Heat Cramps


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Dec 16, 2006
you could have some other serious medical issues. Go get some blood work done (if you haven't already)


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Jan 21, 2014
I cant wear shorts that's not an option, I wear thin wrangler shirts and wear comfortable wolverines. I drink 3-4 28oz g2's during the day and 10+ bottles of water at the least. I start off with a g2 when I wake up and a banana. I eat alot of veggies and fresh chicken. But in a day I can lose 3 gallons of sweat which is impossible to replace.

When its 90+ and then into the 100's its 120-130 above the ceiling joists and absolutely no air movement, its such an intense heat it overcomes you. I've always worked in the heat and it's never been an issue, but last year I had a minor heat stroke and its really been a lot harder to deal with the heat since.

I don't just drink pickle juice from a jar, they're 8oz bottles from academy specifically for muscle cramps and contain more electrolytes than sports drinks and contains no sugar.


I know the smart thing is pace yourself but that's just now how i'm wired or raised. I'm in good shape but I feel my body is breaking down before i'm even 30 and i'm 100% to blame. I cant not overdue it, I honestly don't expect to live to be 60. But I have no regrets. I get asked quite often, "why do you work so hard" and all I can think of is, why not.

Keep going and you won't live to be 30, much less 60. Remember what I said about heat strokes?


Well-Known Member
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Nov 21, 2007
Keep going and you won't live to be 30, much less 60. Remember what I said about heat strokes?

Yes and I don't take it serious as it is. Last summer it was like 108 heat index was 115+ and it never really became a thought until it became an issue and I passed out. And the cramps have gotten worse each time, this last time being unbelievable, the pain is indescribable. I've broken quite a few bones and few other serious injuries and my biggest fear is heat cramps.

It's always my calves, but this time it was back sided of my thighs, and on the right side of my shin, feels like growing pains when I was a toddler, but they haven't eased up in 2 weeks, constant discomfort then add carpal tunnel and I don't know what the hell i'm doing this for when I don't have to. But it's how I was raised, I have to be outdoors, I have be do something that requires skill, and it has to be hard and give me a sense of pride, other wise i'm not happy.

But i'm not happy with the amount of pain and constant discomfort i'm in all the time now. Re hydration just isn't enough but i'm not willing to take any medication other then advil, but my muscles aren't recovering.

Since I can remember I was always that dumbass that would lift anything and everything and ignore everyone's words of wisdom thinking I was bullet proof.

Today when I noticed I was losing dexterity and simple tasks were taking too long and I was having to think too much just from the heat, I decided just to call it a day. All that shit can wait, i'll put my health #1 from now on. Losing 20 lbs of water weight in 6 hours is ridiculous.


I Race Pontiacs
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Jun 1, 2004
la la land
Sounds like you need a psychiatrist, not more water.

Come on dude... get your shit together. Im only 39 and am already physically paying for STUPID decisions i made in my late teens and 20s.

There are endless ways to feel that sense of accomplishment through "hard work" that you describe. We can all relate.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 21, 2014
Good call on putting your health first. And always remember how you felt today and why you decided to re-prioritize. I'm 44 years old and 4 weeks post-op from having a section of my intestine removed. I ignored a lot of advice and didn't take things seriously until it was almost too late (I was really lucky I didn't go septic). I've been out of work since June and thank God I have disability benefits or I'd be worrying about money also. Oh, yeah. Almost forgot. The 8 weeks I was on antibiotics prior to surgery put me at high risk of rupturing a tendon or having other soft tissue damage and I'm basically on light duty for 6 months.

It took something like this to make me re-prioritize. I'm incredibly blessed with how everything has turned out, especially when I think about how things could have gone. Hopefully you won't have to go through a similar experience.


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Jul 16, 2014
I'm just tossing this out there because no one else has covered it. You may just not be able to do those temperatures. I know I can't handle heat as well as others, learned it the hard way. I can however stick it out in seriously cold temps. You can freeze the Gatorade, smart waters and what not to help you cool yourself. Also look into the cool neck fans and good boots that breathe. I will tell you this... heat exhaustion and stroke are very...veey dangerous and it will sneak you hard. You will almost NEVER figure it out until it's too late. Be safe man!!


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 21, 2007
Sounds like you need a psychiatrist, not more water.

Come on dude... get your shit together. Im only 39 and am already physically paying for STUPID decisions i made in my late teens and 20s.

There are endless ways to feel that sense of accomplishment through "hard work" that you describe. We can all relate.

A psychiatrist eh? I was just curious if anyone else experiences them. Sadly the heat only ever became an issue after my mini heat stroke, hottest day of 2016 and I tried to do too much and ignored the obvious signs. Now I feel my body temp is a little higher the heat makes me sweat so much more then a year ago its ridiculous.

Rarely happens but its always been after driving for quite a bit, and im home for a few mins. It's pretty damn painful and you cant move until it runs its course. It had cooled off for a week high in the mid to upper 80's which was amazing and jumped up to upper 90s so i'm just gonna take breaks whenever I want and drink and cool off, I do a lot more of the work but only get the crust crumbs that's left over after the entire pie is gone, not worth permanent impairment


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Mar 6, 2014
Saratoga, NY
As others have said drink a ton of water, If your urine isn't clear then you're not hydrated.

Also can try a cold compress in your armpits, back of your neck and in your groin to drop your body temp.


Muffin is my spirit animal
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Feb 10, 2011
Nashville, TN
You can freeze the Gatorade, smart waters and what not to help you cool yourself.

That is a good way to send your body into shock. You DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT drink super cold liquids when you show signs of any heat injury. You want cool liquids.

Sadly the heat only ever became an issue after my mini heat stroke, hottest day of 2016 and I tried to do too much and ignored the obvious signs. Now I feel my body temp is a little higher the heat makes me sweat so much more then a year ago its ridiculous.

Once you have had a heat injury, you are more susceptible to heat injuries.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Nov 21, 2007
I've decided just to slow it down a little, it's not my company there's no point in killing myself so he can make more money.

The amount of work we have going on has gotten to be a little much, he laughs at other companies that have 4-5 guys taking 3 days to do what the two of us do in one day by 3pm. But only hes making more money, which it's not about money I love the job, but I wont feel like a rented donkey, when I don't even have to work now, at least do something not so hard on the body.

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