Pet Peeves


Yes, they're real.
Super Moderator
Nov 12, 2003
Should be fun. Let's hear them.
Just a few to start with...I have a ton more.
Toilet paper and paper towels coming off the bottom, not top.
Squeezing toothpaste from the middle, not base.
Idiots who stop 3-4 vehicles away from the car in front of them at a light. That includes assholes on the phone that wait 2-3 seconds later to start moving.
Hanging in the left lane going under the posted speed limit.


Superfleck Moonbird
Established Member
Malt Liquor Mafia
May 13, 2010
Rockwood Lodge
Should be fun. Let's hear them.
Just a few to start with...I have a ton more.
Toilet paper and paper towels coming off the bottom, not top.
Squeezing toothpaste from the middle, not base.
Idiots who stop 3-4 vehicles away from the car in front of them at a light. That includes assholes on the phone that wait 2-3 seconds later to start moving.
Hanging in the left lane going under the posted speed limit.

Know why people squeeze toothpaste tubes in the middle?

To get the toothpaste out.


Authorized Vendor
Established Member
Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
Should be fun. Let's hear them.
Just a few to start with...I have a ton more.
Toilet paper and paper towels coming off the bottom, not top.
Squeezing toothpaste from the middle, not base.
Idiots who stop 3-4 vehicles away from the car in front of them at a light. That includes assholes on the phone that wait 2-3 seconds later to start moving.
Hanging in the left lane going under the posted speed limit.
THAT is the first on my own list. My wife normally puts the toilet paper on the holder coming off the bottom (not purposely, LOL) and I'm always reversing the roll right away. We have a vertical paper towel holder in the kitchen and she ALWAYS puts the roll on the holder feeding counterclockwise. I reverse it right away to properly feed clockwise since we're both right handed. LOL.

Other personal pet peeves.
* Leaving the bathroom nightlight on. I have trouble sleeping in anything but a pitch black bedroom.
* My wife telling me she can't find her phone when I KNOW it's in her pocketbook. She searches and there it her pocketbook. Happens daily. LOL.
* Local drivers rolling through stop signs.
* Bicyclists and walkers on our town bike/walking trail not pushing the crossing button and instead just walk into traffic. Too many don't push the Walk button. One of these days, someone is going to get hurt. I've complained to the police and while they agree it's a safety issue, it's a state road at the crossing and changing/improving the crossing protocol would require too much state involvement. So nothing gets done.
* Watching your favorite team playing well, and because the network deems it is too lopsided, they switch with maybe 30 minutes to play to another game.


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
Letting the windshield wipers run on a dry windshield.

People who don't pull into the intersection on a left turn yield and then hold for the light when it turns yellow rather than continue through the intersection.

People who don't stop or have to stop last second to yield at round abouts (I've found this depends on the area. There's one near my work which is not a great area and the people drive like idiots to where I've almost been hit passing through it more times than I've gotten through it properly). It's like, how hard is it to navigate these safely?

Black Gold 380R

Multiple SVT Collector
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Feb 28, 2008
El Paso, TX
Know why people squeeze toothpaste tubes in the middle?

To get the toothpaste out.

I typically squeeze the tube from the bottom. What gets me is my family leaving the cap off the tube.

Other things...

Leaving the water on while doing the dishes. Why does the water have to be on while you're loading the dishwasher? Rinse them all, turn water off. THEN load dishwasher lol.

Unprepared people. Know what the hell you want when you get to the drive through speaker. Order and move the F out.....

People who play their music through a loud speaker in their car. I don't want to hear your BS music.

People who don't drive like they got some place to be. Step on the gas or get the F out of my way lmao

I'm with you Brad (@03cobra#694) I have a ton more too lol.... I guess that's why my wife calls me the Grinch lmao.

Oh and speaking of the wife, Me in the car is her pet peeve. I'm always yelling at dumbass driver's. She always tells me "You know they can't hear you." I'm like no, but it makes me feel better LMAO!!!

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Well-Known Member
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Nov 16, 2007
People who attempt to force their way into a line of traffic from a non merge lane because they don’t want to wait with everyone else.

My second pet peeve is the people who go full bitch, hit the brakes and allow them into the lane.

Third, the useless piles of shit who are begging for money at every street light.

Fourth, the people who enable the useless piles of shit begging for money at every street light by giving them money. Please do the right thing and let them starve.


Well-Known Member
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Feb 6, 2006
North Carolina
I've passed 2 people last week who hit all of my driving pet peeves at the same time. Driving in the fast lane under the speed limit with no cars in front of you but holding up traffic a mile behind you, while a phone glued to your face in a car that I know has bluetooth to talk on and then when I get around you I see you are driving with your high beams on. You should be allowed to be pit maneuvered out of the way.


The name's Francis Soyer.
Established Member
May 31, 2010
Empire State
Improperly using the words there, their and they're as well as your and you're. Also, it's asterisk, not asterick.

I also hate the mf'ers who park their grocery cart in the middle of the aisle so no one can pass by.


Well-Known Member
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Jul 4, 2017
People who attempt to force their way into a line of traffic from a non merge lane because they don’t want to wait with everyone else.

My second pet peeve is the people who go full bitch, hit the brakes and allow them into the lane.

Third, the useless piles of shit who are begging for money at every street light.

Fourth, the people who enable the useless piles of shit begging for money at every street light by giving them money. Please do the right thing and let them starve.

Nailed it. All of this. We never had beggars but now they are on every corner.

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Authorized Vendor
Established Member
Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
People who are on my lawn...
Speaking of lawns. I'm updating my list!
* Pet owners who walk their pets and allow them to crap and piss on other homeowners' lawns, including mind. If your dog has to crap, let him/her crap on YOUR lawn. Stay off my property!!


Well-Known Member
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Feb 3, 2011
The land of commies and socialists!
Oh yeah, people who are always late. My oldest and his wife are always late for everything. If we want them here at 3, we tell them 1.
I know a few people that are the exact same way and it drives me nuts.

My sister in law was so bad about it for a while she showed up late to her grandfather's funeral.

What pisses me off even more is when people show up late to dinner where 10 other people are invited and ask why we didn't wait for them to start eating. **** the **** off, you're 2 hours late!

Now I tell people in the invite that we are eating at XXX time and we won't be waiting on anyone!


Established Member
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Party Liquor Posse
May 31, 2004
Charleston, SC
People who play their music through a loud speaker in their car. I don't want to hear your BS music.

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Sorry about was a good song though!

Got pulled over one night for my stereo, wasn't even loud. The Cop asked me why he pulled me over and I said..because you're not a Metallica fan? He let me go.... :)


Well-Known Member
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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
Live outside the city so there is no firework ordnance and have a community FB page where all the see you next Tuesday's get on and complain about the noise under the guise of "think of the veterans with PTSD!"

Also, run-on sentences...wait wat

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