Followed for no reason. Complained. Following evening pulled over.


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Jan 15, 2008
West Greenwich, Rhode Island
Tuesday evening after working til midnight outside on my car, I decided to drive to my favorite restaurant to get a bite to eat. On the drive there, nearby the restaurant I passed a police officer with lights on patrolling. I was completely lawful yet the vehicle pulled out behind me and began to follow. At 12AM, I simply accepted that he was probably patrolling for drunk drivers, and I continued on all the way to my favorite Restaurant/Bar. The officer followed me over town lines without turning his lights on nor pulling me over. He parked at the gas station across from the restaurant, waited, and decided to head back from the direction he came as I walked into the restaurant. I had a feeling it wasn't the last time I'd be seeing him that evening.
Later that evening around 12:50, as I drove back down the same route I had came, a police cruiser coming in the opposite direction at the same 3 way intersection decided to whip around and began driving in my direction 3 vehicles behind. With 1/4 mile distance and 3 vehicles apart from the police car, at that point I did not feel as though he could possibly come up with a reason to have to follow me again. I took a right hand turn toward home still with 1/4 mile distance ahead of the cruiser and I expected that would be the end of being followed. Another 1/2 mile up the road, feeling that the police officer was nowhere in sight, I decided to take a detour home to see if the cruiser was still going to follow me. Through highly wooded and low lit areas even with the initial 1/4 mile seperation, the officer still managed to catch up to me. Driving entirely within the limit of the law, the cop continued to follow me for no reason all the way to the town line without pulling me over and discontinued following me.
Feeling that I had done nothing wrong and tired of being followed through town I decided to call the policed department. I gave the dispatcher my personal information, which I presumed whomever followed me already had by running my plates and explained to the dispatcher that if there was a reason for the police to feel the need to get in touch with me that I could be reached, but there is no reason to follow me around town every time I come through.
The following evening , as I came upon an intersection two cruisers sat at a pizza place on the corner of a 4 way main intersection. Just prior to turning in their direction, one of the cruisers left his patrol and began driving in the same direction that I was turning. He had driven 1/4 mile ahead of me by the time I turned onto the route and continued until he was visibly 1/2 mile ahead of me. He stopped at an intersection up ahead of me, waited for me to drive by him, began to follow me and pulled me over. When I asked him why I was being pulled over, he replied "Speeding". I complied and gave the officer my license number and explained to him that I had forgotten my registration in another vehicle. He came back to the vehicle and informed me that my registration was expired, although two days prior I had seen a copy of my registration that showed valid until 12/31/2012. At this point he explained that he was going to be having my vehicle towed. I expressed to him that I felt as though I had done nothing outside of the limit of the law, and that my registration should be active but he maintained that I had been pulled over for speeding, and now with an expired registration I was being towed. I argued that it was difficult to say i was speeding when he was 1/2 mile ahead of me driving in the same direction. He gave me my ticket and towed the vehicle. Initially i noted that the ticket had two statute numbers written and only one violation described. I did not sign the ticket. In conversation with him I had inquired why there were only 1 violation on the ticket. Later as we wrapped up our encounter, he approached me again and demanded the ticket back so that he could "darken" the writing on the ticket. He effectively went back into the ticket and physically wrote in the missing violation description next to it's statute. I question whether modifying or altering the ticket was lawful or ethical either. Now I have a court date for a Speeding/No Registration violation and $120 out of pocket for a tow, when I shouldn't have been pulled over to begin with. Initially both officers maintained that they weren't aware that I had called the department the previous night to complain of being followed for no reason. Towards the end of our encounter in conversation, one of the officers remarked that I shouldn't cause attention calling to complain when you're driving with no registration.
Get followed for no reason and call the station, get pulled over and have violations made up and busted for unrelated violations. If I complain about harassment or fight it in court, I'll be a target in that town for the rest of my life, but what am I supposed to do? Just lay down and allow police to patronize, harass, and throw tickets at me?


