i was bit by a dog yesterday. Options?


New Member
Aug 2, 2004
ok yesterday i was playing wiffle ball with some friends and i went to get a ball on the edge of the lawn and was bit by a dog in the ankle. It drew blood and the area is bruised. The dog was not on a leash or anything and no beware of dog signs or anything. Is there anything i can do about this? sorry this isnt car related.


Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
Was the dog on private property? If so, is the dog owned by the property owner? You need to get that bite taken care of. I dont care how many people tell you dogs have a clean mouth, they have a ton of bacteria in their mouths and once the wound draws blood it needs medical attention. Report the incident to the police and make sure a police report is taken. Approach the dog's owner and explain the situation and ask him/her to pay your medical bills.


New Member
Aug 2, 2004
FordSVTFan said:
Was the dog on private property? If so, is the dog owned by the property owner? You need to get that bite taken care of. I dont care how many people tell you dogs have a clean mouth, they have a ton of bacteria in their mouths and once the wound draws blood it needs medical attention. Report the incident to the police and make sure a police report is taken. Approach the dog's owner and explain the situation and ask him/her to pay your medical bills.

the dog was on a the lawn of a home, no leash. I assume that the owner lived at that house. My friend said they have an electric fence, but that doesnt mean i should have been bitten. i will contact the owner and try to be compensated for my medical bills. do i have any further options?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 27, 2003
West Los Angeles
Yes! Take a copy of the medical report from your doctor and pay a visit to the local animal control department. You want to make sure that the dog and owner are investigated by the animal control department for a biting dog complaint. If the dog bite anything again, dog, cat, human, mother-in-law, it doesn't matter, it can be destroyed. That is usually enough for the owner of the dog to pay attention to the local leash laws. Plus if you do have to sue in small claims court it will show that you are a responsible party and did everything the law requires of you before you needed to sue.


New Member
Established Member
Jul 16, 2003
Gunnison, Colorado
ok yesterday i was playing wiffle ball with some friends and i went to get a ball on the edge of the lawn and was bit by a dog in the ankle. .... the dog was on a the lawn of a home, no leash. I assume that the owner lived at that house.

Just to make sure I'm reading this correctly: You walked onto private property to get a wiffle ball, the dog then bit you while you were in its' territory and on the owners property.
If this is the case, then you are entitled to nothing. There is no requirement for an animal to be leashed on private property. The animal was within the fence and was protecting it's home. (exactly why many people have dogs) You were trespassing and it's not the owners problem that you got bitten.

If you weren't on private property then the owner should compensate you for medical bills. You can also get animal control involved incase this is a known violent animal with a history of biting.

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