Transsexual Female college basketball player.

corey d

Established Member
Apr 9, 2012
South Louisiana
Should be mocked and made fun of until it ends its self.

:lol::lol:..Now that is comedy....:lol1:

Im certainly no expert on the subject, but it appears they may have skipped several steps in the transformation. Dudes about as feminine as steve buscemi.


Feb 23, 2010
In the 5280'
Amazing. Absolutely amazing how this country is being forced to accept abnormality such as this.

amazing how ignorant and close minded people continue to be in the 21st century.

is she bothering you? no. is she asking you on a date? no. is she trying to have sex with you? no. is she trying to marry you? no. is she even ask you to like her or be her friend??? no.

so why does it bother you so much that a transsexual plays basketball in a town you dont live in. at a school you dont go to. on a team you dont play for???

this transsexual woman only wants to be recognized legally as a woman, be treated with respect and live her life and get the same opportunities as anyone else.

she has no contact with you, yet you obviously feel seriously threatened by this woman.

perhaps it makes you feel uncomfortable and threatened because you are questioning your own sexuality and gender identity? :shrug:

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


It's for your own protection
Established Member
Jan 21, 2006
Thinking ''HE'' is a woman does not make him one. Born male, then you will always be a male. I don't care if you had your penis removed and act like a female. No amount of hormones will change the fact that you are in fact a male with a missing penis.

So no he should not be allowed to play on a woman anything. Trannies are ****ed up in the head that is all. I am sick of society caving in to these people.


ford guy
Established Member
Feb 6, 2010
Thinking ''HE'' is a woman does not make him one. Born male, then you will always be a male. I don't care if you had your penis removed and act like a female. No amount of hormones will change the fact that you are in fact a male with a missing penis.

So no he should not be allowed to play on a woman anything. Trannies are ****ed up in the head that is all. I am sick of society caving in to these people.


sent from, someone buy me a clutch..


Mar 22, 2010
Long Island, NY
Amazing. Absolutely amazing how this country is being forced to accept abnormality such as this.

Just because something isn't "normal" doesnt make it wrong. That view of "normal" is what led to the euro-supremacy when blacks were considered to be "abnormal". Let this transgendered person, who is not threatening you in anyway, or infringing on your rights, life or liberty, be. Live and let live friend. Why do you need to hate on someone who doesnt do anything to you? By her being on that team, how does it effect you?

The way I see it we are presented with two choices, side with those against transgendered people like you, and her life is negatively effected that she cant play ball but your life is unchanged.


We can let her play and be happy and your life is still unchanged.

Why should we do as a nation what you want when it doesnt make your life better but it makes someone else's worse.

Thanks for being a (removed by moderator)

BTW if I get an infraction for that, its worth it

amazing how ignorant and close minded people continue to be in the 21st century.

is she bothering you? no. is she asking you on a date? no. is she trying to have sex with you? no. is she trying to marry you? no. is she even ask you to like her or be her friend??? no.

so why does it bother you so much that a transsexual plays basketball in a town you dont live in. at a school you dont go to. on a team you dont play for???

this transsexual woman only wants to be recognized legally as a woman, be treated with respect and live her life and get the same opportunities as anyone else.

she has no contact with you, yet you obviously feel seriously threatened by this woman.

perhaps it makes you feel uncomfortable and threatened because you are questioning your own sexuality and gender identity? :shrug:

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


Thinking ''HE'' is a woman does not make him one. Born male, then you will always be a male. I don't care if you had your penis removed and act like a female. No amount of hormones will change the fact that you are in fact a male with a missing penis.

So no he should not be allowed to play on a woman anything. Trannies are ****ed up in the head that is all. I am sick of society caving in to these people.

Again, how is "society caving" effecting you? Why would you want to hate on someone when their existence has ZERO impact on you? Stop being an (removed by moderator)

Here comes the liberalism.

I am a registered Republican who has donated to the GOP.
I might be socially liberal, but I am economically conservative


Real bits of panther.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2008
I have no problem with transsexuals, but I still think her playing on this team isn't quite right. Her birth and many years of life spent as a man have given her an unfair advantage as far as size is concerned. Sure, people can make the argument about age but if she were 22 it would be more apparent.


Cobra Commander
Established Member
Mar 13, 2009
New Jersey
is every transgendered person going to be on the news? this chick, the girl with nuts in the locker room, planter... lol?

is there really nothing better to talk about on the news?! at all?! really?!

oooooh snap

Stable Genius
Established Member
Jun 21, 2010
amazing how ignorant and close minded people continue to be in the 21st century.

is she bothering you? no. is she asking you on a date? no. is she trying to have sex with you? no. is she trying to marry you? no. is she even ask you to like her or be her friend??? no.

so why does it bother you so much that a transsexual plays basketball in a town you dont live in. at a school you dont go to. on a team you dont play for???

this transsexual woman only wants to be recognized legally as a woman, be treated with respect and live her life and get the same opportunities as anyone else.

she has no contact with you, yet you obviously feel seriously threatened by this woman.

perhaps it makes you feel uncomfortable and threatened because you are questioning your own sexuality and gender identity? :shrug:

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


ahh, good times.

Blown 89

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2006
no but what I would give to be 6'8" I mean damn...

6'8" will give you a standing reach of about ~9 feet...that means all you need is a 18" jump to dunk a basketball...18" isnt that hard most guys and girls can elevate 18" in fact I think even the grumpy old man can elevate 18"
You're 21. Give it a few years and you'll understand.

At 6'8", 220, with an average reach he needs a 20" vertical to dunk. A 20" vertical is a lot for a 50 year old that weighs 220 pounds. I guarantee you someone that size has serious back problems too.

I'm 6'6" and used to be able to dunk with ease. I get so sick of retarded people saying "If I were your height I could do this and that above the rim." Those people are retards because gaining an extra foot of height doesn't mean you gain a foot on your vertical. Everyone forgets just how much a foot of height adds to your weight. Go strap the 50lbs you'd gain with that extra height to your back and jump. There's a reason so many short guys can jump out of the's because they're light as a feather.

Of all people I'd expect car guys to get the role small amounts of weight plays in performance.


Active Member
Established Member
May 28, 2005
Gilbert, AZ
amazing how ignorant and close minded people continue to be in the 21st century.

is he bothering you? no. is he asking you on a date? no. is he trying to have sex with you? no. is he trying to marry you? no. is he even ask you to like him or be his friend??? no.

so why does it bother you so much that a transsexual plays basketball in a town you dont live in. at a school you dont go to. on a team you dont play for???

this transsexual man only wants to be recognized legally as a woman, be treated with respect and live his life and get the same opportunities as anyone else.

he has no contact with you, yet you obviously feel seriously threatened by this man.

perhaps it makes you feel uncomfortable and threatened because you are questioning your own sexuality and gender identity? :shrug:

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Fixed for you, like in the other threads. Not sure why this is so hard to comprehend for such a self-proclaimed genius.


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 12, 2012
Denver, NC
If you had a kid sitting on the bench, not getting to play, or, on an opposing team losing to this "ringer"', I think most would see the issue differently. This is an issue of right and wrong, not anything else. Too bad that there are not enough adults in the room. The is a kids game, not one to be made into a"cause" circus.

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