Ocean Levels??


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Jun 27, 2013
southeast PA
so over the years constant reminders on the news ice caps melting ocean rising in 15 years we will all be under water yada yada yada

they say global warming, im sorry global climate change now, is melting the ice caps so fast and water is just going to continue to rise unless we stop these bastard greenhouse gasses.

that being said im not saying it has little do it with it, but i think its being blown way of proportion, more as a distraction for those big wigs to make money ( hear me out)

im not a conspiracy theorist normally, but after thinking for a few days i stumble upon a thread off Google while trying to do a little math, and this guy/girl whatever explained exactly what i am thinking to a T.

- they are getting bigger and bigger and more of them are hitting the water and there displacement acts like an ice cube in a glass of water

-below is the post i found please, read and let me know what you think, i would have wrote my own but since i found this and it was everything i was think copy and paste works much better.
- i believe it to be entirely fees-able and just another thing being covered up

Im not bashing global whatever change, so i dont wanna hear it, just pointing out another side i dont think many people think about.

"I have a new theory and thought I would see what you think! I don't think that the sea levels are rising just because of global warming. I think the levels are rising, because we keep on putting stuff in our oceans.

Every year there is a new Cruise ship that is bigger and better than the last. The materials that are used to make the big ships are source from inland. Then the ship is manufactured and place in the ocean. This is weight that the ocean didn't have to contend with before and therefore would displace some water. We all know what happens when you get in a bath that is full to the brim. It overflows, because we displace the water.

Now imagine that there is a few thousand of these ships in the ocean. This would displace a larger amount of water. This has to happen.

There are also coal ships and cargo ships.


This one would displace a lot.Also now combine to that displacement, that there are more people world wide with boats now, more displacement.

now this is just one marina full of boats, imagine how many marinas there are? And all marinas usually have walls created from rocks, dumped in the ocean=more displacement.

More and more people have access to and are able to travel to the beach. This means more bodies in the water displacing more water.


Also we have many countries starting to build on the water. The islands have their little huts on top the water. Many Asian countries are building in rivers to accommodate more people. Dubai has created their own world map of islands by dumping alot of dirt in the ocean. This all would displace water.

They said the Dubai island complexes were a trilogy, but I can not find an image for the other one.

There are also more bridges being built, all of these bridges have tremendous poles that extend into the oceans and rivers. These poles have to displace some amount of water. That is fact. There are over 600 000 bridges in the U.S. alone. Imagine worldwide.

Also all our rubbish that is chucked in the ocean or the ships that are always sunk out at sea. Like the junk island floating around the globe.

Now as you can see if you added all of these factors together and summed up the total amount of displacement of water, that is created, it would add up to a massive of water being displaced. I think this is the true reason for global water levels to be rising, and we are stupid and being blinded.

They are making out that it is everyone fault that the waters are rising, but I think if you look a little closer, I think all the money mungars are trying to slip another fast one past us, so they can continue to make their money and ruin the world!

Well lets look at it this way:

The surface area of the Worlds oceans is 335 258 000 km2

To raise the level of the worlds oceans by a metre you would need:

335 258 000 km2 * 0.0000001 km =335.258 km3 (0.0000001 km2= 1 metre)

A cubic metre of salt water weighs 1.027 tonnes. therefore:

A cubic metre of salt water weighs 1.027 tonnes *1000000metres =1 027 000 tonnes for a cubic kilometre of salt water

1 027 000 tonnes* 335.258km3= 344 309 966 tonnes

344 309 966 tonnes of water will need to be displaced to make a one metre rise in the oceans of the world.

There are around 250 cruise ships worldwide each weighing Average Gross tonnage of 100 000 tonnes

So the cruise ships world wide weigh 25 000 000tonnes in total.

There are around 9000 cargo ships around the world each weighing an average of 50 000 tonnes

so the cargo ships world wide weigh 450 000 000 tonnes in total.

now this is what they say about floating:

The standard definition of floating was first recorded by Archimedes and goes something like this: An object in a fluid experiences an upward force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. So if a boat weighs 1,000 pounds (or kilograms), it will sink into the water until it has displaced 1,000 pounds (or kilograms) of water. Provided that the boat displaces 1,000 pounds of water before the whole thing is submerged, the boat floats.

