Failed bombing attempt on Northwest Airlines flight today


Well-Known Member
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Nov 18, 2000
Apex, NC
And now we will see the difference between having a president in the White House, verses a pussy. Bush would already be looking for some shit to bomb in response. Odumbass will be too busy with his plush vacation resort in Hawaii to even write out his usual apology for how it was all our fault in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 12, 2004
And now we will see the difference between having a president in the White House, verses a pussy. Bush would already be looking for some shit to bomb in response. Odumbass will be too busy with his plush vacation resort in Hawaii to even write out his usual apology for how it was all our fault in the first place.

Unfortunately this is only the beginning. Because of Obummer's new soft policy this Terrorist slipped through the cracks and was not on the watch list but shows up in the database of muslims to watch. So you wonder how MANY muslim terrorists are not being watched now and are ready to do terror attacks. Thanks Barry.


2V guy
Established Member
Jan 1, 2008
Unfortunately this is only the beginning. Because of Obummer's new soft policy this Terrorist slipped through the cracks and was not on the watch list but shows up in the database of muslims to watch. So you wonder how MANY muslim terrorists are not being watched now and are ready to do terror attacks. Thanks Barry.

:nonono: First, from what i can see the plane took off from Nigeria, not the U.S. This means any security measure that we have for an airliner are at the mercy of the nation it takes off from. Second, he is from Nigeria, we don't have the same capability to monitor extremist like we do in the U.S. He likely met face to face with a rep. from Al-Queda, made the arrangements, and then went out on his mission. Very little if any electronic messaging, which means, no way we could have intercepted it, unless we have people on the ground. Third, what soft policy, i have not heard much about any policy changes in regards to searching and preventing acts of terrorism. Also, it is not just Muslims you need to worry about.


<insert witty title here>
Established Member
Sep 18, 2004
:nonono: First, from what i can see the plane took off from Nigeria, not the U.S. This means any security measure that we have for an airliner are at the mercy of the nation it takes off from. Second, he is from Nigeria, we don't have the same capability to monitor extremist like we do in the U.S. He likely met face to face with a rep. from Al-Queda, made the arrangements, and then went out on his mission. Very little if any electronic messaging, which means, no way we could have intercepted it, unless we have people on the ground. Third, what soft policy, i have not heard much about any policy changes in regards to searching and preventing acts of terrorism. Also, it is not just Muslims you need to worry about.

I have to disagree, and although it may not be all countries, when I've flown back to the states I have to go through another screening before entering another smaller room before boarding my flight(the screening is specifically for the delta/united flight I'm on). I'm not sure they are TSA agents, never bothered to ask. But they are dressed the exact same and differently from the hosting country security people.

It was only a matter of time before something like this would happen. Terrorism is not going away any time soon. The day we become "soft" (or should I say "softer") towards terrorism will be the day our country will be at severe risk. Airport security MUST be raised again, despite the inconveniences imposed upon travelers. Everybody wants higher security when an event like this happens, and then as time goes by those very same people start complaining about airport check-in inconveniences. Either we want/need it, or we don't. I say DO IT. If I have to check-in 2 hours early due to more thorough check-in procedures, so be it.

Last but not least, our assault on world-wide terrorism must be stepped up, with countries committing to supporting our war on terrorism. Our war must be their war.

I have to disagree, at least with airport security being raised. If anything I think it's a false sense of security they are putting on vs. real security. At this point I'd feel just as safe having to eat a piece of bacon/ham/ect before getting on the plane, vs. the other procedures they have going on. For instance after the "liquid bomb" plan in Europe. You couldn't carry on liquids...and the TSA's great idea was to just empty all the liquids into a trash can after they took it from you. If it happened to be explosives...they'd have blown up the screening point.
I do agree we have to stay on top of our assault on terror....we can't go slacking now. We need to see it through.


New Member
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Dec 22, 2006
Lantana, TX
The real story is that when he found out he was actually on a flight to Detroit he thought it would be better to blow himself up than have to be there over the holidays


Well-Known Member
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Dec 27, 2005
Batavia, IL
If something like this ever happens when i'm flying, I promise you it will be the last time that SOB breathes..

James Snover

The Ill-Advised Physics Amplification Co
Established Member
Premium Member
Jan 23, 2008
100% right. You're only real security on an airplane flight is your fellow passengers. In every case that has come up, including 9/11 itself, it has been the passengers who took the terrorist down, and prevented them from acheiving their objectives.

After 9/11, I was on a flight shortly after commercial airline flights resumed. The pilot came on with the usual "hello and thanks for flying with us" announcement. Then he concluded it with these words, which I will remember forever: "Introduce yourself to the person sitting next to you. We are all in here together, and we have only ourselves to stop anything like 9/11 ever happening again."

