So apparently a cure for cancer has been found.... a long time ago


New Member
Established Member
Mar 8, 2002
:fm: What corrupt individuals that are part of the FDA. Power hungry greedy individuals that need to be brought to justice!!! I can't wait til this system of things collapses all around them. What sweet justice it will be then!


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Mar 12, 2010
Okinawa, Japan
25% (antineoplastons) vs. 9% (chemo/rad) in brain tumors...I wouldn't call it a cure, but I'd say it might be a step in the right direction.

As for the other half of the discussion...I'd have to say that IMHO Politics, corruption, and capitalism will always trump the "human factor" of any government decision.
Feb 15, 2004
:fm: What corrupt individuals that are part of the FDA. Power hungry greedy individuals that need to be brought to justice!!! I can't wait til this system of things collapses all around them. What sweet justice it will be then!

Trust me man it goes deeper than that. The FDA are just the frontmen so to speak. The system will never collapse. In fact, you'll see more and more sicknesses and diseases in the days to come. You'll have more bioweapons released on the public. They just tested the effeciency of one in Germany not too long ago. Its a shady planet.


Active Member
Established Member
May 28, 2005
Gilbert, AZ
Before you all get too cranked up over this report, remember that you're hearing only the facts the story tellers which to be heard.

Consider for example: Stanislaw Burzynski and "Antineoplastons"

And for what it's worth I know more than one M.D. who has died of cancer. Another (my ex wife) who went through entirely normal Chemotherapy. And so on and so on.

I find that article to be highly suspicious and lacking in content. It is more of a personal attack and grasping at straws pertaining to the specifics of how the treatment actually works.

I believe after reading that article and watching the video posted that there are some truths:

1. His treatment DOES "cure" about 25% of his patients.
2. His treatment is given to those without any other hope for a cure from current practice.
3. His treatment, even if it does not "cure" the patient, does not cause them further pain and suffering like chemo / radiation treatment does.
4. It is obvious that there is a TON of money to be made on prolonged treatment of a disease and much less to be made on a cure.


Get ready to fly!
Established Member
Nov 2, 2008
Naperville, Il
I've been saying it for years how corrupt the FDA, and practically all government run organizations are. It's amazing how stories like this go unheard when they are scientifically proven to be helpful in life threatening instances. All the government is now is big business. They don't care about you, as long as more and more money is coming in.

I remember a couple years ago when that new form of influenza was popping up, H1N1, and the CDC and FDA were yelling, "This could be a real killer, be on the lookout". Remember how quickly drug companies came out with new flu shots for it? How tested was that new flu shot? How proven was that?

Here we're talking about this cancer drug that has been in government testing for 14+ years and is proven successful with no side effects whatsoever, yet it still isn't approved by the FDA. I wonder why that is.
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Okey doke
Established Member
Sep 21, 2003
25% (antineoplastons) vs. 9% (chemo/rad) in brain tumors...I wouldn't call it a cure, but I'd say it might be a step in the right direction.

As for the other half of the discussion...I'd have to say that IMHO Politics, corruption, and capitalism will always trump the "human factor" of any government decision.

I'd have to watch that part again, but I think it was .9% on the chemo/rad ... either way I would say your right .. not quite a cure, but definately better odds .. either way .. with the proper funding, who knows where this would have been today ...



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Jul 22, 2007
The moon
25% (antineoplastons) vs. 9% (chemo/rad) in brain tumors...I wouldn't call it a cure, but I'd say it might be a step in the right direction.

His method is 150% more effective treatment then chemo/rad... I also wouldn't call it a cure but one heck of a massive improvement...

I'd have to watch that part again, but I think it was .9% on the chemo/rad ... either way I would say your right .. not quite a cure, but definately better odds .. either way .. with the proper funding, who knows where this would have been today ...


This is what pisses me off... 5.2 billion is put into cancer research annually... not one dime is given to Burzynski and his research...


Established Member
Feb 5, 2007
Tinley Park, IL
The world is a scary place these days, and it has also seen some dark days in its history. Seeing a video like this does give me hope and makes me wonder what if....and if those two things are not the founding reasons of why this country even exists in the first place then I dont know what is.

