Gran Turismo 7


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
I remember when the one was released. It was a shit show, and Microsoft was pretty overbearing with some of their practices. They reigned in a lot of it but people haven't forgotten that they tried to pull that crap in the first place. Gamers don't forget being screwed over or taken advantage of so quickly.

Sony swooped in and basically all they had to do was just not be Microsoft and the PS4 was a larger success because of it.

Sony also went hard on single player exclusives when the craze was multi-player and it paid off because people started to realize that these single player games were like a good movie or television series and they made a huge comeback during the PS4s reign with games like God of War, The Last of Us, and Horizon Zero Dawn. Single players are some of my favorite games to play now.


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
I think that had more to do with the games just flat out being better more than them being single player, though I agree with your overall assessment.

I guess that is sort of what I mean. They made the games so good that it brought single player story games to the forefront and made them as popular as any multi-player game.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 2, 2012
San Diego, CA
  • The Xbox One would require a persistent internet connection. No internet connection, no game worked at all, physical or digital copy. The Xbox required an internet connection once a day or you couldn't play ANY game at all.
  • The Xbox One wouldn't play used games — you'd put in a disc, install it to the console's hard drive, take out the disc and it would effectively be useless. No more GameStop (lol) or buying used games from eBay/Craigslist.
  • Every Xbox One would come with a Kinect motion sensor. Many people didn't want it and it was viewed as being forced on the public and an unnecessary price increase. On top of that, the Xbox REQUIRED the Kinect to be plugged in or the console wouldn't work. It was always on, and you couldn't turn off the cameras or the microphone. It was considered a huge security issue just waiting to happen.
  • The Xbox One cost $500 at launch, $100 more than the PlayStation 4. This was due to the above and it basically sealed the deal against the Xbox One.
The original Xbox division leader was fired over all this. His successor was also fired but that was more due to terrible marketing but considering what he inherited, it wasn't exactly fair.

Not long after, most everything was rolled back, the stupid Kinect was removed, and the price dropped by $100 to equal the PS4 but it was too late.

TL; DR: Microsoft tried to turn everyone's Xbox in to a windows machine and gamers told them the **** off.

Total gaggle of clueless dipshits. **** Microshit.

I was going to buy a PS5 anyway, but now im really on the “**** XBox” train.

Blown 89

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2006
Will ALL the cars still sound like vacuum cleaners?
I'm convinced video games will never get the sounds right. They're so disconnected from reality is hilarious.

  • The Xbox One would require a persistent internet connection. No internet connection, no game worked at all, physical or digital copy. The Xbox required an internet connection once a day or you couldn't play ANY game at all.
  • The Xbox One wouldn't play used games — you'd put in a disc, install it to the console's hard drive, take out the disc and it would effectively be useless. No more GameStop (lol) or buying used games from eBay/Craigslist.
  • Every Xbox One would come with a Kinect motion sensor. Many people didn't want it and it was viewed as being forced on the public and an unnecessary price increase. On top of that, the Xbox REQUIRED the Kinect to be plugged in or the console wouldn't work. It was always on, and you couldn't turn off the cameras or the microphone. It was considered a huge security issue just waiting to happen.
  • The Xbox One cost $500 at launch, $100 more than the PlayStation 4. This was due to the above and it basically sealed the deal against the Xbox One.
The original Xbox division leader was fired over all this. His successor was also fired but that was more due to terrible marketing but considering what he inherited, it wasn't exactly fair.

Not long after, most everything was rolled back, the stupid Kinect was removed, and the price dropped by $100 to equal the PS4 but it was too late.

TL; DR: Microsoft tried to turn everyone's Xbox in to a windows machine and gamers told them the **** off.
All of those were unsubstantiated rumors that ended up not being true. They were fired because it was a PR nightmare and they refused to clarify the features and insisted on letting the internet rumor mill run amok.

The second gen kinect was an amazing piece of tech and they included it to push devs to include it in their games. Instead, the internet mob forced them to offer it as a feature and many developers opted not to develop features for it because if the fragmentation the idiots on the net caused. Then, one year later, Amazon released the Alexa.....that did the same thing kinect did and ended up being an amazing piece of tech. Your xbox could have done all of that for you. The Kinect demos showed off some amazing features and uses and half of the things it did you now use every day in your phones and computers. The morons on the internet were too concerned about waving your hands around in a game to see any of the benefits.

The always connected rumor was proved false at the time. 7 years later everyone is always on the internet 24/7. Again, the Amazon Alexa requires an internet could have had that on your console. The entire unit didn't require always on connection, just some features. Microsoft was pretty clear on that when Sony smeared them for not thinking about the troops overseas. Now always on connections are common for the world's most popular games and gaming subscription services.

