The install was quick - less than 10 minutes.
These will work on pre-2013 Raptors. The bulb has 2 LED's on it - the second comes on when high beams are used.
Sure - I will get a picture for you this evening. The low beam projects light out and to the passenger side. When the high beam is on, the left side then matches the right. In other words, the whole world lights up with them on high beam. I am really liking these as they are very functional at dawn/dusk as well.
Thats the one thing I don't miss about my 2012, was the stock candlesticks. So I spent a fortune on raptorretofit HID kit.
The HIDS in the 14 make a huge difference!
Looks good!
Thanks - these do the job. I wanted to stay away from HID due to previous problems. The 13/14 lights were not cost effective for me, but these were. This got me just what o needed and don't have to worry about it ever again.