US Army ‘kill team’ in Afghanistan posed for photos of murdered civilians


New Member
Established Member
Sep 28, 2009
Dirty Jersey
I would have no issue with nuking that whole region and just sending our troops to take out the scumbags in Africa who are raping and killing their own people. The world would be such a better place.


Silver Snake!!!
Established Member
May 2, 2008
i hate the fu kin media!!! sorry just expressing how i feel!!!


Canadian Snake
Established Member
Aug 25, 2005
Winnipeg, MB
Okaaaaaay now that the Canada hate fest is over, lets not forget some FACTS.

1. Canada has had combat troops in large numbers in Afghanistan since the war started.
2. Our military has been holding it down over there so more American troops could be deployed to turn Iraq into glass.
3. Quebec sucks.
4. Kevin Butler is hilarious.
5. Our air is colder, so our Cobras are faster by default.
6. You Americans are a bunch of big meanies, and hurt my feeling.


User from Sweden
Established Member
Apr 2, 2005
An email I received the other day. Pretty much sums up my feelings on this "news" story about men and women who have left their families and the civilized world to fight in the ugliest, most ass backwards pit on the planet; likely written by some fat pinko liberal who's tears for the dead terrorists while looking at his computer screen and sipping his star bucks give him some comfort that he's a genuine caring humanitarian.

So, if a Swedish crazy guy goes to the U.S and blow something up. Will you guys declare war on Sweden? Or will you try and hunt the people around the crazy guy down? And if you dont succeed with finding the guys in Sweden, will you invade Norway which is a oil producing country? :??:

I'm just trying to relate to the situation as a citizen of a neutral country.

Just so you guys don't think I like muslims, I REALLY DONT. It's just that I'm having a hard time understanding the purpose of invading two different countries because one small organization did something horrible. Catch the bad guys, the gtfo and leave the rest to theire sad misery. It's a mission impossible to make middle east countries follow modern age society standards.


SVT Based God
Established Member
Dec 2, 2004
San Francisco
All military are pawns in the political bullshit. Not one of you can give me a 100% true defined answer why any of us are fighting, other then the fact that its human nature. And when its antagonized by fortune 500 companys making money off war, and political figures only looking for personal gain, its no wonder the worlds fallen victim to ignorance. You saying "do you know who those afgans would do to you!?" is retarded. It all comes down to exposure, and clearly all you've been exposed to is the negative/brainwashed/asshole afgans, just like we have here. Our ****ing youth run the streets with guns and drugs raping and killing where we want, biker gangs full of old confederate **** suckers. A country built on racism and violence. What do you think those people think of us? And i cant blame them, but i can blame you all. For ruining my image as an American because of your thick-head inability to be open minded. Its that thinking that perpetuates this bullshit. I cant even travel without being stereotyped as an over weight pompous slob who doesn't give a **** about anyone. So thanks america. If i could afford to leave i would. Maybe not the most relevant, but it made me feel better :) lol

As for the picture, i see a man holding a dead man smiling, and idk when the hell that became acceptable. Were all humans, and all just as ignorant as the last. Get over yourselves.

Pretty much how I feel. I would love to voice my opinion, but here on svtp people just look at my location and start with the "you must be a liberal/pelosi" bullshit.


100 Shot, 1 Kill
Established Member
Jul 17, 2008
Pryor, Oklahoma
All military are pawns in the political bullshit. Not one of you can give me a 100% true defined answer why any of us are fighting, other then the fact that its human nature. And when its antagonized by fortune 500 companys making money off war, and political figures only looking for personal gain, its no wonder the worlds fallen victim to ignorance. You saying "do you know who those afgans would do to you!?" is retarded. It all comes down to exposure, and clearly all you've been exposed to is the negative/brainwashed/asshole afgans, just like we have here. Our ****ing youth run the streets with guns and drugs raping and killing where we want, biker gangs full of old confederate **** suckers. A country built on racism and violence. What do you think those people think of us? And i cant blame them, but i can blame you all. For ruining my image as an American because of your thick-head inability to be open minded. Its that thinking that perpetuates this bullshit. I cant even travel without being stereotyped as an over weight pompous slob who doesn't give a **** about anyone. So thanks america. If i could afford to leave i would. Maybe not the most relevant, but it made me feel better :) lol

As for the picture, i see a man holding a dead man smiling, and idk when the hell that became acceptable. Were all humans, and all just as ignorant as the last. Get over yourselves.