Jim Snover

I have to disagree, at least with airport security being raised. If anything I think it's a false sense of security they are putting on vs. real security.


"Facts are stupid things"
Established Member
Nov 22, 2004
Metro Detroit
And now we will see the difference between having a president in the White House, verses a pussy. Bush would already be looking for some shit to bomb in response. Odumbass will be too busy with his plush vacation resort in Hawaii to even write out his usual apology for how it was all our fault in the first place.

Perhaps your ODS is making it hard for you to remember Richard Reid and what he attempted during Bush's watch.

Because of Obummer's new soft policy this Terrorist slipped through the cracks and was not on the watch list but shows up in the database of muslims to watch. So you wonder how MANY muslim terrorists are not being watched now and are ready to do terror attacks. Thanks Barry.

Another ODS sufferer forgetting that Obama has upped the troop number to over 100k for Afghanistan from 21k, but thinks he has a "new soft policy" on the war on terror :lol1:

Please inform us all of this new soft policy that you speak of

James Snover

The Ill-Advised Physics Amplification Co
Established Member
Premium Member
Jan 23, 2008
look in the mirror and you will see the one with ODS. snakecharmer pointed out what you accused him of ignoring. When Reid pulled his pathetic little stunt, Bush increased the bombings. snakecharmer never said or implied that it did not happen, that all came from you in some sort of knee-jerk reaction. Interesting, don't you think, what your own words reveal about you?

You are only partly correct in saying Obama has increased the troops in the war. He promised he would bring them all home, but we won't get into that now. Obama did increase the number of troops. But not as many as the General asked for,. and 120 days later than he said needed them. And he is sending them over in a trickle, AND he announced he would begin pulling troops EVEN AS the lower-number than requested are still int he process of being sent over.

That sounds soft, to me.

Look in the mirror.

Jim Snover

Perhaps your ODS is making it hard for you to remember Richard Reid and what he attempted during Bush's watch.

Another ODS sufferer forgetting that Obama has upped the troop number to over 100k for Afghanistan from 21k, but thinks he has a "new soft policy" on the war on terror :lol1:

Please inform us all of this new soft policy that you speak of


Established Member
Jun 2, 2007
Burlington, VT
From what I understand, the explosives were actually firecrackers, not sure about the liquid. We need to stop focusing on this nation building crap and wipe these dingleberries off our ass instead of trying to make them our friend.


"Facts are stupid things"
Established Member
Nov 22, 2004
Metro Detroit
You are only partly correct in saying Obama has increased the troops in the war.
21k to over 100k........but that's only "partly correct" :lol1:

He either increased the number or not. If your math can show me otherwise how putting that many more boots on the ground is not an increase, Im interested to listen

He promised he would bring them all home, but we won't get into that now.

He campaigned on ending Iraq and increasing the Afghanistan war

[ame=""]YouTube- 09/26/08 Obama on Afghanistan - Debate[/ame]

Obama did increase the number of troops. But not as many as the General asked for,. and 120 days later than he said needed them.

Adding an additional 30k as oppose to 40k is correct. But to now attempt to shame a president for taking a few months to rethink an have an actual plan and strategy in a war that was screwed up for the past 8 years, please. And let us not forget the generals request for more troops from before Obama was even in office, but ofcourse that's ok to overlook and not mention ;-)

And he is sending them over in a trickle

Obama is sending three of the four brigades requested by McChrystal, and those troops will begin arriving in greater numbers and faster than under the original McChrystal request, in hopes of kick-starting any positive trends on the ground, administration officials said. The first Marines will begin arriving as early as Christmas, and all forces will be in place by May, a senior administration official said.

AND he announced he would begin pulling troops EVEN AS the lower-number than requested are still int he process of being sent over

Mullen said Obama's 2011 target would be a "transition" date to begin shifting war-fighting and policing responsibilities to the Afghan government. But it would not necessarily be a date for withdrawal. "July 2011 is a day we start transitioning -- transferring responsibility and transitioning. It's not a date that we're leaving," Mullen said. "And the president also said that it will be based on conditions on the ground."

That sounds soft, to me.

Look in the mirror.

Yep, and I see a bunch of people pissed off that the guy they hate is more than tripling the troop number on the frontline of the war on terror and willing to have a plan there. The same people that are grasping at straws to undercut what they wish someone else would have done years ago ;-)


SVT Based God
Established Member
Dec 2, 2004
San Francisco
f-ing arabs................worthless sub-human piles of dung

It said hes Nigerian and didn't mention anywhere that he was Arabic. You know not all arabs are fundamentalists and not all arabs are terrorists and pieces of shit. We hate it when everyone considers Americans to be ignorant rednecks so at least try to make it sound like youre not stereotyping all arabs.


