Got a ticket for not wearing a seat belt, BUT I was wearing one.


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Mar 2, 2012

Long story short. I approached a 4 way stop (2 lanes wide each way) and an officer was standing basically were car C is, and I was car A. Sure enough 30 seconds later I get pulled over. When I asked the officer why i was being pulled over he said that I was not wearing a seat belt. I told him I've been wearing it since i pulled out of my house, the officer told me that his partner, (the one that was standing at the intersection) SAW me putting it on as i was stopping. I told him that that was ridiculous not only was I wearing my seat belt the entire time I was driving, but that his partner was to far away to clearly see if i was wearing one or not. I ended up getting a ticket obviously, its only $60, i'm just frustrated because I was honestly following the law and told the officer the truth and I get punished for doing the right thing.

For the record i'm majoring in criminal justice and i'm not bashing what the police do, nor am I a cop HATER, i'm just frusterated that this happens.

anyone come across this ever?


New Member
Established Member
Apr 18, 2012
Take a photograph of you in your car at that exact location at the exact same time of day with your seat belt on. Wear the same clothes. Take the picture from the exact location the cop was standing. Use a DSLR camera with a 50mm EQUIVALENT lens. 50mm is supposed to be the closest to what the human eye sees in terms of zoom and field of view.

Edit. Get the compass orientations and distances from a city engineering map of the intersection and take the photos on a shopping center parking lot. You don't want to be found not guilty only to have the judge fine you for no seat belt photos on a public street.

Please note different DSLRs have different crop factors. A pro model Nikon or Cannon will have a sensor the same size as a 35mm film camera, so a 50mm lens = 50mm. The less expensive Nikon DSLRs use a smaller sensor with a 1.5 crop factor, so a 33.33mm lens = 50mm. Less expensive Cannons have a 1.6 crop factor, so a 31.25mm lens = 55mm. Experiment with a zoom lens and read the EXIF file for your test photos to confirm where to set the lens.

Do some internet research to confirm 50mm = what the human eye sees.

Can you see your seat belt in the photos? How was the weather that day? Did the police officer have the sun in his eyes? How much traffic was there between you and the officer? How much time did the officer have to observe you? Was your driver's window up or down? It has factory tint. Do you have extra tint? Can the officer see through tint? What color is your seat? What color is your seat belt? What color was the shirt or jacket you were wearing? Are those colors all the same or very close? Can the officer really distinquish a gray seat belt against your gray shirt from 50 - 100 -150 feet? Could the officer see of your seat belt was buckled? Could the officer see if the seat belt was across your upper pelvis? Isn't it true that the only portion of the belt visible between the door line or dash board (depending on angle and the upper seat belt mount? Exactly how much of the seat belt is visible? (Measure it and calculate the square inches.) What was the officer doing standing in the intersection? Was he occupied with something else? How about keeping an eye on traffic so he wouldn't get run over as a start? He wasn't able to devote his vision solely to you during the time you were in his field of vision, was he?

How old is the officer? When was the last time he had an eye exam? Does he wear corrective lenses? Is he far sighted or near sighted? The older the better for you. You might want to research typical eyesight degridation in both near sighted and far sighted people as they age. Does the officer think his eyesight is better than INSERT NAME AND MODEL AND PRICE OF THE MOST EXPENSIVE PRO DSLR AND PRO LENS USED FOR PHOTOS HERE camera and lens?

What are the officer's shooting scores? Are the latest scores higher or lower than previous qualifications. If lower, is it his eyesight?

Do you keep the seat belt in the plastic guide mounted to the rear of your seat? I don't,. Did the officer see no seat belt in the guide and presume you were not wearing your seat belt.

Let me repeat that. You didn't have the seat belt running through the holder so naturally the officer presumed you weren't wearing it, didn't he? You might want to take pictures of you wearing the belt passed through the holder and routed around it. If the judge asks why would you not use the plastic guide, it makes the belt rub on your neck and it's a pain in the ass to tilt the driver's seat forward. From 50 - 100 -150 feet, wouldn't it be natural for the officer to presume your belt wasn't on if he saw an empty seat belt guide above your left shoulder?

