Russians Pronounce The Death Of Capitalism In America

earl lee

Active Member
Established Member
Nov 7, 2003
The government did not listen to your phone calls, monitor your internet use, check your library records ect. YOU ARE NOT IMPORTANT AND NO ONE CARES

What some commie russians believe and say isnt important either. At the end of the day, they still wish they were the USA.

Euphoric One

Uncommon Sense
Established Member
Jan 9, 2008
...and he inherited dozens of failing fortune 500 companies, ALL CAUSED by Bushs "hands-off" economic policy.

That's funny, I thought the financial crisis was primarily caused by ridiculous mortgage securities irresponsibly backed by Wall St. When did that trend start?

If you even read the regulations, you would notice that the salary cap is no where close to what your claiming. I never realized a million dollars was the government squeezing me dry. If a company did not take bailout money, they`re not affected. My best friend is a smith barney broker, and he recieved a 15 grand bonus 2 months ago, and hes a 2 year employee. Smith Barney took billions of government money. WOW the government is really breaking the back of the average worker with their "socialist" policies. Shut the **** up you idiots.

Orly? Barney Frank: TARP's comp curbs could be extended to all businesses - Financial Week

Sorry [not in Smackdown expletive deleted], compensation limits are determined by the free market. There shouldn't be a "too successful" determined by low class, non-producing leeches in society. Mr. Frank appears to disagree. More on him later...

"I want everyone to live the American dream, and own a house" Thanks Bush, really helped us out with that one. Dont even pretend that the previous administration did not turn a blind eye to EVERY mortgage deal approved the past 8 years. Then the followup hedge-fund shit fest approved by the administration.

Are you effing kidding me and blaming that on Bush? I'm pretty sure Barney Frank has been the champion of "everyone deserving to own a home."

From 2003

"These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''

Good call Barney. Bush must have sabotaged poor old Barney with this:

The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago. . . .
The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt -- is broken. A report by outside investigators in July concluded that Freddie Mac manipulated its accounting to mislead investors, and critics have said Fannie Mae does not adequately hedge against rising interest rates.
… Among the groups denouncing the proposal today were the National Association of Home Builders and Congressional Democrats who fear that tighter regulation of the companies could sharply reduce their commitment to financing low-income and affordable housing.

I can see how you would think that Bush caused that, though. Republicans do have a history of wanted to give lower class, undeserving people free stuff, right? :bored:

To the idiots claiming the government is trying to "dictate" what you drive. Hey pal, have you noticed the ONLY companies that are being mandated to develop eco-concious vehicles are the same companies who begged for government handouts funded from your paycheck?

I guess I haven't noticed that since the federal mandates for MPG and carbon emissions will apply for any vehicle sold in the United States. Did I miss something and Toyota, Honda, BMW, and every other automaker in the world did, in fact, beg for government handouts?

As far as CAFE goes, and MPG, go right ahead and bitch and moan, simple fact is its necessary. OIL is finite, how many wars do you want OTHERS to fight so the world can continue driving fossil fuel based vehicles. tard.

Exactly how finite is it? When did we hit peak oil? Was it 1970 or is it 2100, depending on which completely speculative, bullshit article you read?

OMG!! We haz to moov away from da combustion enjin ASAP cuz of da wars!!!11

How about a phased approach instead of some shotgun bullshit that forces auto companies to bust their ass to try to sell cars that most Americans DON'T WANT TO BUY because they have to meet an unreasonable deadline?! That Toyota Yaris really kicked ass last year, eh?

Yeah dude, you're really informed and well read.


I am the liquor
Established Member
Premium Member
Dec 24, 2007
i don't blame obama for the reason, i blame people for the fact they think he can save us.


Established Member
Jul 6, 2003
You are trying to engage in a debate that you cannot win. Many of the folks here just want to be left the hell alone.

Your post is a half assed defense of the Marxist policies being enacted by a charismatic demagogue. We want freedom.

You set up the straw man argument that we all blindly supported everything GWB did. The guy left with an approval rate in the 20's. Obviously most people did not support him. But that is your justification for smacking your flippers together and barking your support for Obama like an autistic seal.

Oh noez.
Another Republican is going to lecture me on how I am ignorant. I cant see the "bigger" picture.

Republicans ? Nice try hoss. I imagine most of us who are frightened by your ignorance have ideals that are largely Libertarian.

FYI : In no way am I saying democrats are golden. Lesser of two evils.
The state of the Republican party is disastrous. Sarah Palin for president, 2012.

