What's your worst break-up?


Auto Affection
Established Member
Feb 12, 2019
Gainesville GA
So I'm pretty young (24) and I recently broke up with my girlfriend, we were dating a little over a year. But things have been hard for me. We lived together for majority of the year and we purchased and raised a puppy together. Its like we had a little family going and just like that it was all gone. The gf decided she wasn't happy anymore and felt she couldn't give me the love and attention I deserve so we decided to end it.

She moved out and took the dog, so I not only lost the dog I dedicated so much time and money into but I also lost a friend. I recently moved out to a new state (military) and I was gracious enough to meet her and basically dedicated all my time and effort into our relationship. She was just about the only friend I had out in this new state so now she is gone I am pretty lonely tbh.

I am not looking for sympathy or anything like that because I know people have it a lot harder but I do know that talking about it helps and I was also curious to hear some other peoples break up story's to help me cope lol.

There was this one I lost once that left a HUGE hole in my heart... It was a schweeeet 71 stingray. I cried and cried, until I got a totally cherry, black on black highly modded 69 charger.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 16, 2011
It’s not your fault. You can literally give a bitch everything she wants, and she will behind your back to an asshole that gives her nothing but pump n dump until she gets tired of that.

Call her out on Facebook in front of her friends and family.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 1, 2004
I know it sucks right now but you'll get over it. I've been there myself when I was in my twenties. I learned that women can be calculated bitches.

Women can make you weak when you fall for their beauty. And they can sense this weakness and it turns them off. That's why they like to go with the asshole or jerk who doesn't care about their feelings etc. They are just hardwired that way through thousands of years of evolution. Nice guys do finish last lol!

I've been married around 13 years now and all those failed relationships when I was younger seem like a joke now. I can't believe I let it get to me the way it did back then. There's some good advice from others here. Just move on. Go to the gym, focus on yourself. Don't dwell on her. I know it is tough but it is what it is. Think about it this way. She probably won't be dwelling on you. So why give her that much importance?

For kicks I looked up some women that I dated when I was younger and some of them turned into complete train wrecks. I am actually glad it didn't work out because then I would be stuck with that!


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 1, 2004
Sounds like you're in a bad way. I know everything I'm going to say is easier said than done. Don't let your broken heart consume you.
Realize that you need to move on, and the sooner the better. There is no going back.
Find someone to bang, even if it's a fat girl at last call. They give good head and back rubs.
You'll hardly remember this girl in time, trust me on this.

Don't be "that" guy. I work with a guy who's girl left him and broke his heart.................10 years ago. He goes home, gets drunk and sobs about it.

Nothing cures a broken heart like strange. Anyone that tells you different is a beta cuck that enjoys being used.
My sister's husband's sister was asked out by a guy in high school. She told him she could not go out with him. He shoots himself dead shortly afterwards - at 18! She ends up a lesbian. Don't be THAT guy!


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 1, 2004
got home from deployment/retirement and found out my wife of 14 years had been cheating on me for 5, she divorced me and took my house and kids.
I don't wanna hear your cry baby bullshit. Man up.

for real though, it sucks.
Yes I have heard this before also. Happened to my wife's uncle who was in the Navy. Came home from the Pacific and his wife had already moved in with another guy. She had his son with her. He went to confront her and the boyfriend came to the door with a gun and told him if he ever came back he would shoot him.

If he beat that guy's ass when he did not have his gun with him his wife might have probably come crawling back. But he turned around and just left and that was it he never married again.


Active Member
Established Member
Oct 30, 2012
Fort Myers, FL
Situations in life happen for a reason. Just about everyone goes through heartbreak at some point, myself included. That horrible break up ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me.

Delete her number.
Delete her from social media (Woman can be evil and purposely post shit).
Download Tinder.
Go to the gym.

Most importantly, focus on becoming a better person for when you meet the right person.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 6, 2006
North Carolina
I feel like everyone is gonna have the one breakup thats really hard to deal with. I know I did. We were high school sweet hearts and dated from age 16-23. Her parents divorced and her mother started planting these ideas in her head that she should start seeing other guys and don't settle for your high school sweetheart bs. So thats what she did, we broke up and got back together twice and finally she ended up cheating on me. She had just moved away to finish college and I was searching for a job in the same city to move there with her.

I broke it off and ended up reporting her phone as stolen (she was on my plan and what better way to delete a exs number than delete it from everyone all at once LOL) so I left her with no phone service and no way to activate the phone she did have, threw a party the next weekend and banged her best friend. It was a dick move but I didn't appreciate the whole cheating thing.