The used games rumor was immediately put down by Microsoft yet the rumor kept spiraling out of control. Their intent was aimed at digital games, subscription services, and they even offered a service that allowed you to share your entire game library with friends and family. Ironically, digital games now make up the bulk of gaming.

The bottom line is that Microsoft correctly predicted the future of gaming and idiots on the internet delayed that for many years. It didn't help that Sony took advantage of the false reporting and smeared Microsoft with a brilliant PR campaign.
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Blown 89

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2006

Total gaggle of clueless dipshits. **** Microshit.

I was going to buy a PS5 anyway, but now im really on the “**** XBox” train.
You realize pretty much everything Microsoft pushed is now the norm in gaming right?
Microsoft was right in 2013: This is the always-on generation

The Xbox One Was Ahead of its Time and Microsoft is Suffering For It - GameRevolution

The internet fanbois were short-sighted and it delayed some truly awesome features that we now take for granted.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 24, 2010
Dude, Microsoft employees were making fun of gamers about the features to their face.

Microsoft Studios employee Adam Orth stated in a Twitter message in April 2013 that said "Sorry, I don't get the drama around having an 'always on' console...Every device now is 'always on.' That's the world we live in. #dealwithit"

As for game sharing and internet connection:

The Xbox blog had to publicly backtrack on their statement. Make no mistake, without the uproar, it was going to be 100x worse. Again, before launch, Microsofts intent was to never allow anyone to share anything for any reason ever.
Your Feedback Matters – Update on Xbox One - Xbox Wire

Microsoft initially announced a different game licensing scheme for Xbox One than what was used upon its release: all games, including those purchased at retail, would be bound to the user's Xbox Live account. Users could access their purchased games from any other Xbox One console, play games without their disc once installed, and allow users to "share" their games with up to ten designated "family" members. If a publisher allowed a game to be traded or resold, users could do this at "participating retailers", and could also transfer a game directly to any Xbox Live friend on their list for at least 30 days, but only once per game. To synchronize licenses, the console would be required to connect to the internet once every 24 hours; if the console could not connect, all games would be disabled until the console was connected again.

For the Kinect fiasco:

Microsoft also backtracked on a similarly controversial requirement for the Kinect sensor to be plugged into Xbox One at all times for it to function. Alongside the above changes, the Xbox One by launch did not require the Kinect to be plugged in to operate, though the initial bundles still included the Kinect.

The collective thought process at Microsoft at the time concerning the Xbox one was 100% about controlling the consumer and enforcing overreaching DRM.

In their defense, the Xbox one came a LONG way and ended up being every bit as good as the PS4 and better in some ways but the launch fiasco meant that it would always take a back seat no matter how good it was.


Established Member
Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
TL; DR: Microsoft tried to turn everyone's Xbox in to a windows machine and gamers told them the **** off.

Microsoft didn't screw gamers. Rather, Spencer, in his narcissistic self, was a very poor communicator who completely underestimated what a consumer would and would not accept.

IMO the reaction to price was just gamers living up to the stereotypes of being fickle and unable to see past their nose. PS3 launched with a substantially higher tag than the 360 and things worked out. Gamers were being whiny little pricks when it came to the X1 price and really though, there isn't anything of substance to justify the large sales gap between both current consoles.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 24, 2010
Oh, there was a ton of commotion about the PS3s price too but it wasn't because it came with a dumb piece of tech that consumers didn't want, being shoved down their throats without an option. No one wanted to pay $500 for a $400 console and a nerdy piece of tech that's going to gather dust. Most of the Kinects sold were due to 360 and One bundling.

I think people could internalize justification on the PS3s price because it offered a blue ray player that was better than actual blue ray players and it had decent hardware with good software capability. Still, Sony was very proud of, and pompous with the PS3. They ended up shooting themselves in the foot over it and that allowed the 360 to be more successful than it otherwise would've been.

The Kinect was good technology but had shit games and the software itself was a little slow to respond, even in it's best versions.


Established Member
Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
Gamers were just being piss asses, plain and simple. The X1 was a significant leap ahead of the 360, which cost $299 or $399 in 2005 btw, and the price was justified once people sat down and thought about it calmly and with clarity. The ps3 was not hampered by price reaction at all as it went on to have a solid lifespan.

Kinect never bothered me nor appealed greatly to me. It was fine when being used as a microphone since the early controllers lacked a head set jack and those early adapters skyrocketed in price. Once the peripheral was stopped being supported (no more using it as a mic) it was rational to buy a new controller with the jack than a MS headset adapter.


The Man, Myth, The Legend
Established Member
Jan 7, 2005
I watched some of the reveal, Rockstar is milking TF out of GTA5 lmao. Damn game has been on 3 consoles.

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