In a way I can see where PARTS of this rambling utterly terrible comment is comming from, and I underlined it. I've met some pretty cool Afghans, And I've met some pretty cool Iraqi people too, not all of the people in these countries are like they're played out to be. Its not everyone against the US, alot of the LN's support us being here. Is killing an innocent citizen ok? Absolutely not, but if that "innocent" civilian picks up a rifle and points it at myself or anyone else thats there with me, then what do you think would happen.

Reading something on the internet does not make it true, who is to really say those civilians where just civilians? I dont know if you noticed but the civilians/taliban/Iraqi insurgents, all looks the exact ****ing same, anyone who doesnt believe me I have personal pictures to prove it.

Either way the soldiers taking pics with a casualty is ****ing stupid...thats just asking to get completly ****ed over. And the part about the Stryker in Southern Kandahar got me wondering...does anyone know anything else about that? I'm in 2nd Stryker Cav here in Kandahar, just wondering if that was any of our people?
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Resident Pill Pusher
Established Member
Feb 15, 2008
Nova Scotia
As for the picture, i see a man holding a dead man smiling, and idk when the hell that became acceptable. Were all humans, and all just as ignorant as the last. Get over yourselves.[/QUOTE]

I'll agree with this... BUT I will also say I have no idea what our troops are going through over there. How can the average bleeding heart civilian ever understand. The standards they are held to and the rules of engagement are so strict they are essentially hog tied.
These non-conventional wars seem to have no end.....and how do you tell who the is enemy anyway. I know I woudn't be willing to bet my another poster said, when someone with the coalition says stop ****in stop. Do not continue forward on your bike with a package!
We ask our military members to protect us, to make sacrifices we are not willing to make. The least we can do is support them!



Resident Prick.
Established Member
Apr 10, 2005
Surrounded by libetards.
Doesn't bother me. Who knows the true back story; and furthermore in war you're fighting for your life. I personally would take pride in taking out someone that had tried to kill me. God bless the troops that serve our nation.
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Crazy SVT Poster
Established Member
Mar 21, 2010
mississauga ontario
Okaaaaaay now that the Canada hate fest is over, lets not forget some FACTS.

1. Canada has had combat troops in large numbers in Afghanistan since the war started.
2. Our military has been holding it down over there so more American troops could be deployed to turn Iraq into glass.
3. Quebec sucks.
4. Kevin Butler is hilarious.
5. Our air is colder, so our Cobras are faster by default.
6. You Americans are a bunch of big meanies, and hurt my feeling.

i agree 100% with you on that


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
You really think if these were civilians that our forces "murdered" then they would be proudly providing evidence of the murder with these photographs? I've met some stupid individuals in the military but none dumb enough to take pictures with dead civilians they murdered like this. My guess is they were insurgents in which it's messed up but I've heard worse from Marines I've been with.


2 Degrees/Still Confused
Established Member
Aug 17, 2004
This is another attempt of the media to demonize the US military because they dont agree with the conflict.

To the OP, keep this garbage to yourself! If you feel so much for the Afgan people MOVE THERE! And dont say $hit unless you have been there. When one of those Mathafuggers have shot at you and killed your friends then come one here and say whatever you want...

I thought it was the Canadian military?

I love Canada BTW and don't subscribe to any of the hate.....except that hockey does indeed suck.
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Active Member
Established Member
Jan 10, 2003
In a way I can see where PARTS of this rambling utterly terrible comment is comming from, and I underlined it. I've met some pretty cool Afghans, And I've met some pretty cool Iraqi people too, not all of the people in these countries are like they're played out to be. Its not everyone against the US, alot of the LN's support us being here. Is killing an innocent citizen ok? Absolutely not, but if that "innocent" civilian picks up a rifle and points it at myself or anyone else thats there with me, then what do you think would happen.

