Issue with new neighbor


Life's Better @ Elevation
Established Member
Oct 15, 2013
Denver, CO
ordinance you attached says the Spencer County Rescue Office is the place to call. They can make a citation for violation of section 5.

You might want to try talking with the neighbor first


Well-Known Member
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Jul 23, 2014
El Paso, TX
Haven’t read any of the responses, but the first step is talking to the neighbor.

About 80% of the time, I’ve received a negative response. People are ****ing retards with their dogs.

I got tired of being nice after several years of this with the latest neighbor and after he told me dogs are supposed to bark and he wasn’t going to do anything to stop it.

I then asked him what kind of music he liked.

He asked why.

I told him that he’ll never ever be able to enjoy his expensive backyard again because I’m going to blast the loudest gangster rap, especially if he had guests or family over. He blew a gasket lol.

Guys wife overheard and came to talk to me the next day and apologized but still didn’t understand.

I asked her if she’d like it if I set up a drum set between our houses and beat them for a minute of two every two minutes from sun up til sundown. That seemed to click. Never heard the dog again.

Start nice but be prepared to take the gloves off.

Good luck.

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Let's roll..
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Feb 22, 2006
Talk to neighbor about it. Bee cool. Dont try to intimate or be aggressive or try and assert “dis mah property”.

go from there….

Any reasonable person will work with you, hopefully you also work with them.

if neighbor is a ******. Involve whatever laws you have on your side.


100% full natty brah
Established Member
Jul 12, 2005
I would talk to the neighbor and have a friendly conversation. Maybe get an introduction to the dog. Have to remember the dog is in a new environment and probably still a little nervous from the new sounds, smells and sights.

Its hard to have a friendly conversation about someones dogs. Some dog owners are crazy sensitive to any suggestion that the dogs are a nuisance. Seen this happen many times and usually it just creates even more animosity. At my last house neighbors dog bit guy in the house next door and also bit an elderly man 2 doors down. He always insisted the dog was the "sweetest hugs and kisses" dog ever.


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Oct 28, 2012
Years ago, I had the same problem.

The adjacent backyard neighbor would let his dog bark all day long. I work midnights, so this is a problem for me. I knocked on his door and explained why I was there and asked him to do something about the barking.

For the next 3-4days, it was quiet. Then, it was all day every day. In response to this, I just started calling the police and making a complaint. After three calls, I never heard the dog again.


Seriously? No, never.
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May 28, 2012


Disoriented Poster
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May 13, 2008
someplace warm
Are the neighbors home when the dog is barking? We had an issue several years ago with a dog barking when the owners were not home. They didn't even know it was an issue because they weren't home to hear it. As soon as I told them about it, the issue was resolved. It sucks that they couldn't leave the doggie door open for the pooch to go outside while they weren't home, but it is what it is. Neighbor stepped up and made it right.

Blown 89

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Jul 30, 2006
I’ve lived next to two nightmare dogs scenarios. Good luck.

Try talking to the neighbor first. After that most cities have a barking dog ordinance. I’ve never heard of anyone getting a resolution through either option. A friend lost his dog after the neighbor laced treats with poison. I didn’t have the heart to tell him the neighbor was probably fed up with barking


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Jan 7, 2013
Atlanta, GA
I guess I’m missing it but

Why the **** is he talking to the neighbor? Is the neighbor just ‘missing’ the fact that dogs barking shouldn’t be an all day / all night occurrence?

He this neighbors dad now? Hahaha neighbor is obviously a dumbass, not like he’s gonna ‘get it’ all of a sudden

I make it a point NOT to talk to my neighbors….can’t wait to move out of a neighborhood, and have my own space.

But best believe my ****ing dogs ain’t making a squeak either. And they’re outside for maybe 10 minutes at a time

And i thought leaving them unattended for hours and hours on end was illegal?

98 svt

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May 16, 2005
I'd say talk to your neighbor first.
If you're going to issue a formal complaint about noise, I hope your cars are pretty quiet.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 21, 2017
Garden City, KS
I have this same exact issue. Dogs will not shut up. Fixing the fence a few weekends ago, was out there for about 8 hours. That was 8 hours of non stop barking. Dog is super skinny & always digging in it's bowl for water. Dog #2 is a K9. Always under the hot sun, on concrete in a kennel. I feel bad for both of them, but they won't shut up. The deputy that lives there is a total dick, never cleans up the Dog crap off his yard, caught him letting his dogs crap in my front yard. K9 usually just paces back & forth on the cold concrete & the same for the summer time. If we wasn't a LEO I would of reported him long ago. Even had to move bedrooms when the baby was born due to his yard being next to my window & dogs barking not allowing us to get any sleep. Considering moving.


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Jul 15, 2011
I'm almost to the point of loosing my shit.
I do not recommend getting your shit loose, sounds painful, and bud lighty.

Second, check for stucco.

Finally, be reasonable with your neighbor first. We don’t need a situation where you’re on the news blowing or getting blown away by a neighbor in a snow storm over a dog/shoveling your snow.

I’ve never been into really pissing off neighbors as they’re still going to live beside you after the incident is settled. Sort of a don't shit where you eat thing.


Established Member
Nov 10, 2008
Home for the Mentally Retarded
I have this same exact issue. Dogs will not shut up. Fixing the fence a few weekends ago, was out there for about 8 hours. That was 8 hours of non stop barking. Dog is super skinny & always digging in it's bowl for water. Dog #2 is a K9. Always under the hot sun, on concrete in a kennel. I feel bad for both of them, but they won't shut up. The deputy that lives there is a total dick, never cleans up the Dog crap off his yard, caught him letting his dogs crap in my front yard. K9 usually just paces back & forth on the cold concrete & the same for the summer time. If we wasn't a LEO I would of reported him long ago. Even had to move bedrooms when the baby was born due to his yard being next to my window & dogs barking not allowing us to get any sleep. Considering moving.
A LEO degenerate neighbor???


Well-Known Member
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Jul 5, 2020
So about the neighbors- I'm guessing their mid to late twenties. The dude is a hipster twat with a man bun and his wife has acid green hair. So I feel like trying to talk with them will be pointless.

But I have spoke with him once or twice. Around Christmas time one of thier dad's knocked on my door late on a Friday and said their heat wasn't working and wanted to know if I'd look at it. I fixed it and refused payment and said I only wanted a handshake.

The dog is a great Pyrenees I'm guessing. It's a great big ass white dog that weighs 110 pounds I'd say. And it has a bark that big too. It is only out when they are home from what I can tell. They let it out between 5 and 6 in the afternoon and bring it in between 10 and 11 at night through the week. On the weekends it's pretty much outside from morning until midnight or so. I can't believe it's barking doesn't bother them. I can't believe they don't bring it in. We have a little Boston terrier (I think). It's never outside longer than fifteen minutes and if I hear it barking I bring it in and tell it how stupid it is and how I wanted a pitbull and how much I don't like it.

I'm torn between confronting them and just filing complaints. I don't want to have tension between us to where we stare each other down every time we see each other.

I'd feel like a ****face calling the police to complain about a dog barking but it's either that or poison it which I'm awful close to doing.

I live outside the city limits so I don't know if the county has a timeframe where noise ordinances are enforced. It's a pretty small town and I'm afraid they're going to tell me to pound sand.

Their grandparents used to be my neighbors until the man passed away and they moved in. I had no idea how nice it was to have elderly neighbors.

Sorry for the novel. Tried to answer everyone in one post instead of having a bunch of quotes.

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