Trying to better myself,employment


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 21, 2005
I feel ya man. I left my job that paid ok to start a new trade in stationary engineering. Didn’t work out and I went back to my old job. Spent a bunch of money and lost some benefits but I learned from it. Looking for a. Ew job to move forward but it’s a learning process. Take a couple days off to relax and then hit the ground running. Life has ups and downs. This is just a low point that will pass


Deplorable and Proud
Established Member
Apr 10, 2008
Buddy of mine is going through a similar thing.

He left a decent job for one that paid $40k more. Well he hated the workplace (not enough work to justify the staff) and then in January he fell on ice walking the dog and snapped his ankle. Wound up needing surgery and day before the surgery he got a call they terminated his contract because he won't be able to make it to the office for a few weeks during recovery.

He's been looking since, and has had some big bouts of depression as a result with a lot of drinking. I have my own business and planned on giving him a week or so of work to help, as luck would have it, I fired some of my guys for lying, breaking equipment, and essentially stealing money for work they weren't doing. So I've had him working with me for almost a month now. He's got a few interviews lined up, but in the mean time he's slowly getting back to being more positive and backing off a lot on the drinking. In part because I've basically gone dry to eliminate enabling. Weekends usually hangout and drink while doing car stuff or meet up for lunch and couple beers.

By all accounts he'll land another good paying job in his field sooner than later, but it's been a big struggle the last few months. So keep your head up, really think about what type of work will make you feel fulfilled, and DO NOT drink to cope, that's a rabbit hole that's a bitch to dig out of.

Man that is awesome of you.

OP keep your head up. In 08 I was fired from a job for a bs reason. I kinda went thru jobs two after till I found one. Got laid off a month and a half after starting. Then got called back and have worked my way up busting my ass. Think positive you should come out of this ahead.

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Life's Better @ Elevation
Established Member
Oct 15, 2013
Denver, CO
OP, I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. On the bright side, there hasn't been a better time to look for a job in a long time. Economy is booming and there are lots of open jobs. Heck, the unemployment rate in Denver is 2.5% and that's with boatloads of people moving here every month. Im trying to hire an assistant and I've been flying people in for interviews because the labor market here is so tight.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 16, 2011
I was fired in January. I took it real personal. What made me cope was seeing good NFL players get cut, like Richard Sherman.

One place will get rid of you, and another will be waiting for you. Just look at job sites and housing for sale, and everybody is forced to make moves.

I found a job with a 20% pay increase and full benefits, which I did not have before. I believe positive thoughts, telling yourself what you want, and your dreams in your sleep lead you where you'll be.
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Established Member
Oct 28, 2010
Northern California
I can relate to the time when my ex-girlfriend left last year. During that period I went through a slow time with work.

The day she left I had an engagement ring in my pocket. I was going to propose the next day. DAMN was that hard! I never shared it with her either. The chick worked part time at a bank. She had an expensive car lease, credit card debt, no degree but hey! she had an allowance from daddy every month... She was so stuck on a lifestyle that she could not afford.

So what's the point of this sob story? Understand your value as a person. If an employer or person does not, then oh well! The next will, but of course, learn from whatever mistakes you made and improve!
I went from barely making credit card/car payments to shopping for my condo cash. Hang in there!


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 9, 2012
I recently had my first experience with getting fired. The company "did not like the lack of communication" from my unit when putting me on orders. Mind you I/We gave them the info the same day I got it. Which was about a months notice.

They apparently didn't read the emails and assumed I was talking about my annual training when discussing the other duty assignment? I am just guessing though since the manager said he "missed the parts of the email discussing my orders" and due to the fact we had discussed many times what was going on.
I even had, with permission, a company laptop to work remotely while on the orders, which was part of my work functions anyway. They then threatened to call the police because the same day they fired me they wanted said laptop back. Since I was 250 miles away on the aforementioned orders I couldn't just hop skip and jump it back to them. So naturally they accused me of trying to steal the laptop out of spite.

Needless to say that was a frustrating experience.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 2, 2012
San Diego, CA
The absolute BEST advice I can give you (like the rest of the great folks here) is to KEEP YOUR HEAD UP and THINK POSITIVE!

I was literally in your shoes in late 2008/Early 2009. Got laid off from a (what i thought) good job I had for 4 years from a company i worked my ASS off for because I wasn't "Good Enough". Kicked my resume out and got shot down multiple times.

