RIP Grampy


Well-Known Member
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May 31, 2010
Empire State
RIP to your grandfather. And thank you for sharing. I always had more fun with my grandparents than my own parents. Way less pressure. I also spent a great deal of time with them growing up. Probably more than most. They actually taught me way more than my own parents did. Things such as how to be nice to people, how to fish, play golf, how to paint and draw, how to use tools. They always talked about how things were when they were younger and it always seemed much more appealing than the life I currently had. I had all my grandparents well into my late thirties and am very thankful for that.


Resident Prick.
Established Member
Apr 10, 2005
Surrounded by libetards.
He was 81 in November. Thanks for all the kind words everyone. Just got back from the public wake and it was mobbed, no surprise he was loved by many. Funeral is tomorrow and I'm doing a speech after my two Uncles say their piece. Today was a long day, tomorrow will be longer.

Ernie never mentioned grandpa's age.


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
Tomorrow will go well. Just remember how loved he was and how wonderful he was. Embracing and sharing the wonderful memories helps to ease the pain of loss. Doesn't make it disappear, just lessens the pain and heightens the joys experienced over a lifetime.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 12, 2014
Sorry to hear. I unfortunately never met my grandfather on my mothers side. He died before I was born. And my grandfather on my dads side was bed ridden since I was born all the way up til he passed 6-7 years ago. The day my grandma passes(which is expected to happen soon) will be a bad day for me.


Deplorable and Proud
Established Member
Apr 10, 2008
Sorry for your loss. I went thru this with my grandpa last October. He truly was a best friend to me. So many good memories. Think about him everyday.

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Resident Prick.
Established Member
Apr 10, 2005
Surrounded by libetards.
Thanks again for all the well wishes everyone. Below is my speech for tomorrow.....any criticism or suggestions are welcome (the slashes are soft stops for those that haven't taken a speech writing class) I just want to make him proud.

For those of you here that don’t know me I’m Little Ernie. / I have the privilege of being Tammie’s son / and Bob’s first Grandson. It’s an honor for me to be up here / and have the opportunity to talk for a few minutes about a man that I’ve looked up to my entire 37 years on this earth.

I’ve learned that a lot in life has to do with luck / and I consider myself to be incredibly lucky to have had a man like Bob as my Grandfather. / I have a lifetime of memories in my head // stories to share with my children, family, and friends /because of the relationship he built with me.


From the time I was 5 he was sneaking me into dirt track races for the cheapest price possible /…..I believe I was playing a 5 year old boy at the Fonda, Malta, and Lebanon Valley ticket booths / until I was 10 or eleven years old. / He had to save on the gate because I would kill his budget on the food once we were inside. / This is also the time I got my membership card as Genesee Beer smuggler with a well placed blanket under my arm, / because what security guard is checking children’s blankets for Gennesee?? /

Then there was all the time at deer run / where I got to explore the local woods, swim, suffer through bingo night, stuff copious amounts of s’mores and slim jims into my belly, /and learn to play bocce ball, horse shoes, and croquet. / The biggest lesson I learned / there was no louder voice on that ridge than my Grammy when I didn’t come back to check in on time…..SO BE ON TIME. /


All this time I was being groomed to be a big fan through the golden age of the WWF /as Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and many others became household names…/…You all know who Ric Flair is right? / Does anyone here know Ric Flair’s signature call? / Bear with me because this will make sense in a few seconds…

I’ve been a hunter since I was 15 and began hunting with my Uncle Dwane when I was 20 I believe /….and we’ve always hunted along tamarac road. /Well, / about 15 or so years ago Grampy decided it was high time to weave some additional Ric Flair into our hunting lives /… EVERY day my Uncles and I were being oh so quiet in the wilderness / hoping to see the big buck / Grampy would head to Stewart’s a little after sunrise for his morning coffee / as soon as he turned off Camel hill road I could hear him coming…/...he would have his window down, / driving slowly…soon as he turned that corner he was yelling like Ric Flair at the top of his lungs/ (woo, woo, woo, woo) all the way from Camel Hill road until he passed the bus garage. /

This was usually followed by a sigh / and me saying to myself / “I might as well get out of the friggin’ tree’ “/ or the occasional ‘friggin Deead’ / coming across the walkie talkie from Uncle Dwane. / But it was the funniest damned thing that happened almost every day of the hunting season and I’ll remember that for the rest of my life / there’s never a time I’m in a tree stand and it doesn’t cross my mind.

Not only was he funny, / but he was the most patient man I’ve ever had the pleasure of being around. / I only managed to make him angry once in 37 years…/…you can catch that story later on outside of church property if you so desire. / The following one is better I think anyway…/..I told you how he got me into racing /and boy was I a fan / and still am today. / I remember a time when I had to be 9 or 10 years old / we were on the way to good ole exit 28 /Grampy had the cruise set on his gorgeous red and white f150 with the bench front seat.… /….well I was excited to see some racin’ so when I noticed his foot away from the gas pedal I slid mine on top of it / and began to push down slowly until the pedal was on the floor. / I held my foot there until I couldn’t logically push my luck anymore…./ as we both felt the truck decelerate / he saw the needle still buried to the right of 90 mph he yelled out ‘Jeez’ I wondered why we were passing so many people! / I thought I would be crushed / yelled at / never allowed to go to the races again / but instead he looked at me and said…./….make sure you never tell your Mother / as he smiled and chuckled with a strong hint of gearhead pride.

These stories are just a peek at what’s in my head from all the years I was lucky enough to have this man in my life. / He’s been the glue holding this family together for a long time / and I hope we honor his memory by staying close for this and future generations. / I’m lucky enough to keep these memories until my journey ends, / reminisce about the memories my children had with their Poppy Lockrow. / I’m lucky enough to be able to strive to be half the man Robert Freeman Lockrow was / for my children, /my family, / and my friends. / I hope everyone in this room realizes how lucky they were to have someone like this as a part of their life / because they’re few and far between. / Thank you for listening /and thank you for being with us in this time of sorrow, / celebration, /reflection, /and remembrance. I love you Grampy, you’ll live on with me forevermore. /
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 2, 2003
It sounds like your grandfather was a great man and your best friend, I can sense that deep love you have for him. That is a wonderful thing to have such a good relationship with anyone, much less a family member, you are truly blessed. I'm sorry for your loss but you will see him again one day !

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