Sorry Guys...Bad News


Active Member
Established Member
Aug 7, 2005
One of the reasons I have few friends.

I had a "friend" steal the keys to my motorcycle once when I wasn't home, wreck into a guardrail, total the bike, broke his back and neck, and subsequently try to sue me a few months later.

Since I was young and dumb I didn't report it as stolen or press charges because he was so racked up in the hospital. Needless to say I never spoke to the prick again.
In retrospect I should have been a cold bastard and reported him for the thieving criminal he was.

Sucks about your car. Been there and wish I would have handled things differently.


Established Member
Jan 2, 2008
Burbank, CA (SoCal!!!)
What an idiot. Tell him he pays up or gets indited for car theft.


yeah i know what you guys are sayin about kickin the sh*t out of him but i'm tryin to hold it in. I figured if i did do what i want to do it would mess up any of the good things that could come out of it. So far from what i'm hearing the insurance is gonna cover everything on my car and the poor guys truck he hit.

the thing that i don't understand about the police not taking action against him is he took my car without my permission and i found out after the accident he is on parole for theft and burglary...yet they can't "prove" he took my car even tho i have a notorized statement written by him saying he did not have permission?

If he is found guilty i don't have to pay for anything but if not i at least have to pay my detuctable even tho i had nothing to do with the accident.

If worse comes to worse i'll keep the car if its totalled cuz i put close to $10,000 in the motor and rebuilding the turbos and other things, i'll just part the car out and keep all the good stuff and throw it in my convertible. Either way the car will live on in some way

Grab an attorney and get to work. I don't know the exact laws in PA but here in Cali, you'd be ooking at a nice case especially with the notorized confession.


New Member
Established Member
Oct 6, 2008
Turbo04mystichrome, where in PA did this happen? Sorry to hear about it mean that's horrible... I hope everything works out for you.

This happened in Hanover, Pa. If you are not familiar with the area its about 15 mins from Gettysburg, Pa.

All I'm doin now is playin the waiting game. The insurance adjuster came out and looked at my car and said it SHOULD definately be fixed. I think the only thing that saved me on this one is i turned all my mods in with prices. I had the car a week with the fresh motor and this happens. Sad thing is it was at SGS Automotive for almost a year waiting for parts or me to come up with funds to finish it off.

My insurance company is gonna handle it all. Their lawyers are gonna sit around and figure it out. I'm just happy at least the poor guy with the truck that got hit is at least gettin his fixed. I won't know for sure about my cobra till later this week or early next week. I think i got lucky with the adjuster cuz he is a mustang guy like us. He said he had a 01 bullit with a procharger on it lol so i think i'm in good hands


Addicted Open Tracker
Established Member
Aug 19, 2010
The Lowlands
This happened in Hanover, Pa. If you are not familiar with the area its about 15 mins from Gettysburg, Pa.

All I'm doin now is playin the waiting game. The insurance adjuster came out and looked at my car and said it SHOULD definately be fixed. I think the only thing that saved me on this one is i turned all my mods in with prices. I had the car a week with the fresh motor and this happens. Sad thing is it was at SGS Automotive for almost a year waiting for parts or me to come up with funds to finish it off.

My insurance company is gonna handle it all. Their lawyers are gonna sit around and figure it out. I'm just happy at least the poor guy with the truck that got hit is at least gettin his fixed. I won't know for sure about my cobra till later this week or early next week. I think i got lucky with the adjuster cuz he is a mustang guy like us. He said he had a 01 bullit with a procharger on it lol so i think i'm in good hands

That is awesome that you have a adjuster who is a good, understanding guy. It definitely makes all the difference. Also, I do know the area it is such a shame man. I am sure everything will work out on your end though. Good luck, and sorry to hear again


Established Member
May 29, 2009
Warrenville, IL
I dont understand how people just take your cars without knowing, sleeping or at a party, I dont get it. BTW I probably would be in jail right now for murder if that happend to me.


Smoke Em!
Established Member
Nov 11, 2008
that happened to my sister once, she was at some friends house and another kid there took her keys and took her camaro for a ride, the kid was 16 didnt even have a license. then he crashed it into a pole. i got there after the cops left and told the kid he was a POS. his dad was there at that point and didnt like that so he came at me all tough guy. so i preceded to kick his ass all over the street.