Democrats are a bunch of disgraceful, politically correct miscreants who are going to get alot of people killed. I do not know which will cause more deaths, the new national security approach or CAFE standards. I suspect the latter will kill more Americans. I am being completely serious.

I would prefer Sarah Palin over some guy who probably was not born here, spent his whole life associating with Marxists, does not know a damn thing about economics and wants to force us all into his little vision of paradise. Gee where are the boxcars?

Comparing Palin to Obama is embarrassing to Palin. The woman has actually accomplished things in her life. Barack Hussein Obama never had a DAMN JOB BEFORE BEING PRESIDENT!!!!!The people who selected Obama and the Prompter are un effing believable.

The worst thing about Obama is that he and the people around him think they know what is best for us. Just like Roosevelt, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, Edi Amin ect.....

George W Bush was not brilliant. Obama is not either. The difference is W tried to buy some votes by spending too much and tried to protect the country albeit in a debatable fashion. W never sought to remake the country. Obama is determined to turn this into another third rate, everyone is equal, marxist hellhole. The problem with Marxism is not Marxism. It is the improper forcible implementation of it. Just ask a Marxist. But Chairman Maobama is so much smarter than everyone. He will get it right.

The lousiest part of this rape is that they slipped a bunch of morons the GHB and those of us who were not even at the bar end up violated.

First off, for the final time. Any one of you that blame the current administration for the ECONOMIC problems have to be profoundly retarded. I love how you can claim the current administration caused this problem.
Obama was not even in office when this started, and he inherited dozens of failing fortune 500 companies, ALL CAUSED by Bushs "hands-off" economic policy. We all screamed and yelled for bailouts, and now complain when the government enacts policy to stop corporate abuse. If you even read the regulations, you would notice that the salary cap is no where close to what your claiming. I never realized a million dollars was the government squeezing me dry. If a company did not take bailout money, they`re not affected. My best friend is a smith barney broker, and he recieved a 15 grand bonus 2 months ago, and hes a 2 year employee. Smith Barney took billions of government money. WOW the government is really breaking the back of the average worker with their "socialist" policies. Shut the **** up you idiots.

This is where you illustrate the only solution is the dissolution of this once great union. Your lack of understanding is extraordinary. Bush's economic policies were modest but led to 6 years of solid economic growth. That is a fact. I wish he would have done nearly everything differently so I am not a mindless cheerleader.

Bush's reaction to it was awful and if the country ends up in ruins Ukrainian historians will look back to it as the beginning of the end of America.

Bush conditioned the idiots in this country to accept socialism. He used fear and people's increasing desire to have Washington make everything ok to give government power it was never intended to have. (obviously that process started long ago)

What ever happened to checks and balances, government intervention/auditing. "I want everyone to live the American dream, and own a house" Thanks Bush, really helped us out with that one. Dont even pretend that the previous administration did not turn a blind eye to EVERY mortgage deal approved the past 8 years. Then the followup hedge-fund shit fest approved by the administration.

Checks and balances? HAHAHAHA look at things now!!
When has a party had such a stranglehold on the levers of power?
Look up who the hedge fund guys support politically. You will find the answer is Democrats. Are you familiar with George Soros? The Bush admin did push for more regulation of Fannie and Freddie. They did not do enough though. Search SVTP for Mortgage Debacle and watch the video in another one of my threads.

Bush should not help you. No president or politician should. Politicians are lying scumbags concerned with power, not the well being of other people and it is your responsibility to help you. This country was founded by people who sacrificed their lives to be free. They did not fight for welfare, socialized healthcare, a free car, food stamps ect. They wanted to escape from a monarchy that thought it knew what was best for everyone. Consequently your beliefs and the beliefs of your comrades are an insult to those who sacrificed their lives to ensure Americans could enjoy liberty.

To the idiots claiming the government is trying to "dictate" what you drive. Hey pal, have you noticed the ONLY companies that are being mandated to develop eco-concious vehicles are the same companies who begged for government handouts funded from your paycheck?
As far as CAFE goes, and MPG, go right ahead and bitch and moan, simple fact is its necessary. OIL is finite, how many wars do you want OTHERS to fight so the world can continue driving fossil fuel based vehicles. tard.
The American education system is in fact detoriated and behind. Hate to burst your bubble. We still have the some of the best higher-education instuitions in the world. I just graduated college, a quarter of all my classes were foreign born exchange students, from Asia, India, Europe etc.. Theres a reason that students around the world attend American universities. Its not because of mcdonalds.

