Biggest mistakes


Established Member
Nov 16, 2010
Pittsburgh, PA
Back in 1993 I was at a buddy’s place, putting a new clutch in my ‘88 GT hatch. Crappy gravel driveway and jack stands . The trans wasn’t sliding out so we gave it a good tug - one of us on each side, lying on our backs, figuring the T5 will just land on the driveway. landed alright. Right on my finger, severing it about 90%. My nail was nowhere to be found. I cracked my hand and ran inside to his laundry tub, rinsing off all the blood and pieces of embedded gravel, hoping the barely-attached tip wouldn’t fall off and go down the drain. It looked like a grape smashed by a hammer.

It is hurt...but I was more pissed off than in pain.

The real pain came at the hospital, as this little Indian doc - Dr. Sangrujee - had to numb pushing a needle longways into the finger, starting with the nearly severed tip...down to my knuckle. HOLY SHIT that’s the most pain I’ve ever felt. The guy weighed maybe 130 pounds and had to put all his weight on it to get the needle down there.

Anyway, the finger was broken and required a ton of stitches.

We left the hospital, and went back to finish the clutch job, with my left hand in the air the whole time.

Imagine the phone call to my then fiance’ as I told her that I nearly lost my ring finger 6 weeks before our wedding... We’ve been married 25 I guess this wasn’t an omen.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 2, 2002
Central Mass.
End of 2009 we bought a new JCB 426 front end loader, 2.5 yard bucket, for work.
Cost then almost $200,000. Today it’s over $250,000

Anyways, barely had it 3 months, it’s winter, and I’m using it to stack snow.

I’m impressed with how much reach it has compared to our older, smaller machine we traded in.

Ive got the bucket full of snow,up in the air to dump, and a chunk about the size of a basketball rolls off the corner of the bucket. No big deal, happened a million times before. Well it somehow rotates, and comes right down the arm of the loader like a pinball machine and slam right into the cab windshield, Smashing it and covering me in broken safety glass.

After brushing myself off and getting the glass out of my hair and face, I’m like oh shit now I’ve got to tell my dad. He wasn’t impressed to say the least.

Dealership overnighted us a new windshield and local glass shop put it in the next day. That was a $1500 mistake I’ve made sure I never did again.

As he said there was no reason to be trying to stack the snow that high when we’ve got plenty of room on the property to put it elsewhere.


*Not 2KBlackGT
Established Member
Dec 12, 2004
Had my engine built by a certain shop I was warned about... as seen through the hole in my block.


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