Got hired by a better structured Upper Echelon company in late 2009 and flourished to the point of being written about here in the San Diego Tribune newspaper. Then went on to the an even higher end corporate company and was featured AGAIN in the Union Tribune Newspaper. I can pretty much write my ticket into ANY management/gm position i'd like because of it.

I guess i was "Good Enough" after all, huh?

I also bought a sick condo near the water, and can buy just about any ride i'd like to as long as it doesn't exceed my self imposed 50k limit.

Life is good, but it came because I knuckled down and didn't ACCEPT defeat from a shitbag company that didn't know what they had. I pushed harder through a dark time, and refused to give up or give in.

You will experience the SAME thing.....just stay the course, friend.


Purveyor of missed information
Established Member
Apr 4, 2009
Thanks to the OP for posting this . And thanks for all the positive encouragement.
I just walked away from nearly 18 years of being a Ford tech at a small dealer. Just got tired of having to fight for every nickel ( full commission, no guarantee). Seemed like everything I would do extra to try and get ahead, then more and more was expected. Bringing in another tech after last last guy left at a pay rate that they would have been unwilling to offer me was kinda the last kick in the teeth.
Gave my 2 weeks and yesterday I loaded my box.
Im fortunate enough to have some opportunity to work on my own so thats what Im going to do. Scared shitless right at the moment!
But hey, Op, the best advice I 've ever heard is that you can't move forward when you're looking back.. Stay positive, go after something, believe in yourself and don't look back. Could be the best thing that ever happens.


Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
The absolute BEST advice I can give you (like the rest of the great folks here) is to KEEP YOUR HEAD UP and THINK POSITIVE!

I was literally in your shoes in late 2008/Early 2009. Got laid off from a (what i thought) good job I had for 4 years from a company i worked my ASS off for because I wasn't "Good Enough". Kicked my resume out and got shot down multiple times.

Got hired by a better structured Upper Echelon company in late 2009 and flourished to the point of being written about here in the San Diego Tribune newspaper. Then went on to the an even higher end corporate company and was featured AGAIN in the Union Tribune Newspaper. I can pretty much write my ticket into ANY management/gm position i'd like because of it.

I guess i was "Good Enough" after all, huh?

I also bought a sick condo near the water, and can buy just about any ride i'd like to as long as it doesn't exceed my self imposed 50k limit.

Life is good, but it came because I knuckled down and didn't ACCEPT defeat from a shitbag company that didn't know what they had. I pushed harder through a dark time, and refused to give up or give in.

You will experience the SAME thing.....just stay the course, friend.
Did you ever write your old company and thank them for getting you out of that dead end work, lol!?!


I like BBC
Established Member
Jun 12, 2005
Denver, Co (Hell)
Thanks to the OP for posting this . And thanks for all the positive encouragement.
I just walked away from nearly 18 years of being a Ford tech at a small dealer. Just got tired of having to fight for every nickel ( full commission, no guarantee). Seemed like everything I would do extra to try and get ahead, then more and more was expected. Bringing in another tech after last last guy left at a pay rate that they would have been unwilling to offer me was kinda the last kick in the teeth.
Gave my 2 weeks and yesterday I loaded my box.
Im fortunate enough to have some opportunity to work on my own so thats what Im going to do. Scared shitless right at the moment!
But hey, Op, the best advice I 've ever heard is that you can't move forward when you're looking back.. Stay positive, go after something, believe in yourself and don't look back. Could be the best thing that ever happens.
Going out on your own can be scary, but it can be a great move. If you aren't already, hook up with the local Ford car clubs and get word out. Got an LS shop here that does zero advertising, all word of mouth and he and his two techs are slammed day in and day out. It's the place to go for repairs and high horsepower builds, and very fair pricing.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 19, 2010
You'll bounce back and find a better gig very soon. Most of us have been fired/screwed over by at least 1 job in our lives. I've been screwed by more than one, but I always land on my feet. You will too.