Reading something on the internet does not make it true, who is to really say those civilians where just civilians? I dont know if you noticed but the civilians/taliban/Iraqi insurgents, all looks the exact ****ing same, anyone who doesnt believe me I have personal pictures to prove it.

Either way the soldiers taking pics with a casualty is ****ing stupid...thats just asking to get completly ****ed over. And the part about the Stryker in Southern Kandahar got me wondering...does anyone know anything else about that? I'm in 2nd Stryker Cav here in Kandahar, just wondering if that was any of our people?

Those turd burglars are from up here at Lewis, Tim. See the 2ID patch. I don't know WTF they were thinking, but those guys were sick. And they'll hang by their nuts is for what they did. Yes war is hell, but at no point does it become cool to pose with or prop of enemy KIA and smile for the camera. Where's the respect and honor in that? What makes us better than the shitheads we kill is that we don't do this kind of stuff. We are American and we are supposed to take the high road.

And to the guy with the nice white cobra with white Saleens....we'll start a charity account and donate US dollars so we can afford to get you out of here. So sorry your embarrassed to be an American. :kaboom:


RIP Gump
Established Member
Jan 18, 2005
East TX
I thought it was the Canadian military?

No, the OP has a hard on for hating America. 3/4 of his threads are about America doing something wrong. He doesn't have the ability to see that his fellow countrymen are doing the same things.


Active Member
Established Member
Aug 29, 2003
North America
When the Taliban want to start wearing uniforms over there, then and only then, will some civilians getting killed, bother me a little bit.

When they are all dressed the same as the ASSHOLE BAD GUYS, what do you expect?

Won't be losing any sleep over this, AT ALL!:bored:


There are no such things as "civilians" over there, anyone is a potential combatant, women, children, at one time they strapped bombs onto two handicapped women and sent them off.

How do you fight people like that? You don't, you kill em all


Established Member
Dec 28, 2007
All Around The World
All military are pawns in the political bullshit. Not one of you can give me a 100% true defined answer why any of us are fighting, other then the fact that its human nature. And when its antagonized by fortune 500 companys making money off war, and political figures only looking for personal gain, its no wonder the worlds fallen victim to ignorance. You saying "do you know who those afgans would do to you!?" is retarded. It all comes down to exposure, and clearly all you've been exposed to is the negative/brainwashed/asshole afgans, just like we have here. Our ****ing youth run the streets with guns and drugs raping and killing where we want, biker gangs full of old confederate **** suckers. A country built on racism and violence. What do you think those people think of us? And i cant blame them, but i can blame you all. For ruining my image as an American because of your thick-head inability to be open minded. Its that thinking that perpetuates this bullshit. I cant even travel without being stereotyped as an over weight pompous slob who doesn't give a **** about anyone. So thanks america. If i could afford to leave i would. Maybe not the most relevant, but it made me feel better :) lol

As for the picture, i see a man holding a dead man smiling, and idk when the hell that became acceptable. Were all humans, and all just as ignorant as the last. Get over yourselves.

:lol:see if you were talking like that in afghanistan you would have had your head cut off. Plane tickets are not that much,Ill help you leave this "Shit hole" if you think you need to. I could care less of what other countries think about us. Every time there is a national disaster who is the first country to help???? Yep you got it the USA. Who came over to help us when Katrina happened? I didnt see japans ass there. i could go on and on. have a good one :beer:


Engine Lubrication Guru
Established Member
Oct 20, 2010
Pensacola, Florida
To me, this is on the same level as the media making a big deal out of.....

1. The Navy carrier Captain who made funny "ship films" to boost the moral of the men.

2. The enlisted men/woman who was beating/water boarding terrorist inmates in Guantanamo.

I didn't lose sleep over #1 and #2, so guess what.....

I'm feeling kind of sleepy right now, g'night.

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