^ this made me lol

Man I am sorry to hear about this... It would have taken everything I had to not beat his ass.. Get legal help, listen to the guys here!


New Member
Established Member
Feb 27, 2006
Long Island, New York
I seriously dont get this... How does everyones "friends" take the keys with either you being asleep, at a party, banging their sisters, whatever, and crashing it? I seriously NEVER let ANYONE drive my car EVER, let alone let someone take it while Im intoxicated, sleeping, or just plain ****ing. And I dont know what kind of "friend" or person it takes to just grabs someones belongings thats clearly not theirs (they did NOT pay for it, nor do they pay insurance on it, hell let alone put gas in it!) and proceed to thrash on it and put it into a non-moving object!

Honestly, for you to be so cool about it, there has to be some things missing to the story. I dont know 1 person in there right mind to just blow it off and handle it like (no offense) a little bitch. Im not going to come on here acting like a tough guy and say "I woulda knocked his teeth in, Redneck UFC watchin' Mui-Thai style" or "I would of simply shot the guy in the eye ball with the cops looking", but seriously come on! Dont just sit there and wait for things to happen. PUSH for things to happen. He's obviously not a friend, and if he is a friend, then he wouldnt mind paying up for the damage he's clearly caused! A real friend would know when he is in the wrong and does something about it. I know if Im driving my buddies car (which I have with his permission with himself in the passenger seat) and something has happened like breaking an axle. I simply apologized first, then the very next day after work, I picked up and payed for a brand new axle and installed if for him.

All bullshit aside, seriously PUSH for something to happen. There are only 2 ways this SHOULD BE PLAYING OUT!

1) He's your friend, you still see him as your friend. Simply explain to him that you are his friend and yes he did make a mistake, although question him what was he thinking that gave him the right to drive your car without permission, even after giving him your clean cut rules of how to drive the car. Then say although we are friends, this is just something too big to eat, and either him or his insurance company is going to HAVE to foot the bill. If he doesnt comply, then say "well then Im going to further speak to my lawyers and see if we can push for us to press charges, Im sorry but you leave me no choice". Simple as that, you dont have to be a douche or do what most of these guys cant, which is kick his ass, but you have to enforce this and you have to be aggressive about it.

Or 2) He's clearly not your friend, so you should have no problems pressing charges, getting him for theft (BTW, that shit the cop said made no sense, there is no "time frame" of giving permission to someone ONCE and its ok for him to drive it an hour later while your sleeping. Plain and simple.) and getting his insurance company involved. If he is going to be a ****in coward and a asshole (which it clearly seems like it), then be an asshole 100x's more!!! Don't tip toe around him, grow a set and say "Listen, you ****ed up and you know it! Now you have to pay for it! Its not going to fix itself and dont think your not pay up after your own ****ups! This is your mess, now its time to clean it up!" Quit being a bitch about it and stand up bro.

Seriously though, Im not saying this to be a dick, as Im only trying to help you out and Ive already given you the 2 scenarios and best way to handle them, but something is just not adding up. You seem way to nice about it, especially after you found out he is showing pics and laughing about it, but also because the way how you described to the police how you only gave him permission to drive it home under strict rules? To me, something just isnt adding up because it seems a bit too clean cut and you are taking it rather lightly which is even making some people on here rather annoyed and angry.

Take my advice, the less amount you do, the more it makes you look guilty.

Dan :beer:
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Established Member
Jun 12, 2007
Turlock, Ca
He's letting his Insurance take care of the issue, and I'm pretty sure they will take his "friend" to the cleaners.


New Member
Established Member
Feb 27, 2006
Long Island, New York
He's letting his Insurance take care of the issue, and I'm pretty sure they will take his "friend" to the cleaners.

I doubt they will do anything to his friend! They will take care of his car and shell out the money to get repaired while his premium gets jacked up. No charges are pressed or anything like that, that kid is walking away scott free!

That is the more likely situations, but I really do hope the insurance company does SOMETHING about the friend, get his insurance company to foot the bill and jack up his premium.

