquitoes, they are the state bird for New England.
Not sure what kind of work you are looking for but I can probably get you hooked up easily.
What gun laws does NH have that are "better" than Maine?


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
Can't go wrong either way imo. I have family in NH and would like to move there someday myself. The biggest appeal to me is the lack of people, traffic.

I'll also take cold and snow over hot and humid.
I'm the complete opposite. LOL. Although.....I would love to move to Maine. Near Kennebunkport. My wife would, too. She has a brother she is close with who wants to move to Florida. I think if he moves there, we could be looking at a move south.


Well-Known Member
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May 31, 2010
Empire State
Maine and northern NH
Get as far away from MASS as you can.
NH better gun laws. Maine, better views.
I hope you like mosquitoes, they are the state bird for New England.
Not sure what kind of work you are looking for but I can probably get you hooked up easily.
I'm not into guns so that's not a deal breaker. I grew up in NY so mosquitoes are familiar to me. I'm not sure what type of work I want to do yet. I read most jobs in Maine are blue collar. Why get far away from Massachusetts?


Well-Known Member
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May 31, 2010
Empire State
I'm the complete opposite. LOL. Although.....I would love to move to Maine. Near Kennebunkport. My wife would, too. She has a brother she is close with who wants to move to Florida. I think if he moves there, we could be looking at a move south.
Sounds like dual residency would be perfect for you.

365 Saleen

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Single Barrel Sirs
Jul 24, 2021
Levant, Maine
The last Dealership I worked at, our Finance guy went to the local gas station after work. While pumping gas, the guy who is dating his ex wife shows up and starts a verbal confrontation, which escalated into him shoving the Finance guy to the ground. At which point our Finance guy pulls out a pistol and starts shooting. He put 3 rounds (2 in the ass) into this guy while he is crawling away! Guy gets arrested, stays in jail for a week, County Sheriff turns him free after said week of investigation. No trial, he walks. Sheriff said it was a clear cut self defense issue, no charges.
Being fresh from Seattle area I was somewhat stunned. Lol.
That Dealership was one of 4 owned by a local Auto Group. They did not fire the Finance guy, they just moved his job to a different Dealership in a town 20 miles away.
It opened my eyes to the differences is "self defense" in Maine compared to else ware.
Basically the prevailing attitude is F around and find out. Lol


Well-Known Member
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Jul 12, 2014
I’d probably go to Maine for retirement. The Portland area is growing fast. And it’s beautiful in that area. I’d go southern NH if you still want to work so you have a shortish commute to Boston. NH also has a drag strip in Epping if you’re into that. I’ll go against the grain and say I enjoy living in MA. Cost of living is definitely high but we are one of the best states in the country to live in. It as a little bit of everything IMO.

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