So to me this means if the combined weight of all the boats is 475 000 000 tonnes then at one time there could be 475 000 000 tonnes of sea water displaced. I f everything was full.
I expect that half of these ships would be empty at any one time, so if we half the total it is more likely the figure of water displaced by the ships at one time.

This would be 237 500 000 tonnes of water displaced. If we needed 344 309 966 tonnes to be displaced to make a metre rise, these ships account for around two thirds of a metre rise or 60 cm globally

I think this is right is there any mathematicians to check my work?

So what do you think? "



Well-Known Member
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Apr 10, 2010
I'm just glad the person who wrote the article is better at spelling and punctuation than you. Really. I would blow my brains out trying to read an article/report wrote by you.


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Jul 1, 2013
Boston, MA
I"m sure it plays a role, but probably not as large as you think it does.

70% of the Earth's surface is covered by water while the worlds oceans contain about 96.5% of all the world's water.

How much water is there on Earth, from the USGS Water Science School

The oceans run deep. It takes a LOT of ships, people and other stuff to really displace water enough to raise sea levels. I would look more at erosion from storms than I would at ships. They have a larger impact in redrawing coastal beaches and ports etc...


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Jun 27, 2013
southeast PA
I'm so sorry i forgot to care how you feel about punctuation

don't like it don't read or read it and blow your brains out i don't care. i care less about you then i do about spelling and punctuation, at least i spaced most of it out and didn't leave one big ass run-on sentence.


New Member
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Jun 27, 2013
southeast PA
I"m sure it plays a role, but probably not as large as you think it does.

70% of the Earth's surface is covered by water while the worlds oceans ocean contain about 96.5% of all the world's water.

How much water is there on Earth, from the USGS Water Science School

The oceans run deep. It takes a LOT of ships, people and other stuff to really displace water enough to raise sea levels. I would look more at erosion from storms than I would at ships. They have a larger impact in redrawing coastal beaches and ports etc...

i agree completely, I'm just showing one side

i don't mean to display it as only boats are just one cause


Well-Known Member
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Jun 27, 2003
West Los Angeles
If all the Whales in all The World's oceans all farted at once nobody would notice. Except for the Green Peace folks that have their noses up the Whales Asses.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 16, 2007
Have you ever noticed that the President only brings this crap up on really hot days. During winter, he stops talking about climate change. Ever wonder why?


New Member
Established Member
Jun 27, 2013
southeast PA
Have you ever noticed that the President only brings this crap up on really hot days. During winter, he stops talking about climate change. Ever wonder why?
yea bc in winter its global climate change, and summer is global warming:lol1:


Well-Known Member
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Aug 20, 2003
Aiken, SC
We had a guy at work who was an "Expert" on everything and he claims that Volcanoes blow black ash/soot into the air. Winds take it north to the glaciers where it settles. The black soot is heated from the sun as dark attacks light and melts the glaciers...

I think that makes more sense than the boats...


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
I would think that the water we draw and use from the oceans and rivers would counter for any changes any boat could cause in displacement. I say that because the changes boats account for is probably very small and we use a lot of water.


Established Member
Feb 24, 2004
Machdup1 said:
Have you ever noticed that the President only brings this crap up on really hot days. During winter, he stops talking about climate change. Ever wonder why?



Warmer air temperatures around the globe lead to increased levels of moisture in the air. When storms come around, the additional moisture fuels heavier precipitation as more intense rain and snow.



New Member
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Jun 27, 2013
southeast PA
I'm obviously no rocket scientist, but i feel it has to carry some weight as there are cargo ships alone the size of the empire state building

granted yes the empire state building would be lost forever in the depths of the ocean but thousands of them? and that's just one style of cargo ship and you would still have the cruise ships that are ridiculous in size compared to the titanic many years ago.

then you have places like Dubai displacing the sands to make islands?

idk i just think its underestimated the weight of cruise lines and cargo ships and the amount there are let alone the ones that sink full of cargo

i could also see the water we use balancing it out along with all the water in the atmosphere as well


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Established Member
Jun 27, 2013
southeast PA


Warmer air temperatures around the globe lead to increased levels of moisture in the air. When storms come around, the additional moisture fuels heavier precipitation as more intense rain and snow.


shouldn't i have gotten more snow this year then:shrug:

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