I became a meat crayon


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Established Member
Jan 25, 2022
Fly over country
No sir, as of right now I’ll be losing my employment the 28th of august due to not working in 30 consecutive days. I’ve only worked 228 hours since returning, it’s a minimum of 1 consecutive year of employment to be eligible for FMLA, and or any benefits program. Trying to see what I can do to get some sort of work while there. I know they said No originally to “light duty” due to not having many things I could do whilst sitting down. I tried to convince them I could do managerial things due to my knowledge, and last experience as a manager there. However it was declined. Currently looking into remote jobs, and things of that sort. My family is moving out of my house 9/1. So that will allow me to continue staying at my house, and I’ll be getting rid of my apartment. My lease is up there 11/31. Getting rid of my apartment will save me $2,200 a month.
That’s tough man. I hope you can find something. Keep us updated.


Shredder N Cheddar
Established Member
Aug 14, 2011
Haven’t been logged in, in a spell but had to hop over after reading this @LS WUT. Bro, prayers on the recovery truly. You’re a strong minded guy, while ACL surgery/recovery ain’t no simple feat you’re coming back good as new. Happy to learn you’re typing on forums still and in good spirits too :)


Well-Known Member
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Jun 26, 2013
Sarasota, Florida
Haven’t been logged in, in a spell but had to hop over after reading this @LS WUT. Bro, prayers on the recovery truly. You’re a strong minded guy, while ACL surgery/recovery ain’t no simple feat you’re coming back good as new. Happy to learn you’re typing on forums still and in good spirits too :)
Appreciate you my friend. Good looking out as usual. Thanks for the kind words my friend. Looking to become Robocop of some sort you know? Since I’ll have way to much time on my hands. I’m gonna start a feetfinder account to make money. Bahahah, just kidding. I’ll figure it out one way or another bubba. Thanks for checking in!


Well-Known Member
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May 29, 2019
North Texas
You’ll get through this. Reminds me of times I’ve been down…wrecked bikes, divorce etc. don’t let the doom and gloom get you. Getting back up and making it is so much more rewarding.


Well-Known Member
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Jun 26, 2013
Sarasota, Florida
I got to go on a car ride today! I wanted to go see my GT500. She hasn’t been started or even seen by me in weeks. Felt so good to hear the cold start on her. Seeing the car gives me motivation!


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Active Member
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Jul 11, 2015
If you ever want someone to talk to just give me a holler. Send me a PM and I'll get you my cell. More than willing to shoot the shit and bullshit about what's going on.

I fully ruptured my tricep tendon in November 2020, had surgery, and dealt with all the FMLA and employment bullshit that you're going to have to go through.

Always willing to help. Just know that mindset is EVERYTHING.


Well-Known Member
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Premium Member
Sep 22, 2015
like everyone else, glad you're ok enough to tell us about it.

you might ask ortho doc about ACL options...they don't seem to always do the full reconstruction to middle aged guys around here anymore, just clean it up with scope and go. now i wouldn't like that as i'm still fairly active, but no competitive sports. you might inquire about pros/cons of a hamstring graft, as those seem to heal faster, and maybe ask what they gave to adrian peterson as he was in total beast mode after his lol.

i don't think you'll be unable to work for 6-9 months, but if your job is pretty physical you will err on the side of caution as far as time to return to all duties.

hang in there dude!


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 26, 2013
Sarasota, Florida
like everyone else, glad you're ok enough to tell us about it.

you might ask ortho doc about ACL options...they don't seem to always do the full reconstruction to middle aged guys around here anymore, just clean it up with scope and go. now i wouldn't like that as i'm still fairly active, but no competitive sports. you might inquire about pros/cons of a hamstring graft, as those seem to heal faster, and maybe ask what they gave to adrian peterson as he was in total beast mode after his lol.

i don't think you'll be unable to work for 6-9 months, but if your job is pretty physical you will err on the side of caution as far as time to return to all duties.

hang in there dude!
Thank you for the tips man, I for sure want to get a second opinion on whatever he says. Mind you this is the same person who put off my MRI for 20 days to see if it would heal itself, and then told me to try weight bearing things with a boot and wedges. I’m not passing blame, or Judgement, I’m merely saying I feel I should have had the surgery 3 weeks ago. Why the hospital didn’t MRI that day is beyond me. NFL players get MRI on the field and have the surgery the same day haha. I guess maybe it’s because I’m poor. Who’s to say. I’ve talked to a few others in regards to it. They recommend the cadaver tendon, versus the patellar ? The patellar is more painful?


Well-Known Member
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Premium Member
Sep 22, 2015
Thank you for the tips man, I for sure want to get a second opinion on whatever he says. Mind you this is the same person who put off my MRI for 20 days to see if it would heal itself, and then told me to try weight bearing things with a boot and wedges. I’m not passing blame, or Judgement, I’m merely saying I feel I should have had the surgery 3 weeks ago. Why the hospital didn’t MRI that day is beyond me. NFL players get MRI on the field and have the surgery the same day haha. I guess maybe it’s because I’m poor. Who’s to say. I’ve talked to a few others in regards to it. They recommend the cadaver tendon, versus the patellar ? The patellar is more painful?
i have seen swelling put off an MRI when it's bad enough, guessing it makes it near impossible to read. mine swelled up HUGE, and my MRI said partial ACL tear, which IMO is a done deal if you're going back to sports. i was 17, after months of rehab, the first cut i made on the court did it again. i said fix it correct this time, used a patellar tendon graft as it was known to be strongest(unless technology has changed, very possible). 25 years later and it has served me well, but i do have patellar tracking issues and OA in that knee now. i'd ask your ortho opinion, and maybe the other fella in here that appears to be ortho also.

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