More bad cops, San Antonio TX - HANDS UP DONT SHOOT


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Jun 9, 2007
Red Deer Alberta
Id like to know what some of you "cops are always right" people think of this. ex marine/ ex cop that seems to understand its not always as black or white as it seems.



Muffin is my spirit animal
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Feb 10, 2011
Nashville, TN
Did the victim have a gun on him?
Is there any other evidence to support the threat?

Yeah, because you are only a threat to another person's life if you have a firearm. Lol

Put down the Call of Duty and step away from the stupidity.


Let's go Brandon!
Established Member
Aug 13, 2003
Three cops assassinated this week, the newest found murdered in his house in Texas.


Well-Known Member
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May 6, 2014
College Station, Texas
Id like to know what some of you "cops are always right" people think of this. ex marine/ ex cop that seems to understand its not always as black or white as it seems.


I worked as a medic in an inner city and worked with police closely as well. I can tell you this; working in the city will make almost ANYONE racist that was not before. You just constantly deal with the shit of the city, and less with the good citizens, even as medics. The shitheads are the ones calling 911 for stupid shit, or for over doses, or for assaults etc. A majority of our calls were bullshit and taxi rides, people working the system because they don't want to pay for a taxi to get to the hospital etc. The effects of working in the city still wit with me, and not well. Luckily I got out of the city before I lost my mind.

That said, there are still plenty of officers with this attitude in the suburbs and rural areas, but, you're dealing with less "criminals", so therefore, you don't quickly succumb to that cycle he was referring to in the video and you still get to deal with lots of good people in general.


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Apr 26, 2005
houston area
Yeah, because you are only a threat to another person's life if you have a firearm. Lol

Put down the Call of Duty and step away from the stupidity.

At the distance they were I would say that a knife threat would be mitigated if there is no charging.

Sounds like you are the one expecting victims to have video game killing abilities.

My question is completely valid as we try to understand facts.


Established Member
Jun 6, 2007
Oklahoma City
He resisted arrest for 20+ minutes, had a knife and there were supposedly gunshots before the final shots happened. Whether that's true or not..who knows. Just more reporting. Can't believe anything these days until a few days after the information has been released to figure out the truth. By that time you already have people that have made up their minds one way or another based on non-proven material


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Aug 7, 2005
1 cop gets killed for every 500 non cops killed. Its a fact, lookup the statistics.

Do you have a source for that statistic? Sounds way off the mark based on reputable facts.

2,596,993 deaths nationwide = You're saying there are 5,193 police deaths per year? Not even close.

It's about a 1:4 ratio (LEO/criminal) for the past several years as criminal deaths have at the hands of LEOs has been ~400 (absolutely remarkable for a nation on 330M IMO) for several years and LEO deaths have hovered ~100 (way too high IMO).

People should be chanting "Heart Disease Matters" or "Cancer Matters" as those are taking lives at a rate 1,500 times faster absolutely dwarfing the ~400 crime induced deaths at the hands of LEOs we see per year.


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Aug 8, 2011
Round Rock, TX
That was the allegations, they don't know exactly what happened or even if the guy they shot was the guy they were looking for. When someone "even a suspect", has their hands up, or isn't fleeing, there is never a use for lethal force, but your ok that they fired at him twice within close range to murder him because they felt like it? what city do you live in?

Wow, you are impressive. You were there and know exactly what happened all the way from NJ?

And by the way. You are WRONG!!!! If a suspect is fleeing the right to use deadly force diminished drastically to almost zero so I don't understand your non-fleeing comment. A non-fleeing suspect that is not complying with the police (reaching for something) poses more risk to the officers life and allows for the use of deadly force if the officer feels their life is in danger. I'm curious how do you know his hands are up. Not hand, but hands? You don't as you can't see it. If the guy reached for his waist as what has been suggested then the officers lives were in danger and the right to use deadly force is present as you don't know if there is a gun under his shirt. If both hands are up then you would be right that the use of lethal force is not allowed but since you don't know that you should back off your statement as you are making assumptions right now.

I'm so sick of this BS. Stop jumping to assumptions/conclusions when you don't have all the facts in front of you AND the training to understand the laws that are in place for the situation. We have way to many arm chair Cops/Lawyers around here.

If the cops were in the wrong, once all the facts have been analyized I'm sure they will be charged as they should. If the facts show the guy was posing a threat to their lives then the shoot will be deemed justified. Do you all really think cops wake up in the morning thinking. "Hey, today would be a good day to kill someone." Maybe a few but the majority don't.
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GT Premi

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Mar 15, 2011

As usual, I am not on anyone's side here. I am on the side of justice...

:dw: :shrug:

Again.. he was a suspect, weather or not he was the same guy that did commit the crime of hurting the woman with the cut on her head or not, the cops don't know that. They know about a suspect in an area and the allegations of a crime committed.

1 cop gets killed for every 500 non cops killed. Its a fact, lookup the statistics.