Active Member
Established Member
Aug 28, 2004
Somewhere, US
f-ing arabs................worthless sub-human piles of dung



Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 12, 2004
Perhaps your ODS is making it hard for you to remember Richard Reid and what he attempted during Bush's watch.

Another ODS sufferer forgetting that Obama has upped the troop number to over 100k for Afghanistan from 21k, but thinks he has a "new soft policy" on the war on terror :lol1:

Please inform us all of this new soft policy that you speak of

OH. I did not realize that all the worlds terrorists are in Afghanistan. Please inform me. And you think Obama wanted to put the troops there. Thats laughable.

If you think putting more troops in Afghanistan is going to stop terrorists from attacking the USA you are living in a dream world. Watch and see.

You really think the FBI and CIA are working so hard to finds these terrorists after Obama bashed them and almost brought them to trial. I seriously doubt it. Or did you conveniently forget about that.

Obama is not soft. Thats a laugh. He goes around the world making apology for the USA and you don't think Terrorists aren't going to pick up on his soft actions. USA looks like a bunch of pussies now. What a joke.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 12, 2004
Just to remind you what Obama did with the FBI/CIA earlier this year. You may have forgotten.

FBI Agent: Obama Making Another 9/11 ‘Inevitable
Posted by Howie On May - 16 - 2009
FBI Agent: Obama Making Another 9/11 ‘Inevitable’

Thursday, May 14, 2009 8:23 PM

By: David A. Patten
A former FBI agent who recently won a lawsuit defeating FBI attempts to muzzle him tells Newsmax that the agency’s morale may be at its lowest ebb ever, and warns the “chilling” effect of Obama administration policies is making another terrorist attack on the U.S. homeland “inevitable.”

Speaking in an exclusive Newsmax interview, retired FBI Agent John Vincent says his gravest concern is that the Obama administration is repeating mistakes of the past, thereby leaving America vulnerable to a terrorist attack.

“I’m not exactly sure where the president is coming from, but all the signals he gives out is that the United States is prepared to talk peace, we’re not going to do anything to upset any of the people that are conducting all these terrorist acts, we’re going to back out of everything we’ve done before, we’re going to apologize for everything we’ve done in the past – what kind of signals does that send?” Vincent asks. “It sends a signal of weakness and: ‘We are not willing to try and stop what you have planned.’”

From 1997 to 1999, Vincent and Special Agent Robert G. Wright worked together out of the Bureau’s Chicago office on an investigation known as Vulgar Betrayal. Their job was to uncover financial links between U.S.-based charities and extremist groups abroad.

Initially, the investigation focused on Hamas. But Vincent says it eventually exposed “an octopus” of financial connections to other terror groups, including al-Qaida.

In 1999, Vincent says, the FBI shut down the criminal investigation for fear it would interfere with ongoing attempts gathering intelligence. The FBI did not immediately respond to a Newsmax request to comment on either the case or Vincent’s allegations.

“Had the investigation been allowed to go forward, we might have touched upon some of the 9/11 perpetrators,” Vincent tells Newsmax. “We don’t know that because we were stopped two years before the event. But because we had such an octopus working out there, we might have found those people. But we don’t know, because we were stopped.”

Post-9/11 investigations revealed that U.S.-based Islamic charities funneled money to al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations, funding their operations.

According to a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch, the FBI tried to prevent Vincent and Wright from speaking to the media after the 9/11 attacks.

The judge who presided over the case, U.S. District Court Judge Gladys Kessler, blasted the Bureau, calling its efforts to silence the men a “sad and discouraging tale.”

“In its efforts to suppress this information,” Judge Kessler wrote, “the FBI repeatedly changed its position, presented formalistic objections to release of various portions of the documents in question, admitted finally that much of the material it sought to suppress was in fact in the public domain and had been all along, and now concedes that several of the reasons it originally offered for censorship no longer have any validity.”

The judge added ominously: “Unfortunately, the issues of terrorism and alleged FBI incompetence remain as timely as ever.”

After the agency shut down Vulgar Betrayal, Wright wrote a 500-page book manuscript and submitted it to the agency as required by law. The agency sought to censor its publication, and to stop Vincent and Wright from speaking to the media.

Vincent retired in December 2002, but Wright continues to be employed by the agency. Vincent tells Newsmax that Wright has chosen not to risk his job, or his retirement, by speaking to the media.

According to Judicial Watch, Wright was the only FBI agent prior to 9/11 to seize funds from U.S.-based terrorists using federal statues on civil forfeiture. That kept over $1.4 million out of terrorists’ hands.

“Wright and Vincent sought to blow the whistle to help prevent other terrorist attacks like 9/11,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton stated following the judge’s May 8 verdict. “We hope it is not too late for the FBI to listen to our clients, clean up its act, and better protect our nation from the Islamic terrorist threat.”

