Russians Pronounce The Death Of Capitalism In America


Putin 2016. Yup.
Established Member
Mar 29, 2007

A sign of one CEO being fired, is a sign of government control?
Limited salaries is the beginning of our "slavery"...
Americans know more about tv/mcdonalds, and the Russians are any better off?
Obama is spending the most money ever... what about the rest of the world?

To say the least, it is an interesting read... But take everything he says with a grain of salt. The sheer fact that he knocks on the US education system.. have you heard of any good schools in Russia my friends?
Limited salaries apply to a company that is recieving tax-payer money.. I dont see how any normal, middle class person would be against that. You want to pay the same jerkoff 10 million a year, who just caused the economic meltldown? Give me a break.

Euphoric One

Uncommon Sense
Established Member
Jan 9, 2008
You guys, don't dismiss the article because it smells of Russian propaganda. There is some very disturbing shit going on right now. The government dictating what American consumers drive? Who should run corporations? What they should make? Mindless bending to special interest groups. Destruction of civil rights? The daily shitting on the Constitution?

Everyone is cool with all that?


New Member
Established Member
Feb 11, 2007
You guys, don't dismiss the article because it smells of Russian propaganda. There is some very disturbing shit going on right now. The government dictating what American consumers drive? Who should run corporations? What they should make? Mindless bending to special interest groups. Destruction of civil rights? The daily shitting on the Constitution?

Everyone is cool with all that?

+100000000000. Sure, there is some heavy Russian Propaganda bullshit in that article but there are a ton good points. Obama shouldn't be doing 90% of the stuff he is currently doing. The funny thing is, everybody talks about how spineless he is when it comes to the military and making important decisions, but the American people as a whole are completely spineless when it comes to protecting their own rights and speaking up about things that are wrong with what the government is doing.


Hurter Of Delicate Vaginas
Established Member
Premium Member
May 20, 2005
A sign of one CEO being fired, is a sign of government control?
Limited salaries is the beginning of our "slavery"...
Americans know more about tv/mcdonalds, and the Russians are any better off?
Obama is spending the most money ever... what about the rest of the world?

To say the least, it is an interesting read... But take everything he says with a grain of salt. The sheer fact that he knocks on the US education system.. have you heard of any good schools in Russia my friends?
Limited salaries apply to a company that is recieving tax-payer money.. I dont see how any normal, middle class person would be against that. You want to pay the same jerkoff 10 million a year, who just caused the economic meltldown? Give me a break.

Did you mention the US Education system? What hole have you been in? America is producing some of the dumbest members of society anywhere in the world, our education system sucks because the govt. want's to make sure that, just like the rest of the sorry ass people in this country, they are not left behind by those that are willing to work/learn to better themselves. My wife is a teacher and I get to deal with it on a daily basis, a child who can't read a Dr. Seuss book in the 6th grade and considered "average". Take a big dose of reality wake up to the fact that the country is swirling the toilet.

You guys, don't dismiss the article because it smells of Russian propaganda. There is some very disturbing shit going on right now. The government dictating what American consumers drive? Who should run corporations? What they should make? Mindless bending to special interest groups. Destruction of civil rights? The daily shitting on the Constitution?

Everyone is cool with all that?

For once I can agree with you completely. No one gives a crap anymore until it directly affects them so they dismiss the facts.

+100000000000. Sure, there is some heavy Russian Propaganda bullshit in that article but there are a ton good points. Obama shouldn't be doing 90% of the stuff he is currently doing. The funny thing is, everybody talks about how spineless he is when it comes to the military and making important decisions, but the American people as a whole are completely spineless when it comes to protecting their own rights and speaking up about things that are wrong with what the government is doing.

And finally, you are absolutely correct. Unfortunately for those of us that would like to do something, there just aren't enough of us...and if there are it is going to take a martyr of some sort to begin the change. Hopefully it won't happen too late. That and if/when the shit does hit the fan and we end up under marshall law, I hope our soldiers help to take that stand.


Established Member
Jul 7, 2002
SF Bay Area
You guys, don't dismiss the article because it smells of Russian propaganda. There is some very disturbing shit going on right now. The government dictating what American consumers drive? Who should run corporations? What they should make? Mindless bending to special interest groups. Destruction of civil rights? The daily shitting on the Constitution?

Everyone is cool with all that?
Who is dismissing that? There are several responses above addressing it, mine included.

Euphoric One

Uncommon Sense
Established Member
Jan 9, 2008
Who is dismissing that? There are several responses above addressing it, mine included.

The folks with the one sentence answers marginalizing the content of the article because of the origin of the author.

People nowadays seem like they're too damn lazy to spend a few minutes informing themselves on current events that don't included what movies are coming out this weekend, who won American Idol and who advanced to the NBA Finals.


