Ephedra ban...


New Member
Established Member
Oct 28, 2003
I don't think they should be banned, but I can't touch Ephedra, Ma Huang, Kola Nut etc. My heart starts fluttering like a hummingbird if I even take half a dose. I went to the cardiologist twice being told there is nothing wrong with my heart. Both times he said lay off the Caffeine and Ripped fuel and both times the flutter went away.

I used them before I worked out or with breakfast to just get up.
Got to get that bench back to 385lbs where it should be!!


Master of the Obvious
Established Member
May 4, 2003
in Christ!
Originally posted by ULTIMATEORANGESS
has he been exaimed by a DR. before or since?what exactly happened to him?i hope hes ok now.

He had been taking ripped fuel for a while and was doing quite well. One day he was going to the gym, and for some reason he didn't take a whole dose, he only took I think about half or less. So he goes to the gym w/ his friends. He's warming up w/ about 350 on bench press, then he said his chest started hurting him, so he stood up and it kept getting worse until he collapsed at the gym. Well, he got back up, and went home thinking maybe he was just feeling sick. So he gets home, sits on his couch, and one of his kids come up to him to play. He of course is distracted by an unknown health illness, so he of course he can't entertain his kid. His kid starts getting worried, and his wife soon walks in. They both ask him what's wrong, and he gets up and just says he needs to lay down, he makes it about half way down the wall when he sorta loses his balance and hits/leans on the wall. His kid goes bursurke at seeing his pale white dad not too reponsive and he grabs his dad's leg and starts yelling, "please daddy please don't die" and the dad is just sorta going in and out sorta. His wife runs to him when she realizes his condition and calls an ambulence. They get him to the hospital and informs him he had a heart attack. The doctor told him had he taken one more dose of Ripped fuel, he would have died (he had been taken Ripped Fuel for quite some time). So anway, this is what happened to him.
As for who he is, he has a car shop and he does car restoration (Camaros, etc.). I met him at a Bible College I went to. He's a real nice guy, is still strong, just quite concerned over so many people taking the stuff that almost killed him. :read:


Established Member
Oct 5, 2003
Montgomery NY
Government makes a lot of money off of ciggarettes, or you could go on the flip side and say the tobacco companies got their grip around politicians, true either way, its a balance thats slowly leaning against tabacco companies however.


must get stronger!
Established Member
Dec 29, 2003
Long Beach
i wonder if ephedra will be like weed . . .
it's illegal but tons of people use it anyways

Wild Bill

New Member
Established Member
Apr 2, 2003
Las Vegas
I have taken ephedra off and on since 97.I think my system is pretty tolerant but I know some people cant really take it.Still though it scares me.I like it for the boost in energy,alertness,and reflexes. I wouldnt take too many,or before a workout though.It increases your heartbeats so it could be bad news combined with intense workouts.Its probably bad to diet and take them too.Some people probably push their bodies too hard,on a restricted diet,and ephedra.Probably like using nitrous,the wrong amount combined with the wrong conditions and...boom. I took some a few times before training jujitsu and that was bad news.I couldn't control my breathing and was spending my energy way too fast.It makes me nervous and claustrophobic as well. Im no doctor but I would say only to use it on a regular day,after you workout or on a day you dont and eat regular meals.Then again what do I know?


New Member
Established Member
Jul 20, 2003
i only use it on days i train.i dont need it otherwise.any side effects ive had were temporary and minor.

this makes as much sense as outlawing fast cars because you might get killed going to fast.:mj:

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