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Dec 26, 2007
You said you did nothing wrong but yet you drove around with expired registration, you just contridicted yourself bud. That's more then enough reason to pull you over.


Official Snowflake Melting Machine
Established Member
Jul 9, 2010
So you called in a complaint on an officer following you on PUBLIC roadways and left your personal info with the dispatcher so it could be broadcast all over their radios, and then got stopped the night after you complained on the police officer for doing his job?

Life will not end well for you friend.

Just so we are clear on this you put a big mark on yourself by making the phone call and commplaining on an officer that was doing nothing wrong. I can't say that maybe i wouldn't have done the same, find a reason to pull you over to meet you face to face and give you a personal "thank you" for calling in a bogus ass complaint.
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WOT 88

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Dec 24, 2011
Palm City, FL
Op, let me get this strait, you called the cops, on the cops?...
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Established Member
Oct 6, 2007
So you called in a complaint on an officer following you on PUBLIC roadways and left your personal info with the dispatcher so it could be broadcast all over their radios, and then got stopped the night after you complained on the police officer for doing his job?

Life will not end well for you friend.

Just so we are clear on this you put a big mark on yourself by making the phone call and commplaining on an officer that was doing nothing wrong. If it were me, I would've done the same thing, find a reason to pull you over to meet you face to face and give you a personal "thank you" for calling in a bogus ass complaint.

So what you are saying is that if you feel uncomfortable with something a patrol officer is doing you should suck it up and deal with it? Seriously? I'm not saying the OP isn't at fault because he did in fact have an expired reg. However I don't agree that if you have a legitimate concern that you shouldn't call dispatch or the Sgt.

Edit: Just to be clear, your second statement makes it sound like if you call dispatch on an officer who isn't doing anything wrong you are going to get a target on you. Pretty professional..
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Official Snowflake Melting Machine
Established Member
Jul 9, 2010
So what you are saying is that if you feel uncomfortable with something a patrol officer is doing you should suck it up and deal with it? Seriously? I'm not saying the OP isn't at fault because he did in fact have an expired reg. However I don't agree that if you have a legitimate concern that you shouldn't call dispatch or the Sgt.

Edit: Just to be clear, your second statement makes it sound like if you call dispatch on an officer who isn't doing anything wrong you are going to get a target on you. Pretty professional..

What I am saying is that OP called to COMPLAIN, by his own admission, on an officer that wasn't doing anything wrong, and then left his personal info with the dispatcher. OP never stated that he requested to speak with a supervisor about it or otherwise. Had the officer been doing something that was actually WRONG, then yes by all means call. Last I checked, just following a car around in the middle of the night isn't wrong or illegal. If I am wrong here, then please tell me.

And obviously the OP did put a target on himself. Look what happened the next night. Although, I think the towing his car for just having an expired registration is a little much. Never heard of towing for that reason.
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Suck it up and drive on!!
Established Member
Feb 11, 2008
I don't know what RI law is but bring your registration w/ you to court and if the paid date is prior to the ticket date, the judge might drop the no registration charge.


Established Member
Feb 26, 2007
Baton Rouge
Cop was probably bored and liked your car. Might have had a chance to make a LEO buddy in the town which never hurts. Now you may as well just drive around.


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Dec 26, 2007
What I am saying is that OP called to COMPLAIN, by his own admission, on an officer that wasn't doing anything wrong, and then left his personal info with the dispatcher. OP never stated that he requested to speak with a supervisor about it or otherwise. Had the officer been doing something that was actually WRONG, then yes by all means call. Last I checked, just following a car around in the middle of the night isn't wrong or illegal. If I am wrong here, then please tell me.

And obviously the OP did put a target on himself. Look what happened the next night. Although, I think the towing his car for just having an expired registration is a little much. Never heard of towing for that reason.

I don't think its a bit much to tow the vehicle, you operating a motor vehicle with expired registration, would you say the same if it was an expired insurance card?

IMO the officer did nothing wrong, the OP made himself suspicious and he got popped for it.