Established Member
Oct 17, 2003
Vidalia, Georgia
Anyone who takes this article as serious is a fool. The same kind of fool that takes some of the other articles on this site serious:

"Creatures living deep under Earth’s surface came from space." and

"Aliens downed Tunguska meteorite to save Earth." or here is a good one:

"Men become impotent because of women's bare legs." or my personal favorite:

"Russian tourists try to break Florida law having sex with porcupine."

Give me a friggin break people! Don't be so damm stupid!!!

Euphoric One

Uncommon Sense
Established Member
Jan 9, 2008
Anyone who takes this article as serious is a fool. The same kind of fool that takes some of the other articles on this site serious:

"Creatures living deep under Earth’s surface came from space." and

"Aliens downed Tunguska meteorite to save Earth." or here is a good one:

"Men become impotent because of women's bare legs." or my personal favorite:

"Russian tourists try to break Florida law having sex with porcupine."

Give me a friggin break people! Don't be so damm stupid!!!

Glad to meet you Strawman.


I am the liquor
Established Member
Premium Member
Dec 24, 2007
the people who voted for O-wat-a-shama don't know the first thing about politics. all they were interested in was "OH ITS TIME FOR A CHANGE" f***in bs. now that the economy is about to fall into a third world country where is everyone who voted for this asshat? This writer is spot on with every word. Time for a change my @$$, we needed someone who could govern this country and bring us out of this recession, not just change face and make it look like he knows what he's doing and "try" to bring equality. This monkey is going to be the reason y we fall as a world power. all these stupid nig nogs are just sitting there happy just because we have a black president. please...... this really really makes my blood boil b/c everytime i talk to an idiot who voted for him, they have no valid prof to back up the reasons y he is suitable for his position.
congrats America. O-ne B-ig A-dministrative M-istake A-$$*0les


Established Member
Apr 23, 2005
Staten Island, NYC
Its funny how people proclaim others are uneducated. Pot calling the kettle black.
First off, for the final time. Any one of you that blame the current administration for the ECONOMIC problems have to be profoundly retarded. I love how you can claim the current administration caused this problem.
Obama was not even in office when this started, and he inherited dozens of failing fortune 500 companies, ALL CAUSED by Bushs "hands-off" economic policy. We all screamed and yelled for bailouts, and now complain when the government enacts policy to stop corporate abuse. If you even read the regulations, you would notice that the salary cap is no where close to what your claiming. I never realized a million dollars was the government squeezing me dry. If a company did not take bailout money, they`re not affected. My best friend is a smith barney broker, and he recieved a 15 grand bonus 2 months ago, and hes a 2 year employee. Smith Barney took billions of government money. WOW the government is really breaking the back of the average worker with their "socialist" policies. Shut the **** up you idiots.

What ever happened to checks and balances, government intervention/auditing. "I want everyone to live the American dream, and own a house" Thanks Bush, really helped us out with that one. Dont even pretend that the previous administration did not turn a blind eye to EVERY mortgage deal approved the past 8 years. Then the followup hedge-fund shit fest approved by the administration.

To the idiots claiming the government is trying to "dictate" what you drive. Hey pal, have you noticed the ONLY companies that are being mandated to develop eco-concious vehicles are the same companies who begged for government handouts funded from your paycheck?
As far as CAFE goes, and MPG, go right ahead and bitch and moan, simple fact is its necessary. OIL is finite, how many wars do you want OTHERS to fight so the world can continue driving fossil fuel based vehicles. tard.
The American education system is in fact detoriated and behind. Hate to burst your bubble. We still have the some of the best higher-education instuitions in the world. I just graduated college, a quarter of all my classes were foreign born exchange students, from Asia, India, Europe etc.. Theres a reason that students around the world attend American universities. Its not because of mcdonalds.

Dont lecture me on the education system in this country. my mother is a retired elementary school teacher and I have seen what bullshit government policy does to education. "No child left behind" LMAO, who proposed that idea. cough "The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Pub.L. 107-110), often abbreviated in print as NCLB and sometimes shortened in pronunciation to "nicklebee",[1] is a United States federal law (Act of Congress) that was originally proposed by President George W. Bush on January 23, 2001, immediately after taking office.[2] Congress based its legislation on this "blueprint" proposed by the President"
Like my original post stated, Russia claiming the American population is retarded, is comparable to a kid with down syndrome lecturing a professor on economics.

Russia talking about big government taking over industry, um.. what about the violent take over of all private natural resource companies over the past few years, that is still going on.
Gazpromneft FTW.

When Obama tells me hes taking over Exxon because its part of our "national security" is when you can tell me im wrong.
We definitley have a problem, Russia should worry about theirs first.
Stop blaiming the big bad government for the "dumbing" down of America.

My parents taught me from an early age that its up to me to inform my self. I read every day, and I dont depend on main-stream media to inform me of global issues.I derive my own conclusions from my personal interpretation of the information presented to me. Its not up to my school to teach me to be a critical thinker, thats your PARENTS job.

