Updated build pics


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Established Member
Dec 11, 2003
Yeah ill get vids of it up but its gonna be a while.
The Minnesota winter is kickin in right now (got out first snow on Wednesday) , nothing crazy but its damn cold , (36 was our high today).
So the car not be out until spring...still a ways to go on it anyways.

Just ran into a problem tonight with it.
I have Energy suspension motor mounts and have my modified T-56 crossmember ...so tonight i get my tranny mount in the mail and decided to bolt her up.:dw:

Well cut a long story short even with the transmission jacked to it highest point before it hits the tunnel and the transmission crossmember bolted up there is no room to get a transmission mount in there.
I have like 1 inch of space.
At that point i turned off the lights and came inside.:uh oh:
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