dude gets choke slammed by cop in vegas


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
stangd1909 said:
Just becasue your a son of a cop doesn't mean crap. That officer had every right to do what he did.:bored:
I totally agree. The kid wouldn't take his hands out of his pockets. Who knows what could have been in there. Maybe even a gun. The cop did exactly what was appropriate at the time. Not a move that just any cop might be able to do, though. This guy was fast. Very fast. What really ticks me off is the general lack of respect cops get nowadays. (Yeah, I know there are bad apples, but they're the exception.) When I was a kid if a cop (any cop) told you to do something, you did it. Immediately. And back then it was rare that a career cop even even got to ever use his gun. Nowadays, baby, every call to an incident like this has potentially dangerous or even lethal consequences. JMO.

Sonik Blur

Established Member
Dec 25, 2004
Wood Dale, Illinois
Some of you need to think before you talk. The officer ordered him THREE times to take his hand out of his pocket, he declined. Since the officer already knows that this person has a history of violence (the call was for a fight in progress), he could have had a gun, a knife, or even something as simple as a pen. In the right hands, anything is lethal. That guys was obviously intoxicated and was a danger to everyone around him. That move was simply a non-lethal way to subdue the suspect safely....for both the suspect and the officer. The officer did nothing wrong.

If this went to court for some reason, I have no worries that the police officer would walk away without a scratch.



Alexis Texas' #1 fan
Established Member
Aug 17, 2005
Northern Virginia
they edited alot of the arguement out, I saw it on COPS, the dude had a weird look in his eye (he was hammered) I wouldnt have gambled as to whether or not he had a gun in his pocket...TAG EM AND BAG EM!


Established Member
Oct 16, 2005
:D SWEET!!!! I would have asked the cameraman for a slight intermission
while I wore out my tazer on him and hopefully he would have $hit in
his shorts by then:lol1: HeHe>>>>


Established Member
Dec 31, 2004
Floof said:
The kid was in a fight(read what it says at the bottom during the beginning of the clip). That's all the info the cop had going into the scene, for all he knew he could have some form of weapon still in his pocket, be it as mundane as a rock or as threatening as a knife. It's always the ones that you let your guard down to that end up taking you out.

Also, look at the way the officer took him down. He followed through with the choke, took a step and a half so as not to straight body slam the kid to the pavement. He trips the kid with his right foot so he falls butt, then back, then head, which is a lot more controlled and safer than what you are making it out to be(a straight chokehold bodyslam WWF style). From what I learned @ USMC boot, that is a safe and easy surefire way to take someone down by surprise when coming from the front.

Finally take notice that the officer says 'you're making me really nervous.' If any law enforcement personnel ever tells you that that should send off alarms in your head to stop doing what you are doing and comply, unless you want to get beat down or shot/tazered.



Active Member
Established Member
Dec 26, 2004
hahaha that would have been awesome if the suspect moved his head a little to his right and put his head down. that cops face would have went right into it.

rule #1 is you ALWAYS do what a cop says no matter if you're wrong or right. it's better him almost getting his throat colapsed then that cop just up and shooting him for not obeying his orders.


Motor City Slicker
Established Member
May 3, 2006
ShortThrow50 said:
A bit extreme? Well since your the son of a cop obviously your dad thinks it was a bit extreme. Sorry to say, but your dad wont make it very long being a cop with that insite. What a shame

Actually my father is Assistant Deputy Chief of the entire Detroit Police Department, meaning that he shares the third highest position in the entire DPD along with his counterpart who is in charge of the West side of the city (my pop is responsible for the East). I know that that statement sounds like I'm talking out of my ass, but I'm figuring out a reasonable way to prove it to you right now. Let me know if you have any ideas.

The Sinner said:
If I ask some one to remove thier hands out of thier pockets three times, and they dont comply, I am thinking he has his hands on something, drugs, knife, a small pistol (have you ever seen how small a derringer is?) and I am going to put my hands on them. Will I choke slam them? who knows, I would more than likely go with a straight arm bar take down, but I wan't there, so I can not judge. Cops live by a simple motto.. I rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.

