Jon Benet Ramsey - Re Investigated Series


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Oct 10, 2002
North Carolina
Anyone else watchnig the new shows on the Jon Benet Ramsey killing? I have been Fascinated with this crime since it happened. Mainly since it happened as I was beginning my LEO career. I have have many theories over the years. I have always felt Patsy Ramsey always had something to do with it. Things I learned over the years in LEO such as body language, speech, and one thing that stood out to me what that she would always close her eyes when making a pointed statement. This new series re investigates old evidence, offers new evidence and insights with field professionals. there are some new things that I just became aware of that I never knew and I finally have a theory as to what I believe may have happened. some of the compelling facts that are chilling to me are:

1) during the 911 call from Patsy, you can hear her obviously frantic. Then Patsy attempts to hang up the phone, but it doesnt disconnect the call from 911. after the audio was cleared up, its pretty clear what you hear. 3 different voices. Patsy's demeanor completely changes and you can her her say " well. we have called the police, now what?" Next you hear a mans voice say " we arent speaking to you." Now in the official police report, the Ramseys claim their son Burke was asleep at this time, during the 911 call. The next Voice you hear is a small male child asking "what did you find?" Next Pasty is heard again, saying something like "help us jesus help me jesus - then - WHAT DID YOU DO? WHAT DID YOU DO! at this point the call drops.

2) The ransom note after review by FBI profiler and other forensic agents all agree that it was very "Maternal" in nature. I wont go into why, there were so many revelations as to why it was maternal.

3) 6 hours pass and no one searched the house? really? then, when the FBI agent arrives on scene and organizes a search, John Ramsey walks to the exact spot where the body is? a 4 story house. 3000 sq ft and to walk to the exact location. furthermore, you couldnt tell it was a body on the floor. it looked like a waded up blanked. couldnt see any part of a body, yet John picks it up and carries it upstairs?

4) The suitcase next to the basement window.

my final theory is, there was no outside person who broke in and murdered Jon Benet. I think the kids were up playing, after supposed to be in bed. Burke accidentally struck Jon Benet on the head with the maglight ( the head of the light matched perfectly with the skull fracture ) - Burke is not able to get Jon Benet to respond so he goes and wakes the parents. When the parents find Jon Benet dead from the hit they panic. A mothers natural instinct if to protect their small child from danger so I believe in a panic, Patsy orchestrated the kidnap plot and staged the scene to make it look like a murder. John Ramsey had called for his plane during the morning while police were there. Odd dont you think? your child is gone and you want to fly somewhere? I believe the blue suitcase was next to the window because they were going to sneek the body of Jon Benet out in that case as if it were luggage. remember, the body was wrapped in a blanket. BUT that suitcase would not fit through that basement window so the plan was foiled. The Note pad that the ransom note was wrote on was back on Patsy's desk, and the pen used to write the note was laying underneath the phone Patsy used to call 911. It is my theory that Burke killed Jon Benet accidentally. Patsy covered it up by staging a crime scene. John went along with it.

Karma is a bitch patsy. You got exactly what you deserved.
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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
What gets me from last night's "investigation" is how all of those experts believe they know how someone should act when a child is killed. The Ramsey's should have said this and not that, changed this and that, etc.., How the hell do those clowns think they can dictate how people should act, speak, think or whatever during a traumatic event? Everyone is different.

Edit: Two things from above: 1.) The "now what comment" means less than those people believe. She called 911 and I'm guessing they (she) do not know what else needs to be done after alerting the authorities that your child is missing. Just guessing here but I doubt they are well schooled in such procedure. How those people are portraying those muffled sounds is like watching those ghost shows where an EVP is made out to be a phrase that is troubling and difficult to understand. 2.) How he found his child is not nearly as odd as they suggest. Who here is not familiar with their home and wouldn't notice something out of place? There are conflicting stories if he went directly to that basement wine cellar (or whatever it was called last night) but still, looking inside and seeing something that doesn't belong and that is odd?
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Oct 10, 2002
North Carolina
What gets me from last night's "investigation" is how all of those experts believe they know how someone should act when a child is killed. The Ramsey's should have said this and not that, changed this and that, etc.., How the hell do those clowns think they can dictate how people should act, speak, think or whatever during a traumatic event? Everyone is different.