People don't hate cops for "doing their job", they hate them for being hotheaded arrogant public figures high on upholding authority that can't control themselves, hopped up on steroids and continuously case more problems than they help to "protect and serve". haha, i love that last phrase!

Last time you were pulled over driving your mustang around, did you feel like they were protecting and serving you? Did you feel like you broke the law and you were "a criminal" ? Because in the eyes of the law, evertime your mustang hits 52mph in a 50, you're a criminal too.

Quit with that logic! Traffic violations are clearly not a crime! Otherwise, anyone that gets popped for speeding, in the eyes of many on SVTP, could and should rightfully be pit maneuvered and shot dead in the ditch they landed in. I mean, they're actively committing a crime, right? And the fact that the cop had to chase them down means they were fleeing the cops. They deserve one in the head and two in the chest. Think of the other drivers on the road. Think of the children the criminal could have injured!! Oh, the horror! Kill ALL criminals on site!


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Aug 8, 2011
Round Rock, TX
Here in Los Angeles the Police are FINALLY! all going to be wearing video cameras.

But there is going to be a HUGE problem.

The police unions have gotten a few rules put in place regarding the cameras.

The officer must be allowed to view the footage BEFORE writing a report.

And the footage will not be released to the public until someone has sued to get it.

How can they get away with this you might ask?

The cameras are being paid for by "donations" and therefore are not the property of the city or it's citizens. So neither is the footage.

Good for them. I don't understand why the footage ever needs to be released to the general public anyways. If there is an issue with how things transpired then the footage should be shown to a jury while in court. I don't understand why people feel the need that every activity an officer makes needs to be released to the public for review. The general public has no clue on what is supposed to happen in 95% of the situations anyways. We think we do but most of us (myself included) haven't studied the penal code. We also don't know the policy and procedures that are in place for the officers under a given situation. So what are we going to do with the footage? Just more opportunity to the arm chair layers/cops to get fired up over something they don't truly understand. I really see very little benefit from it as all as we all know people aren't going to watch that stuff and then go pat the cops on the back for the 99% of the things they do right. We just want it so that we can go attack someone for the 1% of the time they screw up.


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Aug 7, 2005
If we as a nation are SO outraged at the deaths of these ~400 criminals per year, we should be equally outraged at the following:

Autoerotic Asphyxiation Matters - ~600

Falling Out Of Bed Matters - ~450

Deaths of criminals at the hands of U.S. LEOs - ~400

Pretty much puts how infinitesimal the "problem" really is in the grand scheme IMO.


Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
Something I found a bit strange is how the police dept criticized the black guy for selling his footage to the media. Don't the people have the right to know what happened or at least see some non-biased footage?


Active Member
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Jun 9, 2007
Red Deer Alberta
If we as a nation are SO outraged at the deaths of these ~400 criminals per year, we should be equally outraged at the following:

Autoerotic Asphyxiation Matters - ~600

Falling Out Of Bed Matters - ~450

Deaths of criminals at the hands of U.S. LEOs - ~400

Pretty much puts how infinitesimal the "problem" really is in the grand scheme IMO.

Funny how you guys put the word "criminal" in front of every person cops shoot. Yes lots of them are justified but saying that a guy was a criminal cause he didn't follow orders exactly and therefore got shot is insane.


Active Member
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Aug 8, 2011
Round Rock, TX
Something I found a bit strange is how the police dept criticized the black guy for selling his footage to the media. Don't the people have the right to know what happened or at least see some non-biased footage?

Funny how you felt the need to add "black guy" in that statement. You wouldn't be trying to stir the pot more are you as all the info I've obtained shows they called the guy by his name and never used his race. Interesting on how some people feel the need to try to bring race into EVERYTHING. Sure, the public has the right to see it. I still debate the benefit of it being shown as we don't know the facts.

For example - How many people watching that video would seek out the below? What benefit was the video if this later turns out that the guy reached for his waste or said something along the lines of "I have a bomb, time for everyone to die." then reached for something.

Again, this could be a case of bad cops, suicide by cop or someone making a move that insinuates a threat towards the officers life. Right now, we don't know and yet most of you already have your pitchforks out. This is 100% the reason why I think these video's shouldn't be shared with the general public. All they serve to do is invoke mass panic or hate. Nothing can reverse that effect even if the action that cause it was a correct action taken.

Radio traffic from an on scene EMS unit. The suspect called himself in, stated he beat his wife/girlfriend as well as a two-month old child. He also claimed he was suicidal and was threatening death by cop.
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Active Member
Established Member
Aug 7, 2005
Funny how you guys put the word "criminal" in front of every person cops shoot. Yes lots of them are justified but saying that a guy was a criminal cause he didn't follow orders exactly and therefore got shot is insane.

It's one of the most underwhelming problems in our nation based on stats, right up there with death by falling out of bed or masterbating to death as I was illustrating in the other post. We are a nation 330M strong, all sorts of shit out there thinning the herd.
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