What the officer saw was you pulling the upper portion of the belt away from your neck. Because you didn't have the belt passed through the guide, HE PRESUMED YOU WERE NOT WEARING IT. Which motions required to put the belt on are the same as rtaking it off. You did have to take it off to reach your wallet in your back pants pocket and to reach the registration in your glove box, right?

So, if I understand correctly:

Officer Partner sees a belt guide with no belt passed through it and presumes you are not wearing a belt.

He tells Officer in the Car to pull you over.

Officer in the car effects a traffic stop and sees you removing your belt through his windshield and your rear window. (How far back was the police car?)

He didn't see you without a belt at the intersection. He believed Officer Partner. Officer Partner doesn't lie. His eyesight may be bad, the distance may have been too great for him to really see or your belt wasn't passed through the guide, but he doesn't lie. Officer in the Car had no reason to believe Officer Partner didn't see what he thought. What is the FIRST thing a driver does after stopping his car and turning off the engine? TAKE OFF HIS BELT. Officer In the Car thought he saw you putting on your belt. He never saw you without a belt and combined the information he got from Officer Partner and naturally thought he saw you putting on the belt when, in fact, you were taking it off in to access your wallet and registration.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 6, 2009
Winston Salem
Take a photograph of you in your car at that exact location at the exact same time of day with your seat belt on. Wear the same clothes. Take the picture from the exact location the cop was standing. Use a DSLR camera with a 50mm EQUIVALENT lens. 50mm is supposed to be the closest to what the human eye sees in terms of zoom and field of view.

Edit. Get the compass orientations and distances from a city engineering map of the intersection and take the photos on a shopping center parking lot. You don't want to be found not guilty only to have the judge fine you for no seat belt photos on a public street.

Please note different DSLRs have different crop factors. A pro model Nikon or Cannon will have a sensor the same size as a 35mm film camera, so a 50mm lens = 50mm. The less expensive Nikon DSLRs use a smaller sensor with a 1.5 crop factor, so a 33.33mm lens = 50mm. Less expensive Cannons have a 1.6 crop factor, so a 31.25mm lens = 55mm. Experiment with a zoom lens and read the EXIF file for your test photos to confirm where to set the lens.

Do some internet research to confirm 50mm = what the human eye sees.

Can you see your seat belt in the photos? How was the weather that day? Did the police officer have the sun in his eyes? How much traffic was there between you and the officer? How much time did the officer have to observe you? Was your driver's window up or down? It has factory tint. Do you have extra tint? Can the officer see through tint? What color is your seat? What color is your seat belt? What color was the shirt or jacket you were wearing? Are those colors all the same or very close? Can the officer really distinquish a gray seat belt against your gray shirt from 50 - 100 -150 feet? Could the officer see of your seat belt was buckled? Could the officer see if the seat belt was across your upper pelvis? Isn't it true that the only portion of the belt visible between the door line or dash board (depending on angle and the upper seat belt mount? Exactly how much of the seat belt is visible? (Measure it and calculate the square inches.)

How old is the officer? When was the last time he had an eye exam? Does he wear corrective lenses? Is he far sighted or near sighted? The older the better for you. You might want to research typical eyesight degridation in both near sighted and far sighted people as they age. Does the officer rthink his eyesight is better than INSERT NAME AND MODEL AND PRICE OF THE MOST EXPENSIVE PRO DSLR AND PRO LENS USED FOR PHOTOS HERE camera and lens?

What are the officer's shooting scores? Are the latest scores higher or lower than previous qualifications. If lower, is it his eyesight?

Do you keep the seat belt in the plastic guide mounted to the rear of your seat? I don't,. Did the officer see no seat belt in the guide and presume you were not wearing your seat belt.

Let me repeat that. You didn't have the seat belt running through the holder so naturally the officer presumed you weren't wearing it, didn't he? You might want to take pictures of you wearing the belt passed through the holder and routed around it. If the judge asks why would you not use the plastic guide, it makes the belt rub on your neck and it's a pain in the ass to tilt the driver's seat forward. From 50 - 100 -150 feet, wouldn't it be natural for the officer to presume your belt wasn't on if he saw an empty seat belt guide above your left shoulder?