Our universities have become nothing more than high priced indoctrination centers funded by taxpayers. William Ayers is a professor at one of the nation's most prestigious universities. What the **** is going on?

Oil may be finite, but we have so much available to us that we refuse to touch, it is ridiculous.

How the hell did you make it through college with your spelling, grammar and punctuation?

Dont lecture me on the education system in this country. my mother is a retired elementary school teacher and I have seen what bullshit government policy does to education. "No child left behind" LMAO, who proposed that idea. cough "The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Pub.L. 107-110), often abbreviated in print as NCLB and sometimes shortened in pronunciation to "nicklebee",[1] is a United States federal law (Act of Congress) that was originally proposed by President George W. Bush on January 23, 2001, immediately after taking office.[2] Congress based its legislation on this "blueprint" proposed by the President"
Like my original post stated, Russia claiming the American population is retarded, is comparable to a kid with down syndrome lecturing a professor on economics.

NCLB is crap. Your mother no doubt brainwashed plenty of young minds too.

"I have seen what bullshit government policy does to education"

Good we agree. Get the government out of education. Give everyone a voucher and watch the market based learning solutions that will embarrass the current idea of education. You lose here too. You whine about the problems with government involvement in education but you would not dare even consider breaking up the government school system. Why do wealthy liberals send their children to private schools?

Russia talking about big government taking over industry, um.. what about the violent take over of all private natural resource companies over the past few years, that is still going on.

When Obama tells me hes taking over Exxon because its part of our "national security" is when you can tell me im wrong.
We definitley have a problem, Russia should worry about theirs first.
Stop blaiming the big bad government for the "dumbing" down of America.

The government here does not engage in violent takeovers. It imposes crushing regulation on industries and when they fail, the government "rescues" them. I would almost prefer the honesty of a violent takeover.

My parents taught me from an early age that its up to me to inform my self. I read every day, and I dont depend on main-stream media to inform me of global issues.I derive my own conclusions from my personal interpretation of the information presented to me. Its not up to my school to teach me to be a critical thinker, thats your PARENTS job.

Your parents failed.....MISERABLY!!

Have you noticed EVERY other country in the world has had the same response as America to this economic problem?
Yes the article does have some points, and does address certain issues. But anyone can turn an ant-hill into a mountain. That does not change the truth.
I love how idiots who make 35k year bitch about salary limitations, and democrats.
Go vote Republican, trickle down economics, tax breaks for the top 5% of the population. Really benefeits you, doesnt it?

Trickle up poverty sure is superior to supply side economics. How dare those idiots who want to improve their lives not believe in the government.

You are obviously an intellectual giant. A man so brilliant he cannot be bothered with spelling words properly. However if you have some time someday,read some of Milton Friedman's articles, books, grocery lists anything.
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Established Member
Apr 23, 2005
Staten Island, NYC
Hey Euphoric.
The mortgage crisis was motivated by Bush, along with his administration promoting, then turning a blind eye to the ILLEGAL practices of Wall-Street. Regardless, both democrats and republicans are/were responsible. The point is everyone is trying to blame the CURRENT administration for the problems it inherited. You can critize their response, but dont tell me "Obama" is the one to blame.
Bush championed everyone owning a home, along with no child left behind. I never once said democrats were better or not to blame, or NOT involved.
However the buck stops at the president.

I do not know how finite oil is. I do how ever know that denial is denial. Besides the environmental implications of continuing the current trend of burning fossil fuels, there is the simple fact that we are lining the pockets of the same scum that are trying to destroy us.
If you want to deny the connection between gasoline and terrorism then so be it.
The sooner we stop importing oil, the quicker we can move on from this Middle-Eastern quagmire.

The fact that your basing American consumer trends as the dictate for the world regarding automobile advancement is quite uhm... stupid.
The global trend is showing an increase in the amount of automibles in the world. Simple economics will dicate more efficient vehicles.
Regardless of your biased opinion of what a car should be, without a doubt, the WORLD wants more fuel efficent cars. Besides the fact that there is a huge demand for higher efficency, it makes simple economic/political/strategical sense to decrease our dependance on fossil fuels. Argue that and your bound to lose.

Im done arguing. We all know the old adage that everyone is entitled their opinion. So be it.