We all answer to someone, whether its your god, your inner voice, your bong who knows....but in the end everyone answers to someone. I hope the people that live their live off of destroying others, we too as common people are sometimes guilty of this by being americans, will one day have to answer to someone and maybe then it will all make sense as to why we are here.

Thats all Im gonna say.

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Active Member
Established Member
Apr 15, 2005
West Virginia
I have heard this since the 70s. If you look at it like some have said as a business model...then thats why it has not been released. People in this country raise BILLIONS...I said BILLIONS for cancer research. Now just think if everyone that was working on "The Cure" was suddenly out of work. Millions would hit the unemployment line. The only money makers would be the people making the medicine (cure) and the ones selling it. Scientists, researchers, money men, charitable organizations and others would be gone in a flash.

No way they will ever let it loose for all to have. Population control. Nope. Greed is the bottom line. Just my .02 cents worth.

Jack Burton

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 27, 2007
Spooner St
yes sir you are correct. hell we cant even "cure" the common cold, but we can treat the symptoms for a fair price. there is no money in the cure, only in the treatments.

They probably would have cured it by now if there wasn't tons of strands of the common cold.

Black Sex

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Sep 23, 2008
I have a close friend whos dad has lung cancer. They removed half of one of his lungs, but they just found out that the cancer moved to his other lung. He just went up to Rochester MN, which is supposed to be "one of the best", and he said they were listening to his heart beat with a stethoscope while he was wearing a t-shirt, flannel jacket and he had a note book in the pocket of his jacket. How in the hell would you hear someones heart beat through all that? When he asked about his labs the dr. said they haven't got them back yet.
My buddy was saying the same thing about them knowing how to cure it but they don't want to because they want your money. This stuff makes sick to think about. These people are supposed to help you, but they wont.
When I was younger my dad found out he had cancer. Instead of going through this bullshit he got up one morning, and shot himself. I can see why.


Detective John Spartan
Established Member
Apr 26, 2005
San Angeles
Super old news and I know what conspiracy website you saw this on. They've also had the cure for aids for quite some time now as well. "Run from the cure" is also a good movie to watch online for free. Then if you're still bored, look up Amygdalin laetrile aka vitamim B17 from apple seeds and apricot pits.

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Established Member
Premium Member
Nov 4, 2004
This thread is full of low-hanging fruit.

If one company developed one singular prophylactic measure or cure for cancer, of any variety, they would market it as quickly as humanly possible and crush their competitors.

Oh wait...they did that. It's called Gardasil. Now there are conspiracy theorists that are convinced it's not a means of suppressing cancer, but a means of government injecting an unknown substance into your body under the guise of "helping people" only to control the masses like sheep.

Some people were born full-retard.


Established Member
Nov 23, 2004
This thread is full of low-hanging fruit.

If one company developed one singular prophylactic measure or cure for cancer, of any variety, they would market it as quickly as humanly possible and crush their competitors.

Oh wait...they did that. It's called Gardasil. Now there are conspiracy theorists that are convinced it's not a means of suppressing cancer, but a means of government injecting an unknown substance into your body under the guise of "helping people" only to control the masses like sheep.

Some people were born full-retard.


as a practicing physician, its downright scary the lack of intelligence in this thread. there's no FDA in other countries, why aren't these treatments widespread througout the rest of the world? i will agree that the FDA does significantly delay americans' access to medications and procedures while they (the FDA) make sure said medication/procedure is 'safe'.

is someone in this thread actually suggesting that less physicians die of cancer than the general public?? seriously??

spend a bit more time learning about the thousands of different cancers and how each one uniquely affects the body. you'll quickly realize that stating there's one cure for all types of cancer is simply insane. plenty of cancers are curable, plenty are not.

next time someone starts a thread stating "pray for my family member and the physicians trying to treat their cancer/heart attack/broken spine/stroke/etc", i'll post a link to this thread to see how many idiots want to talk shit

sure, i feel sorry for the police officer in the beginning of the video. unfortunately, he's being misinformed/mislead


My shit don't stink
Established Member
Aug 4, 2003
Phoenix, sun, hotter girls

as a practicing physician, its downright scary the lack of intelligence in this thread. there's no FDA in other countries, why aren't these treatments widespread througout the rest of the world? i will agree that the FDA does significantly delay americans' access to medications and procedures while they (the FDA) make sure said medication/procedure is 'safe'.

is someone in this thread actually suggesting that less physicians die of cancer than the general public?? seriously??

spend a bit more time learning about the thousands of different cancers and how each one uniquely affects the body. you'll quickly realize that stating there's one cure for all types of cancer is simply insane. plenty of cancers are curable, plenty are not.

next time someone starts a thread stating "pray for my family member and the physicians trying to treat their cancer/heart attack/broken spine/stroke/etc", i'll post a link to this thread to see how many idiots want to talk shit

sure, i feel sorry for the police officer in the beginning of the video. unfortunately, he's being misinformed/mislead

Is it normal procedure for quack medicine to get to Phase III FDA clinical trials?

