I met my childhood hero last night (long story).


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Aug 2, 2014
As I stated in my Camaro thread, I was out of town for a wedding this weekend. Last night I came back to UT, but I had a three-hour layover in Charlotte, NC, so I decided to go find some craft beer. I found the Carolina Beer Company, which happened to be right next to my gate anyway.

So I'm talking to the bartender and he's an Eagles fan. I apologize and say I know his pain...I'm a Dolphins fan. We talk more about sports and I start to also engage in conversation with others sitting at the bar as well as order a brisket sandwich.

Right after I finish my meal and order my 3rd beer, a tall older guy with curly blonde hair, glasses, and REALLY blue eyes comes in, sits down three bar stools away from me, and orders an IPA on draft. I'm 95% positive his name is Dan Marino.

Now I have no idea what kind of person he is out in public. Maybe he doesn't like attention. Maybe he just wants to drink his beer in piece. Plus I'm not totally sure it's him yet. But if it's not it's his damn evil twin or something. A bit later, another guy steps up next to Mr. Marino and orders a bud light. Dan turns to him and says "Man you can't order that, this bar serves REAL beer." The guy clearly has no clue who he is and doesn't laugh at the joke. "I'm just messing with you man," Marino says, then looks at the bartender. "He didn't even smile." We all laughed. I've seen Dan Marino on TV enough to know his voice. 98% positive it's him.

I text my wife and tell her. "Shut up....Pictures or it didn't happen," she texts back. I don't want to be obvious though. I look over and he's just answered his phone and is talking really low, clearly not wanting everyone to hear his conversation. I snap of picture of him in the bar mirror. It's not a great picture but I can tell it's him.


This is where the story gets cool. I decide to start talking sports with the bartender again and making sure my voice carries to see if I can get a reaction out of the guy. We talk about the other sports and how the NFL compares and I say "Yeah I like the NFL best because it's 16 games, so every game matters."

Dan Marino's eye brows raise and he glances over at me and nods.

A few minutes later the bartender says "man I just hope the cowboys were a fluke, I hate them." I say "yeah well you have to hate your division rivals, just like how I hate the Pats, Jets, and Bills.

Dan Marino turns and looks over at me over his glasses grinning. I look back for a second, raise my glass, and nod. He raises his and nods back. I play it cool but in my head I'm screaming "OH MY ****ING GOD AHHH!"

100% positive it's him and he knows that I know.

As I'm signing my check, I look over and notice he pays with cash and leaves. My gate is right next to him and he's headed to Ft. Lauderdale. He boards first class. I run back to the bar to ask to bartender if it was really him. He confirms it, says it's not the first time he's served him, and apologizes for not telling me but that he's not allowed to.

I didn't get a picture with him or an autograph, but I think my non-verbal exchange with him was 100 times cooler anyway.
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Active Member
Established Member
Nov 21, 2004
You should've commented to the bartender real loudly that you are so glad you don't need your ISOTONERS at this time of year in NC.

Sounds like a cool story though! Which beer(s) did you have, always looking to try some good new ones.


Well-Known Member
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Oct 23, 2010
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
That's awesome. I've met a few sports stars, and they've been pretty cool. I sat next to David Robinson on a plane and we talked about basketball for most of the flight. Saw Dennis Rodman at Claim Jumper (actually pretty good happy hour) at South Coast Plaza; he sat down and ordered drinks with me and my girlfriend when we made eye contact, talked about random stuff for about 15 minutes.

Saw Carmelo Anthony and Amar'e Stoudemire at the Beverly Wilshire a few years back. Was walking with my parents, noticed they were eating but didn't say anything. They called us over because my mom was wearing a Kobe jacket. Talked for a few minutes, asked why if LA was Lakers Town no one had stopped to talk to them. I told them a different crowd in Beverly Hills than the rest of LA. Cool guys.

Dad was next to Dan Marino on a plane to FL. Nice guy, talked about football the whole flight. It's always nice to meet athletes who are nice to fans. I never like to ask for an autograph or even a picture. Just try to shake their hand, and talk a bit if the opportunity is there. That usually gets a good response.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 2, 2014
You should've commented to the bartender real loudly that you are so glad you don't need your ISOTONERS at this time of year in NC.

Sounds like a cool story though! Which beer(s) did you have, always looking to try some good new ones.

I had four beers:
-Catawba Brewing CLT IPA. Really good Northeastern style IPA. Smooth, citrusy, and just a little hazy. 4.5/5
-NoDa Brewing Hop, Drop n' Roll. Almost as good as the CLT. Very similar. 4.25/5
-Hornets Nest Hef. The best hef I've ever had. Hands down. 5/5
-Sugar Creek White Ale - Also very good. Just a bit hazy. 4.5/5

Mr. Marino also had a CLT IPA. The man has good taste.


