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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 16, 2007
You can't fix stupid, but you can support the officers who have to deal with it every day. The amount of stupid that is being exposed right now is unbelievable.

To the LEO's who read this post: Thank you for your professionalism in this time of strife and dealing with the bad guys for us. Keep safe and get home to your families at the end of your shift.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 26, 2013
Matthews, NC


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 9, 2012
i can already see it. NBA players wearing some sort of "message" shirt during the Christmas day basketball games that will get a lot of viewers.

A good platform that coincidentally is a few days after another shooting that could be a great time for some of these athletes to send a message to kids that being "gangsta" is not cool.


New Member
Established Member
Feb 2, 2010
Marysville Ca
but somehow this guy is still alive and he was more of a threat than the guy killed in the OP.

Think this is definitely a case of reporting certain stories for ratings. Obviously white cop kills black youth, armed or not will get the ratings today. I'd really like to see the ratio of cop shootings vs race 5 yrs ago compared to now and another one that shows the amount of shootings across the country by race. I would venture to guess the metrics would be similar, currently they are just highlighted.

They may be similar, more black men may have been shot then and now. Is it truly a race issue of white on black or is it a metrics issue of there are just more black youth acting like total idiots do to piss poor parenting and the upbringing in the "thug life"? Also, look at the ratio of white vs black in prison vs the amount of white vs black general population across the US. I remember a few yrs ago the black inmate population was significantly higher than whites even though they were a minority in general population across the US.

This will not be corrected until African Americans start taking responsibility for their actions, get off the welfare train and start raising their children properly like the American citizens they are.

I'm US military and am not at all racist. I have many troops under me today that are from all races and cultures. I firmly believe this is not a "color" issue as much as it is a poor parenting/cultural issue.

How that white dude is still breathing is beyond me. I'd have buried him.
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Active Member
Established Member
Nov 5, 2004
Newtown, PA
Thank God the mayor of Berkeley (who is black) got on TV today and said he watched the surveillance video and backed up the cop on this. I could not handle another politician adding doubt to one of these situations.


The Man, Myth, The Legend
Established Member
Jan 7, 2005
Thank God the mayor of Berkeley (who is black) got on TV today and said he watched the surveillance video and backed up the cop on this. I could not handle another politician adding doubt to one of these situations.

This. Isn't the footage out now?

edit: It is weird that the cop was issued a body camera but didnt wear it. I thought it was required that they wear it, will anything come of that? There was also a pic of other cops on the scene, one had his body camera on his belt buckle, can they be worn there?
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 9, 2004
Where my shadow falls
If you or most the people you know were committing crimes everyday, wouldn't you distrust cops? If they want to have better interactions with cops, the criminals need to quit committing crimes, and their family members need to call the cops and turn them in when crimes are committed. The "protesters" (once again calling them something they aren't). The obstructionist are too damn ignorant to figure out that they are a product of their environment they have created. They instill this ignorance in every welfare baby they pop out. America coddles them because they don't want to hurt feeling. This is what you get when one group of people are allowed to get away with not being held accountable for their actions.

OMG this is the purest form of common sense that I have seen in a while.


Established Member
Mar 22, 2004
Greenville, SC


That's amazing restraint right there I have to say. For 30 (-/+) armed cops sitting right there and not one person being shot is amazing to me. Bricks being thrown at the cops and still no shots. I don't care what color you are, black, white, grey, blue, magenta; if you throw a brick at me in a mob situation like that, I'm shooting your ass.
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terrible one

American Made
Established Member
Jun 26, 2003
Always Moving
I'm tired of hearing "he was a good boy turning his life around" BS. Can one friggen parent at least say "he was a troubled boy who made bad decisions" nope never going to happen.
Glad the LEOs are ok.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 12, 2005
Central Florida
So let me get this straight. A person pulls a gun on a cop and then said cop shots that person. A protest forms from this... Really?!?!?!

No, not really.

Immediately after the incident, this happened:


At the same time, people in the neighborhood just out and about heard it go down. Then they start texting others, "they shot another black kid" or so. That hashtag started trending. The huffington post contacted him, and with zero proof what so ever, took every word he said as the truth.

Here's some text I copied from the Huffington Post and posted elsewhere, right after it happened:

"Jesus Christo, 18, told The Huffington Post that he and Martin were stopped by an officer who said they fit the descriptions of recent robbery suspects. The officer attempted to search Martin, who refused, Christo said. "The officer then stepped back and drew his weapon and pointed at Antonio and told us to lay on the ground," Christo said. "I layed [sic] down but Antonio Refused [sic]." "The officer then began to step back from us with his gun still aimed at us. He told Antonio to lay down once again and when Antonio didn't lay down the officer opened fire."

Then local bloggers and live streamers picked up on it and were quickly on site. Before most big news agencies even had anything about this, I was watching a live stream of the protesters at the gas station. Police put up tape and they ripped it down. More and more police were on site till they were shoulder to shoulder. Then I watched this happen live too....


This was up to about 4 hours after the shooting. Everyone was still thinking the kid got shot for not listening. Then the police released that there were two people stopped and one took off on foot after the shooting. That's when Jesus's story fell apart, maybe like 5 hours after the shooting, long after it was all over twitter, FB, and via text in STL. That's why the cops were so quick to release an official story, and the video tapes.
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03 deadpool

Established Member
Dec 29, 2012
Hazleton pa
Wthe hell is going on out there

Another black teen who pointed a gun at cops got shot now people are protesting etc.Cops sitting in there cars are assasinated and now when someone aims a gun at you your not suppossed to shoot back. I am so glad i put my twenty years in and now retired. God bless anyone who puts on a uniform and goes out to protect and serve.


u even lift bro?
Established Member
Premium Member
Jan 8, 2010
The world we live in today. Just sad, I get sick and tired of hearing this and the dumb protesters.


Muffin is my spirit animal
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 10, 2011
Nashville, TN
People are resorting back to acting like animals. We have "media" sites that exist strictly due to people acting like animals. People want to be infamous no matter what it takes. People no longer want to go through life and just live. It is all about how you can get your name on television or plastered on the internet. Music glorifies prison, being a thug piece of shit, acting like a hooligan, etc... I say let them die in droves. No not people of certain color, let people who have that mind set die. There is a huge difference in being young and stupid and just being somebody that will end up detracting from society.

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