Established Member
Apr 29, 2013

I had an interview on Monday.It's one of those bittersweet type of interviews. Once I found out what was involved,I hope I dont get a call back :confused:

Back to the job search grind! And to the rest of you who going through a tough time,report back,believe it or not,it helps to read how others get through this BS.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 10, 2015
Kingman, AZ
Damn most of you guys are lucky; it’s been two years and I’ve been crap job to crap job. The constant is I’ve stayed at my “anchor” job that I’ve had for 6 years now. I keep getting screwed around by them about moving me back to a full time schedule. Worst part is, is that I work in warehousing and those jobs don’t typically pay that much out here. I make what is considered the upper limit per hour (minus some serious outliers in pay) and it keeps me from going anywhere else. It’s hard when moving trades is impossible where I live (you NEED experience or they just laugh you off and end the interview); I can’t even go back to school because I can’t afford it without a job ( I don’t get financial aid due to family making too much money and student loans is something I’d never do).

So now I’m stuck at an impasse; I’ve tried going into truck driving but I can’t afford the cost to get the license. Tried to work through companies to have them pay to help pay for the schooling (aka cr England, etc) and have had no luck.

All this has really seriously weighed me down mentally and emotionally in the last six months. I’ve applied to hundreds of places of varying job types and all have had the same result; out of the hundreds I’ve had 45-50 interviews in which all of them have told me I currently or have previously made more money and they don’t “feel” I should take a pay cut. I’ve started doing odd jobs to try to make money and maybe turn them into a business but have been stomped out by bigger shops (car work/performance work).

But OP keep your head up, you’ll have something come up and it will be exactly what you want or better.

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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 12, 2014
Damn most of you guys are lucky; it’s been two years and I’ve been crap job to crap job. The constant is I’ve stayed at my “anchor” job that I’ve had for 6 years now. I keep getting screwed around by them about moving me back to a full time schedule. Worst part is, is that I work in warehousing and those jobs don’t typically pay that much out here. I make what is considered the upper limit per hour (minus some serious outliers in pay) and it keeps me from going anywhere else. It’s hard when moving trades is impossible where I live (you NEED experience or they just laugh you off and end the interview); I can’t even go back to school because I can’t afford it without a job ( I don’t get financial aid due to family making too much money and student loans is something I’d never do).

So now I’m stuck at an impasse; I’ve tried going into truck driving but I can’t afford the cost to get the license. Tried to work through companies to have them pay to help pay for the schooling (aka cr England, etc) and have had no luck.

All this has really seriously weighed me down mentally and emotionally in the last six months. I’ve applied to hundreds of places of varying job types and all have had the same result; out of the hundreds I’ve had 45-50 interviews in which all of them have told me I currently or have previously made more money and they don’t “feel” I should take a pay cut. I’ve started doing odd jobs to try to make money and maybe turn them into a business but have been stomped out by bigger shops (car work/performance work).

But OP keep your head up, you’ll have something come up and it will be exactly what you want or better.

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Trucking may or may not be good depending where you are. I currently work at a dealer. I’ve been trying to get into operating heavy equipment operation for 4 years and no luck. They all want experience. I have my class A and mass is a very big trucking state and the pay isn’t very good. $25 an hour would be considered good pay here and I think that’s absolutely trash.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 19, 2010
Damn most of you guys are lucky; it’s been two years and I’ve been crap job to crap job. The constant is I’ve stayed at my “anchor” job that I’ve had for 6 years now. I keep getting screwed around by them about moving me back to a full time schedule. Worst part is, is that I work in warehousing and those jobs don’t typically pay that much out here. I make what is considered the upper limit per hour (minus some serious outliers in pay) and it keeps me from going anywhere else. It’s hard when moving trades is impossible where I live (you NEED experience or they just laugh you off and end the interview); I can’t even go back to school because I can’t afford it without a job ( I don’t get financial aid due to family making too much money and student loans is something I’d never do).

So now I’m stuck at an impasse; I’ve tried going into truck driving but I can’t afford the cost to get the license. Tried to work through companies to have them pay to help pay for the schooling (aka cr England, etc) and have had no luck.

All this has really seriously weighed me down mentally and emotionally in the last six months. I’ve applied to hundreds of places of varying job types and all have had the same result; out of the hundreds I’ve had 45-50 interviews in which all of them have told me I currently or have previously made more money and they don’t “feel” I should take a pay cut. I’ve started doing odd jobs to try to make money and maybe turn them into a business but have been stomped out by bigger shops (car work/performance work).

But OP keep your head up, you’ll have something come up and it will be exactly what you want or better.