Seriously tho, if that happened with me, that "friend" would get SLAMMED by my lawyers and insurance company enough to buy me 3 terminators with no time served! :burn:

Dan :beer:


ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
I dont understand how people just take your cars without knowing, sleeping or at a party, I dont get it. BTW I probably would be in jail right now for murder if that happend to me.

because people are careless with their keys, and fail to do due dilligence plain and simple. when you leave your keys out on a counter, or a desk, around a bunch of "friends" this kind of shit is going to happen expecially when you hang out with idiots. when I am away from home, my keys never leave my control, period.


New Member
Established Member
Oct 6, 2008
I didn't leave nothing out of what happened. I've talked to the cops and my insurance company at least 7-8 times each right after it happened. Pretty much what i'm gettin from the police is they don't want to do shit. I have my statement, the guy took the car wrote out a confession saying he didn't have permission to take the car, and they have my witness that heard me tell him drive it to his place only and to keep it out of boost. The police said each statement is slightly different but the main point they don't seem to gather is that he just DID NOT have the right to take the car, but talkin to them is like talkin to a brick wall.

My insurance company is covering everything and we talked about me getting a lawyer but they said not to cuz they said they had theirs to represent me and stand behind me 110%. My premiums and discounts are not goin to be affected cuz i didn't do anything wrong. The only reason i didn't kick the shit out of him and being calm about this is i keep tellin myself not to flip cuz if i do what good i have goin for me could be messed up if i do beat the hell out of him.

After what he did we are not friends even though he thinks we are. He texts me asking why i won't talk to him and why ppl are making an ass out of him for this situation. But to keep me from goin ape sh*t i been working a lot puttin as much money back as i can so when it does go back up in the shop for mechanical work i can put some upgraded things in it. This reason also is why i did not wake up when he took the car. When i work 30 OT a week i could sleep through a earthquake.

But still waiting to hear from the adjuster the damage so i'll let you all know when i find out. BTW thanks everyone for the advice!!!


New Member
Established Member
Feb 27, 2006
Long Island, New York
If the cops are giving you shit, I would just request a sargeant or someone higher up. I would simply tell them Im sorry, but you cant seem to get my message down on paper, maybe your higher ranked officer can.

I say after all of this is done, then you should kick your friends ass... lmao.

Dan :beer:

Fox Fan

Average guy
Established Member
Nov 19, 2006
OP, you're right not to kick his ass. Don't do something stupid that's going to end with you screwing yourself out of taking everything you can from him. He doesn't sound like a high quality individual and it's unlikely you or your insurance company will ever get anything out of him. Dan is right, though. You've got to make this guy go to jail for what he did. It is absolutely ridiculous to think that because you gave him permission to drive the two of you home that he was then able to drive your car in any way he wanted for the rest of the night. Bullshit! Here's the rub, you've got to talk to a prosecutor and get them to agree to go after him. The police opinion doesn't mean a damn thing.

The lawyer from your insurance company is unlikely to pursue him in criminal court unless there is some connection between a criminal conviction and a civil result. The burden of proof is much less stringent in civil cases, so I don't think they will even attempt a criminal trial.

You can't literally beat his ass, but you can figuratively do it in court. Bring this MFer to justice.



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Established Member
Oct 6, 2008
From what i'm gathering from what i was told they may go after both. He is going back to prision for violating his parole cuz he was put in cuffs after the accident for suspision of DUI. The guy with the hit truck said he failed he field test and the a-hole who wrecked the car said he passed it and the breathalizer wasn't working right so they took blood but he said they didn't take him to the hospital so i know he is bs'in me.

The funny thing that i found out after he wrecked my car is he was in jail for theft/burglary so i don't see why its so hard for them to not believe me he took my car?

I know he was out joyriding cuz when we got back to his place the motor had 430 miles on th Odometer and when i steered it off the roll back at my house it had 455 miles on it and 3/4 tank of fuel and the dr's are down to nothing.

I agree with a lot of you all on here i do feel like a bit*h but i'm doin what i'm told. Also i wish i wouldn't have had that car out that night but it really wouldn't have made a other car/daily driver is a 03 cobra vert. Either way it would have been one of them. I just can't wait till this is all over and done with and behind me.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 5, 2005
Mobile AL
I think you are handling the situation well.

It will all play out in your favor, but in all seriousness, buy a damn $1000 Honda to drive around, park that sucker when they fix it.

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