Well-Known Member
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Aug 2, 2014
How can you stomach IPAs? Good lord. You animal

There is no beer I can't appreciate. I love IPA's, Sours, Ambers, Russian Imperial Stouts, you name it. I have types that I like better than others but I love them all. There is nothing more beautiful to me (non-car/women related of course) than a cascade of draft beers ranging from light to red to dark.


DSG Lightning
Established Member
Dec 24, 2004
One of my good friends met him while in vacation i Italy a few years ago, he told Dan he loved him in Ace Ventura and he laughed and said thanks. Apparently he said that's what most people recognized him from while he was Italy.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 2, 2014
How can you stomach IPAs? Good lord. You animal

Oh by the way what IPAs have you had? There are some terrible ones. For example, I tried Kentucky Ale IPA not long ago. Their other beers are pretty good but that was the worst IPA I've ever had. Tasted like they just ground up aspirin and stirred it into a bud light.

Try to get your hands on a Northeastern style IPA that's hazy and has a bit of fruitiness to it and I bet you'll change your mind.

Dan Marino likes IPAs. Dan Marino is cool. Be like Dan Marino.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 16, 2007
So you met a bridesmaid...........

Just kidding, very cool. Good job on not being the annoying fan.

My wife has the knack of talking to famous sports folks, because she treats them like normal people without any hero worship and because she knows more about sports than most of them. She has one friend (currently a linebacker with the Falcons) that she gets together with his mother to tell him when he is missing tackles.

I remember one time I was having some some suits made and the wife was with me and there was guy there in a Virginia Tech Senior Bowl T-Shirt. She started talking to him and goes, "since you aren't small enough to be a corner back, that makes you Darrell Tapp. He said "yes, maam, I am" and without missing a beat she says "I hate your guts".

He was clearly shocked. She then went on to explain that she is a Georgia Tech fan and he had sacked her quarterback five times in the most recent game. He gave her his Pro Rookie card and she told him that it would be on our refrigerator, but if that if he ever got in trouble, she would get his father (who worked at the store) and come and find him.

Years later, my wife was attending a Redskins training camp and he picked her out of crowd and came over and talked to her and brought the other players over to sign autographs for my nephew.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 2, 2014
So you met a bridesmaid...........

Just kidding, very cool. Good job on not being the annoying fan.

My wife has the knack of talking to famous sports folks, because she treats them like normal people without any hero worship and because she knows more about sports than most of them. She has one friend (currently a linebacker with the Falcons) that she gets together with his mother to tell him when he is missing tackles.

I remember one time I was having some some suits made and the wife was with me and there was guy there in a Virginia Tech Senior Bowl T-Shirt. She started talking to him and goes, "since you aren't small enough to be a corner back, that makes you Darrell Tapp. He said "yes, maam, I am" and without missing a beat she says "I hate your guts".

He was clearly shocked. She then went on to explain that she is a Georgia Tech fan and he had sacked her quarterback five times in the most recent game. He gave her his Pro Rookie card and she told him that it would be on our refrigerator, but if that if he ever got in trouble, she would get his father (who worked at the store) and come and find him.

Years later, my wife was attending a Redskins training camp and he picked her out of crowd and came over and talked to her and brought the other players over to sign autographs for my nephew.

That's awesome. I'd love to have that kind of experience on a regular basis.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 7, 2013
Atlanta, GA
So you met a bridesmaid...........

Just kidding, very cool. Good job on not being the annoying fan.

My wife has the knack of talking to famous sports folks, because she treats them like normal people without any hero worship and because she knows more about sports than most of them. She has one friend (currently a linebacker with the Falcons) that she gets together with his mother to tell him when he is missing tackles.

I remember one time I was having some some suits made and the wife was with me and there was guy there in a Virginia Tech Senior Bowl T-Shirt. She started talking to him and goes, "since you aren't small enough to be a corner back, that makes you Darrell Tapp. He said "yes, maam, I am" and without missing a beat she says "I hate your guts".

He was clearly shocked. She then went on to explain that she is a Georgia Tech fan and he had sacked her quarterback five times in the most recent game. He gave her his Pro Rookie card and she told him that it would be on our refrigerator, but if that if he ever got in trouble, she would get his father (who worked at the store) and come and find him.

Years later, my wife was attending a Redskins training camp and he picked her out of crowd and came over and talked to her and brought the other players over to sign autographs for my nephew.

dude how cool is that? Props to wifey


Active Member
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Sep 20, 2016
Crummy NY
If you think YOU were excited meeting him... but you live in Utah...

Imagine how I would have felt meeting him, being the same fanboy you are, but living less than 100 miles from Bills Stadium...

I certainly would not have been as cool as you...

Of course, I'm also the guy that used to walk up to a hot chick in a bar, stare at her, blurt out "Hi"... and that's about all I have for that story, so, yeah...

Well Played. Very cool @Branhammer, very cool!


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Sep 26, 2004
Always cool to see athletes out doing normal guy stuff. Props to you for not being the typical annoying fanboy asking for a pic while he's trying enjoy a pre-flight beer.

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