My main points once again.
1) Any company who requested tax-payer money made poor strategical decisions in the past. The same executives/upper management should not be entitled to million dollar compensation at the expense of the taxpayer. The limitations are only proposed/in effect for the companies recieving bail-out money. The only people against that are the same greedy scum that brought this problem upon us.
2) The previous administration is no champion of economic/educational policy. Blaiming the current one for any of these problems makes you ignorant. Critize their response all you want, but dont tell me these problems are not directly related to policies enacted over the previous 8 years.
3) CAFE/MPG laws were mandated to increase by democrats/independents/republicans alike. In my OPINION they are a necessary evil if we want to succesfully leave this century. When gas prices apporach $5 a gallon again, I highly doubt half the idiots that are against increasing efficency will still be waving their big brother flag. They enact corporate averages, enabling a company to produce a low-mpg sports car, as long as it produces enough high mpg econo boxes for the masses. Does it suck...yes. However any sound corporation is perfectly capable of offering the products it consumers demand, while following government regulations.
4) The erosion of my civil rights started and ended with the patriot act. Obama limiting the salaries of CEOs on wall street is not ERODING my civil liberties.
5) Americas education system is not the premier one in the world. Blaming the CURRENT administration is a pretty retarded point of view. Like I said earlier, we still have some of the best universities in the world, along with many of the most succesful corporations. Stop running for the hills because a ranking says were #26. Stop illegal immigration, stop rediculous education promotion policies. Hold parents responsible for their kids actions/education. Its NOT up to a school to make a child, its up to the household.

There were two choices. Let these failing companies fall into demise, or resuce them. I guarantee you half the people complaining about the response, championed the government bailing them out. The impliciations of all of these large instuitions failing greatly out weighs the problems caused by rescuing them.

A Russian citizen proclaiming America is falling apart, is akin to a morbedly obese kid telling his skinny brother he needs to go on a diet.
Like someone else said. Regardless of what this "writer" says, when it comes down it, he still rather live in the USA than good ol mother Russia. I have family in Russia. I know how they live.
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Established Member
Apr 23, 2005
Staten Island, NYC
f rice.
When you said you support Sarah Palin, and attacked my spelling on the interwebz. I chuckled to say the least.
The fact that in your eyes GWB had "6 years of strong economic growth makes you a retard. End of story.
Thats akin to saying a car is good because it does 200 mph, but it blows up after the first 6 hours of use.
What good is all your "strong growth" if it all became a flaming pile of shit once the foundation was found out to be bankrupt and built upon bullshit.
You cite one proffessor as your reason for American universities being poor? Thanks for the convincing arguement.
My mother surely brain washed alot of children. Im glad you can come to that conclusion ol mighty savior of this thread. Have you ever met my mother?

You have two choices if you believe were heading to such a grave end.
Leave the country.
You seem like you strongly believe in your beliefs.
Do something about it instead of spouting your opinion in a forumn.
You forsee the demise of our nation. Typing here is doing a whole lot to end it.

Im going out, when im ****ing this chick tonight ill make sure to think of this thread to hold out a little bit longer.

PS : Attack my spelling to convince me that im wrong.
I typed this in 3 minutes. Didnt realize it was being published.
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Established Member
Jul 6, 2003
Im done arguing. We all know the old adage that everyone is entitled their opinion. So be it.

Having your misguided and incorrect beliefs challenged and belittled must take the appeal out of arguing for misguided and incorrect beliefs. Thanks for playing. Your constellation prize is some GM stock and a copy of the Chairman's New Constitution. Better luck next time hopey changey comrade.

Euphoric One

Uncommon Sense
Established Member
Jan 9, 2008
f rice.
When you said you support Sarah Palin, and attacked my spelling on the interwebz. I chuckled to say the least.
The fact that in your eyes GWB had "6 years of strong economic growth makes you a retard. End of story.
Thats akin to saying a car is good because it does 200 mph, but it blows up after the first 6 hours of use.
What good is all your "strong growth" if it all became a flaming pile of shit once the foundation was found out to be bankrupt and built upon bullshit.
You cite one proffessor as your reason for American universities being poor? Thanks for the convincing arguement.
My mother surely brain washed alot of children. Im glad you can come to that conclusion ol mighty savior of this thread. Have you ever met my mother?

You have two choices if you believe were heading to such a grave end.
Leave the country.
You seem like you strongly believe in your beliefs.
Do something about it instead of spouting your opinion in a forumn.
You forsee the demise of our nation. Typing here is doing a whole lot to end it.

Im going out, when im ****ing this chick tonight ill make sure to think of this thread to hold out a little bit longer.

PS : Attack my spelling to convince me that im wrong.
I typed this in 3 minutes. Didnt realize it was being published.

Best post ever with the icing on the cake highlighted. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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