Pay this man please


5.0 Fanboy
Established Member
May 20, 2011
Someone's fought a seat belt fine before, that or is a lawyer who specializes in seat belt tickets lol.

Great reply.


All men not created equal
Established Member
Apr 8, 2006
Clinton ny
I've seen a judge throw a ticket out before, because the guy simply refused to accept the fine! Judge said 50$ guy said no judge said 30, guy said no..ect finally he said just get out!


New Member
Established Member
Apr 18, 2012
Someone's fought a seat belt fine before, that or is a lawyer who specializes in seat belt tickets lol.

Great reply.

No. No seat belt tickets. But, I have fought a bunch of tickets back in California successfully. You just have to review the situation, take a step back and analyze every element.


New Member
Established Member
Apr 18, 2012
I've seen a judge throw a ticket out before, because the guy simply refused to accept the fine! Judge said 50$ guy said no judge said 30, guy said no..ect finally he said just get out!

I've seen a judge throw a defendant in jail for being a wise ass.:banana:


New Member
Established Member
Apr 18, 2012
Oh, I forgot. How long was the officer on duty? Single or double shift? Beginning or end of watch? How tired was he?

Was he wearing sunglasses? The typical sunglass lets only 15% of the through to the eye. Windshield OEM tint lets 70% through. 15% X .7 = Officer seeing your left shoulder with only 10.5% of ambient light.
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New Member
Established Member
Mar 23, 2012
Lewistown, Pa
I had one thrown out recently for the same thing. All I showed were 2 pics and a short video sitting in my driveway with the car running and the annoying seatbelt reminder beeping.(yea I know it can be turned off) I explained my side to the judge and he pretty much said thank you and have a nice day.


New Member
Established Member
Apr 18, 2012
I had one thrown out recently for the same thing. All I showed were 2 pics and a short video sitting in my driveway with the car running and the annoying seatbelt reminder beeping.(yea I know it can be turned off) I explained my side to the judge and he pretty much said thank you and have a nice day.

That's great! Take a video to show the stupid belt chime going off! Who could drive with that thing going off? (Honestly, I don't know how to turn it off.)


Hot rod Lincoln
Established Member
Dec 22, 2005
Olathe, KS
That's great! Take a video to show the stupid belt chime going off! Who could drive with that thing going off? (Honestly, I don't know how to turn it off.)

The easiest way to turn it off.......put your seatbelt on:beer:


New Member
Established Member
Mar 2, 2012
Take a photograph of you in your car at that exact location at the exact same time of day with your seat belt on. Wear the same clothes. Take the picture from the exact location the cop was standing. Use a DSLR camera with a 50mm EQUIVALENT lens. 50mm is supposed to be the closest to what the human eye sees in terms of zoom and field of view.

Edit. Get the compass orientations and distances from a city engineering map of the intersection and take the photos on a shopping center parking lot. You don't want to be found not guilty only to have the judge fine you for no seat belt photos on a public street.

Please note different DSLRs have different crop factors. A pro model Nikon or Cannon will have a sensor the same size as a 35mm film camera, so a 50mm lens = 50mm. The less expensive Nikon DSLRs use a smaller sensor with a 1.5 crop factor, so a 33.33mm lens = 50mm. Less expensive Cannons have a 1.6 crop factor, so a 31.25mm lens = 55mm. Experiment with a zoom lens and read the EXIF file for your test photos to confirm where to set the lens.

Do some internet research to confirm 50mm = what the human eye sees.

Can you see your seat belt in the photos? How was the weather that day? Did the police officer have the sun in his eyes? How much traffic was there between you and the officer? How much time did the officer have to observe you? Was your driver's window up or down? It has factory tint. Do you have extra tint? Can the officer see through tint? What color is your seat? What color is your seat belt? What color was the shirt or jacket you were wearing? Are those colors all the same or very close? Can the officer really distinquish a gray seat belt against your gray shirt from 50 - 100 -150 feet? Could the officer see of your seat belt was buckled? Could the officer see if the seat belt was across your upper pelvis? Isn't it true that the only portion of the belt visible between the door line or dash board (depending on angle and the upper seat belt mount? Exactly how much of the seat belt is visible? (Measure it and calculate the square inches.) What was the officer doing standing in the intersection? Was he occupied with something else? How about keeping an eye on traffic so he wouldn't get run over as a start? He wasn't able to devote his vision solely to you during the time you were in his field of vision, was he?