I believe what they are trying to say is, and yes I agree with you everyone is different, but there are behavioral mannerisms displayed, and some not displayed in a fashion that doesnt jive. there is not rule book on how someone should act, they can only go off of the certain behaviors while reacting to a situation such as that. kinda like, if youre talking to me and your hands are in your pocket, the fact you are talking doesnt mean you are being dishonest. The behavior mannerism of your hands in your pocked while talking to me could indicate elusiveness. something along the lines of that, and those guys know a lot more on phsycological behaviors than i do.
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Brutal Metal

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Feb 2, 2009
Largo Florida
The show you should watch is the "Haunting Evidence" episode from years ago. John and Karla identified the killer and it's not anyone in the family.

Brutal Metal

Well-Known Member
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Feb 2, 2009
Largo Florida
Anyone else watchnig the new shows on the Jon Benet Ramsey killing? I have been Fascinated with this crime since it happened. Mainly since it happened as I was beginning my LEO career. I have have many theories over the years. I have always felt Patsy Ramsey always had something to do with it. Things I learned over the years in LEO such as body language, speech, and one thing that stood out to me what that she would always close her eyes when making a pointed statement. This new series re investigates old evidence, offers new evidence and insights with field professionals. there are some new things that I just became aware of that I never knew and I finally have a theory as to what I believe may have happened. some of the compelling facts that are chilling to me are:

1) during the 911 call from Patsy, you can hear her obviously frantic. Then Patsy attempts to hang up the phone, but it doesnt disconnect the call from 911. after the audio was cleared up, its pretty clear what you hear. 3 different voices. Patsy's demeanor completely changes and you can her her say " well. we have called the police, now what?" Next you hear a mans voice say " we arent speaking to you." Now in the official police report, the Ramseys claim their son Burke was asleep at this time, during the 911 call. The next Voice you hear is a small male child asking "what did you find?" Next Pasty is heard again, saying something like "help us jesus help me jesus - then - WHAT DID YOU DO? WHAT DID YOU DO! at this point the call drops.

2) The ransom note after review by FBI profiler and other forensic agents all agree that it was very "Maternal" in nature. I wont go into why, there were so many revelations as to why it was maternal.

3) 6 hours pass and no one searched the house? really? then, when the FBI agent arrives on scene and organizes a search, John Ramsey walks to the exact spot where the body is? a 4 story house. 3000 sq ft and to walk to the exact location. furthermore, you couldnt tell it was a body on the floor. it looked like a waded up blanked. couldnt see any part of a body, yet John picks it up and carries it upstairs?

4) The suitcase next to the basement window.

my final theory is, there was no outside person who broke in and murdered Jon Benet. I think the kids were up playing, after supposed to be in bed. Burke accidentally struck Jon Benet on the head with the maglight ( the head of the light matched perfectly with the skull fracture ) - Burke is not able to get Jon Benet to respond so he goes and wakes the parents. When the parents find Jon Benet dead from the hit they panic. A mothers natural instinct if to protect their small child from danger so I believe in a panic, Patsy orchestrated the kidnap plot and staged the scene to make it look like a murder. John Ramsey had called for his plane during the morning while police were there. Odd dont you think? your child is gone and you want to fly somewhere? I believe the blue suitcase was next to the window because they were going to sneek the body of Jon Benet out in that case as if it were luggage. remember, the body was wrapped in a blanket. BUT that suitcase would not fit through that basement window so the plan was foiled. The Note pad that the ransom note was wrote on was back on Patsy's desk, and the pen used to write the note was laying underneath the phone Patsy used to call 911. It is my theory that Burke killed Jon Benet accidentally. Patsy covered it up by staging a crime scene. John went along with it.

Karma is a bitch patsy. You got exactly what you deserved.

Your analysis is totally wrong!


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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
Rather than only saying he is wrong, explain why you feel that way.

I personally feel the investigators from 1996 and those from today trying to cash in on this death put down their jump to conclusions mat and formulated theory as a result. There are so many things that do not make sense from both the accused and the law enforcement perspective. Has it been proven 100% the suitcase could not fit through that window even though a grown man was able to do so? The footprint on the wall coupled with the suitcase makes me wonder if someone used that as a step.
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Established Member
Jan 8, 2014
I have no clue what happened, but find it interesting to read all of the theories. I do think that the parents know what happened though. Even if they weren't involved in the actual murder, their behavior makes it seem like they were involved in the cover up.


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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
One of those cases where we may never know who murdered Jon-Benet. One thing that keeps nagging me. I've seen Jon-Benet's brother twice in interviews, and he always has this weird smile when he talks. Strange kid based on the two interviews I saw. That might be just his personality, or someone who sub-consciously is trying to hide some unpleasant thoughts. :shrug: I've always thought it was someone in the family. The father said on the Dr. Phil show today that he will never again talk to any media. Dr. Phil's show was the last media interview.