Cancer Decisions® - FDA Reaches Agreement About Phase III Trial of Antineoplaston Therapy

If so, it's an indictment of the FDA, either way.


My shit don't stink
Established Member
Aug 4, 2003
Phoenix, sun, hotter girls
Speaking of "the rest of the world," it seems that Antineoplastons are about to be approved in Japan, based on their independent studies: Induction of apoptosis in human hepatocellular car... [Anticancer Res. 2007 Jul-Aug] - PubMed result

But hey, you're the doctor. Feel free to educate us that are "lacking in intelligence."


Japanese scientists have tested antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 in vitro for cell growth inhibition and progression in several human hepatocellular cell lines.[2,3] Tests were performed in a dose-dependent manner at concentrations varying from 0.5 to 8 µg/mL for A10 and AS2-1, and growth inhibition was generally observed at 6 to 8 µg/mL. This dose level is considered excessively high and generally reflects a lack of activity. Growth inhibition of one of the cell lines (KIM-1) was observed at low concentration for a mixture of cisplatin (CDDP) and A10, but this result was probably caused by the cisplatin, which was effective at concentrations of 0.5 to 2.0 µg/mL when tested alone.[4] AS2-1 was reported to induce apoptosis in three of the cell lines at concentrations of 2 and 4 µg/mL.

Antineoplaston A10 was also shown to inhibit prolactin or interleukin-2 stimulation of mitogenesis in a dose-dependent manner in rat Nb2 lymphoma cell line. The addition of A10 (1–12 mm) to prolactin-stimulated cells inhibited growth but was reversible when A10 was removed, suggesting a cytostatic rather than cytotoxic mechanism of action. A10 also showed no toxicity in a chromium release assay. DNA synthesis was also inhibited by A10.[5]

The ability of antineoplaston A3, isolated from urine and not an analog, to inhibit the growth of the HBL-100 human breast cancer cell line in vitro was investigated in a study that also examined the toxicity of A3 in Swiss white mice. Antineoplaston A3 inhibited colony formation in a dose-dependent manner over a dose range of 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4 µg/mL.[6]

A somewhat different approach to the use of A10 was taken by researchers in Egypt. Taking the developer's initial ideas about the presence of A10 in the urine of patients, this study looked for the amount of A10 in the urine of 31 breastcancer patients and compared this to the amount in 17 healthy controls. They found significantly (P < .001) less A10 in the urine of breast cancer patients than in controls, suggesting that the amount of A10 in urine has a potential use as a screening tool.[7]

The same researchers looked at the immunomodulating potential of A10 by examining the inhibition of neutrophil apoptosis induced by A10 in vitro. Neutrophils from 28 breast cancer patients and 28 controls were obtained from blood samples. Urine samples were obtained from the same patients and tested for the presence of A10. Cancer patients had significantly (P < .001) higher levels of neutrophil apoptosis and significantly lower levels of A10. Neutrophil apoptosis was assessed by adding A10 at a dose of 10 µg/mL to the cellular suspensions of 42 breast cancer patients. Nontreated samples were used as controls. A10 was found to significantly inhibit neutrophil apoptosis (P < .0001).[8]

Several analogs of antineoplaston A10 have been synthesized and their antineoplastic activity tested against various cell lines. These include aniline mustard analogs of antineoplaston A10 and Mannich bases of antineoplaston A10.[9,10] These analogs showed improved in vitro antitumor activity over that of antineoplaston A10.

I'm sure you already know this, but for the less intelligent among us:

a type of cell death in which the cell uses specialized cellular machinery to kill itself; a cell suicide mechanism that enables metazoans to control cell number and eliminate cells that threaten the animal's survival.
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