Have you noticed EVERY other country in the world has had the same response as America to this economic problem?
Yes the article does have some points, and does address certain issues. But anyone can turn an ant-hill into a mountain. That does not change the truth.
I love how idiots who make 35k year bitch about salary limitations, and democrats.
Go vote Republican, trickle down economics, tax breaks for the top 5% of the population. Really benefeits you, doesnt it?
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Euphoric One

Uncommon Sense
Established Member
Jan 9, 2008
Its funny how people proclaim others are uneducated. Pot calling the kettle black.
First off, for the final time. Any one of you that blame the current administration for the ECONOMIC problems have to be profoundly retarded. I love how you can claim the current administration caused this problem.
Obama was not even in office when this started, and he inherited dozens of failing fortune 500 companies, ALL CAUSED by Bushs "hands-off" economic policy. We all screamed and yelled for bailouts, and now complain when the government enacts policy to stop corporate abuse. If you even read the regulations, you would notice that the salary cap is no where close to what your claiming. I never realized a million dollars was the government squeezing me dry. If a company did not take bailout money, they`re not affected. My best friend is a smith barney broker, and he recieved a 15 grand bonus 2 months ago, and hes a 2 year employee. Smith Barney took billions of government money. WOW the government is really breaking the back of the average worker with their "socialist" policies. Shut the **** up you idiots.

What ever happened to checks and balances, government intervention/auditing. "I want everyone to live the American dream, and own a house" Thanks Bush, really helped us out with that one. Dont even pretend that the previous administration did not turn a blind eye to EVERY mortgage deal approved the past 8 years. Then the followup hedge-fund shit fest approved by the administration.

To the idiots claiming the government is trying to "dictate" what you drive. Hey pal, have you noticed the ONLY companies that are being mandated to develop eco-concious vehicles are the same companies who begged for government handouts funded from your paycheck?
As far as CAFE goes, and MPG, go right ahead and bitch and moan, simple fact is its necessary. OIL is finite, how many wars do you want OTHERS to fight so the world can continue driving fossil fuel based vehicles. tard.
The American education system is in fact detoriated and behind. Hate to burst your bubble. We still have the some of the best higher-education instuitions in the world. I just graduated college, a quarter of all my classes were foreign born exchange students, from Asia, India, Europe etc.. Theres a reason that students around the world attend American universities. Its not because of mcdonalds.

Dont lecture me on the education system in this country. my mother is a retired elementary school teacher and I have seen what bullshit government policy does to education. "No child left behind" LMAO, who proposed that idea. cough "The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Pub.L. 107-110), often abbreviated in print as NCLB and sometimes shortened in pronunciation to "nicklebee",[1] is a United States federal law (Act of Congress) that was originally proposed by President George W. Bush on January 23, 2001, immediately after taking office.[2] Congress based its legislation on this "blueprint" proposed by the President"
Like my original post stated, Russia claiming the American population is retarded, is comparable to a kid with down syndrome lecturing a professor on economics.

Russia talking about big government taking over industry, um.. what about the violent take over of all private natural resource companies over the past few years, that is still going on.

When Obama tells me hes taking over Exxon because its part of our "national security" is when you can tell me im wrong.
We definitley have a problem, Russia should worry about theirs first.
Stop blaiming the big bad government for the "dumbing" down of America.

My parents taught me from an early age that its up to me to inform my self. I read every day, and I dont depend on main-stream media to inform me of global issues.I derive my own conclusions from my personal interpretation of the information presented to me. Its not up to my school to teach me to be a critical thinker, thats your PARENTS job.

Have you noticed EVERY other country in the world has had the same response as America to this economic problem?
Yes the article does have some points, and does address certain issues. But anyone can turn an ant-hill into a mountain. That does not change the truth.
I love how idiots who make 35k year bitch about salary limitations, and democrats.
Go vote Republican, trickle down economics, tax breaks for the top 5% of the population. Really benefeits you, doesnt it?

Holy crap I wish I had more time to destroy such an ignorant, uninformed and horribly inaccurate post...:nonono:


Established Member
Apr 23, 2005
Staten Island, NYC
Oh noez.
Another Republican is going to lecture me on how I am ignorant. I cant see the "bigger" picture.

FYI : In no way am I saying democrats are golden. Lesser of two evils.
The state of the Republican party is disastrous. Sarah Palin for president, 2012.
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Established Member
Apr 23, 2005
Staten Island, NYC
Love that were accusing Obama of taking away our "rights".
Who was it that let the government monitor my phone calls, what I do on the internet, where I spend my money, and whom I speak with?
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Established Member
Jul 6, 2003
Love that were accusing Obama of taking away our "rights".
Who was it that let the government monitor my phone calls, what I do on the internet, where I spend my money, and whom I spoke to?

The government did not listen to your phone calls, monitor your internet use, check your library records ect. YOU ARE NOT IMPORTANT AND NO ONE CARES

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