Gas Price Rant


Established Member
Feb 14, 2012
It seems every time there is a blip on the radar somewhere in that godforsaken part of the world called the middle east out ****ing gas prices go up.:cuss:

Now the bullshit in iran and syria may cause prices to go to $5.00 a gallon by the summer.

This gets on my nerves since I wanna buy a muscle car that gets 12mpg. Prolly even less when u have fun with it.......

Why doesnt this mutt in the white house have a ****ing pipeline built from saudi arabia to us w/ all the free ****ing gas we need? Every country under the sun owes us ****ing billions of dollars. Those ****s are lighting cigars with $100 dollar bills cause were being forced to pay these exorbitant ****ing prices. **** OPEC where they breathe.:cuss:


New Member
Established Member
Jan 14, 2004
even if you drill you can't do much about it

Yes, unfortunately OPEC could very well just limit their own production to keep prices high, and any oil we drill would just be sold on the market instead of being used here to produce cheaper gasoline. Granted, it would be more money staying in the US, but it wouldn't make fuel any cheaper.


My cars own me.
Established Member
Dec 13, 2002
Yes, unfortunately OPEC could very well just limit their own production to keep prices high, and any oil we drill would just be sold on the market instead of being used here to produce cheaper gasoline. Granted, it would be more money staying in the US, but it wouldn't make fuel any cheaper.


Canada is where most of our oil comes from, add Canada, Venezuela, and Mexico and you have about 80% of our oil imports. Surprising how so many Americans think the bulk of our oil comes from the middle east, now the UK and Eurpoe, different story. Is there some major conflict in Canada causing our gas prices to go up? Um, no, ay. OPEC is the bully in the playground.

As for the whitehouse, nuff said.

Oh and someday the middle east won't be rich anymore, the oil will run out, it's inevitable. Of course that's good & bad news. If we could only tap the huge oil fields deep under our own mountains, but that technology they estimate is 20-50 yrs out. I wonder what the mustang will look like then?

But, God bless our troops out there on the ground dealing with all that mess everyday, each of them deserves a free GT500 to come home to, and then some.


Established Member
Feb 14, 2012
From your lips to God's ears. Our troops deserve a GT 500 when they come home.

God Bless our men/women over there keeping us all free, here at home.

I was never in the Armed services but I respect and honor all the folks who have.

Last year I had the pleasure to me the only living Medal of Honor recipient. What a nice man. He was in Viet Nam. I think the award has since been awarded to another living man......:beer: (Dont know that for sure)


Established Member
Nov 4, 2011
Speculators are driving up prices. Since we apparently kiss the assess of these criminal gamblers in this country ("free market" and all that), we just have to touch our ankles and take it like a man.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk


Engine Lubrication Guru
Established Member
Oct 20, 2010
Pensacola, Florida
Speculators are driving up prices.

Yes and no, actually.

This is a compounded problem, but Obama is as much to blame as the Wall St. Tycoon.

Private land drilling has increased in the US, but not by policies that Obama enacted. Those carried over policies are on the foot heels of Bush, Clinton, and W. Bush. Obama wants to take credit for that, he shouldn't/cant.

Public land drilling leases have been severely decreased by Obama. This is another factor of rising energy expenses. He makes claims to future public leases opening, but this is a political maneuver for his re-election.

Obama blames the increasing energy prices on China's 4-5 times increased demand on imported oil, due to the increase of privately owned automobile in the past 5 years.

What Obama is failing to tell you, he is lying. There has not been a new refinery built in America since the 1970's. Big oil companies have been caught red handed in conspiracies to control and increase the cost of fuel. Obama says drilling won't fix the problem, bullsnot! We start supplying more than 80% or our own oil barrels per day used in this country, and you would watch the price of oil drop overnight around the world, even in Europe.

Obama is set on clean energy, but until that technology is viable and affordable, it just isn't cost effective. His plan, drive up the cost of crude oil to make clean energy cost effective.

Don't care how you look at it, I have been reading, studying, and listening to the experts discuss this problem. It all adds up.
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Active Member
Established Member
Jan 16, 2012
New Jersey
Yes and no, actually.

This is a compounded problem, but Obama is as much to blame as the Wall St. Tycoon.

Private land drilling has increased in the US, but not by policies that Obama enacted. Those carried over policies are on the foot heels of Bush, Clinton, and W. Bush. Obama wants to take credit for that, he shouldn't/cant.

Public land drilling leases have been severely decreased by Obama. This is another factor of rising energy expenses. He claims to future public leases opening, but this is a political maneuver for his re-election.

Obama blames the increasing energy prices on China's 4-5 times increased demand on imported oil, due to the increase of privately owned automobile increases in the past 5 years.

What Obama is failing to tell you, he is lying. There has not been a new refinery built in America since the 1970's. Big oil companies have been caught red handed in conspiracies to control and increase the cost of fuel. Obama says drilling won't fix the problem, bullsnot! We start supplying more than 80% or our own oil barrels per day used in this country, and you would watch the price of oil drop overnight around the world, even in Europe.