Vincent, a former Judicial Watch employee, says his primary concern today is that the leaders of the FBI and other counter-terrorism agencies are taking their signals from the Obama administration, softening their approach to the war on terror, and leaving the country more vulnerable.

“That’s what we’re doing all over again now,” Vincent says. “So we’re not utilizing all of the techniques available. We can play nicey-nice with the terrorists, and not use some of the techniques that we used, and we’re tying our hands. By stopping these things, or chilling activities by law enforcement, we’re doing the same thing, we’re tying our hands.”

He adds, “We’re tying the hands of law enforcement by these mixed signals going out. We’re not using all the things we should be using in an all out war. This should be an all out war, not tying one hand behind our back because it’s not politically correct.”

Drawing on his more than three decades of experience as an FBI agent, Vincent said the administration’s new approach to terrorism can only serve to discourage aggressive counter-terror operations by various federal agencies.

Vincent should know: He tells Newsmax that when he first moved into the agency’s Chicago office to begin his investigation in the mid-1990s, policies actually prohibited agents from conducting investigative interviews in the field.

“They wouldn’t even leave the office,” he says. “Well, how can you possibly conduct counter-terrorism operations by sitting there gathering intelligence and never doing anything with it, never trying to develop sources, never talking to people? That’s the way you counter terrorist activities,” he says. “You don’t sit in an office,” Vincent tells Newsmax.

With the Obama administration’s threat of prosecutions and its “kinder, gentler” approach to the war on terror, Vincent predicts “That’s exactly what [agents' supervisors] are going to do. They’re going to say, ‘Why should I put my neck on the line here? If I go out and do something I’m going to be second guessed for it later on?’ And I think that’s the message that’s being put out by this new Congress and this new president, which is: ‘Well, we’re going to play nice guys with them, don’t do anything to upset them.’ Meanwhile, they’re cutting your throat.”

Vincent sees Obama’s approach to counter-terrorism as less effective than the Clinton administration’s, because his willingness to negotiate will be seen as weakness in the Middle East. Obama’s policies, he says, will contribute to the next terror attack that Vincent contends will inevitably occur.

“I hate to say it, but yes, it’s inevitable,” Vincent says.

Vincent, who speaks regularly with a network of former agents who are in touch with current agency employees, says Obama’s policies — from closing the Guantanamo prison, releasing memos on “enhanced interrogations,” negotiating with America’s enemies, apologizing internationally for Bush administration policies, and threatening of prosecutions — are inadvertently “emboldening the enemies” of America.

“All the signals he’s putting out [are] causing law enforcement – FBI, CIA – to back up because in the future, ‘If I try to do my job I may get prosecuted for it.’ And then the idea that he apologizes, etc., that’s going to embolden the enemies and they’re going to think we’re easy pickings now.

“And that’s where I think we’re headed, back to prior to the Clinton administration, prior to 9/11, to an area that we don’t want to go. Because… when you back off, and don’t keep doing what you think is the right thing to do, eventually you’ll have a bigger war on your hands — or a bigger catastrophe worse than 9/11,” he says.

Vincent adds that his sources tell him “morale within the organization is probably the lowest it’s ever been. And when you have people who are demoralized, they’re not going to do a good job.”

He also tells Newsmax that he suspects the Obama administration has yet to comprehend the effects of its own policies.

“This administration is weakening every aspect of counterterrorism, and they don’t even know it,” Vincent warns. “They think they’re playing a game with people who follow the rules. Well, these people do not follow any rules. So yes, we can be high-minded, and at the same time we’re going to get our legs cut out from underneath us. Because they don’t play by the rules, they’re not nice people. And that’s what this administration is doing.”

© 2009 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 12, 2004
The best statement ever about the Obama administration. A kinder Gentler approach to the war on terror.....Laughing my ass off rolling on the floor.


Established Member
Apr 8, 2009
Northern Cuba
f-ing arabs................worthless sub-human piles of dung


A Northwest Airlines passenger from Nigeria, who said he was acting on al-Qaida's instructions, tried to blow up the plane Friday as it was landing in Detroit, law enforcement and national security officials said.


This thread can haz Smackdown plz?

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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 17, 2006
columbus ohio
It said hes Nigerian and didn't mention anywhere that he was Arabic. You know not all arabs are fundamentalists and not all arabs are terrorists and pieces of shit. We hate it when everyone considers Americans to be ignorant rednecks so at least try to make it sound like youre not stereotyping all arabs.

ok.when u come up with a good way to tell the arab terrorists from the non terrorists,let me know. As for me,i can't tell them apart, good luck to u if you think you can


New Member
Established Member
Dec 31, 2006
Ah, the Religion of Peace strikes again. Last month we had the muslim shooting up his fellow soldiers in the name of his religion, now we have another trying to blow up a plane on Christmas Day. I'm beginning to think that this religion is too flawed to coexist with the rest of the world.

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