US Military Parade - What do you think?


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Nov 1, 2006
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"A military parade is third world bulls---," O'Neill tweeted. "We prepare. We deter. We fight. Stop this conversation."

When a user pointed out that France and Russia conduct military parades, O’Neill replied: "Yes. Third World. If Russia or France were powerful enough to take over the world, they would. We are yet we don’t. That’s called First World."

O’Neill has been a Trump supporter since the 2016 campaign. The two dined at the White House last fall and did a photo-op.

GT Premi

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Mar 15, 2011
This parade nonsense is nothing more than our insecure President wanting his ego stroked. He doesn't give one damn about the military. If he did, he wouldn't have dodged the draft 5 times, called a POW and sitting Senator a loser for getting captured, or disrespected a Gold Star family because they're Muslim. #CadetBoneSpurs He has got to be the most disrespectful son of a bitch to have ever been President. He doesn't give one damn about this country. The only thing that matters to Donald Trump is himself.

And another thing, why does the country with arguably THE most powerful military on the planet need to put on a show of force?? I'm pretty sure every nation in the world knows the U.S. military is the most dangerous and most lethal. Waste of money...


Bike or Cobra?
Established Member
Apr 3, 2004
Mountain View, CA
Agree with GT Premi. No other country has as big a budget, military bases all over the world, and a naval fleet as big as the United States.


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Feb 2, 2004
Atlanta, GA
I think they need to figure out a way to put an aircraft carrier on a trailer and tow it down Pennsylvania Avenue with a bunch of M1 Abrams tanks!

Just keep in mind the left hates this country, our military and law enforcement.


Active Member
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Jun 10, 2012
denton tx
This parade nonsense is nothing more than our insecure President wanting his ego stroked. He doesn't give one damn about the military. If he did, he wouldn't have dodged the draft 5 times, called a POW and sitting Senator a loser for getting captured, or disrespected a Gold Star family because they're Muslim. #CadetBoneSpurs He has got to be the most disrespectful son of a bitch to have ever been President. He doesn't give one damn about this country. The only thing that matters to Donald Trump is himself.

And another thing, why does the country with arguably THE most powerful military on the planet need to put on a show of force?? I'm pretty sure every nation in the world knows the U.S. military is the most dangerous and most lethal. Waste of money...


Active Member
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Jun 10, 2012
denton tx
This parade nonsense is nothing more than our insecure President wanting his ego stroked. He doesn't give one damn about the military. If he did, he wouldn't have dodged the draft 5 times, called a POW and sitting Senator a loser for getting captured, or disrespected a Gold Star family because they're Muslim. #CadetBoneSpurs He has got to be the most disrespectful son of a bitch to have ever been President. He doesn't give one damn about this country. The only thing that matters to Donald Trump is himself.

And another thing, why does the country with arguably THE most powerful military on the planet need to put on a show of force?? I'm pretty sure every nation in the world knows the U.S. military is the most dangerous and most lethal. Waste of money...

They should spend money on our veterans and active personnel instead of trying to satisfied the president's ego.


ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
So far the marines I work with are all thumbs down. I think it is a terrible idea. The last thing we need is a communist style parade full of hardware and other crap and that is what trump wants. I don’t often agree with GTpremie but this time I think he is spot on.


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Party Liquor Posse
May 31, 2004
Charleston, SC
raustin0017, respect to you for your service. Your a lifer that’s your choice and there’s no problem with that. When was the last time you marched in those thirty years? Please don’t let us down and come up with some BS that you proudly did every day. If you were a marine I’d say yes even army once in awhile but the Air Force doesn’t and neither do the squids. Yes I respect my time served and the Navy paid for all my schooling. I lived in Sardinia at the age of 18 and had it made. I’m very respectful of the Military but having to do this isn’t going to be a moral boost unless there’s a ton of partying and time off on the schedule.
I was in Sicily at that age...:)


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Party Liquor Posse
May 31, 2004
Charleston, SC
My two cents....
I'm a Vet with 20 years and retired, Navy. I'm a huge Trump supporter but I call things as I see them and never follow anyone so blindly. I have no doubt Trump supports the Troops...but this IMO is not so much for the troops. This is a show of force and mostly for North Korea. We of all countries do not need a show of force because we represent that to the fullest each and everyday around the world. This will undoubtedly cost millions and we are crazy in debt and can't even agree on a budget to start with. If you want to spend the money spend it on the homeless Vets, PTSD, better gear for those abroad. Better compensation for those who lost an immediate loved one that died for their country, for us. So ungrateful Americans have the right to kneel at a football game cause they hate this country so much. A poll with the Military would show this is not needed nor wanted. I don't care who's penis is bigger, I already know what countries is.
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Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
So the key to making this worth it then is to make it a huge ass celebration and party. A celebration where all those involved can get drunk afterwards, party it up, and slay the hot civilian poon that is being thrown at them.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 14, 2012
Virginia Beach, VA
Ladies and Gentlemen, This is not a difficult decision. You either love this country or not. You either respect the military or not. If your in the military you should be proud to support your Commander in Chief, if not, get out at the 1st opportunity. You probably joined looking for a steady pay check, some benefits and free education and not to proudly serve at the will of the POTUS which happens to be in charge of the DoD. How many military folks want to take a piss test, deploy to undisclosed locations for months at a time, stand in line to drop off laundry in 125 degree heat, not be able to drink a beer, work 25 days straight/12 hour shifts, bunk up with three others or more, eat the same chow in the belly of a ship week end and week out, and the list goes on and on. I'm typing slow so you can understand. If you are in the military and bitching about this type of crap, think military should go directly to your commander and tell him/her you want out at the next opportunity.

