Why in the world?


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Apr 15, 2005
West Virginia
Last Thursday I was sitting at the house. My wife was working with her Halloween display in our front bay window. We live on a dead end street up a hill with mostly family or in-laws. Well it was pouring the rain. It had been for a while. My wife said you would not believe what I am seeing. Seems out neighbor's son decided to go "off-road" in his truck ON MY PROPERTY. I have been taking care of an cleaning off a 500 ft by 100 ft or so section of property this year that had grown up when I was working 7 days a week. Well now that I am officially retired I started working on it some last year and finished clearing 90% of it this year. I keep it mowed and weed eated.

So this dufus that only comes in from TN 4 or 5 times a year decides to go off the concrete driveway and RUT my property with his 4x4 truck.

Fast forward to Friday afternoon. I go out and buy a plastic 2 x 3 sign board and put on it: Do not drive on the grass. I keep it up not you. Well there is only 2 other families past the sign and all hell broke loose. I told the man and woman (they are not married and he is a freeloader that doesn't work but rides his ATV all day) who bought our old house on top of the hill it was nothing to do with him and her as he helps keep the brush cut on the ditchline side of the driveway. Also my sister and her husband came down the hill and I told them it was NOT aimed at them.

Fast forward to Saturday morning. My daughter refereed a soccer game. My sister comes up and starts chewing her out for me putting the sign up. She starts getting upset saying the boy who went off the concrete just wanted to have some fun in the grass. She also said his excuse was to make a rut in the grass for the water to flow down the hill in. My daughter, who is 18, did not hold back and let her have it with everything in her. Told her how hard I had worked to clean it up and fix it. How I mowed it and took care of it all without asking for help. Ant then the big one: How it was MY property and not theirs. My sister said she knows that and was tired of hearing it. I have no clue what she meant as I never say anything about it.

It is going to take a little work to fix this so my riding lawn mower will cut it smooth again. The rut or tire ditch is about 300 foot long. I will have to haul dirt in from another place to fill the rut in. My wife is afraid they will try to damage our stuff. But I have enough video cameras around we should be able to catch them if they do. I will not even go to their homes or across their property without calling or messaging and asking them first.

So now the question. Should I have just said nothing?

Sorry for the long rant. But it hurts to work hard while they play and let their stuff deteriorate and go down hill.


Established Member
Feb 9, 2012
Atlanta, GA
Being somewhat passive aggressive by putting a sign out (with a snarky message) for EVERYONE to see every time they come home to their house was the problem. You should have confronted the problem head on--with the dummy that rutted up the grass. Instead, the sign is going to get under everyone's skin every day. It's a small jab to them every time they come home. So, while I don't fully understand their responses (except for the fact it is WV), I can see how a sign (with that exact wording) would be annoying.

You should absolutely have said something, but maybe you didn't pick the right option.


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Jul 15, 2011
This is weird.

Why did your sister come to her niece and start complaining about a sign meant for a neighbors kid?

As said, screw the sign. It isn’t going to fill the ruts and plant seed. That should be the job of the moron who did the damage.


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Apr 15, 2004
Central Fl
Being somewhat passive aggressive by putting a sign out (with a snarky message) for EVERYONE to see every time they come home to their house was the problem. You should have confronted the problem head on--with the dummy that rutted up the grass. Instead, the sign is going to get under everyone's skin every day. It's a small jab to them every time they come home. So, while I don't fully understand their responses (except for the fact it is WV), I can see how a sign (with that exact wording) would be annoying.

You should absolutely have said something, but maybe you didn't pick the right option.



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Established Member
Apr 15, 2005
West Virginia
I have in total 100 but the problem is my sister got my mother and fathers homeplace that is right in the middle of it. That's where the trouble starts. My sister has actually told people I stalk her if I am out and wave Hi at her. Not recently but a few years in the past. It's a crazy world.


Well-Known Member
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Sep 29, 2015
Northeast Florida
So now the question. Should I have just said nothing?

You should never second guess saying anything if someone was on your property. The person probably didn’t think much of the property and thought that nobody would mind. I think your sign was appropriate, or a simple chat that you were trying to keep up the land and for them to not tear it up.

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Well-Known Member
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Jun 7, 2007
woodbine, MD
Sounds like you have some family issues you need to settle. I know if I lived in a similar scenario with my family we wouldn’t be ramping through each other’s yards

apex svt

Established Member
Jun 29, 2012
You say you have a lot of cameras around the house. Where’s the video of this dork?


Well-Known Member
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Dec 22, 2010
The Desert
Why in the world didn't you go confront the little bastard and ask him how he likes trespassing?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Sep 4, 2007
Sounds like you have some family issues you need to settle. I know if I lived in a similar scenario with my family we wouldn’t be ramping through each other’s yards


I have a huge massive family and we all get along great. If anything I want to live closer to them. I never understood family drama. They are the closest people to you. They will be the most likely ones to stick by you.

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