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Apr 11, 2003
Someone please explain the presence of foreign DNA- Mexican decent.


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Oct 10, 2002
North Carolina
Someone please explain the presence of foreign DNA- Mexican decent.

Yes i want an explanation also. This is the only piece that would support an intruder. But one thing to consider the handling of the crime scene was horrible. The body was moved and layed down multiple times before forensics secured the scene. I have serious doubts about an intruder

Robert Francis

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Apr 21, 2002
Taylor, Mich
I fine the so called "ransom note" interesting as it certainly doesn't seem like a note that would have been written by an outsider, who had just committed a kidnapping and seems incredibly contrived. But who would write such a note, and why?

And "who" had a motive for killing this child? If you can figure that out with certainty, you'll know the killer.


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Jul 3, 2005
I fine the so called "ransom note" interesting as it certainly doesn't seem like a note that would have been written by an outsider, who had just committed a kidnapping and seems incredibly contrived. But who would write such a note, and why?

And "who" had a motive for killing this child? If you can figure that out with certainty, you'll know the killer.

Unless the killing was an accident, as posited, in which case there is no motive.

Brutal Metal

Well-Known Member
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Feb 2, 2009
Largo Florida
Rather than only saying he is wrong, explain why you feel that way.

I personally feel the investigators from 1996 and those from today trying to cash in on this death put down their jump to conclusions mat and formulated theory as a result. There are so many things that do not make sense from both the accused and the law enforcement perspective. Has it been proven 100% the suitcase could not fit through that window even though a grown man was able to do so? The footprint on the wall coupled with the suitcase makes me wonder if someone used that as a step.

Watch the Haunting Evidence episode that I mentioned. John Oliver and Carla Baron are two of the most gifted psychic mediums on the planet. Some will say this is total BS BUT they as a pair have solved dozens of cold case homicides! Here's the link.



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Aug 22, 2012
Was there anyone involved in the investigation of Mexican decent? The way the scene was handled that may explain it.

I believe that police typically rule out contaminated DNA evidence by testing people at the crime scene as well (when possible), when they have an unknown DNA profile.


Future SVT *****
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Jul 15, 2008
Calgary, Alberta
These police reports drive me crazy.
The official report states that the skull fracture had to be inflicted by an Adult!?
How can they state that as fact, when it clearly is not true as proven by the demonstration with that 10 year old boy and the flashlight.

I think Burke clubbed her with the flashlight in an argument over Xmas presents late Christmas night, and then he woke up his parents who had to protect him by coming up with an elaborate plan, and then staging it well into dawn the next morning.
Did the police ever determine the time of death for Jon Benet?

That would also explain why the boys voice could be heard in the background during the 911 call, as he was a part of this group working through the night.
I think the muffled voices at end of 911 call was John saying to the boy, "we are not talking to you", and the mom said "Jesus help us" realizing the predicament they were now put in.

I also wonder if the police checked to see if John was ever in the boy scouts or military, or maybe Burke was in boy scouts, or maybe Patsy was into bondage, as someone was tying some elaborate knots on that garrote.
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ur bittn

By the snake
Established Member
May 28, 2003
So Cal/AZ
Watch the Haunting Evidence episode that I mentioned. John Oliver and Carla Baron are two of the most gifted psychic mediums on the planet. Some will say this is total BS BUT they as a pair have solved dozens of cold case homicides! Here's the link.


I vote BS

Brutal Metal

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 2, 2009
Largo Florida
These police reports drive me crazy.
The official report states that the skull fracture had to be inflicted by an Adult!?
How can they state that as fact, when it clearly is not true as proven by the demonstration with that 10 year old boy and the flashlight.

I think Burke clubbed her with the flashlight in an argument over Xmas presents late Christmas night, and then he woke up his parents who had to protect him by coming up with an elaborate plan, and then staging it well into dawn the next morning.
Did the police ever determine the time of death for Jon Benet?

That would also explain why the boys voice could be heard in the background during the 911 call, as he was a part of this group working through the night.
I think the muffled voices at end of 911 call was John saying to the boy, "we are not talking to you", and the mom said "Jesus help us" realizing the predicament they were now put in.

I also wonder if the police checked to see if John was ever in the boy scouts or military, or maybe Burke was in boy scouts, or maybe Patsy was into bondage, as someone was tying some elaborate knots on that garrote.

SO Burke killed her then the family decided to move her to the basement, stun gun her neck and then tie a tight knot of string around her neck? talk about BS!

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