How many of us have children?


I am the liquor
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Dec 24, 2007
I’m 38, wife 31. Our son is almost 4 months old now.

I never wanted kids, and she didn’t for the most part, but she got to that age when Mother Nature was nudging her. We had some very long discussions about raising a child in the world today. We knew we could do it. So we planned, got pregnant, then Covid hit. Wife lost her high paying job, plus pregnancy was tough labor and delivery as well..but we made it. We’ve had to make some financial adjustments, but it’s working out so far.

Having a baby/child is tiring...lack of sleep is rough, but to see my son smile and laugh and hold onto me is an amazing experience. I never understood the feeling until now.

With that said, we are “one and done.” No more after this. In 2 months I’m taking the steps to make sure we don’t have anymore. Snip, snip!

Better go the extra mile and have her get tied too. I know someone who got the snip snip and still had another baby lol


Well-Known Member
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May 4, 2018
I got married at 40, first child at 41 second girl at 43, the marriage lasted 3 years and the children have been life changing for me. I am truly blessed.

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Nov 5, 2012
Brighton, CO
1, he's 4 and my inherited one from a previous marriage. Starts Kindergarten this year. Must admit with all that's going on it's definitely made things tough to try and keep him informed and progressing to understand everything that's going on. Keeping a mask on him is practically a job itself. We just recently this last week and a half had to deal with his Pre-K teacher being a close contact victim so my wife worked from home and helped him do some school work and other projects. I can't fathom the kind of joke this is gonna be when he goes to an actual school and has to do virtual learning/training. Neither of us work from home so we are both trying to prepare for those days if need be.

People say when you have your own, the relationship and love is out of the world and there's nothing better. I seem to disagree as having a step child is just as great. There's a lot of days that we don't see eye to eye on things and as a boy he really tries and tests every limit he can. Sometimes that's annoying but it's also a sign of seeing a young man in the works choosing his own decisions.

As for more, I am fairly complacent at this time. Not saying the day won't come around that I will change my mind but I heard the horror story of what my wife went through having my step son and the issues body wise she faces having kids. So I'm honestly fine not putting her or her body through any harm


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Jul 15, 2011
With that said, we are “one and done.” No more after this. In 2 months I’m taking the steps to make sure we don’t have anymore. Snip, snip!

Be careful for those two months. I had mine scheduled when our unexpected child was created.

Wife was not at all a happy camper as the first two pregnancies were brutal for her. Was no easier for her at 33 than it was at 26.


Anyone have a strap on my girl can use on me?
Established Member
Jul 26, 2011
I taught my dog how to give hugs..

it’s pretty cool to come and get a hug


Let's go Brandon!
Established Member
Sep 29, 2014
1, he's 4 and my inherited one from a previous marriage. Starts Kindergarten this year. Must admit with all that's going on it's definitely made things tough to try and keep him informed and progressing to understand everything that's going on. Keeping a mask on him is practically a job itself. We just recently this last week and a half had to deal with his Pre-K teacher being a close contact victim so my wife worked from home and helped him do some school work and other projects. I can't fathom the kind of joke this is gonna be when he goes to an actual school and has to do virtual learning/training. Neither of us work from home so we are both trying to prepare for those days if need be.

People say when you have your own, the relationship and love is out of the world and there's nothing better. I seem to disagree as having a step child is just as great. There's a lot of days that we don't see eye to eye on things and as a boy he really tries and tests every limit he can. Sometimes that's annoying but it's also a sign of seeing a young man in the works choosing his own decisions.

As for more, I am fairly complacent at this time. Not saying the day won't come around that I will change my mind but I heard the horror story of what my wife went through having my step son and the issues body wise she faces having kids. So I'm honestly fine not putting her or her body through any harm
It was something incredible watching my wife attempt to deliver my daughter. Waves of pain, literally for hours. Reached the milestone where contractions were finally starting to get close enough for the epidural. Cant tell you how many times the doc and nurse had to manually check my wifes cervix..... was not fun to see her in that kind of pain.

Even when the epidural went in, she was 100% focused on my daughter and the heartbeat monitor. Then her water was broken and nothing for 12 hours.... finally ended up going C section.

It was a miracle that we were guided to a C section. My daughter had hogtied herself around both ankles in a figure 8 AND around bv her neck..... had my wifes cervix fully opened and actually tried to push, my daughter could have been killed or starved of oxygen.

