NBA cancels the rest of the seaeon


Established Member
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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
Is that why the VA, across the entire health system, has put out a memo that all ventilators that are due for any routine maintenance within the next 90 days are to be done immediately?

Maybe where your wife works is not taking this seriously. But I can assure you, everywhere else is.

Special consideration must be given to people in the VA because their circumstances are a bit different than someone not needing medical attention yet demanding it regardless.

Something can be taken seriously w/o falling into the status quo.


Muffin is my spirit animal
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Feb 10, 2011
Nashville, TN
Special consideration must be given to people in the VA because their circumstances are a bit different than someone not needing medical attention yet demanding it regardless.

Something can be taken seriously w/o falling into the status quo.

Look, I understand the desire to try and pass this off as media fear mongering, some conspiracy, or whatever. But the reality of the situation is that this is serious. I am not the smartest when it comes to this and I do not know everything about viruses. I do know enough that when I hear or read certain things it raises alarms. Due to the industry I am in I have been having conversations with hospital staff, we have had many emails and conversations within my company. The things you are seeing is not some grand scheme. These places are listening to the experts. And the experts are in agreement that this is serious.

Look at Italy, Italy went quickly to a regional and then national quarantine and ban. This has not really slowed the virus. Within a 24 hour period, they had a 24% increase in deaths. This could be due to the older population numbers like we have here, a mutation, overwhelming of resources, or a combination. I do know their healthcare system is taxed to the point that they are making decisions on whom to treat and whom to let nature handle. No, that can happen here very quickly.

I promise that the things that are going on, the response by health systems, the purchasing of equipment is not over some big nothing burger. This is the real deal.


Well-Known Member
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Jun 6, 2011
Disneyland is a 20-minute drive for us lol

I am not going to travel right now. The last thing I want to do is get stuck somewhere.

I can imagine worse places to be stuck than Hawaii lol

But I feel you. I was supposed to go to Edinburgh for work this week but my company cancelled all non essential travel.


Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
Look, I understand the desire to try and pass this off as media fear mongering, some conspiracy, or whatever. But the reality of the situation is that this is serious. I am not the smartest when it comes to this and I do not know everything about viruses. I do know enough that when I hear or read certain things it raises alarms. Due to the industry I am in I have been having conversations with hospital staff, we have had many emails and conversations within my company. The things you are seeing is not some grand scheme. These places are listening to the experts. And the experts are in agreement that this is serious.

Condensed for space.

Conspiracy is a new one I've not heard til now. There are ways in which to rationally deal with a serious or potentially serious situation. Making people think we're gonna be holed up in a two story mall out by Pittsburgh is not productive. Ask yourself if a bad situation is made worse by calming down and evaluating the situation or going full on chicken w/o a head. People need to be smart. Craziness is not helpful.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 21, 2014
Is that why nurses and doctors are telling patients not to come in?

My wife is an RN as well. Her hospital has been steadily briefing all their staff on all their contingencies for WHEN they get overwhelmed.

Also, people exposed can be contagious up to 37 days:

Is that why the VA, across the entire health system, has put out a memo that all ventilators that are due for any routine maintenance within the next 90 days are to be done immediately?

Maybe where your wife works is not taking this seriously. But I can assure you, everywhere else is.

Not buying into the media hype. If I was, I'd be one of the morons that's hoarding TP.

However, I also like to use my brain and understand the potential risks. Apparently you and your wife are in the denial group.

Just to be clear, I understand the potential risks. No shit this is serious and everyone agrees things will be strained.

However, the idea that an ER will deny treatment in the scenario mentioned isn’t shared by everyone in the medical profession. That’s the only point I was addressing.

FWIW, I think some of you ARE secretly hoarding TP.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 22, 2004
Chi Burbs
I'm sorry, I've had a couple of drinks but I've thought about a few things.

1. Trump is in an election year
2. Could or how would the Dem's take this effect on if was in office?
3. The US has a surplus in oil and it's time we give the finger to the middle east on @ss raping us for years?
4. If the Oil stock drops and within prediction, does it really hurt us? We can tell china to get bent on our debt and leave them high and dry and rebuild industry in the US and enforce harder import taxes coming in?
5. Is it time to to become a natural nation, build our fronts and build good fronts with our north and south regions military wise? Put away the petty drug traffic and such and minorities and worry about true survival.

My last Idea is this, why has this not hit Africa where poverty and disease have run it's a course over the past three decades and they are not affected?


Let's go Brandon!
Established Member
Aug 13, 2003
It is in Africa.
I'm sorry, I've had a couple of drinks but I've thought about a few things.

1. Trump is in an election year
2. Could or how would the Dem's take this effect on if was in office?
3. The US has a surplus in oil and it's time we give the finger to the middle east on @ss raping us for years?
4. If the Oil stock drops and within prediction, does it really hurt us? We can tell china to get bent on our debt and leave them high and dry and rebuild industry in the US and enforce harder import taxes coming in?
5. Is it time to to become a natural nation, build our fronts and build good fronts with our north and south regions military wise? Put away the petty drug traffic and such and minorities and worry about true survival.

My last Idea is this, why has this not hit Africa where poverty and disease have run it's a course over the past three decades and they are not affected?

Sent from my SM-N950U using the mobile app


Established Member
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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
Toilet paper is in very short supply but literally on the next shelf are tons of Bounty and Brawn paper towels?

Adapt and overcome. I've used everything from tissue paper in a dressing room, leaves, newspaper and even a burger king bag. Make it work!


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 2, 2002
Central Mass.
A convention I was going to in Vegas in May just got cancelled.

went online and cancelled my room no problem, now have to get ahold of Delta and see if I get a refund or a credit.


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
not at my post...


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
Boston Marathon is delayed until September. First time this has been done in the 124 year history of the Marathon.

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