That's perfectly fine, and I'm not arguing with that. I'm just saying his method of choice in take down method was reckless. If you watch the video again, you'll notice that the guy in question was staring at the cameraman almost the entire time...I doubt the guy even knew the officer was a real officer, and not some prank or fictional TV show. I would have taken my hands out of my pockets anyway just to be sure...but I can't explain other people's reasoning. As for the motto, that's fair.

CobraBob said:
What really ticks me off is the general lack of respect cops get nowadays. (Yeah, I know there are bad apples, but they're the exception.) When I was a kid if a cop (any cop) told you to do something, you did it. Immediately. And back then it was rare that a career cop even even got to ever use his gun. Nowadays, baby, every call to an incident like this has potentially dangerous or even lethal consequences. JMO.

But I'm sure that when you were a kid cops didn't beat the shit out of people randomly and ruthlessly (and that's not a reference to the video; it's totally seperate). Listen, we're dealing with two aspects here, one, is that police officers jobs are much more dangerous than they formerly were back in the 'good ol' days'. Two, police are much more brutal, shady, and generally more untrustworthy today as well, because they don't view thier badge as a responsibility, but as a license to not play by the rules. Probably as a result of their jobs being more dangerous, who knows.

I have a love/hate relationship with some police officers (it's usually on a department to department basis). My pop on one hand is a cop, and actually seeing how he literally cleans up entire precincts is a wonderful feeling. But on the otherhand, back in high school, I've been ****ed with some local suburban officers so badly and so unjustifiably that I think it's a complete shame sometimes the way that authority and responsibilities are abused. If any of you want to hear more details, I'll be glad to give them, but I will never agree with the mentality that 'the officer is always right (simply because of them being an officer)'


First On Race Day
Established Member
Jan 3, 2006
Baltimore County Maryland
SoCaLCobra79 said:
Once you make the decision to disobey an officer after he asks to do something 3 times, expect the worse. What would you want your father to do in that situation? I'm surprised he didn't take out his weapon!

I was def. expecting to see the cop draw his gun and tell the guy to take his hands out. The cop was not wrong at all, actually I think getting near the suspect was kinda risky.


Boost it
Established Member
Sep 13, 2005
Omaha, Ne
That's a bit extreme...this is coming from the son of a cop. That officer was pretty stupid.

I disagree, the guy was not listening, I don't get it. If these people would just listen to the police, none of this would happen. Oh by the way, this is also coming from the son of a cop...so what?


SVT Powered
Established Member
May 8, 2006
Pensacola Florida

That cop wasted no time at all revoking that kids punk card. HOLY CRAP that was wicked- he never saw that shit coming. OWNED is right!!!

BTW- to the "son of a cop"....Sorry you got "f'd" with as a kid. (I'm sure there are 2 sides to every story though) But being the son of a cop and BEING a cop are 2 different things- until you walk a beat or go out in a radio car with a badge and a gun you don't have a lot of room to talk about what the cop did as right and wrong. It's plain wrong to paint cops as bad with the broad brush you used just because you happened to have a bad experience. That's messed up. Thank your dad for his service, but that has nothing to do with you. Peace!!
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big reg

Gets his shit pushed in
Established Member
May 25, 2004
Brunswick NY
Great vid and sick takedown. Keep in mind they are in Las Vegas not the middle of nowhere Kansas or Nebraska (no offense to anyone). The officer has every right to react the way he did in that situation where an individual has alreay assaulted someone and is acting strange. 3 x non-compliance = a dirt knap. :kaboom:


don't worry about it
Established Member
Jul 12, 2003


New Member
Established Member
Feb 16, 2006
All I have to say is .... Great cop, handled it great. And he is ready for the next assHat... Thanx for sharing the vid.


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