Child cancer or serioues illness.


Established Member
Jan 27, 2012
Born and raised Brockton. Living in Naples.
Well, a lot has happened over the last 2 weeks, the drive home was long, poor Anthony had the Topo rash from the Chemo along with roid rage, and was itching and scratching the whole way home, bad enough to where he actually started to bleed slightly, we used bath wipes to keep his skin moist along with this medicated Aveeno lotion, about half way through our trip, he finally was able to relax and take a little nap. We stopped to change his diaper at a truck stop and we pulled his diaper off and he decided to pee out the truck door and onto my floor mats lol, luckily they are the Weather Techs, he needed some new clothes so I decided to uncover the bed of the truck and climb up in it and while I was extending my leg on the bumper, my pants ripped right in the crotch and thigh area, haha. All of a sudden I felt this cold breeze hit me and I realized what had happened. I got us some new clothes out of our bags and we hit the road again.

We finally got home and he has his check up 2 days later. During the check up they are drawing blood and running his numbers. They go to flush his line and brown sludge comes out of his C-line. Turns out my little monster had bit a hole into it sometime during the night and now it has bacteria in it that has spread to his blood. So off we go to the Hemby Childrens Hospital, we thought it would be just them changing the line out and we would go back home, but turns out, he ended up with C-diff, E coli and 3 different bacteria's. They ended up taking the C-line out and putting him on 3 antibiotics over the weekend until they could get a hold of his Oncologist in Memphis, Monday comes along and they switch up the meds, but we had to wait until he tests negative to have his new port put in. Poor guy was there for a little over 2 weeks.

He is home now, drugged up on morphine, little guy has been through a lot. I also went to the Dr. this morning to figure out what has been going on with my back, Friday at work I messed it up and now I have a herniated disc. Hopefully these meds knock it out and I will be feeling normal. We will be going back to Memphis the 26th for round 6, he is more than halfway done, if things go good, he should be cancer free around August. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.1

Pics of the little man.
Like I said the little man is a ****in warrior.
I pray for him often and I’m sorry about your back. You’re all gonna make it.


What's a "Termi"???
Established Member
Premium Member
Sep 20, 2015
It's pretty cool to see the O.P. continually updating this thread. I like to hear how "Little Warrior" is doing. Tough kid.......... One tough kid.

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Active Member
Established Member
Jul 16, 2014
Every road has a few bumps, happy to hear hes fighting on and still getting better. I guess my third and final spawn is a boy, kinda happy cause boys are easy.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 14, 2010
charlotte, NC
On the way back to Memphis, round 6. He has been so much happier with the new port, no more lines hanging out of his chest. Hopefully we get some pics and some awesome news of his progress on the next day or 2.

I really haven’t seen him this active in a while, he is climbing on the couch and trying to roll off it. He also got most of his appetite back, here is a pic of him sucking down some applesauce on the trip, I will post more pics as soon as I get the progress results and hear some more news, still got 3 hours of driving.


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Established Member
Jan 27, 2012
Born and raised Brockton. Living in Naples.
On the way back to Memphis, round 6. He has been so much happier with the new port, no more lines hanging out of his chest. Hopefully we get some pics and some awesome news of his progress on the next day or 2.

I really haven’t seen him this active in a while, he is climbing on the couch and trying to roll off it. He also got most of his appetite back, here is a pic of him sucking down some applesauce on the trip, I will post more pics as soon as I get the progress results and hear some more news, still got 3 hours of driving.

View attachment 1476570

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Maybe it’s just me but his eyes look a lot better. Clearer and straighter.


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Established Member
Nov 14, 2010
charlotte, NC
I think the pressure in them has been going down, his Dr. said the tumors weight would cause muscle weakness that would make them turn in a little. Hopefully when all this is done and they reattach his retina they will be able to loosen or tighten the eye muscles to correct it.

I thought I noticed it also, but I thought it was just me. I’m kinda anxious to see the scans this time, the last chemo round they didn’t give us any. I really appreciate you guys thinking about him.

I was also thinking about building a site but setting it up like a scrap book. I want to have pics of him when he was first born and when he got diagnosed and while he is going through his treatment. Kinda like a timeline. If anyone has any recommendations to what host to use, I would appreciate it. Thanks.