How old is the officer? When was the last time he had an eye exam? Does he wear corrective lenses? Is he far sighted or near sighted? The older the better for you. You might want to research typical eyesight degridation in both near sighted and far sighted people as they age. Does the officer think his eyesight is better than INSERT NAME AND MODEL AND PRICE OF THE MOST EXPENSIVE PRO DSLR AND PRO LENS USED FOR PHOTOS HERE camera and lens?

What are the officer's shooting scores? Are the latest scores higher or lower than previous qualifications. If lower, is it his eyesight?

Do you keep the seat belt in the plastic guide mounted to the rear of your seat? I don't,. Did the officer see no seat belt in the guide and presume you were not wearing your seat belt.

Let me repeat that. You didn't have the seat belt running through the holder so naturally the officer presumed you weren't wearing it, didn't he? You might want to take pictures of you wearing the belt passed through the holder and routed around it. If the judge asks why would you not use the plastic guide, it makes the belt rub on your neck and it's a pain in the ass to tilt the driver's seat forward. From 50 - 100 -150 feet, wouldn't it be natural for the officer to presume your belt wasn't on if he saw an empty seat belt guide above your left shoulder?

What the officer saw was you pulling the upper portion of the belt away from your neck. Because you didn't have the belt passed through the guide, HE PRESUMED YOU WERE NOT WEARING IT. Which motions required to put the belt on are the same as rtaking it off. You did have to take it off to reach your wallet in your back pants pocket and to reach the registration in your glove box, right?

So, if I understand correctly:

Officer Partner sees a belt guide with no belt passed through it and presumes you are not wearing a belt.

He tells Officer in the Car to pull you over.

Officer in the car effects a traffic stop and sees you removing your belt through his windshield and your rear window. (How far back was the police car?)

He didn't see you without a belt at the intersection. He believed Officer Partner. Officer Partner doesn't lie. His eyesight may be bad, the distance may have been too great for him to really see or your belt wasn't passed through the guide, but he doesn't lie. Officer in the Car had no reason to believe Officer Partner didn't see what he thought. What is the FIRST thing a driver does after stopping his car and turning off the engine? TAKE OFF HIS BELT. Officer In the Car thought he saw you putting on your belt. He never saw you without a belt and combined the information he got from Officer Partner and naturally thought he saw you putting on the belt when, in fact, you were taking it off in to access your wallet and registration.

This may be the greatest post I've ever seen. I will do what you said.


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 28, 2010
Oh, I forgot. How long was the officer on duty? Single or double shift? Beginning or end of watch? How tired was he?

Was he wearing sunglasses? The typical sunglass lets only 15% of the through to the eye. Windshield OEM tint lets 70% through. 15% X .7 = Officer seeing your left shoulder with only 10.5% of ambient light.

Who the hell is this guy?!:beer:


New Member
Established Member
Mar 2, 2012
just pay the $60.00

I'm not worried about the $60, i'm upset at the fact that the officer wrote me a ticket for something I obviously didn't do. When I told him I was honestly wearing a seat belt, he took my word for nothing and wrote me a wrongful citation.


New Member
Established Member
Mar 2, 2012
Obviously i'm going to have to pay it. I'm just expressing my concerns over the intra-web. lol.


Join us.
Premium Member
Oct 10, 2002
North Carolina
i can understand you want to fight it. its not a murder trial. the angel of the sun in proportion to the venus orbit while on corner "A" - - all that is nice. sounds like a kid fresh out of lawyer school and wanting to change the legal system as we know it.

in the end, you will still end up paying $60.00 -

go to the D.A., ask for a reduced charge and plead it.

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