Honestly though I don't regret the relationship at all, we had our good times for a long while there, sucks it turned to shit but I learned from that relationship everything I didn't want in another. I took a couple years off from dating and spent my time working my ass off, buying my first mustang and motorcycle, partying with some great friends and overall just having some of the best years of my life. When I got back into the dating scene I was in another relationship that I could see was going to have some issues and where I would previously try to work things out I just broke it off and moved on. Ended up meeting my wife and life is good.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 20, 2005
got home from deployment/retirement and found out my wife of 14 years had been cheating on me for 5, she divorced me and took my house and kids.
I don't wanna hear your cry baby bullshit. Man up.

for real though, it sucks.
Something similar happened to a friend of mine. He was a helicopter pilot with 18 years in. He missed rank and the army gave him the option of getting out with 2 years pay or going to Korea for 2 years to make rank and finish with his full pension. He went to Korea. His wife stayed home with their 6 kids. She started seeing a guy when he was gone. When he got back she filed for divorce, took his house, his kids, half his pension, and got child support. He was left with nothing and no way out. He is a better man than me because I would have ended both of them.


Let's go Brandon!
Established Member
Aug 13, 2003
Bad breakups? I was dumb enough to stay with my high school sweetheart for nearly 5 years. We had a kid together and moved in with each other. Things nosedived quickly, she slept around with other dudes and when I found out about it, I moved out. During that same period of time (8 months) I had 8 friends and family members die including my dad, had two car wrecks in 9 days that totaled both of my cars (not my fault) lost my place to live (the guy she was messing with moved in) lost my job and found out the baby sitter was physically abusing my then 2 year old daughter. He called me and started taunting that my house was now his and so was my daughter. 6 days later he fell head first 50 feet off the building he was working on and got killed (I love Karma). Two months later my ex was pregnant with his best friends child and she married him. I had to deal with this B***h until my daughter was 18 but have not talked to her since and still refuse to. My daughter tells me that her mother is miserable, I told her I honestly could not care any less. Luckily I met my now wife and a year later we got married. It will be 22 years married later this year.


I am the liquor
Established Member
Premium Member
Dec 24, 2007
Bad breakups? I was dumb enough to stay with my high school sweetheart for nearly 5 years. We had a kid together and moved in with each other. Things nosedived quickly, she slept around with other dudes and when I found out about it, I moved out. During that same period of time (8 months) I had 8 friends and family members die including my dad, had two car wrecks in 9 days that totaled both of my cars (not my fault) lost my place to live (the guy she was messing with moved in) lost my job and found out the baby sitter was physically abusing my then 2 year old daughter. He called me and started taunting that my house was now his and so was my daughter. 6 days later he fell head first 50 feet off the building he was working on and got killed (I love Karma). Two months later my ex was pregnant with his best friends child and she married him. I had to deal with this B***h until my daughter was 18 but have not talked to her since and still refuse to. My daughter tells me that her mother is miserable, I told her I honestly could not care any less. Luckily I met my now wife and a year later we got married. It will be 22 years married later this year.

Bro consider yourself lucky. She sounds like a basket case that is never going to get her shit straight. It's unfortunate that you can't delete from your life because of the kids.


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
not at my post...


Show me your Members
Established Member
Jan 23, 2012
Toronto, ON

The best thing that you can do for yourself right now is to accept that it is over and peace tf out of her life. You need to delete and block her number so you don't fall for any of her mind games. The only person that matters right now is you, so you need to focus only on yourself. Don't reach out to your ex because if she thought it was fixable or if she cared, she would have stayed. Do not let her pick and choose the parts of you that she wants to keep.

Essentially you need to stop all communication and have to go no contact and stick to it and do your best not to dwell on it. Everytime you break it, you will discover that you will feel worse. If you stick to it, you will start to feel better.


Make me a sandwhich bitch
Established Member
Premium Member
Nov 4, 2003
Lots of good advice in this thread. We've all been there and at the time it feels like the worst pain ever but looking back I laugh at myself for putting myself through it. Things will get better, just takes time unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 20, 2006
Conway, Wa
Something similar happened to a friend of mine. He was a helicopter pilot with 18 years in. He missed rank and the army gave him the option of getting out with 2 years pay or going to Korea for 2 years to make rank and finish with his full pension. He went to Korea. His wife stayed home with their 6 kids. She started seeing a guy when he was gone. When he got back she filed for divorce, took his house, his kids, half his pension, and got child support. He was left with nothing and no way out. He is a better man than me because I would have ended both of them.
She left me my pension, but the 1500 in child support hurts.

As far as ending... I tried for myself. Didn't work. Guess I wasn't supposed to die. At least that's what I use to keep going. I still have work left.

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