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It will get better. I can't count the number of companies that wouldn't talk to me because I'm overqualified blah blah. Would you not want someone who you know will get the job done vs an entry level person?! Idiots.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 10, 2015
Kingman, AZ
It will get better. I can't count the number of companies that wouldn't talk to me because I'm overqualified blah blah. Would you not want someone who you know will get the job done vs an entry level person?! Idiots.

Yeah but my issue has come down to the pay that I make relative to the industry norm in the job I have currently. Add in I do the work of a supervisor essentially and supervisors do no work through my company and make easy 50k+. Hell before they had to cut back a lot of people to part time I was making 40k a year as a regular worker. Now I make 24-25k if the year isn’t slow and that’s with my higher position now.

Companies out here would rather pay 5 idiots minimum wage than pay me $17.50+ an hour with me working faster and harder because it’s easy to cycle them out. I actually had a company tell me they would rather hire through and agency than pay for everything to get better employees (drug tests, Background checks, etc.)


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 19, 2010
Yeah but my issue has come down to the pay that I make relative to the industry norm in the job I have currently. Add in I do the work of a supervisor essentially and supervisors do no work through my company and make easy 50k+. Hell before they had to cut back a lot of people to part time I was making 40k a year as a regular worker. Now I make 24-25k if the year isn’t slow and that’s with my higher position now.

Companies out here would rather pay 5 idiots minimum wage than pay me $17.50+ an hour with me working faster and harder because it’s easy to cycle them out. I actually had a company tell me they would rather hire through and agency than pay for everything to get better employees (drug tests, Background checks, etc.)
I'm right there with you. I've talked to lots of companies that couldn't/wouldn't pay me b/c of my experience. What these companies do not factor in is the cost & the time, which is money, to train someone with less experience or the employee roulette they end up going through b/c they hire cheap & it doesn't work out for 10 employees in a row. Especially in my field of sales. You get what you pay for.


Well-Known Member
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Premium Member
Apr 15, 2004
Central Fl
Trucking may or may not be good depending where you are. I currently work at a dealer. I’ve been trying to get into operating heavy equipment operation for 4 years and no luck. They all want experience. I have my class A and mass is a very big trucking state and the pay isn’t very good. $25 an hour would be considered good pay here and I think that’s absolutely trash.

that rough part as CDL driver employer is that if they're not big enough to be self insured a lot of outside insurance companies won't cover somebody without "X" years of experience (Ive seen limits of 1,2 or 3 years CDL experience). With the driver shortage the way it is there are lots of people that will pay for your classes but you're stuck with them for a while (I've seen some big sign on bonuses once you have some experience, 5-10k).

The other option is to consider local class B work for a garbage/recycling, delivery company etc... The Class B isnt as intensive to get as the A, you can still make good pay (40K+ depending on where you are), you're home every night etc...


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 20, 2005
Damn most of you guys are lucky; it’s been two years and I’ve been crap job to crap job. The constant is I’ve stayed at my “anchor” job that I’ve had for 6 years now. I keep getting screwed around by them about moving me back to a full time schedule. Worst part is, is that I work in warehousing and those jobs don’t typically pay that much out here. I make what is considered the upper limit per hour (minus some serious outliers in pay) and it keeps me from going anywhere else. It’s hard when moving trades is impossible where I live (you NEED experience or they just laugh you off and end the interview); I can’t even go back to school because I can’t afford it without a job ( I don’t get financial aid due to family making too much money and student loans is something I’d never do).

So now I’m stuck at an impasse; I’ve tried going into truck driving but I can’t afford the cost to get the license. Tried to work through companies to have them pay to help pay for the schooling (aka cr England, etc) and have had no luck.

All this has really seriously weighed me down mentally and emotionally in the last six months. I’ve applied to hundreds of places of varying job types and all have had the same result; out of the hundreds I’ve had 45-50 interviews in which all of them have told me I currently or have previously made more money and they don’t “feel” I should take a pay cut. I’ve started doing odd jobs to try to make money and maybe turn them into a business but have been stomped out by bigger shops (car work/performance work).

But OP keep your head up, you’ll have something come up and it will be exactly what you want or better.

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You need to move. Save up enough money to rent a room for a couple of months and GTFO of where you are. I just moved to Colorado, and there is more opportunity than you could dream of. Everyone is hiring. I scan Craigslist jobs occasionally just to see what the going rates for jobs are, and most jobs with minimal skill set are around $20 hour starting pay. There are so many jobs and not enough people here to fill them.

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