My wife is the most incredible person I know... Its not until we men are stripped of ANY ability to help them other than be there for support that we really realize just how much the mothers of our children go through.

Life is so precious... I'll never ever forget that experience


Well-Known Member
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Aug 28, 2013
My wife and I have three girls. 1 - 4 year old, and we have twin 2 year olds. They are a blast. Twins were a rough go for the first 8-10 months, but now it's been really fun. We are considering a 4th and going after that boy. We'll see

My wife and I agreed before we started that we only wanted 2 kids. We both really wanted a girl the first time around. After 2 boys we decided that we would try one more time for a girl. Our 3rd boy was born 2.5 weeks ago. WE ARE DONE!! lol


2nd Civ Div
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Apr 24, 2006
We have 3 (G9, B4, B1). We were planning on 4 but #3 was born with a congenital heart defect (Tetrology of Fallot) that has so far required 2 open heart surgeries, multiple heart caths, and a litany of other prosecutes. He’s 15 months old now and a happy little dude. Docs say he’s recovered great and should be able to live most of his life like a normal kid (with annual visits to his cardiologist of course and the occasional valve replacement as he grows).

After all that, we decided 3 is enough. I’m snipped.



I am the liquor
Established Member
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Dec 24, 2007
We have 3 (G9, B4, B1). We were planning on 4 but #3 was born with a congenital heart defect (Tetrology of Fallot) that has so far required 2 open heart surgeries, multiple heart caths, and a litany of other prosecutes. He’s 15 months old now and a happy little dude. Docs say he’s recovered great and should be able to live most of his life like a normal kid (with annual visits to his cardiologist of course and the occasional valve replacement as he grows).

After all that, we decided 3 is enough. I’m snipped.

View attachment 1685446

Kids jacked already man! Glad to hear it


Grease Monkey
Established Member
Oct 29, 2008
Jackson, TN
My wife and I welcomed our first the day before my 40th birthday and we are now expecting our second and I will be 43 at that time. A lot of things in this world have changed even in just the last three years. In my opinion it is even more important now for level headed and hard working people to have kids and raise them likewise. The movie idiocracy comes to mind as an alternative.

I got married at 40, first child at 41 second girl at 43, the marriage lasted 3 years and the children have been life changing for me. I am truly blessed.

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I see a couple of folks waited, or it just happened, later in life. I have been married for 15 years and we had our first a few months after I turned 38. I will be 40 this year and we are trying for another (since Thanksgiving) and I can say without a doubt it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I take fatherhood very seriously and look forward to being with my boy every day. I lost a baby girl in 2018 at 30 weeks and it just solidified how precious life really is. I had taken it for granted for too long. Now, I won’t let a damn smidge of this crappy world ruin my time with my son.


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
I have 3. Most are older than a bunch of you guys. In fact, I have grandchildren older than your kids. lol
I'm in a similar place, Brad. Wife and I have two adult "kids" and six grandchildren. My daughter's three girls are adults themselves now. One is a graduate of UCONN with her own fitness & nutrition studio, one is graduating in May with a nursing degree, and the other is graduating with a nursing degree is two years. We're very proud of them, and our daughter. We definitely did some things right. LOL. Our son is the network admin. for CBS radio. He has three kids but they're younger. Great kids.

Just the other day my wife and I were talking about our "kids" and we both admitted that we wish we had had more children. Maybe two or three more.

Children, of all ages, are awesome. Grandchildren as well.


Muffin is my spirit animal
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Feb 10, 2011
Nashville, TN
I have a 3 1/2 yr old and it is amazing.

Teaching about the world starts at home. Teaching values should start at home. Education starts at home regardless of whether you homeschool or not.

I will say my wife has been extremely stressed as she is home with our daughter constantly. I travel for work and this has just added to my work load. I try to do as much to get her out of the house when I am working at home or off.

Only you and your wife can decide what is best for you.

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Well-Known Member
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Jul 15, 2011
Just the other day my wife and I were talking about our "kids" and we both admitted that we wish we had had more children. Maybe two or three more.

I’m sure I’ll feel the same way when I’m older. Even though I only wanted two, big families with lots of cousins are great.

Problem would be maintaining any sanity while raising 6-7 kids.

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