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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 14, 2010
charlotte, NC
Update, everything went fantastic, everything is still a little bit ahead of schedule, Anthony is winning the fight.

Anthony got his eye exam today and the tumor in the left eye on the side is almost gone, everything else has shrunk, he is over halfway done now. His mom and I have been tossing the idea of getting him a companion to travel with and be by his side. Well I ended up picking up a Rotty pup. I had one when I was younger and it was a fantastic dog,

The dog is 8 weeks old and already has taken to Anthony, we kinda lucked out with this trip, usually we stay at the St. Jude’s campus, but it was full this time so they put us up at the Sheraton across the street, with this place being pet friendly it made me pull the trigger on getting him a buddy.

A video of Anthony and Riley.

Eye exam results and some pics of him and the pup.



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Established Member
Jan 27, 2012
Born and raised Brockton. Living in Naples.
Update, everything went fantastic, everything is still a little bit ahead of schedule, Anthony is winning the fight.

Anthony got his eye exam today and the tumor in the left eye on the side is almost gone, everything else has shrunk, he is over halfway done now. His mom and I have been tossing the idea of getting him a companion to travel with and be by his side. Well I ended up picking up a Rotty pup. I had one when I was younger and it was a fantastic dog,

The dog is 8 weeks old and already has taken to Anthony, we kinda lucked out with this trip, usually we stay at the St. Jude’s campus, but it was full this time so they put us up at the Sheraton across the street, with this place being pet friendly it made me pull the trigger on getting him a buddy.

A video of Anthony and Riley.

Eye exam results and some pics of him and the pup.

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That is the best news you can get. Anthony is kicking cancers ass.
That dog is awesome too. There’s nothing like having a dog to grow up with. Nothing.


Well Seasoned
Established Member
Jul 21, 2009
Great news! Love the dog and the pics/videos. Continued prayers for Anthony and you.

And Bruno's right, every kid should grow up with a dog.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 21, 2014
Update, everything went fantastic, everything is still a little bit ahead of schedule, Anthony is winning the fight.

Anthony got his eye exam today and the tumor in the left eye on the side is almost gone, everything else has shrunk, he is over halfway done now. His mom and I have been tossing the idea of getting him a companion to travel with and be by his side. Well I ended up picking up a Rotty pup. I had one when I was younger and it was a fantastic dog,

The dog is 8 weeks old and already has taken to Anthony, we kinda lucked out with this trip, usually we stay at the St. Jude’s campus, but it was full this time so they put us up at the Sheraton across the street, with this place being pet friendly it made me pull the trigger on getting him a buddy.

A video of Anthony and Riley.

Eye exam results and some pics of him and the pup.

View attachment 1477154
View attachment 1477156View attachment 1477157View attachment 1477158

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Best. Dogs. Ever.

I miss mine every day.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 14, 2010
charlotte, NC
Feeling pretty good with this last round, Anthony loves his dog Riley, they follow each other around the house. Riley is spoiled already, I took her in for her shots and went on a trip to Pets Mart when we got back to Charlotte. Her check up came back good, she is a healthy pup, hopefully she will be around for Anthony for a while. We also have a little Boston Terrier that gets a long with her.

Anthony is doing great besides some nasty diaper rash, but it is more from the Chemo he has received. Tomorrow he goes in for a check up and have some blood work done, to see where his numbers are at. No fever or vomiting. Little man is tough. He has lost a little bit of his apatite, he won't eat chicken nuggets or mac and cheese like he normally does. He is on a Kings Hawaiian bread roll binge, with some spiral ham.

It really amazes me how fast the Chemo works, back in November they talked about the possibility of removing his eye, to him being blind in the right eye, to him being able to see out of it. I really don't know what we would have done if St. Judes was not around. Especially with his Oncologist and nurses. 4 more months of chemo and were all hoping he will be done and the cancer will be gone.

I really owe everyone a thanks for the thoughts and prayers, and Sid and the admins for allowing us to have this forum, it has actually been my way to vent and keep my sanity.

Thanks everyone. I will post some pics of him and Riley tomorrow, if they both will stay still.

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