Established Member
Oct 6, 2007
What I am saying is that OP called to COMPLAIN, by his own admission, on an officer that wasn't doing anything wrong, and then left his personal info with the dispatcher. OP never stated that he requested to speak with a supervisor about it or otherwise. Had the officer been doing something that was actually WRONG, then yes by all means call. Last I checked, just following a car around in the middle of the night isn't wrong or illegal. If I am wrong here, then please tell me.

And obviously the OP did put a target on himself. Look what happened the next night. Although, I think the towing his car for just having an expired registration is a little much. Never heard of towing for that reason.

:beer: Ok I think we are on the same page. I mean in VA you can see if my reg. is expired or not even if I don't have the paper. In ky though if you don't have the paper you are officially boned. The OP was being whiny and he was still in the wrong as I stated, I was just clearing that up. I realize that no reg. in va is a tow able offense, but couldn't the officer have used discretion and not towed? It seemed like vengeance on their part. Oh well it's neither of our problems I suppose.


Official Snowflake Melting Machine
Established Member
Jul 9, 2010
I don't think its a bit much to tow the vehicle, you operating a motor vehicle with expired registration, would you say the same if it was an expired insurance card?

IMO the officer did nothing wrong, the OP made himself suspicious and he got popped for it.

I'm not saying the officer did anything wrong. Please don't take my statement as saying that. All I am saying is that I have never heard of towing a car car for expired registration. Insurance is a little different as that pertains to his liability to OTHER motorists.

My point being is that in 13 years, I haven't towed for ONLY expired registration, and can't say that I know any officers here that have. Maybe it is different up there than it is down here.
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Official Snowflake Melting Machine
Established Member
Jul 9, 2010
:beer: Ok I think we are on the same page. I mean in VA you can see if my reg. is expired or not even if I don't have the paper. In ky though if you don't have the paper you are officially boned. The OP was being whiny and he was still in the wrong as I stated, I was just clearing that up. I realize that no reg. in va is a tow able offense, but couldn't the officer have used discretion and not towed? It seemed like vengeance on their part. Oh well it's neither of our problems I suppose.

IMO, the officer could have used some discretion. And TECHNICALLY in VA, if you don't have the registration card IN the vehicle, that's a separate offense for a summons. ALTHOUGH, we are taught to run the tag to see if it's valid BEFORE we stop the vehicle. VA has that renew online option, and it can take several days for DMV and snail mail to get the new cards/stickers to the owners.

As far as the tow discretion, I mean yeah, the officer could've used lots of discretion, especially depending on where the OP stopped his car at. Then again, maybe thay have that policy to tow. Im not sure of the department's policies up there. Here in VA, I wouldn't have towed for expired regis. though.

And true, it's OP's issue. Although I have never heard of somebody calling in an officer for just driving around and patrolling. Now, having an unmarked car, I have had people NOT pull over and call in to verify that ir was a legitimate LEO trying to stop them, or put hazard lights on and drive off the next exit to a lit gas station.
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Well-Known Member
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Jul 6, 2009
Winston Salem
I got similar treatment the other day. Got followed for what seems about 5 miles on the way home from the doctors office with my fiancé. I knew I was good( and in this situation was ready to tactfully give the Leo shit for puing me over) but right before turning into my development he decided to cut a right and flip back around. I just chucked it up to I being a Dick-move and left it alone, although I did initially have your same resentment towards the cop OP. as I stated though I KNEW. Y car had just been inspected and registered two weeks prior and passed with flying colors so if he did pull me I figured itd be bogus....cover your bases next time OP before starting shit......bullseye on your back for a LONG time now....


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Oct 16, 2005
Deer Park, Texas, United States
Hey OP, in the future when they follow you around just pull into a parking lot and let them pass you up. I have done that several times back in the day. I had one in front of me once that started to slow down so I would pass him, didn't happen. We were both going like 15mph in a 35mph zone and I finally turned off. He ended up coming back after me and said that he could write me up for going to slow in a passing lane...he made the right choice in not writting that ticket. Every profession has it's d-bags, just deal with it and move on.


