Getting Back in Shape??


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
Hey I havent read this whole thread but my mom is an expert in fitness and nutrition and that is her practice for a living. one of her biggest sayings is "anything is ok in moderation" so this leads to a loose diet with exercise. yes i would cut out the sodas and caffeine as much as possible as well as fast food. If you just want to lose weight, try eating a lot of vegetables and lean meat such as white meat chicken. basic cardio will be all you need on top of that and you dont have to do it every day. day on day off, take weekends off if you want. just make sure to allow recovery time. if you want to build muscle and burn fat thats a whole different story. My mom always told me not to take protein shakes and all that supplement stuff you see high school and college students doing. honestly it is proven to be a waste to the average lifter. those shakes were designed for body builders who need a quick hunger fix, they are not meant to boost muscle mass as they are labeled. Also, excess protein turns to fat just keep that in mind. one chicken breast is well enough to sustain a workout. My mom suprisingly is allowing me to take this stuff called Concrete. It is creatine but it is not monohydrate creatine(this is the one everyone is familiar with and is also known as "water weight") this form only contains 10% creatine. Concrete is 100% creatine. it is not water weight and you do not have to take mass amounts of water when taking it. it also does not make you "deflate" if you stop taking it. your body produces creatine to allow muscles to contract and by boosting that level you give your muscles more energy as well as strength and recovery. not to make this sound like an ad but I honestly felt a difference as soon as i took it for the first time. and by 3 days i was already getting stronger and lowering body fat. now my mom works for the government as well as i and she will not let me nor anyone in her gym take anything that will harm your health. i started taking this one to get bigger but also because i began to get tired easily in the gym. this allows me to add more muscle and retain my energy. but all that creatin stuff aside, i put on 70lbs of muscle in 3 and a half months without the use of creatine. anything can be done as long as you eat right and get the exercise you need to look how you want.

I was with you until you said you put on 70lbs of muscle in 3 months. From what I understand without supplements the human body can only gain 4lbs in a year. So either that was a typo or this concrete stuff is better than any steroid. Or you're just completely full of crap.

Can you post up a link to where I can find this Concrete supplement?
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Less than Premium Member
Established Member
Jan 5, 2007
How tall are you because 170 isn't bad. Im 5'8 at 160 and I wouldn't mind hitting a muscular 175. If you're chubby then you could start lifting and that extra fat will just feed your muscles.

Pay attention to yourhearrt rate too. I know this probably isn't exact but I was always told at150bpm you're burning fat and at 170bpm you start to burn muscle. Maybe someone can elaborate on that or correct it if it's a little off.

I am 5' 11" .,., I have never had a 6 pack, would like to loose a bit more.,., and maybe have a chance at that :-D


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
I am 5' 11" .,., I have never had a 6 pack, would like to loose a bit more.,., and maybe have a chance at that :-D

Haha. I could never get any definition to my abs until I changed my diet. I'm pretty low body fat but it's like all the pop, coffee, beer and greasy and fatty foods we eat goes straight to your stomach and hides everything. I still eat fast food but I cut out the greasy stuff like fries and tried to eat chicken as much as possible. I don't worry about caloric intake so much because I seem to burn it up so fast, but getting rid of that other stuff along with doing military style crunches seems to be doing the job, Im finally getting definition.

Everybody is different of course but I see now how important diet is, especially with your abs. If you want them you really got to get committed on everything.


New Member
Established Member
Jul 27, 2006
i was 18 at that time and i was eating like a mad man while working out with marines 4 hours a day every day. my mistake it wasnt 70lbs of pure muscle it was 70bs total, though i only went from 6% body fat to 9% body fat. and this was when i was not taking concrete creatine. but this is the link CON-CRĒT | The World's First and Only Pure Concentrated Creatine

LOL...looks like another garbage creatine product. Old school EAS phosphagen HP creatine FTW!! Never lets me down.


New Member
Established Member
Jun 26, 2009
Ashburn, VA
well i knew saying that i was gona get these kind of responses. but it is true i went from 135 to 202.5 in 3 months only gaining 4-5% to my body fat. and that creatine product i just started using and it works. i even stopped taking it for 2 weeks and i did not lose anything like monohydrate creatine. i went from doing two 45 lb plates in dips to four 45lb plates in dips. my bench press went up 90lbs since i started, i was always stuck at 225 bench and 90 lb dumbell presses. my dumbell press is at 105 now. believe or not it wont bother me.


Established Member
Feb 15, 2009
Bedford, VA
By my math, thats like 57 lbs of muscle in 90 days.

But the guy is a freak of nature though if at 135 hes doing sets of dips with 90 lbs between his legs.


Less than Premium Member
Established Member
Jan 5, 2007
Jeeze man, that thing must be stretched out like a pencil. But if the girlfriend likes it like that whatever right? haha

I am obviously joking.,., I only do about 75lbs for real.,., my point was, any one can say they do any amount of weight on the interweb.,,. thats all :beer:


Active Member
Established Member
Sep 26, 2006
I am obviously joking.,., I only do about 75lbs for real.,., my point was, any one can say they do any amount of weight on the interweb.,,. thats all :beer:

I agree 100%. We all date supermodels and have millions in the bank on this site. And when my cobra was bone stock I ran 9.9's all day with it on street tires. :beer:


Active Member
Established Member
Aug 7, 2004
well i knew saying that i was gona get these kind of responses. but it is true i went from 135 to 202.5 in 3 months only gaining 4-5% to my body fat. and that creatine product i just started using and it works. i even stopped taking it for 2 weeks and i did not lose anything like monohydrate creatine. i went from doing two 45 lb plates in dips to four 45lb plates in dips. my bench press went up 90lbs since i started, i was always stuck at 225 bench and 90 lb dumbell presses. my dumbell press is at 105 now. believe or not it wont bother me.

How tall are you?

At 135 I REALLLLY doubt you were dipping with 90lbs and benching 225. Unless you are like 4'11".

135 is anorexic skinny.


New Member
Established Member
Jun 26, 2009
Ashburn, VA
Lol, i went from 135 to 202.5 over the course of the summer 2 yrs ago. I worked out with marines 4 hours a day every day but sunday. i weigh 179 right now and do dips with 180lbs between my legs. i know it sounds odd because it is, when i do it in the gym people look at me like im a freak.

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