If you are a civilian do you think your going to lose some $$ on your next tax refund? Really? Some say, "that money should be used for other stuff like, blah, blah, blah". Give me a break. Tell ya what we do. Take the $20M for the parade and divide it up and everybody in the US Military to include the Reserve components will get $10.00 each in their next pay check. Not that big of a number when you break it down, is it?


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Jun 30, 2005
Chicago suburbs
Ladies and Gentlemen, This is not a difficult decision. You either love this country or not. You either respect the military or not. If your in the military you should be proud to support your Commander in Chief, if not, get out at the 1st opportunity. You probably joined looking for a steady pay check, some benefits and free education and not to proudly serve at the will of the POTUS which happens to be in charge of the DoD. How many military folks want to take a piss test, deploy to undisclosed locations for months at a time, stand in line to drop off laundry in 125 degree heat, not be able to drink a beer, work 25 days straight/12 hour shifts, bunk up with three others or more, eat the same chow in the belly of a ship week end and week out, and the list goes on and on. I'm typing slow so you can understand. If you are in the military and bitching about this type of crap, think military should go directly to your commander and tell him/her you want out at the next opportunity.

If you are a civilian do you think your going to lose some $$ on your next tax refund? Really? Some say, "that money should be used for other stuff like, blah, blah, blah". Give me a break. Tell ya what we do. Take the $20M for the parade and divide it up and everybody in the US Military to include the Reserve components will get $10.00 each in their next pay check. Not that big of a number when you break it down, is it?

I don’t get involved in these topics, but I’m giving my .02 on this. For starters this is the hypocrisy that exists on both sides of the political spectrum. Many of those saying you need to show the current commander in chief respect are the same ones who showed the last one no respect. To be clear, I’m not a fan of either Trump or Obama. Second, as a former vet in the Army I can safely say that the majority of the military would not be a fan of a dog and pony show parade. Most of us served for god, country, family, & after we joined each other. Not for the crooked, self serving political hacks who mention how great the military is in speeches and other times when it helps them politically, but do little to support it when it’s needed. 20million may be chump change in the grand scheme of things, but any amount $ that can go to help the many current or former military personnel that need help is money much better spent than a stupid ego boosting parade.

Sent from my iPhone using the mobile app


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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
Ladies and Gentlemen, This is not a difficult decision. You either love this country or not. You either respect the military or not. If your in the military you should be proud to support your Commander in Chief, if not, get out at the 1st opportunity. You probably joined looking for a steady pay check, some benefits and free education and not to proudly serve at the will of the POTUS which happens to be in charge of the DoD. How many military folks want to take a piss test, deploy to undisclosed locations for months at a time, stand in line to drop off laundry in 125 degree heat, not be able to drink a beer, work 25 days straight/12 hour shifts, bunk up with three others or more, eat the same chow in the belly of a ship week end and week out, and the list goes on and on. I'm typing slow so you can understand. If you are in the military and bitching about this type of crap, think military should go directly to your commander and tell him/her you want out at the next opportunity.

If you are a civilian do you think your going to lose some $$ on your next tax refund? Really? Some say, "that money should be used for other stuff like, blah, blah, blah". Give me a break. Tell ya what we do. Take the $20M for the parade and divide it up and everybody in the US Military to include the Reserve components will get $10.00 each in their next pay check. Not that big of a number when you break it down, is it?
How many times did you give the whole “Get out of my Air Force! Here’s your application to McDonalds” speech?


Established Member
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Party Liquor Posse
May 31, 2004
Charleston, SC
Some of these comments crack me up. Most of the Military members have seen enough dog and pony shows as was mentioned. This isn't a military appreciation's a who's is bigger event. It isn't feasibly money wise, it isn't necessary because we show our strength day in and day out more than any country this world has ever had. It's actually somewhat of an insult that we beat our chest in such a manner. The peanut gallery sounds like either civilians or some 5 year Military rookies.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
Some of these comments crack me up. Most of the Military members have seen enough dog and pony shows as was mentioned. This isn't a military appreciation's a who's is bigger event. It isn't feasibly money wise, it isn't necessary because we show our strength day in and day out more than any country this world has ever had. It's actually somewhat of an insult that we beat our chest in such a manner. The peanut gallery sounds like either civilians or some 5 year Military rookies.
HEY! You better give up your retirement, you unpatriotic squid! I don’t know about you Navy pukes, but in the AF we live by our 3 core values; INTEGRITY FIRST! SERVICE BEFORE SELF! AND MOTHER ****ING EXCELLENCE IN ALL WE DO! Obviously you did 20 years for yourself and not this country or the POTUS, shame!.../s

Hopefully you can tell I’m joking...

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