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Feb 26, 2006
Quad Cities
I'm not saying the officer did anything wrong. Please don't take my statement as saying that. All I am saying is that I have never heard of towing a car car for expired registration. Insurance is a little different as that pertains to his liability to OTHER motorists.

My point being is that in 13 years, I haven't towed for ONLY expired registration, and can't say that I know any officers here that have. Maybe it is different up there than it is down here.

Just from what I'm reading I'm guessing OP gave the officer a reason to tow his car. :shrug: Already feeling like a victim I can't imagine that traffic stop didn't contain curt responses and disrepectful retorts.

OP I got stopped and ticketed for expired registration in the past (had it.. just not with me, chalk it up to being a young dumb kid).. took proof to court and the ticket was dismissed. (IL).. I was properly charged and the system is designed to work this way. As far as the speeding goes...technically 1mph over is speeding and as far as I know pacing/radar are both capable of determining your speed even if the officer is behind you a ways.

Good luck... but honestly sounds like this could have been easily avoided.

WOT 88

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Dec 24, 2011
Palm City, FL
Cop was probably bored and liked your car. Might have had a chance to make a LEO buddy in the town which never hurts. Now you may as well just drive around.

That is actually true.

Years back a buddy and I were out cruising. He had a 93 notch back with a DSS stroker and a t-trim blower. The car was loud and nasty.

Anyway, as we merged off the interstate we noticed FHP behind us in one of the Z28's they used to drive. He proceeded to follow us halfway across town, until finally he pulled up next to us at a light. I kid you not, this guy looks over and starts reving the crap out of his car. My friend and I looked at each other and exchanged the most confusing look possible. My buddy looks back at the trooper and starts reving back. I looked at my buddy and said, ''don't you even try it dumba**'' Well the light turns green and the trooper nails it, and so does my buddy. Both cars only stayed in it for a split second, we never even hit 40 mph. Then the trooper drifts back behind us and throws his lights on, buddy turned ghost white as we pulled into a drug store parking lot. Trooper gets out comes up to the window and screams ''GET OUT OF THE CAR NOW WITH YOUR HANDS UP'', my buddy goes to reach for the handle and the trooper say's ''nah man, I'm just playing, I'm on my way home, man this is a bada** car'' All three of us sat in the lot for almost an hour shooting the **it about cars.

The trooper had a nice built mustang himself and we all ended up being pretty good friends for a few years, until he was switched to a different troop up in North Florida. He'd bring his car out on Saturday nights up town with us and even swing out in his state car now and then.

You just never know.
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Well-Known Member
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Oct 16, 2005
Deer Park, Texas, United States
Then the trooper drifts back behind us and throws his lights on, buddy turned ghost white as we pulled into a drug store parking lot. Trooper gets out comes up to the window and screams ''GET OUT OF THE CAR NOW WITH YOUR HANDS UP'', my buddy goes to reach for the handle and the trooper say's ''nah man, I'm just playing, I'm on my way home, man this is a bada** car'' All three of us sat in the lot for almost an hour shooting the **it about cars.

I would have been minus a pair of undies!



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Jan 15, 2008
West Greenwich, Rhode Island
Seems that most people that have read this want to twist the story and ignore the facts. Yes my car was unregistered. It was unregistered the first 2 times i was followed, and the cop never threw the lights on. So why are you following me???? Just as the officer has the right to follow me, I have the right to question it. Following me once and running my info is called patrolling. Following me a second time, with no reason begins to become harassment. Don't they have something important to do than follow a car around and aggravate perfectly law abiding citizens? Now, I'm sure someone here will say "well, you're not a law abiding citizen with an expired registration". Then I ask, why was I not pullled over for this the first 2 times, but continued to be followed and when I complain of being followed for no reason subsequently harassed and ticketed the next evening.

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