To Be a Democrat You've got to Believe:


New Member
Established Member
Apr 3, 2006
To be a Democrat you need to believe:


1. Drug addiction is a disease that should be treated with compassion and understanding...unless the addict is a Conservative talk show host.

2. The United States should be subservient to the United Nations. Our highest authority is not God and the U.S. Constitution, but a collective of tinpot dictators (and their appeasers) and the U.N. charter.

3. Government should relax drug laws regardless of the potential for abuse, but should pass new and unConstitutional anti-gun laws because of the potential for abuse.

4. Calls for increased security after a terrorist attack are "political opportunism," but calls for more gun control after a criminal's spree killing is "a logical solution."

5. "It Takes a Village" means everything you want it to mean...except creeping socialist government involvement in the nuclear family.

6. Disarming innocent, law-abiding citizens helps protect them from evil, lawless terrorists and other thugs.

7. Slowly killing an unborn innocent by tearing it apart limb from limb is good. Slowly killing an innocent disabled woman by starving her to death is good. Quickly killing terrorists, convicted murderers and rapists is BAD.

8. Every religion should be respected and promoted in public schools the name of diversity, so long as that religion isn't Christianity or Judaism!

9. The best way to support our troops is to criticize their every move. This will let them know they're thought of often.

10. Sexual harassment, groping and drug use are degenerate if you're the governor of California, but it's okay if you're the President of the United States.

11. Sex education should be required so that teens can make informed choices about sex, but gun education should be banned because it will turn those same teens into maniacal mass-murderers.

12. Minorities are blameless for the hatred of the racist; women are blameless for the hatred of the rapist; but America is entirely at fault for the hatred of Islamofascists.

13. Poverty is the cause of all terrorism...which is why the leaders of al Qaeda are typically U.S.-educated and were raised in wealth and luxury.

14. The Patriot Act is a horrific compromise of Constitutional rights, but anti-Second Amendment laws and Franklin Roosevelt's Presidential Order 9066 must be regarded "reasonable precautions."

15. We should unquestioningly honor the wishes of our age-old allies, even when said allies no longer act like our allies and have vested economic interests in propping up our enemies.

16. Socialized medicine is the ideal. Nevermind all those people who spend every dime they have to get to the United States so they can get quality medical care...that their nation's socialized medical community can't provide.

17. Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky and Natalie Maines are perfectly qualified to criticize our leadership, but Arnold Schwarzenegger, Charlton Heston, and Dennis Miller are just ignorant political hacks.

18. Jesus, may or may not be the son of God, God may or may not exist! Religion may or may not be good, depending on if the use of religion furthers our agenda or not.

19. Bush's toppling the Saddam regime was a "diversion," but Clinton's lobbing a couple of cruise missiles at Iraq in the thick of the Lewinsky sex scandal was "sending a message."

20. A president who lies under oath is okay, but a president who references sixteen words from an allies' intelligence report should be dragged through the streets naked.

21. Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning Second Amendment rights and shopping the courts for judges sympathetic to causes that wouldn't pass in any legislature.

22. "The People" in the First Amendment means The People; "the People" in the Fourth Amendment means The People; "the People" in the Ninth Amendment means The People; "the People" in the Tenth Amendment means The People; but "the People" in the Second Amendment (ratified in 1791) means the National Guard (created by an Act of Congress in 1903).

23. You support a woman's "right to choose" to kill her unborn child, but don't believe that same woman is competent enough to homeschool the children she bears.

24. Proven draft-dodging is irrelevant, but baseless claims of AWOL status is crucial to national security.

25. Threatening to boycott Dr. Laura's and Rush Limbaugh's advertisers is exercising Freedom of Speech, but threatening to boycott CBS's "The Reagans" and Liberal actors over their asinine anti-American remarks is censorship and McCarthyist blacklisting.

If anyone has anymore- feel free to add! :beer:


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 20, 2002
in the trees
I think that covers about everything, except maybe a point about the pious, blowhard Ted Kennedy who talks about wrongdoings but won't even face up to the lily livered, chicken $hit way he saved his neck at Chappaquidick.


New Member
Established Member
Dec 15, 2006
I wonder how many people would stay democrat if they really knew what they stood for? Of course we'll never know because the Liberal media would never let this kind of thing see the light of day...

To anybody that has no clue...

The terms Liberal and Conservative mean just that. Liberal as in more Govn't control and Conservative as less Govn't control. If you are for MORE control in your life coming from the Gonv't then by all means, vote democrat. If you're smart then you should vote Republican for LESS Govn't control in your life. There are exceptions to this rule however but you get the idea...i hope.


Seeker of Truth
Established Member
Jan 17, 2008
Heart of Georgia
I wonder how many people would stay democrat if they really knew what they stood for? Of course we'll never know because the Liberal media would never let this kind of thing see the light of day...

To anybody that has no clue...

The terms Liberal and Conservative mean just that. Liberal as in more Govn't control and Conservative as less Govn't control. If you are for MORE control in your life coming from the Gonv't then by all means, vote democrat. If you're smart then you should vote Republican for LESS Govn't control in your life. There are exceptions to this rule however but you get the idea...i hope.

What a joke.

Its the conservatives who are the most liberal spenders of tax payer money. Our national debt has sky rocketed. They just don't spend in on the taxpayer!

Government has GROWN under Bush.

The Conservatives are the FIRST to pass laws restricting what people can do. The want to take away the right for a woman to choose, the right to vote without a picture ID, etc...


Nov 7, 2006
Nice copy and paste, I guess to be an R you have to believe that original thoughts are what someone else has...