Obama is set on clean energy, but until that technology is viable and affordable, it just isn't cost effective. His plan, drive up the cost of crude oil to make clean energy cost effective.

Don't care how you look at it, I have been reading, studying, and listening to the experts discuss this problem. It all adds up.

+1 on big oil being 90% to blame. Every time the reports come out, the oil company profits are through the roof....and they want you to think they don't control the prices....yeah right....
10% speculation 90% big oil....

Ray Lucca

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 3, 2008
S. O.C. So. Cal
Fellas, we are getting screwed. Let me on my soap-box for a minute...
In Ca. where I live, we have always paid higher gas prices because of our boutique gas blends, and limited refinery capacity [98-102% capacity on average], and lots of cars and people...IE, limited mass transit, at least in S. Ca. Well guess what, that's all changed now, demand is way down, and the Oil Co's have mothballed two in state refineries....Ca. Refinery capacity is now at 74-76%, with 2 shut-down.... Supply is ample, demand is down, and refinery capacity is more than ample, and gas goes up...Some free market, huh?? Lastly, the Oil Co's are exporting our oil and refined petroleum off-shore, and making huge profits...Oil speculators?? I'm told the traders only have to back up a move with 10% of the trade in cash.... Now add in some political in-stability in the Gulf...We are getting hosed... Sorry for the rant. BTW, best Mpg ever on my 09 Gt 500 has been 14.5, with an egg on my loud pedal. How you guys get 20+ I'll never know


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 23, 2002
Baton Rouge Louisiana
Just remember even if we drill more we are still shipping oil to China and south America. We have a rail-line that passes through where I work and it is full of rail-cars with crude oil heading for South America and for transport to China. I guess it is part of the United States owing all that money to China. :fm::fm::fm::fm::fm::fm::fm::fm::fm::fm::fm::fm::fm::fm::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::mj::mj::mj::mj::mj::mj::mj::mj::mj::mj::mj::mj::mj::mj::mj::mj::mj::mj:
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IA Shelby

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 24, 2011
I don't disagree with the comments from above. I just try to keep it in perspective.

I put 4,000 miles on my GT500 last year. I figure the gas cost me $950. Assuming it goes to $5 per gallon my gas bill goes to $1350. An additional $33 a month in fuel prices will not impact my use or enjoyment. Especially when I consider I have been "investing" several thousand in mods just to make my car more enjoyable.

Oh and the second we have a market correction in equities look for a pull back in the price of oil.


Disoriented Poster
Established Member
May 13, 2008
someplace warm
Yes, unfortunately OPEC could very well just limit their own production to keep prices high, and any oil we drill would just be sold on the market instead of being used here to produce cheaper gasoline. Granted, it would be more money staying in the US, but it wouldn't make fuel any cheaper.

Right now OPEC is producing oil that outpaces demand so it's not OPEC at the moment that is driving up prices, it's speculators.

Speculators are driving up prices. Since we apparently kiss the assess of these criminal gamblers in this country ("free market" and all that), we just have to touch our ankles and take it like a man.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

That's right.


Engine Lubrication Guru
Established Member
Oct 20, 2010
Pensacola, Florida
Fellas, we are getting screwed. Let me on my soap-box for a minute...
In Ca. where I live, we have always paid higher gas prices because of our boutique gas blends, and limited refinery capacity [98-102% capacity on average], and lots of cars and people...IE, limited mass transit, at least in S. Ca. Well guess what, that's all changed now, demand is way down, and the Oil Co's have mothballed two in state refineries....Ca. Refinery capacity is now at 74-76%, with 2 shut-down.... Supply is ample, demand is down, and refinery capacity is more than ample, and gas goes up...Some free market, huh?? Lastly, the Oil Co's are exporting our oil and refined petroleum off-shore, and making huge profits...Oil speculators?? I'm told the traders only have to back up a move with 10% of the trade in cash.... Now add in some political in-stability in the Gulf...We are getting hosed... Sorry for the rant. BTW, best Mpg ever on my 09 Gt 500 has been 14.5, with an egg on my loud pedal. How you guys get 20+ I'll never know

That's because oil companies increase exports of domestic crude when demand decreases in the US to stabilize oil prices here. It's a conspiracy to make us pay more for a resource mankind isn't capable of living without at this point in our evolution.
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in the 9's
Established Member
Feb 19, 2009
at the end of the day it doesnt matter if we drill here, there, or the moon. oil companies will find a reason to charge a high price to fund ceo pay and dividens.

nothing the little guys like us can do or say.


Yield right!!!!
Established Member
Sep 15, 2004
The Woods
That's because oil companies increase exports of domestic crude when demand decreases in the US to stabilize oil prices here. It's a conspiracy to make us pay more for a resource mankind isn't capable of living without at this point in our evolution.


Unless the U.S. plans on nationalizing the oil industry, domestically sourced oil will continue to be sold on the open market to the highest bidder.

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