New Member
Established Member
Dec 4, 2007
On vacation
To be a Democrat you need to believe:


1. Drug addiction is a disease that should be treated with compassion and understanding...unless the addict is a Conservative talk show host.

2. The United States should be subservient to the United Nations. Our highest authority is not God and the U.S. Constitution, but a collective of tinpot dictators (and their appeasers) and the U.N. charter.

3. Government should relax drug laws regardless of the potential for abuse, but should pass new and unConstitutional anti-gun laws because of the potential for abuse.

4. Calls for increased security after a terrorist attack are "political opportunism," but calls for more gun control after a criminal's spree killing is "a logical solution."

5. "It Takes a Village" means everything you want it to mean...except creeping socialist government involvement in the nuclear family.

6. Disarming innocent, law-abiding citizens helps protect them from evil, lawless terrorists and other thugs.

7. Slowly killing an unborn innocent by tearing it apart limb from limb is good. Slowly killing an innocent disabled woman by starving her to death is good. Quickly killing terrorists, convicted murderers and rapists is BAD.

8. Every religion should be respected and promoted in public schools the name of diversity, so long as that religion isn't Christianity or Judaism!

9. The best way to support our troops is to criticize their every move. This will let them know they're thought of often.

10. Sexual harassment, groping and drug use are degenerate if you're the governor of California, but it's okay if you're the President of the United States.

11. Sex education should be required so that teens can make informed choices about sex, but gun education should be banned because it will turn those same teens into maniacal mass-murderers.

12. Minorities are blameless for the hatred of the racist; women are blameless for the hatred of the rapist; but America is entirely at fault for the hatred of Islamofascists.

13. Poverty is the cause of all terrorism...which is why the leaders of al Qaeda are typically U.S.-educated and were raised in wealth and luxury.

14. The Patriot Act is a horrific compromise of Constitutional rights, but anti-Second Amendment laws and Franklin Roosevelt's Presidential Order 9066 must be regarded "reasonable precautions."

15. We should unquestioningly honor the wishes of our age-old allies, even when said allies no longer act like our allies and have vested economic interests in propping up our enemies.

16. Socialized medicine is the ideal. Nevermind all those people who spend every dime they have to get to the United States so they can get quality medical care...that their nation's socialized medical community can't provide.

17. Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky and Natalie Maines are perfectly qualified to criticize our leadership, but Arnold Schwarzenegger, Charlton Heston, and Dennis Miller are just ignorant political hacks.

18. Jesus, may or may not be the son of God, God may or may not exist! Religion may or may not be good, depending on if the use of religion furthers our agenda or not.

19. Bush's toppling the Saddam regime was a "diversion," but Clinton's lobbing a couple of cruise missiles at Iraq in the thick of the Lewinsky sex scandal was "sending a message."

20. A president who lies under oath is okay, but a president who references sixteen words from an allies' intelligence report should be dragged through the streets naked.

21. Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning Second Amendment rights and shopping the courts for judges sympathetic to causes that wouldn't pass in any legislature.

22. "The People" in the First Amendment means The People; "the People" in the Fourth Amendment means The People; "the People" in the Ninth Amendment means The People; "the People" in the Tenth Amendment means The People; but "the People" in the Second Amendment (ratified in 1791) means the National Guard (created by an Act of Congress in 1903).

23. You support a woman's "right to choose" to kill her unborn child, but don't believe that same woman is competent enough to homeschool the children she bears.

24. Proven draft-dodging is irrelevant, but baseless claims of AWOL status is crucial to national security.

25. Threatening to boycott Dr. Laura's and Rush Limbaugh's advertisers is exercising Freedom of Speech, but threatening to boycott CBS's "The Reagans" and Liberal actors over their asinine anti-American remarks is censorship and McCarthyist blacklisting.

If anyone has anymore- feel free to add! :beer:

I wonder how many people would stay democrat if they really knew what they stood for? Of course we'll never know because the Liberal media would never let this kind of thing see the light of day...

To anybody that has no clue...

The terms Liberal and Conservative mean just that. Liberal as in more Govn't control and Conservative as less Govn't control. If you are for MORE control in your life coming from the Gonv't then by all means, vote democrat. If you're smart then you should vote Republican for LESS Govn't control in your life. There are exceptions to this rule however but you get the idea...i hope.

You both said it all. Good job.
People need to take the blinders off.


corn fed
Established Member
Mar 20, 2005
What a joke.

Its the conservatives who are the most liberal spenders of tax payer money. Our national debt has sky rocketed. They just don't spend in on the taxpayer!

Government has GROWN under Bush.

The Conservatives are the FIRST to pass laws restricting what people can do. The want to take away the right for a woman to choose, the right to vote without a picture ID, etc...

no, they want to protect that baby's right to live.

if the dumb bitch is smart enough to make that decision then she should be smart enough to NOT get pregnant in the first place.


New Member
Established Member
Dec 15, 2006
some of you are morons. Wake up and smell the bacon, to bad your a liberal hippy that thinks bacon will kill you because the corporations put secret cancer causing fat in it...and to quote myself because some of you didnt get it.

"The terms Liberal and Conservative mean just that. Liberal as in more Govn't control and Conservative as less Govn't control. If you are for MORE control in your life coming from the Gonv't then by all means, vote democrat. If you're smart then you should vote Republican for LESS Govn't control in your life. There are exceptions to this rule however but you get the idea...i hope."


Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
Bush: Worst President in US history.:xpl:

I wonder why people are fast to ignore the years under Jimmy Carter. His watch was downright pathetic and I still wonder how this great country survived with such a douche wad at the controls.

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